InformatIon handout for members & clients exercise-induced asthma What is asthma? prevention
Asthma is an inflammatory response to stimuli (trigger factors),
1. good asthma control:
such as exercise, causing the lower airways to narrow thus making
Have an action plan written by your doctor, and inform your Personal
it difficult to breath. This inflammatory response causes the lower
Trainer/Gym Instructor of the plan. Regularly visit your doctor to
airways to become red and swol en and the muscles to go into spasm.
review your Asthma Action Plan, even when feeling wel . What are the signs and symptoms of asthma? 2. use of medication: signs and symptoms include:
For relief during an attack use a blue inhaler (puffer) such as:
Ventolin, Bricanyl, Asmol, or Airomir, 5 to 10 minutes BEFORE warm
up. For prevention some individuals use medications such as Intal,
Intal Forte and Tilade (not during an attack). An individual suffering
from EIA should always check with their doctor which inhaler is best
3. carry your own reliever with you to each workout/training session: hoW is asthma triggered?
Do not rely on your Personal Trainer or Gym to have a reliever
There are several triggers for asthma, which can vary from person
medication available. It is your responsibility to bring the appropriate
to person. These include air pol utants, viral infections, inhaled
al ergens, e.g., pol en, changes in air temperature, certain foods and
4. always warm-up before workouts/training: What is exercise-induced asthma (eia)?
• 2 to 3 minute jog to raise a light sweat
EIA occurs in 80% of people with asthma; however, increased fitness
• Stretch: 5 to 15 minutes. Include al major muscle groups during
may decrease symptoms of exercise-induced asthma. Being active is
part of good asthma management. Swimming is an excel ent activity for asthmatics who have trouble with land-based exercise.
• Either: 5 to 7 X 30 second sprints with one minute rest in between
or a brisk walk or slow jog for 20 to 30 minutes.
When we are at rest, we normal y breathe through our nose. Breathing through the nose warms and moistens the air we are inhaling. When
5. always cool down after workouts/training:
we exercise we tend to breathe faster and through our mouth. The
mouth is less effective in keeping inhaled air warm and moist, which
• 3 minute light jog or easy walk after exercise
means that the air reaching our lungs (specifical y the bronchioles)
is colder and drier. It is thought that this colder, drier air irritates the airways and causes the airways to tighten.
Remember: symptoms of EIA can occur soon after the completion of exercise, rather than during exercise; therefore always have your
Symptoms often occur soon after exercise, rather than during the
actual exercise and can also occur during prolonged, strenuous exercise. 6. identify what triggers your asthma: Be aware of your trigger factors and the environmental influences that may cause your asthma. By ory de fina, Bappsc (human movement), regfL Ory is the Managing Director of Re:VIVA First Aid Training. STREET ADDRESS: POSTAL ADDRESS: PHONE: 02 8412 7400 FAX: 02 8088 3842 E-MAIL:[email protected] WEB:
Clinical course of sepsis in children with acute leukemia admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit* Kanakadurga Singer, MD, MA; Perla Subbaiah, PhD; Raymond Hutchinson, MD;Folafoluwa Odetola, MD, MPH; Thomas P. Shanley, MD Objective: To describe the clinical course, resource use, and inotropic and/or vasopressor drugs ( p ؍ .01), and renal replace- mortality of patients wi
Manuscript of Review Article published in: MICROSCOPY RESEARCH and TECHNIQUE 2000; 48: 303-11 ROLE OF APOPTOSIS IN GASTRIC EPITHELIAL TURNOVER Axel von Herbay 1 , Jochen Rudi 2 1 Institute of Pathology, 2 Medizinische Klinik IV, University of Heidelberg, GermanyAddress for correspondance: Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. A. von Herbay, Pathologisches Institut,Universitätsklinikum, Im Neuenheimer F