EnrollEd PatiEnt rE-ordEr Form For HEaltHCarE ProFESSional USE onlY do not USE tHiS Form UnlESS PatiEnt HaS alrEadY BEEn aPProVEd For tHE PFiZEr ConnECtion to CarE Program Please fill out the form below and fax to 866-470-1748 or place your order via our automated system by calling 866-706-2400. PatiEnt inFormation Patient name: Patient address: City: Zip Code: telephone: date of Birth: (mm/dd/YY): mEdiCation ordEr (90-day Supply) For Refills / New Orders / Change To Existing Medications, except Lyrica® (pregabalin). For all controlled substances original prescription pad MUST be used (e.g. Lyrica®). Please attach to this sheet. Product name: Strength: Product name: Strength: Product name: Strength: For lYriCa® onlY Complete the following and attach original prescription to this sheet. allergies: No Known Allergy Health Conditions: Prescription and over-the-counter medications: SHiPPing inFormation (Physician’s Shipping Address) Physician name: dEa # or State license #: Exp. date: office / Ship-to address: Zip Code: office telephone: ( office Fax: ( E-mail address (optional): By signing below, you, the healthcare provider, understands and agrees to the following: • Receive and secure patient’s medication at your office until dispensed to your patient.
• Comply with and abide by my State Practitioner Dispensing Laws for authorized Healthcare Providers.
• Any medications supplied by Pfizer as a result of this order form are for the use of the patient named on this
form only, and shall not be sold, traded, bartered, transferred, returned for credit, or submitted to any third party
(such as Medicare, Medicaid or other benefit provider) for reimbursement.
• Pfizer may contact the patient directly to confirm receipt of medications.
• Pfizer may change or cancel this program at any time.
• The medicine will be provided only to this eligible and specific enrolled patient at no charge of any kind.
• If a patient is applying for a Hardship Exception, I certify that this medication order or attached controlled
substance prescription is medically indicated for this patient, and I will be supervising the patient’s treatments.
To the best of my knowledge, this patient would not be able to obtain this medicine without assistance from
Connection to Care for the reasons the patient has indicated in this application. original Signature of Healthcare Provider: Connection to Care is part of Pfizer Helpful Answers®, a joint program of Pfizer Inc and the Pfizer Patient Assistance Foundation.™
TROPICAL MEDICINE AND INTERNATIONAL HEALTH VOL. 9, NO. 1, JANUARY; 2004 Contents Editorial: The challenge of dengue vaccine development and introduction Jacqueline L. Deen Does increased general schooling protect against HIV infection? A study in four African cities Judith R. Glynn, Michel Caraël, Anne Buvé, Séverin Anagonou Léopold Zekeng, Maina Kahindo,Rosemary Musonda Pregnancy in
Reactie op essay van Prof. Paul De Grauwe Open brief aan de ministers van Volksgezondheid Onkelinx, Vandeurzen en Tillieux (hardware en software) te leveren, die ener- Onze samenleving staat voor belangrijke op om de multidisciplinaire elektronischezijds multidisciplinaire samenwerking sti-Het drugsgebruik of de prevalentie tijdrovend, zonder dat er