Craig Jordan – 1958-1965
I believe the educational opportunities I received at Moseley Hal Grammar
School were exceptional, though it must be said I was not a star pupil! In fact,
I was caned by Mr. Durant, and spent a large amount of time at the lunch
break standing outside the Prefect's room as punishment for some offence,
but reading chemistry books, which was going to serve me wel in the future.
When I came to Moseley Hal , I was particularly interested in two things. One,
the army, and number two, chemistry. My grandfather had been an Army
officer in the Cheshire Regiment in both World Wars, and his house in
Wilmslow was a tribute to the British Empire with bayonets and guns
scattered around. I don't know where the chemistry came from, but when we
lived in Bramhal , my mother al owed me to convert my bedroom into a
chemistry laboratory. With al of the toxic chemicals and explosions, I'm
In the second form, I was disappointed that we did not have a Combined
Cadet Force (CCF), so Mr. Turner, the PT master, al owed me to start an
"Army Club" in the gym. These were the good old days when school masters
were quite happy to have one of their pupils teaching about making bombs
and home defence. The Army Club only lasted about a Term.
Mr. Bescoby, my biology teacher and in the Sixth Form, the Careers master,
al owed me to start a Zoology Club, and gave me a laboratory to teach other
boys biological chemistry. One of the boys, Andrew Mawson, subsequently
read medicine at Leeds University. He practices near Tadcaster. Mr.
Bescoby also gave me private tuition on the molecular biology of DNA to
prepare me for the "S" level Zoology paper. I won the school prize for
Zoology (but requested a great chemistry book as my prize). I subsequently
dedicated one of my papers to Mr. Bescoby in 1992. It was my first molecular
biology paper. Mr. Anderson and Mr. Radford, two chemistry teachers,
encouraged me to do a lot of chemistry once the exams were over. So, each
lunchtime, they would al ow me to do organic synthesis in the labs on my own!
Because of these interests, Mr. Armishaw, our Headmaster, wrote a letter that
got me into Leeds University, but started off "Craig Jordan, is an unusual
Leeds University, in the Department of Pharmacology, was a wonderful place
and opened al of the doors for my subsequent career. The education
prepared me for the opportunity to turn a failed contraceptive, ICI 46,474, into
the drug now known as tamoxifen, a pioneering breast cancer therapy and
preventive. The drug cal ed raloxifene (Evista)is used around the world for
prevention of osteoporosis, and in America, it is also used to reduce the
incidence of breast cancer in women at high risk. This drug was developed
from my laboratory studies on the compound when it was only a failed breast
I received a commission in the infantry at Leeds University Officer Training
Corps, but during my PhD at Leeds University, I got talent spotted by the
Intel igence Corps, to be a Technical Intel igence Staff Officer, should the
Russians come over the border during the 1970s. My speciality was Nuclear,
Chemical, and Biological Warfare, or Weapons of Mass Destruction as they
are cal ed today. I was attached to the U.S. Army in the U.S. doing the same
thing and the Ministry of Defence got me trained by the Americans as a
Narcotics officer. I used this experience to train British Drugs Squad officers
at Bishopgarth near Wakefield when I was a Lecturer in Pharmacology at
Leeds University (1974-1979). I was subsequently talent spotted by the
Special Air Service to do other stuff! I was thril ed last year when General Sir
Michael Rose nominated me for the SAS Regimental Association.
Academical y, I set up breast cancer research units in Switzerland (1979-
1980), University of Wisconsin Comprehensive Cancer Center (1980-1993),
the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center Northwestern University,
Chicago (1993-2004), been Vice President and Research Director at Fox
Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia (2004-2009), and currently, I am the
Scientific Director of the Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center
Georgetown University, Washington D.C.
I've held the rank of Professor in Pharmacology and Human Oncology at the
University of Wisconsin (1985-1993), the Diana Princess of Wales Professor
of Cancer Research at Northwestern University (1999-2004), Alfred G.
Knudson Chair of Cancer Research at Fox Chase Cancer Center (2004-
2009), and 2009-Present, the Vincent. T. Lombardi Chair of Translational
Cancer Research, Georgetown University.
My work on breast cancer treatment has been recognized with awards
including the American Cancer Society Medal of Honor, Officer of the Most
Excel ent Order of the British Empire, the David A. Karnofsky Award from the
American Society of Clinical Oncology, the Jephcott Medal from the Royal
Society of Medicine, the Sosnovsky Award from the Royal Society of
Chemistry, and an Honorary Doctor of Medicine from the University of Leeds.
Recently, I was simultaneously elected as an Honorary Fel ow of the Royal
Society of Medicine, a Fel ow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, Fel ow of
the Institute of Biology, Honorary Member of the Royal Pharmaceutical
Society of Great Britain, and a Member of the National Academy of Sciences
Moseley Hal Grammar School and its influential teachers gave me a great
start. They put me on the right path after a shaky start when I wanted to do
what I wanted and not what they wanted. Mr. Thompson's (the history master)
words stil echo in my ears during one of my rebel ious moments in the Lower
Sixth: "Nothing wil ever come of you, Jordan!" The good thing about the
experiences at Moseley Hal , was that teachers created boundaries and
opportunities. This taught us discipline, and in my case, I had learned that
one's career was not a right, but was something to be pursued vigorously.
Campanha Global pela Liberdade de Expressão Introdução De 07 a 14 de agosto de 2007 a Diretora Executiva da ARTICLE 19 e a Coordenadora do escritório da ARTICLE 19 no Brasil realizaram uma missão de pesquisa e advocacia, cujo objetivo foi analisar o atual estado da liberdade de expressão, inclusive da liberdade de informação, no Brasil. No decorrer da missão foram realizados encontros
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