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Georgia and the American Experience
Chapter 3: The Land and Its Early People
Study Guide

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– How did Georgia’s prehistoric Indian Georgia and the American Experience
Chapter 3: The Land and Its Early People
Study Guide

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• What words do I need to know?
• Archeologists dig into earth to find artifacts (items made by people) that tell • Anthropologists use artifacts,
Culture: shared beliefs, traditions,
Georgia and the American Experience
Chapter 3: The Land and Its Early People
Study Guide

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• Paleo (from Greek, “Very Old”)• Also called Old Stone Age • Lasted about 10,000 years• Nomadic (roaming) hunters • Used an “atlatl”: stone sling-like implement that threw darts from a longer • Archaic (means “Old”)• Three time spans: Early, Middle, Late • Hunted large animals and small game• Invented tools from deer antlers • Began around 5,000 B.C. • Water levels moved back along rivers • Food was easier to find; people moved Georgia and the American Experience
Chapter 3: The Land and Its Early People
Study Guide

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• 4,000 B.C. to 1,000 B.C.
• Created grooved axes to clear trees and • 1,000 B.C. to 1,000 A.D.
Tribe: group of people sharing common
• Built domed-shaped huts with trees • Used bow and arrows to hunt • Held religious ceremonies• Improved pottery-making techniques • Also called the Temple Mound period• Farmed with homemade tools and grew • Very religious; used jewelry and body Georgia and the American Experience
Chapter 3: The Land and Its Early People
Study Guide

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• Ancient middens (garbage piles) show what people ate, how they used fire, what they • Ocmulgee National Monument near Macon reveals a large ceremonial area with benches • There are large temple mounds in Early, • Stallings Island near Augusta is a large shell Click to return to Table of Contents.
– Which Indian nations lived in Georgia • What peoples do I need to know?
Georgia and the American Experience
Chapter 3: The Land and Its Early People
Study Guide

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• Originally from American southwest• Spoke Muskogean • Discovered by early European explorers who • Lived along Ocheese Creek (today’s • Lived in italwa and talofa (large villages surrounded by smaller villages) similar to today’s large city and surrounding suburbs • Games and ceremonies held in plaza• Rotunda was used for council meetings• Wooden huts or log cabins with • Villages, split from larger villages, • Raised livestock and successful farmers • Lived in northwestern mountain region • Called themselves Awi-yum-wija, which meant “real people” or “principal people” • Tribal Clans: groups of Cherokee who believed themselves related by blood.
• Two tribal chiefs: one for making war Georgia and the American Experience
Chapter 3: The Land and Its Early People
Study Guide

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• Family lines were traced through the • Mothers handled most domestic chores; fathers often left home to hunt or trade • Built homes on high banks or hills along • Barter: trading goods and services
• Believed Earth was large island resting • “This World”: tribe was at center of the • “Upper World”: above This World; clean • “Under World”: in waters below This Georgia and the American Experience
Chapter 3: The Land and Its Early People
Study Guide

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• Drank ginseng potion to shop bleeding or • Smoked tobacco on ceremonial occasions • Green Corn Ceremony held to give thanks for • Followed “Law of Retaliation,” avenging a Click to return to Table of Contents.



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1. Introducción. Los cursos de razonamiento crítico surgieron en los EE.UU. hará cosa de 30 años como reacción a las dificultades prácticas de la enseñanza de la lógica. La denominación razonamiento crítico se refiere a una actividad y no a una disciplina, a diferencia de denominaciones como lógica formal, lógica informal o teoría de la argumentación. En consonancia, el obje

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