10.5005/jp-journals-10022-1016 Management of Posterior Ankyloglossia using the Er,Cr:YSGG LaserCASE REPORT Management of Posterior Ankyloglossia using the Er,Cr:YSGG Laser Suchetan Pradhan, Effath Yasmin, Amrita Mehta ABSTRACT
the potential to psychologically and physically traumatizeboth mother and infant leading to stressful breastfeeding
Ankyloglossia or tongue-tie, refers to a minor anomaly in theattachment of the membrane or frenum that attaches the tongue
to the floor of the mouth, which may interfere with normal function
A number of high-quality studies demonstrate the
and mobility of the tongue. Ankyloglossia is a poorly recognized
relationship of tongue tie and breastfeeding. Messner et al.
and inadequately defined condition and has been reported to
in 2000,1 in a large study from the USA demonstrated that
cause breastfeeding difficulties, dental issues and speechproblems. This article discusses assessment criterions to
tongue-tie causes breastfeeding difficulties and pain for
diagnose posterior ankylogossia and lays down treatment
mothers. This study demonstrated that mothers of infants
protocol in neonates using the Er,Cr:YSGG (Waterlase MD).
with tongue-tie experienced more breastfeeding difficulties
Keywords: Posterior ankyloglossia, Frenum, Tongue-tie,
than mothers whose infants did not have tongue-tie and that
Frenectomy, Lasers, Er,Cr:YSGG laser.
tongue-tie can affect breastfeeding duration. How to cite this article: Pradhan S, Yasmin E, Mehta A.
Management of Posterior Ankyloglossia using the Er,Cr:YSGG
1. To identify several assessment criterions that may help
Laser. Int J Laser Dent 2012;2(2):41-46.
better recognize posterior ankyloglossia. Source of support: Nil
2. To help identify other midline anomalies hampering
Conflict of interest: None
3. To lay down patient position protocols and laser
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends
breastfeeding exclusively for the first 6 months of life with
Since, the early 1990s breastfeeding literature is replete with
the introduction of complementary foods and continued
case studies of infants with ankyloglossia and its treatment.2-6
breastfeeding up to 2 years of age or beyond. Genuine
Tongue-tie or ankyloglossia is described as a congenital
physiopathological reasons for not being able to breast-feed
condition with an unusually thickened, tightened or
are very rare and almost all the women should be able to
shortened frenum (membrane or string under the tongue—
lactate, however, how effectively the mother and infant
Hillan 2008; Wallace and Clarke 2006). The term
anatomically connect is a crucial factor to the success of
‘ankyloglossia’ comes from the Greek words agkilos for
this immensely interactive and co-dependant process. A
crooked or loop and glossa for tongue.7
significant number of mothers abandon breastfeeding and
The history of ankyloglossia dates back in the writings
turn to formula bottle-feeding due to undiagnosed and
of 3rd century BC by Aristotle and Roman civilization in
untreated anatomical impediments to the feeding dyad. This
the 2000-year-old writings of Celsus. It also has a mention
most fundamental mammalian processes is sacrificed at the
in the Bible and the Quran about Moses being tongue-tied.8
altar of undetected posterior ankyloglossia and an
Ankyloglossia is caused by insufficient apoptosis during
unfavorable thick maxillary labial frenum attachment.
the early embryonic stage of the midline sublingual tissue. Tongue and Lip Mobility in Breastfeeding
The severity of the ankyloglossia is determined by
Mobility of the infants lip and tongue is critical to the breast-
Type 1: Tip of the tongue to, in front of the alveolar ridge.
feeding process. For a neonate to latch on effectively and
Type 2: 2 to 4 mm behind the tongue tip, attaches on or
draw milk from the mother’s breast, the infant needs to
simultaneously gape wide, extend the tongue forward and
Type 3: Attaches mid-tongue to the floor of the mouth.
flange the lips to create a seal, and then contour its tongue
Type 4: Sits at the base of the tongue, is thick, shiny and
in a groove around the nipple and the areola to form a teat
very inelastic also called as posterior or submucosal
resulting in an effective and deep latch. A thick and inelastic
mandibular frenum attachment (tongue-tie, ankyloglossia)
Hong classified ankyloglossia as anterior or posterior.
causes the tongue to retract during the wide gape. This has
Anterior ankyloglossia was defined by Hong as tongue-ties
International Journal of Laser Dentistry, May-August 2012;2(2):41-46
with a prominent lingual frenum and/or restricted tongue
The effect of ankyloglossia on breastfeeding has been a
matter of controversy in the medical literature for 50 years.19
Ankyloglossia or tongue-tie, represents a significant
Ankyloglossia in infants is associated with 25 to 60%
proportion of the identified impediments to successful
incidence of difficulties with breastfeeding,20 such as failure
breastfeeding. It is more common in boys than in girls and
to thrive, maternal nipple damage, maternal breast pain, poor
seems to be genetic in origin.11 The prevalence of
milk supply, breast engorgement and refusal of the breast.
ankyloglossia ranges between 4.2 and 10.7% in the
Studies have shown that, for every day of maternal pain
during the initial 3 weeks of breastfeeding, there is a 10 to
The incidence is 2.8 to 10.7% in infants.13 The varying
26% risk of cessation of breastfeeding. The ineffective latch
figures of incidence of ankyloglossia could be attributed tofact that there is no standard method of diagnosing
caused by ankyloglossia could be one of the primary
ankyloglossia. Tongue-tie usually presents as a sole
underlying causes of all of these problems.1
anomaly, but very rarely may be associated with cleft palateor Pierre Robin sequence14 (formerly known as Pierre Robin
Assessment of the infant tongue is challenging as both
Tongue-tie has also been associated with Opitz
maternal nipple-areola tissue and the tongue and other oral
syndrome, orodigitofacial syndrome, Van der Woude
structures of the baby are not visible during breastfeeding.
syndrome and X-linked cleft palate. A tight lingual frenum
Posterior ankyloglossia is difficult in its diagnosis. Careful
is considered a minor malformation by some investigators.15
examination of the attachment of the frenum to the base of
It is also found to be a part of certain malformation
the tongue is imperative to reveal this subtle anatomical
syndromes.16,17 Although a high-arched palate and recessedchin may be seen as part of the craniofacial constellation,
limitation to tongue mobility. Practitioners who may be
most commonly a tight lingual frenum is seen as an isolated
looking for a heart-shaped tongue tip are most likely to miss
the posterior tongue-tie which is a short frenula along the
In a prospective study, Messner et al. reported the
posterior half of the tongue and is normally found to be
incidence of ankyloglossia in a well-baby population and
studied whether affected patients with this condition
Murphy maneuver is a test to diagnose posterior
experienced breastfeeding difficulties. Only 50 babies of
ankyloglossia which involves running a finger along the
the 1,041 newborns that were screened in the well-baby
underside of the baby’s tongue to assess possible frenulum
nursery had tongue-tie as defined by their liberal definition.
This incidence of 4.8% corresponds with what is reported
The Hazelbaker assessment tool for lingual frenulum
function (HATLFF) was developed to provide a quantitative
In a study done by Jeanne L Ballard, Christine E Auer,
assessment of ankyloglossia and has been proven to be
Jane C Khoury, examined 2,763 breastfeeding inpatient
highly reliable. However, it was not widely used since the
infants and 273 outpatient infants with breastfeeding
process of scoring is lengthy and complex.19
problems for possible ankyloglossia and assessed each infant
The parameters analyzed in the Hazelbaker assessment
with ankyloglossia, using the Hazelbaker assessment tool
are length, attachment site and elasticity and the functional
for lingual frenulum function. Ankyloglossia was diagnosed
parameters include extension cupping and peristalsis of the
in 88 (3.2%) of the inpatients and in 35 (12.8%) of the
Morphofunctional analysis, such as length of the frenum
The reported prevalence of ankyloglossia varies from
and interincisal distance are important aids in assessment
0.02 to 4.8%, but only causes feeding difficulties in 44% ofbreastfeeding mothers.1
of ankyloglossia but the mother’s history, which should
In the authors’ opinion, the varying percentages of the
include quality of infants latch and degree of nipple pain
incidence of ankyloglossia in the newborn population as
during breastfeeding is a crucial input and needs to be
shown in the different studies does not appear to be
to correlated with the lingual function and appearance
representative of true incidence of ankyloglossia in the
newborn population particularly owing to the factor of non-
The breastfeeding history would comprise maternal
standard diagnosis of ankyloglossia. Management of Posterior Ankyloglossia using the Er,Cr:YSGG LaserMaternal Factors
deciding whether to treat or not to treat ankyloglossia, itseffect on tongue function, a morphofunctional analysis,
Creased or blanched nipples after feeding: Flattened
nipple pain and soreness must be evaluated. Not all cases
require intervention. The presence of a non-disturbing
lingual frenum does not justify its treatment. In the light of
current research on breastfeeding and its importance to
neonatal growth early intervention in case of demonstrable
functional disturbance is imperative. Surgery in the Hospital
Surgery in the hospital is a cumbersome procedure for the
Infant Factors to Consider
parents as well as the infant as it involves a half-day stay,fasting prior to the operation, administration of general
anesthetic and sutures at the operated site. There is usually
discomfort until healing is complete and this may take
Laser Surgery
The use of lasers in treating posterior ankyloglossia makes
it a minimally invasive procedure. Lasers have many
advantages over conventional treatment options. They arebactericidal, provide a bloodless operating field, and do not
require placement of sutures or local anesthetic. RELATED IMPEDIMENT TO BREASTFEEDING
Additionally, they are fast and safe without significant post-surgical complications.
A maxillary frenum is defined as a vertical band of lip tissueextending from the inside portion of the upper lip attaching
to the alveolar mucosa to the maxillary arch.20
A classification of maxillary frenum attachment has been
developed by Dr Kotlow on the basis of the position of the
Case Presentation
lip attachment to maxillary arch’s soft tissue.
A 30-year-old primigravida presented to the lactationspecialist with a 10-day-old baby reporting low milk
Kotlow’s Classification of Maxillary Frenum
supply. The infant had not gained weight (13% less than
Class I: Attached to the marginal gingiva
birth weight on day 10) and the mother experienced
Class II: At the junction of free attached gingiva
excruciating pain while breastfeeding. The mother reported
Class III: Attachment in front of the anterior papilla
the baby being painfully attached to the breast constantly
Class IV: Attachment to anterior incisive papilla and
throughout the day and night with no signs of satisfaction.
The mother stated the first attempt at breastfeeding was
In instances when the frenal attachment is papillary or
papilla penetrating it (class III and class IV), hinders themobility and function of the upper lip and subsequently
Clinical Infant’s Oral Evaluation with Digit Test
The infant tongue was unable to cup the finger of the
lactation specialist as normally predicted prefeeding
In the 1970s the midwives used to divide frenum linguae of
behavior. Tongue retraction and excessive gum biting was
newborn babies with their fingernails. In 1983, Lao and
observed and it was almost impossible to get a finger under
Ong22 described a grooved tablespoon for tongue-tie release.
the tongue. An overactive gag reflex was elicited on the
Disturbances caused due to morphofunctional variation
digit test. Assessment indicated significant tongue restriction
of the tongue and lip frenum warrant interventional
indicative of posterior ankyloglossia based on guidelines
treatment-based solely on functional factors. Before
of Hazelbakers assessment (Fig. 1). The maxilla also
International Journal of Laser Dentistry, May-August 2012;2(2):41-46
Fig. 1: V-shaped tongue Fig. 3: Patient positioning Fig. 2: Thick labial frenum Fig. 4: Indian baby bath position
revealed a high thick labial frenum which was diagnosed to
A new position for placement of the infant was devised
be grade II according to Dr Lawrence Kotlow’s
to help stabilize the head and jaws. In ‘The Indian baby
bath’ position the head of the baby was placed between the
Breastfeeding management methods were instituted to
legs of the mother (Figs 3 and 4). Lateral support from the
maintain mother’s milk supply and counter birth-related
legs provided some stabilization from lateral movement of
trauma on the cranium of the baby. The second oral
the head. The baby’s legs were positioned near the mother’s
assessment of the baby confirmed: No change in oral seal
thighs. The head low placement of the head allowed the
during breastfeeding, continued tongue retraction and gum
tongue to roll back making the surgical site easily accessible.
Additionally, the baby’s movement in a vertical direction
After a comprehensive examination of both the infant
was controlled by a stabilizing hand. Two fingers were
and mother, it was concluded that a procedure to relieve
placed on either side of the frenum. As the baby’s jaws
the lingual frenum and maxillary frenum would be beneficial
clamped on the fingers some amount of jaw stabilization
was achieved. The great advantage was that at every stagethe baby could view the mother’s face and be reassured by
Preparation of the Infant for Laser Surgery
the same. All standard laser safety norms were followed.
Psychological preparation of the mother is the first step in
preparing the infant. Counseling and emotional support fromboth the dentist and lactation consultant are the cornerstone
Local anesthetic gel was applied to both the surgical sites.
of successful treatment outcomes for neonates.
Both the procedures were done using the Er,Cr:YSGG which
Management of Posterior Ankyloglossia using the Er,Cr:YSGG Laser
is a 2,780 nm free running pulsed soft and hard tissue lasercommercially known as Waterlase MD. A flexible fibre-optic device delivers the laser energy. For soft tissueprocedures the laser itself does the cutting with thewater stream acting as a coolant. A visible light emittedfrom distal end of the handpiece pinpointed the area oftreatment. Since the Er,Cr:YSGG laser irradiation causedsplashing of water and blood as a result of explosiveablation, adequate high-speed evacuation was required toprevent contamination. Laser Setting
The laser settings were checked and test fired:
Figs 5A and B: Treatment using Waterlase MD Maxillary frenectomy: The maxillary frenectomy was done
with the same laser using the same settings at the lingual
frenectomy. The patient’s head was stabilized, all the
necessary precautions were taken and the laser was applied
The settings used on the infant were lower than those
to the maxillary frenum in a non-contact mode and the tissue
normally used in adult patients owing to the differences in
the thickness of the tissue. The oral tissues in infants areless fibrotic and thinner compared with the oral tissues of
Postoperative Care
Postoperative prevention of frenum reattachments is oneof the most critical elements of a successful treatment
Preliminary to Patient Treatment
outcome. Educating the parent, and instilling a regimen
Prior to the treatment, the infants head was secured in the
of daily surgical site massage during and after
Indian baby bath position. The operatory was secured and
breastfeeding for at the minimum of 6 days after the laser
following safety precautions followed.
surgery was implemented. Breast milk acts as an analgesic
1. The operatory was secured and proper laser warning sign
and the act of breastfeeding brings comfort to the infant.20
was placed at the door of the operatory. The laser was
Dr Kotlow also recommends that prior to each feeding the
set and test fired for proper operation and tip function.
mother sweep her finger across the floor of the mouth
2. The infant, mother, staff and dentist were given
3. The patient’s record and treatment plan was reviewed. Postoperative Management of Pain
To prevent or reduce post-surgical soreness and discomfort,
it is recommended to give the infant an appropriate dose of
acetaminophen/paracetamol at the time of surgery and again
Both the procedures were done a week apart. Lingual frenectomy: The infant’s head was steadied using
Patient Recall
the ‘Indian baby bath’ procedure as described above. Thelaser tip was used in non-contact mode with continuous and
The infant was recalled for a checkup the following day
controlled movement to avoid any injury to the surrounding
and then after 7 days to check the healing.
oral tissues. Care has to be taken to avoid any injury to the
floor of the mouth where salivary glands, blood vessels, aswell as the Wharton’s duct are located. Once the tissue was
Anatomical variation in lingual and maxillary buccal frenum
ablated, it was checked with the movement of a finger to
attachment in neonates can lead to significant breastfeeding
check for any remnants of tissue or any interference. After
difficulties. The breastfeeding dyad could be hampered in
the completion of the surgery the infant was allowed to suck
case of failure to diagnose and detect the extent of the
problem. Conformational diagnosis can only be presented
International Journal of Laser Dentistry, May-August 2012;2(2):41-46
based on morphofunctional factors. Inability to feed, failure
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Consultant, Department of Periodontics, Pradhan Dental Centre
Bulletin of the Canadian Network for Human Health and the Environment Number 15 November 2009 Welcome to the fifteenth Bulletin of the Canadian Network for Human Health and the Environment! Visit us at If you have new information that would be useful to others on any aspect of human health and the environment, please forward it to us for inclusion in the next Bulle
B.O.C. y L. - N.º 221 Martes, 16 de noviembre 2004 I V. OTRAS DISPOSICIONES Y AC U E R D O S 2.– Sus órganos de go b i e rno y administración tendrán su sede en la loca-Y A D M I N I S T R ACIÓN T E R R I TO R I A L3.– En lo que respecta al personal al servicio de la Mancomunidad seregirá en todos sus extremos, por lo determinado en la Legislación deRégimen Local. ORDEN