Clinical trials in India - a case of trials and errors!
1.0 Regulatory framework.2 1.1 Schedule Y.2 1.2 GCP Guidelines.3 2.0 Loopholes in law and practice.4
Disclaimer – This new sletter is for information purposes and should not be construed as legal advice.
Medical science has advanced tremendously
Additionally, the Indian Council of Medical
over the years. Newer, better and effective drugs are
Research (“ICMR”) has issued Ethical Guidelines
frequently being introduced to fight the ever-
for Biomedical Research on Human Participants and
increasing list of prevailing and newly discovered
Central Drugs Standard Control Organization has
diseases. Interestingly, every new drug that floods the
formulated Good Clinical Practices Guidelines
market has to undergo a series of tests and a
(“GCP Guidelines”) in line with the international
considerable study,1 known as clinical trial, before it is
guidelines issued by World Health Organization and
actually manufactured for use by the population at
International Committee on Harmonization (“ICH-
large. Clinical trials prove to be a useful way for
GCP”), which provide operative guidelines for ethical
testing the efficacy and suitability of a drug. Carefully
and scientific standards for the designing of a clinical
designed and well-conducted clinical studies have the
trial protocol3 including conduct, recording, safety
potential to yield favorable results for the overall
and reporting procedures. It is compulsory for every
company undertaking a clinical trial in India to strictly
India has become a preferred clinical trial
destination for several multi-national pharmaceutical
While Schedule Y describes the procedure in
terms of the application process for commencing
participation in many global clinical trials,2 conducting
clinical trials in India, the responsibilities of the
clinical trials in India is still a matter of concern due
sponsor, investigator and Ethics Committee (“EC”)
to several reasons. This newsletter briefly analyses
in brief, the GCP Guidelines is more elaborately
the basis of this concern, the regulations on clinical
drafted. However, the regulations are overlapping and
trials in India, and the shortcomings in the present
sometimes ambiguous and, consequently, impact the
The following sub-sections briefly discuss
provisions of Schedule Y and the GCP Guidelines. It
The principal legislation governing clinical
further tries to analyze the loopholes and the
trials, inter alia, is the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940
ambiguous regulations that the authorities should
(“Act”) and the principal authority is the Drugs
Controller General of India (“DCGI”). Schedule Y (“Schedule Y”) to the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules,
1945 (“Rules”) stipulates the regulations for
importing and/or manufacturing new drugs for sale
and to undertake clinical trials in India.
permission from the DCGI and the respective Ethics
1 Before launchin g a drug, every pha rmaceutical compan y undertakes pre-clinical t rials (tests on animals), Phase I, II, III
3 It is a document that states the background , obje ctives,
2 Drug called Te gaserod b y Novartis, Voriconazole by Pfizer t o
rationale , design, methodology and statistical co nsiderations o f
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Committee (“EC”) of the trial site.4 The document s
better assessment of the drug on Indians, their health
fundamental to the study, which contain the study
and genetic profiles. Moreover, considering that India
procedure, details, instructions for conducting clinical
is emerging as an important place for conducting
trial namely the protocol, case record form, study
clinical trials, the amendment wil bring India more in
subject’s informed consent form, investigator’s
line with global studies and will act as an incentive to
undertaking, has to be approved by the DCGI and
pharmaceutical companies. However, this will also
the EC before commencing the study. The clinical
trial process is spread over four phases in humans-
implementation thereof to prevent exploitation of
Phase I (Non therapeutic) trials, which mark
the start of the process, are done for estimation of
safety and tolerability of the new drug in a small
population of healthy humans to determine the drug’s
tolerability, absorption, distribution, metabolism, and
Guidelines5 serve as the guiding document for
conducting clinical trials in India. It lists the
procedures, practices, and methods to be adopted to
Phase II (Therapeutic Exploratory) trials are
ensure compliance with the international guidelines
done to evaluate the effectiveness of the drug for
on clinical studies. However, there is still a level of
particular indications in patients with the condition
ambiguity and lack of comprehensiveness as will be
under study, and to determine the common short-
evident from the succeeding section. In any clinical
term effects and risk associated with the drug.
Phase III (Therapeutic confirmatory) trials are
done on larger populations of afflicted patients, in
institution which initiates, manages and/or finances
different stages of disease, to confirm the information
gathered in Phase II and to compare the drug’ s
effectiveness with an existing drug, if any, in the
conducted on subjects by the investigator.
Phase IV (Post marketing) trials are done
Investigator - A person who is responsible for
once the drug is approved to check the safety issues
the conduct of the study at the trial and the rights,
welfare and health of the study subjects. Where a
team of investigators are involved, the designated
Based on the existing rules, Phase I clinical
leader of the team, the Principal Investigator, has the
trial on drugs discovered outside India is allowed only
responsibility to co-ordinate between all the
upon submission of Phase I results of other countries
investigators involved in the study at one site or
to the DCGI. Further, Phase II and III trials are
permitted only after similar trials have been approved
by regulatory authorities of the countries where such
drugs have been developed. Thereafter, repeat Phase
(“CRO”) - A CRO essentially performs all the tasks,
I trial is al owed with the prior permission of the
duties, and obligations of the study. A written
contract between the sponsor and the CRO defines
the scope of responsibility of the CRO. In the
Given the varying genetic profiles of people
absence of a specific responsibility or obligation in
in different parts of the world, the health needs and
writing, the same is required to be assumed by the
requirements, the regulations should be amended to
allow Phase I clinical trials to be done on Indians concurrently with global trials. This will enable a
5 GCP Guidelines are issued by the Central Dru gs Standard
Control Organ ization (“CDSCO”) w hich functions under th e
4 Schedule Y, Rule 1. The prescribed app lication form is form
Directorate Genera l of Health Services formed by the Ministry
Disclaimer – This new sletter is for information purposes and should not be construed as legal advice.
these studies is not an easy task. But considering the
participates in the clinical study. A study subject
number of trials that have been and are taking place
cannot be enrolled without obtaining a signed
in India, it is essential to remove ambiguities in the
existing legislations, plug the gaps by introducing
stringent laws to bring the guilty to books and ensure
uniformity in the prevailing regulations. As of date,
independent review board of the site has an
there are many loopholes in and abuses of the
important role to play as it monitors the study and
regulations. Some of them are discussed below:
ensures compliance with the regulations throughout
the duration of the study. Though GCP Guidelines
The regulations are not categorical and are left
are in line with the international practices on clinical
to the reader’s interpretation - For instance, rule 3 of
trials, there are certain departures. For instance,
Schedule Y (responsibility of investigator) states
guideline 4.8 indicates that completed subject
“Standard Operating Procedures (“SOP”) are
identification code list should be in the sponsor’s file.
required to be documented by the investigators for
This is a potential violation of the subject’s rights to
the tasks performed by them”. It has not been
confidentiality and privacy. Essential documents are
elaborated further. It is not clear what the SOP
needed for sponsor’s independent audit function and
should contain, in what manner and how they should
inspection by the DCGI. The GCP Guidelines also
be maintained, who shall maintain them, and who
lists essential documents for EC files. This suggests
shall review and/or amend them. Similarly, it is not
that the sponsor’s auditor can review EC files. This i s
clear if the site is also required to maintain a SOP
also not in line with ICH-GCP. It is important to
independent of the investigators. Whether the SOP
eliminate such differences and bring the GCP
will be a standard document meant for all the studies
Guidelines more in line with the globally applicable
or wil it be study-specific? The GCP Guidelines is
also silent in these contexts. There needs to be greater
Further, it will be interesting to consider if the
GCP Guidelines are enforceable in a court of law. By
Lack of stringent punishment for defaulters -
and large, Indian jurisprudence has confirmed that
There is a definite lack of effective deterrence in the
guidelines cannot be given effect to in a court of law.6
existing provisions. Several multi-nationals and local
All the key participants in a clinical trial have to
companies conduct trials in India. There have been
comply with the GCP Guidelines. However, in the
many adverse events, reported mishaps, death of
event of a default (non-compliance, serious adverse
subjects, incorrect study procedures etc. but so far the
event, death of a subject), due to absence of the
DCGI has been unable to take any action against the
necessary legislative power under the GCP
guilty due to lack of stringent and speedy
Guidelines, though it appears that the DCGI has wide
enforcement of the laws. Recent media reports7
powers, he can still not take any substantive action
suggest that the Health Ministry, DCGI is planning to
against the guilty. In such cases, the Act will prevail
introduce ten years imprisonment for the persons
found guilty of an offence in a clinical study. However, till the law is implemented, there is no
protection for the subjects who actually suffer due to
the adverse events that occur during such clinical
introducing GCP Guidelines, clinical trials have
invariably been in the spotlight for wrong reasons.
Attribution of definite liability on the sponsor,
Owing to the very nature of the study, i.e.
CRO, the site, and investigator in case of a serious
involvement of humans as the object of study, law
adverse event - In case of a foreign sponsor, the GCP
and ethics are bound to overlap. Therefore, it is
Guidelines clearly state that it has to appoint a local
understandable that drafting regulations to monitor
representative or CRO and transfer any or all of the
6 Exceptions being w here a direction has been follow ed for long,
7 “Unethical c linical trials may invite painful p enalty ”, Sushmi
if they confer a benefit upon individual etc.
Dey, Economic Times dated April 15, 2009.
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study related duties and functions but the ultimate
The sites, investigators should be heavily penalized in
responsibility for the quality and the integrity of the
cases of violation of selection criteria.
study data always resides with the sponsor.8 The
sponsor being the one who initiates the study, it is
reasonable to place this responsibility. However, in
investigators - A site involved in a clinical study
cases of adverse events at sites, where the
engages many investigators and sub-investigators,
investigators and the sites are directly involved in
who are principally the local doctors or junior doctors
conducting the study, it is unfair to hold the sponsor
working in the hospitals. Lack of professional
completely responsible. The liability and responsibility
training, relevant experience, and knowledge can be
between the participants should be clearly demarcated
disastrous for the subjects and the overall study.
There should be a stringent mechanism for selecting,
training, and appointing investigators in clinical trials.
They should be well apprised with the legal
monitoring board - There is no independent data
regulations and ethical principles before induction in
safety monitoring board established by most of the
clinical trial teams, hence adverse drug event or
serious adverse events go unnoticed. Consequently,
Role of Ethics Committee - In most of the
many subjects, who end up with adverse reactions or
cases, the committees are headed by the institutional
in some cases death, do not get their due in terms of
heads, and follow their instructions rather than the
EC’s recommendations. At the central level, the
central ethics committee at the ICMR issues
Lack of regular monitoring by the DCGI -
guidelines but has no policing powers. The ECs
The existing regulations require prior permission
should be monitored closely by a central agency or
from the DCGI and EC for initiating the trial.
the central ethics committees should be given more
However, once the trial is commenced, there is no
powers to deal with the ECs at the sites.
check on the investigator sites or for that matter on
the functioning of the ECs by the DCGI.9 The
regulations should have a mechanism to keep a tab on
the trials, perhaps, a provision to the effect of
One cannot deny the fact that clinical trial is
appointing local boards in different areas to conduct
the basis for introducing better drugs, medical
surprise checks and visits to verify the documents, the
practices, and devices. The fact that it involves law
methods adopted and the manner in which trials are
and ethics makes it a challenge for those framing the
conducted at the sites. In case of default, immediate
legal provisions. The Ministry of Health and the
and strict action should be taken against the guilty.
DCGI should leave no room for complacency when
it comes to human trials and ensure that the
Process of selection of subjects by the sites -
loopholes are plugged by ensuring uniformity and
Every trial protocol has its own inclusion and
removal of ambiguity from the existing regulations.
exclusion criteria in order to choose the subjects for
However, law can regulate, monitor, and ensure
the study. However, it has been observed that the
protection of subjects only to a certain extent.
economically weaker, il iterate sections of the society
Eventual y, it is up to the proponents of clinical trial
are sometimes exploited. In effect, it appears that
to adopt ethical principles/practices and not exploit
many a times the selection criteria tend to be ignored
or misuse fellow humans for commercial reasons.
and violated by the investigators and sites. And, these
discrepancies come to light only in case of adverse events or due to media reports. It is imperative for the sites and investigators to perform the trials in an ethical manner and comply with the ICMR guidelines.
8 Guideline 3.1.17. 9 Though the ICMR has set up the Central Ethics Committee, greater monito ring is required .
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Disclaimer – This new sletter is for information purposes and should not be construed as legal advice.
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