Clinical Neurophysiology 115 (2004) e1–e4
Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, Basel,
Schweizerische Gesellschaft fu¨r klinische Neurophysiologie/Socie´te´
Deficits of fine motor function in individuals at risk for
with normal spatial memory, indicating a lesion in the left
schizophrenia (confounding factors) – U. Gschwandtner,
temporal region. The MRI confirmed this assumption and
V. Semenin, M. Pflu¨ger, S. Borgwardt, A. Riecher-Ro¨ssler
showed a tumor in the left medio-temporal region. The
(Department of Psychiatry, University Hospital Basel,
histological diagnosis was a benign xanthoastrocytoma. After
resection of the tumor, the EEG and the verbal memory were
Objective: Fine motor function deficits as risk factor for
beginning psychosis were investigated with a computerised
Discussion: EEG is one of the most used procedures to
fine motor function testbattery and compared with healthy
localize brain lesions in symptomatic seizures. Our case report
demonstrates that rarely the neuropsychological dysfunctions are
Methods: 44 individuals at risk for schizophrenia and 42
more sensitive to localize brain lesions. Therefore, a standar-
healthy, age- and sex-matched controls were examined with the
dized inclusion of neuropsychological examination in the
computerised testbattery “Motorische Leistungsserie” (Schuh-
fried, 1997). The tested factors were: dexterity, precision, tremor,
velocity (arm/hand and wrist/fingers). The influences of age, sex,educational level, medication and cannabis use were statisticallycontrolled as confounding factors by multivariate analysis ofcovariance.
Changing autonomic moods by repeatedly listening to
Results: Significant differences between individuals at risk
EEG-based auditive patterns – B. Fricker (Zurich,
for schizophrenia and controls were found in all above quotedfactors but remained significant after control of confounding
factors only in the factors tremor (p!0.01) and dexterity (p!
Auditive patterns (such as music) not only have an
emotional influence on people, they also have a direct effect
Conclusion: We detected fine motor function impairment in
on the autonomic nervous system. Music can restore people’s
individuals at risk for schizophrenia in all parameters measured by
sense of well-being after a day of stress. Likewise, the impact
the fine motor function testbattery. Nevertheless, with exception of
of acoustic rituals for cult uses or the soothing effect of
the factors tremor and dexterity, these impairments must be
children’s songs and the autonomic reactions to acoustically
conditioned reflexes all provide us with a number of clues tothis phenomenon. There has been a great deal of research doneon the eminent role that hearing plays from the mean age ofgestation, and people’s sense of hearing maintains this
Symptomatic partial seizure: is EEG or neuropsychology
capability to activate the autonomic nervous system throughout
the best procedure to localize the lesion? – P. Weber,
S. Jourdan, J. Lu¨tschg (Department of Neuropediatrics,
This talk describes an audiocerebral method of regulation
Childen’s Hospital, University of Basel, Switzerland)
that works with sound patterns that can be calculated based
Objective: Besides clinical symptoms EEG is one of the most
upon people’s basic individual EEG activity. After intensive
used procedures to localize brain lesion, frequently supplemented
regular listening, we can effortlessly achieve autonomic
by neuroimaging and neuropsychological examinations.
reactions while bringing about a permanent change in mood.
Case report: We report on a right-handed 7 year old girl
Tests have shown a significant improvement in effects arising
presenting with absence-like seizures and dysfunction in word
from the person’s individual EEG as compared with random
generation. The neurological examination was normal. The EEG
synthetic sequences of sounds without differentiation. Finally,
showed a hypersynchronic activity fronto-temporally and fronto-
this method of autonomic patient self-influencing has a high
parietally right-sided more than left-sided. The neuropsycholo-
degree of therapy compliance without having any hazardous
gical examination demonstrated a dysfunction of verbal memory
Swiss Society of Clinical Neurophysiology / Clinical Neurophysiology 115 (2004) e1–e4
Pathological EEG-patterns in individuals at risk for
Time-related change of amygdala response to emotional
psychosis and in patients with a first episode of pychosis
auditory stimulation in patients with emotional dysregula-
(Basle FEPSY Study) – U. Gschwandtnera, V. Semenina,
tion: a functional magnetic resonance study in borderline
M. Pflu¨gera, A. Riecher-Ro¨sslera, P. Fuhrb (aDepartment
personality disorder – G. Dammanna, F. Di Salleb,
of Psychiatry; bDepartment of Neurology, University
F. Espositoc, A. Luethid, E. Seifritza,e (aPsychiatric
University Hospital, University of Basel, Switzerland;
Objective: To investigate whether individuals at risk (IR) and
bDivision of Neuroradiology, University of Naples Federico
patients with a first episode (FE) of psychosis have EEG
II, Italy; cSecond Division of Neurology, Second University
of Naples, Italy; dFriedrich Miescher Institute, Basel,
Methods: 73 patients (42 IR, 31 FE) from an early recognition
Switzerland; eUniversity Hospital of Clinical, Psychiatry,
clinic for psychosis and 29 healthy controls (HC) were investi-
gated. The at risk state of the patients was assessed with a screening
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is associated with
instrument for beginning of psychosis. The transition to psychosis
altered emotional regulation. Functional magnetic resonance
was evaluated by the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS). EEG
imaging (fMRI) evidence suggests an involvement of the amygdala
recording was done with 16 channels using the 10/20 system. The
and associated circuits. Here we used event-related fMRI and
neurologist, blinded to the subject’s group, analyzed visually the
emotional auditory stimuli in a group of BPD patients and normal
EEG for the presence of generalized or focal slowing and
control subjects. The temporal structure of the blood-oxygen level
epileptiform discharges. Statistical analysis was done with chi-
dependent (BOLD) signal response was analyzed using single trial-
by-trial analysis. Averaged across the entire experimental sessions,
Results: IR showed more pathological EEG patterns (35.7%) as
we found significantly greater BOLD signal response in the
compared to the FE (29%) and as compared to HC (13.7%). In both
amygdala of BPD patients than in the controls. The BPD patients
groups of patients the combined pathological EEG patterns
showed a uniform level of response, whereas the controls showed
(slowing and epileptiform discharges) were predominant (IR
rapid habituation to the stimuli. Our data support existing evidence
14.2%, FE 19.3%). Neurological standard examination was
of altered amygdala responsiveness to emotional stimuli and
suggest that disturbances in physiological habituation processes are
Conclusion: IR, and less so FE, show a remarkable number of
EEG abnormalities. Some psychiatric patients fulfilling the criteriafor being at risk or for having a first episode of psychosis maysuffer from subtle organic brain disease.
Recent technical advances of ambulatory EEG increase itsclinical
I.W. Mothersill, Th. Grunwald, G. Kra¨mer (Swiss
Predictive value of sleep EEG markers in long-term course
of depression – M. Hatzinger, S. Brand, U. Hemmeter,
Ambulatory EEG (AEEG) fills the diagnostic gap between
B. Annen, E. Holsboer-Trachsler (Psychiatric University
routine EEG and cost-intensive, continuous EEG/Video monitor-
ing in the evaluation of seizure disorders. Recent technological
The predictive value of altered sleep regulation for long-
advances in portable recorders and storage media allow a
term course of depression is unclear. Thus, the present
continuous, uninterrupted recording of all of the 21 channels of
study aimed to identify sleep EEG markers that may havepredictive value for the long-term outcome. In order to
the 10–20 electrode system for more than 24 hours with a quality
characterize related pathophysiological mechanisms, hypothala-
mic–pituitary–adrenocortical (HPA) system function was
We evaluated AEEG recordings of the first 240 patients
investigated with this method using Trackitw recorders and
In fifteen patients with depression, HPA system assessments
Profilew review software. The average duration of the recording
using the DEX/CRH test and sleep EEG studies were
was 2.4 days (range 4–304 hours). The most frequent clinical
conducted during a controlled antidepressant treatment study
questions asked were those concerning verification and classifi-
(TS) and during a follow-up (FU) investigation 2 to 10 years
cation of seizures (57.1%) and the evaluation of interictal EEG
activity (41.7%). These questions could be answered in 75.4% of
Unfavorable sleep EEG measures during the TS were
all patients. The number of investigations increased by 128%
significantly associated with the previous course of depression
compared to the previous 8-channel cassette recording. Critical
and with the prospective outcome until FU, as reflected by the
success factors for the clinical use of AEEG are discussed.
number of episodes. Moreover, the identified sleep EEG
The technical improvements of ambulatory recorders and
markers correlated significantly with the amount of HPA
review software can answer clinical questions that were previously
obtainable by inpatient EEG-/video long-term monitoring alone
We conclude that sleep EEG markers and HPA system
and widen its use in the differential diagnosis and therapeutic
regulation may predict the long-term course of depression.
Swiss Society of Clinical Neurophysiology / Clinical Neurophysiology 115 (2004) e1–e4
High resolution electric neuroimaging for epileptic focus
followed carefully. Regarding the need for anticonvulsant therapy
localization – G. Lantza, C.M. Michela, L. Spinellia,b,
clinical symptoms are most important.
R. Grave de Peraltaa, T. Landisb, M. Seeckc (aFunctionalBrain Mapping Laboratory, bDepartment of Neurology,University Hospital Geneva, Switzerland, cLaboratory ofPresurgical Epilepsy Evaluation, University Hospitals of
Contribution of short term frequency-dependent plas-
ticity to seizure generation and spread – S. Ru¨egga,
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the feasibility, clinical
M. Kaplanb, M.A. Dichterb (aDepartment of Neurology,
yield, and localization precision of high-resolution EEG source
University of Basel, bUniversity of Pennsylvania,
imaging of interictal epileptic activity. Forty-four consecutive
patients with focal epileptic seizures, who underwent a compre-
Neurons in the mammalian cortex fire in short, high frequency
hensive presurgical epilepsy evaluation, were subjected to a
bursts or trains during interictal epileptiform discharges and fire in
128-channel EEG recording. A standardized source imaging
longer, high frequency trains during ictal activity. The nature of the
procedure constrained to the individual gray matter was applied
responses in neurons that are synaptically coupled to these neurons,
to the averaged spikes of each patient.
however, is not well characterized. Our laboratory has been
In 32 of the patients a focal epileptogenic region was identified
analyzing the nature of synaptic responses in both excitatory and
during the presurgical workup, and in 30 of these patients (93.7%),
inhibitory circuits in response to repetitive firing of the presynaptic
the 128-channel EEG source imaging correctly localized this area.
neuron in order to understand the mechanisms by which seizures
In cases where imprecise localizations were obtained, this could be
may develop and spread throughout the brain. Whole-cell patch-
explained by simplifications of the recordings and analysis
clamp experiments in monosynaptically connected pairs of
procedure, which had been accepted for the benefit of speed and
neurons were performed in dissociated hippocampal neuronal
standardization. In 24 patients cortical resections had been
low-density cultures. Despite reduction in neurotransmitter release
performed, and in these cases the sublobar precision of the 128-
with repetitive activation of excitatory synapses, small excitatory
channel EEG source imaging could be evaluated by calculating the
circuits demonstrate dramatic facilitation of synaptic transmission.
distance from the source maximum to the resected area. This
This is mediated by both, AMPA and NMDA receptor-mediated
analysis revealed zero distance in 19 cases (79%).
currents. Such powerful short term synaptic facilitation can
In conclusion, high-resolution interictal EEG source imaging is
clearly play an important role in the development and spread of
a valuable non-invasive functional neuroimaging technique. The
speed, ease, flexibility, and low cost of this technique warrant itsuse in clinical practice.
Brain areas for “atoms of thought”: mental imageryversus abstract thinking – D. Lehmann, T. Koenig,B. Henggeler, W. Strik, K. Kochi, M. Koukou,
EEG characteristics in Rett syndrome – S. Jourdan Moser,
R.D. Pascual Marqui (Psychiatric University Hospitals
J. Lu¨tschg (Department of Neuropediatrics, Childen’s
Hospital, University of Basel, Switzerland)
EEG- and ERP-data can be parsed into microstates, i.e. epochs
Clinical manifestations and typical sequence of stages of Rett
(!100 ms) of quasi-stable potential distribution maps (“atoms of
syndrome (RS) are well-known. 60–70% of patients develop
thought”). In Experiment 1, subjects were prompted to report “what
epilepsia. The EEG pattern is invariably abnormal during the
was on your mind”. In these spontaneous mentations, two classes can
course of RS. Characteristic EEG patterns have been described and
be distinguished, visual imagery and abstract thought (e.g. “apple”
suggest a typical developmental pattern. They have been correlated
vs. “theory”). The last EEG-microstate before prompting was
with the clinical staging. The aim of this study was to examine the
marked as visual imagery or abstract. In Experiment 2, subjects read
correlation between clinical and EEG stages.
visually imaginable and abstract words (1/s); after a “?”, they
We compared clinical manifestations and EEG recordings from
repeated last word. The ERP-microstate 286–354 ms poststimulus
9 classic cases. Patient age varied between 1 1/4 and 32 years, thus
showed different potential maps for the 2 word classes. EEG and
all four clinical stages were included.
ERP potential maps were analyzed into LORETA tomographic
EEG patterns correlate only partially with clinical stages and
images. In both experiments, visual conditions showed maximal
show great variability. Some typical manifestations (apneic pauses,
activation right-posterior, abstract conditions left-anterior: common
episodic laughing, hand movements) can appear as fits without
for both experiments, activation for abstract was in Brodmann 38, 47
being of epileptic origin. Epileptogenic activity in the EEG is
left (orbito-frontal) and for visual in Brodmann 20, 36, 37 right (inf.
commonly present without clinical seizures. Conversely there are
temporal). In both experiments, subjects did not know that imagery
patients with clinical seizures without epileptic discharges in their
vs. abstract mentation was studied, but had to remember the last
spontaneous mentation or presented word. Activation of brain areas
There are characteristic EEG findings in RS without being
thus occurred automatically without tasks to imagine or formulate,
diagnostic. EEG patterns correlate only partially with the clinical
and identical areas were active regardless whether mentations were
stages. To not overestimate or under-recognize seizures in patients
started by exterior (word display) or internal, spontaneous events
with RS, the clinical history as well as the EEG pattern have to be
Swiss Society of Clinical Neurophysiology / Clinical Neurophysiology 115 (2004) e1–e4
Electroencephalographic findings in a juvenile patient
immunoglobulins (IVIG). He experienced one transient ischemic
with steroid-responsive encephalopathy associated with
attack during IVIG administration and he underwent cardiac
autoimmune (Hashimoto) thyroiditis – Th. Schmitt-
bypass surgery for coronary heart disease. Within subsequent
years, the frequency of IVIG administration steadily increased
from once per month to once per week. This frequency remained
Hashimoto’s encephalopathy, a rare disorder with subacute
unchanged despite additional immunomodulatory and -suppressive
onset of psychiatric symptoms and focal or generalized seizures, is
therapy with interferon-beta and cyclophosphamide. However, one
associated with laboratory evidence of autoimmune thyroiditis and
yearly course of the anti-CD20 chimeric antibody rituximab
may precede symptoms of thyroid disease. The rare descriptions of
proved effective by extending the interval of IVIG administration
EEG emphasise rhythmic slowing of background activity with
from 7 to 12 days, i.e. by the reduction of IVIG by 43%. The drug
was well tolerated and the patient remained stable since four years.
A 14-year old patient presented with generalized seizures and a
Rituximab may become an alternative, complementary, and
pre-existing hyperactivity/attention-deficit disorder, presumed to
IVIG sparing drug in patients with MMN.
be aggravated by puberty. His EEG initially showed paroxysmalfrontal high amplitude 2.5–3/sec spike and poly-spike/slow-wave-activity indicative of atypical absences, generalized spike/slow-waves and a less dominant rhythmic slowing of backgroundactivity frontally. Behaviour worsened and seizures reoccurred
Cerebral hemodynamic changes to cognitive tasks in
despite anticonvulsant treatment. EEG deteriorated, showing a
children with attention deficit disorder measured by near
peculiar periodic rhythmic high voltage 1.5–2/sec activity in both
infrared spectroscopy – P. Weber, H. Fahnenstich,
parieto-occiptal regions with interspersed spikes and poly-spikes. Cranial MRI was normal. Further work-up revealed elevated TSH-,
J. Lu¨tschg (Department of Neuropediatrics, Childen’s
Hospital, University of Basel, Switzerland)
4-concentrations and elevated anti-thyroxine-peroxidase
antibodies (TPO) indicative of auto-immune thyroiditis. Clinical
Objective: To evaluate the hemodynamic changes in both
symptoms and EEG-abnormalities rapidly resolved with steroid
prefrontal regions induced by a cognitive task in children with a
developmental attention deficit disorder using the near-infrared
Hashimoto’s encephalopathy may present as primary seizure
disorder accompanied by EEG alterations mimicking idiopathic
Method: 11 boys with a mean age of 10.4 (G1.2) years
generalized epilepsy. Periodic posterior rhythmic spike/slow-
meeting the DSM-IV criteria of ADD/ADHD and were compared
waves should raise the suspicion of this encephalopathy.
with 9 age- and sex-matched healthy controls (HC). Using a trail-
Deterioration of EEG led to diagnosis; EEG was the most useful
making test designed to connect numbers from 1–90 in four sets,
marker of CNS-involvement in this probably underdiagnosed
changes in oxygenated (O2Hb) and deoxygenated (HHB) hemo-
globin, tissue oxygenation index (TOI) and cerebral blood volume(CBV) were measured by NIRS.
Results: During the first test set, designed as a short attention
task, the children with ADD/ADHD showed a significant increase
Rituximab stabilizes multifocal motor neuropathy in a
in O2Hb and CBV, but only the controls showed also an increase in
patient progressively less responsive to intravenous
HHB in the left prefrontal region. TOI increased only in the
immunoglobulins – S.J. Ru¨egg, P. Fuhr, A.J. Steck
(Department of Neurology, University Hospital of Basel,
Conclusions: NIRS is a sensitive tool for measuring differences
in hemodynamic changes between boys with ADD/ADHD and
We report on 71 year-old patient with GM-1-antibody negative
normal controls. The HC showed lateralized oxygen consumption
multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN). Twenty years ago, he was
in the left prefrontal cortex during an extended attention task,
first diagnosed with lower motor neuron disease, but in 1995, the
whereas the patients showed an imbalance between oxygenated
diagnosis of MMN was established according to electrophysio-
and deoxygenated hemoglobin during short and extended attention
logical and clinical criteria. He initially responded well to i/v
ABSTRACT: In response to a request by Barr Laboratories to market their “emergency contraceptive” Plan B across the counter, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) held a public hearing. Objections to the proposal included: (1) A considerable increase in tubal pregnancies following ingestion of Plan B was found in U.K., prompting a warning to physicians. Lack of medical supervision when provid