The prevalence and demographic distribution of treated epilepsy: a communitybased study in tasmania, australia
Acta Neurol Scand 2012: 125: 96–104 DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0404.2011.01499.x
The prevalence and demographicdistribution of treated epilepsy:a community-based study in Tasmania,Australia
DÕSouza WJ, Quinn SJ, Fryer JL, Taylor BV, Ficker DM, OÕBrien TJ,
Pearce N, Cook MJ. The prevalence and demographic distribution of
treated epilepsy: a community-based study in Tasmania, Australia.
Acta Neurol Scand: 2012: 125: 96–104.
Ó 2011 John Wiley & Sons A ⁄ S.
1The Menzies Research Institute, The University ofTasmania, Hobart, Tasmania; 2The Department of
Objectives – To estimate the prevalence and demographic distribution
Medicine, St Vincents Hospital, The University of
of treated epilepsy in a community-based population. Materials &
Melbourne, Melbourne, Vic., Australia; 3Flinders Clinical
methods – We surveyed all residents in Tasmania, Australia, who were
Effectiveness, Flinders University Adelaide, SA,
supplied at least one antiepileptic drug prescription between July 1,
Australia; 4The University of Cincinnati Academic Health
2001 and June 30, 2002, recorded on the national prescription
Centre, Department of Neurology, Cincinnati, OH, USA;
database. We adjusted for the effect of disease-related non-response
5The Department of Medicine, The Royal Melbourne
bias by imputation methods. Results – After three mail contacts,
Hospital, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Vic.,
54.0% (4072 ⁄ 7541) responded, with 1774 (43.6%) indicating treatment
Australia; 6Centre for Public Health Research, MasseyUniversity Wellington Campus, Wellington, New
for epilepsy, representing 86.0% of the estimated total possible cases in
Zealand; 7Department of Medical Statistics, London
Tasmania. The adjusted treated epilepsy prevalence was 4.36 per 1000
School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK
(95% CI 4.34, 4.39); lower in women (prevalence ratio 0.92 (95% CI0.84, 1.00)); greater with increasing age (P < 0.001); similar in the
Key words: antiepileptic drugs; epidemiology;
three main geographic regions; and similar with socioeconomic status
epidemiological methods; epilepsy; prevalence
of postcode of residence. Conclusions – Although our estimates are
W. DÕSouza, The Department of Neurology & Neuro-
likely to be affected by access to health services, overall treated epilepsy
logical Research, 5th Floor, The Daly Wing, St VincentÕs
prevalence of 4.4 per 1000 is similar to previous studies. Our finding of
Hospital, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, PO
high elderly prevalence has been reported in a few recent studies in
Box 2900, Fitzroy 3065, Melbourne, Vic., Australia
developed countries and has important clinical and public health
implications in populations with similar aging demographics.
Accepted for publication January 20, 2011
extends from India, in the west, to the Pacific
Islands in the east. Despite its great geographic and
Studying the distribution and determinants of
cultural diversity, the lifetime prevalence in this
epilepsy in population-based samples has the
region is between 3.4 and 7.5 per 1000 (2, 3), a
potential to improve our understanding of this
similar range to that seen in the developed world,
common disorder (1). Such comparative studies
with treated epilepsy having a prevalence of about
are important as they provide information on the
4–5 per 1000 (2, 4). However, with few exceptions,
burden of the condition, both at the population
most prevalence studies have had insufficient power
level and in specific subpopulations, and may
to include analyses by age, gender, region (5, 6), or
also indicate etiological factors acting at these
In Australia, the national prescription database
The International League Against Epilepsy
appears representative of community-treated epi-
divides the world into six regions comprising:
lepsy and can provide an effective and efficient
method for large-scale patient recruitment for
European, Latin America, and North America.
epidemiological research (9). Utilizing this data-
The Asia–Oceania region, which includes Australia,
base, we estimated the prevalence of treated
Prevalence & distribution of treated epilepsy in Tasmania
epilepsy in Tasmania and its distribution by age-
netÕ arrangements limit the total annual contribu-
group, gender, region, and socioeconomic status.
tion that a family can make toward prescriptioncosts for each of these categories of patient. Oncethese limits are reached, any PBS ⁄ RPBS prescrip-
tions dispensed are either free or with a much
The design and methods of patient recruitment
reduced co-payment for the remainder of the safety
have been described previously in detail (9) and
net period (11). These arrangements have implica-
will only be outlined briefly here.
tions on the PBS ⁄ RPBS data set. When a patientpays the entire cost of the medication, there is noHIC record of the prescription. Prescription
records for drugs costing less than the general
Tasmania is an island state off the southeastern
patient co-payment will not be complete (only
coast of Australia comprising an area of 68,000
recorded for concessional beneficiaries and those
square km, with a population of 472,672 in 2002
who have reached safety net entitlements). There
(10). The state is divided into three main geo-
will be complete capture for more expensive drugs,
graphic, administrative, and postcode regions:
as the government would have made a contribution
southern (231,662), northern (134,701), and north-
in every case. Only five of these anticonvulsants
(phenobarbitone, phenytoin suspension, carba-mazepine liquid, carbamazepine 50 mg, and lamo-trigine 5 mg) cost <$22.40, and so had limited
Pharmaceutical benefits scheme and the Australian national
capture only for ÔGeneralÕ beneficiaries. However,
barbiturates are infrequently prescribed in Tasma-
In Australia, consultative and investigational
nia (2.3% of all antiepileptic drugsÕ (AED) pre-
health services are significantly funded by the
scriptions – data not shown), liquid preparations
federal government, allowing universal mean-inde-
are prescribed for patients with swallowing diffi-
pendent access to health services. National pre-
culties and children typically <8 years of age, and
scription data records are generated when the
low-dose tablet preparations are usually used in
government contributes to the cost of a product
dose titration (rather than dose end-point). With
dispensed under the Australian Pharmaceutical
less ÔgeneralÕ patients in Tasmania than other
Benefits Scheme (PBS) and Repatriation Pharma-
Australian states, the HIC sample frame is
ceutical Benefits Scheme (RPBS). The PBS ⁄ RPBS
expected to be a comprehensive AED treatment
is a subsidization program monitored by the
database for all ÔconcessionÕ card holders and, with
Health Insurance Commission (HIC). Patients are
these few exceptions, the majority of ÔgeneralÕ
classified into one of two categories, determining
patients (Table 1). Benzodiazepines and acetazol-
the amount the patient contributes and the amount
amide prescriptions were excluded from selection
of subsidy paid by the government. General
because they were more likely to be prescribed as
beneficiaries make a maximum patient contribu-
single agents for non-epilepsy conditions.
tion (A $22.40 in 2002) per prescription item;concessional beneficiaries (primarily social security
recipients) or veteran affairs (returned servicemenand women) categories purchase drugs at a con-
An invitation letter asked potential participants to
cession rate (A $3.60 in 2002). Additional Ôsafety
agree to participate in a longitudinal disease cohort
Table 1 Response to the health insurance commission mail invitations
Do not have blank spells, seizures, epilepsy
Do not know whether have blank spells, seizures, or epilepsy
Did not specify whether have blank spells, seizures, or epilepsy
– The Tasmanian Epilepsy Register (TER) and
mate, and Vigabatrin. During the study period,
asked ÔAre you taking antiepileptic medications for
blank spells, seizures or epilepsy?Õ(9). Mailout one
Rufinamide, Locosamide, and Zonisamide were
occurred on November 20, 2002. A second mail
not available in Australia. Patients had to be alive
invitation was sent on February 19, 2003 to those
and have a postcode listed in Tasmania at some-
invited patients who had failed to respond, except
time during this time frame and to indicate that
those where a Ôreturn to senderÕ notification had
AEDs were prescribed for epilepsy. Respondents
been received or we had received information that
were classified as having epilepsy when they self-
they were deceased. A third anonymous HIC mail
affirmed to Ôhave blank spells seizures or epilepsyÕ
contact was sent to AED prescribers of non-
or when their treating doctor affirmed they Ôhad
responders who did not respond to the second
been prescribed anticonvulsant medications for
mailout, in February 2004. This letter requested
epilepsyÕ. Mail respondents who answered ÔdonÕt
the treating doctor to provide the indication for
knowÕ or ÔdidnÕt specifyÕ were classified as disease
AED treatment and to advocate participation onto
non-responders for imputation correction.
To correct observed prevalence estimates for
disease non-response bias, the method proposed byDrane was used to determine imputed prevalence
(13). By assuming an exponential decay in disease
As an indicator of socioeconomic status, each
response rate with each subsequent contact, the
patientÕs postcode of residence was scored into one
true prevalence can be estimated by fitting a
of five ordered categories according to the Socio-
regression model to the observed disease response
economic Index for Area (SEIFA) constructed by
rate at each mail contact and summing over all
the Australian Bureau of Statistics (using the
extrapolated mail contacts (Fig. 1). Confidence
subcategory for Relative Advantage / Disadvan-
intervals for each imputed Tasmanian demo-
graphic prevalence estimate (age-group, gender,region, and socioeconomic status) were obtainedby converting the corresponding confidence inter-
val endpoints of each imputed sample estimate into
Approval was obtained from the southern Tasma-
nia Health and Medical Human Research EthicsCommittee, the HIC, and the Department of Vet-
Validation study – Validation of the question Ôhave
eransÕ Affairs Human Research Ethics Committee.
blank spells seizures or epilepsyÕ to confirm theoverall (but not strata specific) false positive rate of
Representativeness of sample – To assess the repre-
sentativeness of our final participant cohort, wecompared this cohortÕs demographic features for
differences with that of the Tasmanian population,mail responders, and non-responders with a chi-
square test for differences between proportions. A
test for trend in the proportion responding across
levels of the demographic characteristic [age, socio-economic status (SES)] was also conducted by
fitting a univariable log binomial model and fittingthe characteristic as a linear predictor (9).
Period prevalence of treated epilepsy – Prevalent
cases of epilepsy were identified from individualssupplied at least one prescription for an AED in
Figure 1. Captured and imputed cases used in estimating epi-lepsy prevalence in Tasmania. *For the purposes of disease
Tasmania above the ÔreportableÕ retail price thresh-
response, mail respondents were classified as epilepsy cases
old during the twelve-month period from July 1,
when they affirmed to Ôhave blank spells seizures or epilepsyÕ
2001 to June 30, 2002: Carbamazepine, Ethosuxi-
and classified as not being epilepsy case when they affirmed to
mide, Gabapentin, Lamotrigine, Methylphenobar-
ÔdonÕt have blank spells, seizures or epilepsyÕ. Epilepsy preva-lence was imputed from total disease non-respondents, which
bitone, Phenobarbitone, Phenytoin, Primidone,
comprise mail respondents who ÔdidnÕt knowÕ, ÔdidnÕt specify,Õ
Sodium Valproate, Sulthiame, Tiagibine, Topira-
Prevalence & distribution of treated epilepsy in Tasmania
this question against a neurologist diagnosis of
with increasing age (trend P < 0.001), or when
epilepsy was undertaken in a random sample of
from a higher socioeconomic quintile (linear trend
293 mail respondents using a validated modified
P < 0.001) with over-representation if female
diagnostic questionnaire administered by a final-
almost reaching significance (P = 0.053). In addi-
year trainee neurologist with the responses inter-
tion, patients taking anticonvulsants were more
preted by an epilepsy specialist using standardized
likely to respond to our invitation if their prescrip-
diagnostic guidelines (14). For these 293 respon-
tion was obtained from a neurologist and less likely
dents: none reported they were taking AEDs for
to respond if their prescription was obtained from
indications other than epilepsy; epilepsy status
remained uncertain after interview in 4 (1.4%); a
Table 1 shows the breakdown of response to the
false positive diagnosis of epilepsy was reached in
three HIC mail invitations. There was evidence of a
23 (7.8%) (one single seizure, three migraine, nine
diminishing response rate with response time. The
psychogenic, and 10 syncope); and a true positive
1774 indicating treatment for epilepsy (=captured
diagnosis was confirmed in 266 (90.8%). Including
cases) and 289 (=imputed cases) giving an overall
the ÔuncertainÕ category as false positives gave a
estimated prevalence of 2063 cases in Tasmania
positive predictive value (PPV, the number of cases
found correctly to have the disease by the gold
Table 2 shows the estimated prevalence of
standard) of 0.91, and PPV was 0.92 when these
treated epilepsy in Tasmania by twenty-year age-
four uncertain cases were excluded. It was not
group, gender, region, and SEIFA. The crude
possible to estimate the false negative and true
prevalence of epilepsy was estimated to be 4.36 per
negative rate of self-identification of epilepsy for
1000 (2063 ⁄ 472,672 · 1000) persons in the Tasma-
this question (i.e., respondents who answered ÔnoÕ,
nian population with 95% confidence interval (CI)
ÔdonÕt know,Õ or ÔdidnÕt specifyÕ) for privacy
4.34–4.39. The Tasmanian figures are shown, as
age–sex standardization to the World StandardPopulation or Australian Standard Population did
Associations between demographic characteristics and
not alter our results appreciably. Adjusted treated
prevalence of treated epilepsy – Assuming an expo-
epilepsy prevalence was 8% lower (95% CI 6–
nential decay in response rate with response time
38%) in women than men, similar in the three
within each demographic subgroup, the distribu-
geographic regions and not associated with SEIFA
tion of treated epilepsy by 5-year age-group,
(P = 0.50). We examined the association between
gender, region, and socioeconomic status by
age and prevalence of epilepsy using fractional
SEIFA quintiles were estimated. We calculated
polynomials and found that the data were best
univariate prevalence ratios to compare differences
fitted to a log binomial model by transforming age
within variable categories by fitting a log binomial
to 1 ⁄ Öage. Fig. 2 displays the nonlinear relation-
model to test for trend in prevalence for age and
ship between prevalence of epilepsy and increasing
SIEFA, and whether prevalence is associated with
region and gender, after adjusting for the increased
Finally, Table 3 shows the observed percentage
confidence intervals obtained using DraneÕs impu-
and imputed prevalence of patients prescribed
tation method. Only a univariate analysis was
concurrent AED among those responding to our
conducted as our final estimates for total preva-
mail invitation indicating treatment for Ôblank
lence and its distribution by age, gender, region,
spells, seizures, or epilepsyÕ. More than two con-
and SES yielded imputed rather than actual cases
current AED for epilepsy were taken by 142 (8.0%)
not allowing a multivariate approach. All analyses
were performed using Stata Version 9.
responding to our survey and indicating treatment
There are limited studies describing epilepsy prev-
for epilepsy, the percentage and estimated preva-
alence patterns by gender, age-group, region, or
lence of patients prescribed concurrent AED was
socioeconomic status. Although our estimates are
influenced by factors that affect a person acquiringa diagnostic label for treatment purposes, caseascertainment by AED prescription provides an
efficient recruitment method for epidemiological
A total of 4072 persons responded to the survey,
studies in communities characterized by high
giving an overall response rate of 54.0%. Patients
access to health services (2). The estimate of 4.4
taking anticonvulsant were more likely to respond
per 1000 for overall treated prevalence is consistent
Table 2 Estimated prevalence* of treated epilepsy in Tasmania by age-group, gender, region, and SEIFA
*Imputed prevalence reported. Age–sex standardization to the World Standard or Australian Standard Population did not alter my results appreciably and so the Tasmanianfigures are represented. For the purposes of disease response, mail respondents were classified as having epilepsy when they affirmed to Ôhave blank spells seizures orepilepsyÕ and classified as not having epilepsy when they affirmed to ÔdonÕt have blank spells, seizures or epilepsyÕ. Disease prevalence was imputed from total disease non-respondents, which comprise mail respondents who ÔdidnÕt knowÕ, ÔdidnÕt specify,Õ and all mail non-respondents. As an indicator of socioeconomic status, each patientÕspostcode of residence was scored into one of five ordered categories according to the Socioeconomic Index of Relative Advantage ⁄ Disadvantage (SEIFA) constructed by theAustralian Bureau of Statistics. à472, 672 (38). §Per 1000. –Test for linear trend using a log binomial model.
Table 3 Observed percentage and estimated prevalence of epilepsy treated withconcurrent antiepileptic drug medications in Tasmania between July 1, 2001 andJune 30, 2002
*Imputed prevalence reported; 472, 672 (38); àPer 1000. AED, antiepileptic drugs.
Figure 2. Prevalence* of treated epilepsy in Tasmania by 5-year age-groups. Age-group 0–4 years is excluded because of
public health implications in countries with similar
small numbers. *Imputed prevalence reported. For the pur-
poses of disease response, mail respondents were classified as
Lack of community-based sampling has been a
having epilepsy when they affirmed to Ôhave blank spells sei-
major criticism of most case ascertainment meth-
zures or epilepsyÕ and classified as not having epilepsy whenthey affirmed to ÔdonÕt have blank spells, seizures or epilepsyÕ.
ods in previous epidemiological research into
Disease prevalence was imputed from total disease non-
epilepsy (15). Previous studies have suggested
respondents, which comprise mail respondents who ÔdidnÕt
that the medical practitioner writing AED pre-
knowÕ, ÔdidnÕt specify,Õ and all mail non-respondents. Imputed
scriptions is also most likely to be responsible for
prevalence reported with smoother and 95% confidence inter-vals was also shown. The smoother and 95% confidence
disease supervision and follow-up (4, 16). If this is
interval was obtained from a log binomial regression model
true, with 70.9% of patients with epilepsy receiving
their AED prescriptions exclusively from theirgeneral practitioner and 19.1% receiving them in
with similar studies, while our observation of high
part from a medical specialist in the preceding
elderly prevalence has been suggested by a few
twelve months, it suggests that our cohort repre-
recent reports, and has important clinical and
sents community-treated disease (9).
Prevalence & distribution of treated epilepsy in Tasmania
However, to be an ideal recruitment approach
further act to lower our prevalence estimates (25).
for prevalence estimation, AED prescription pen-
Although it is uncertain whether this form of
etration for epilepsy treatment should have uni-
measurement bias would be overcome by complete
versality and validity (17). We acknowledge that
participation, a higher response rate would have
allowed us more confidence in the precision and
lower prevalence estimates. Our inclusion of
accuracy of our prevalence estimates (26).
ÔdonÕt knowÕ or ÔdidnÕt specifyÕ responders as
Nevertheless, in a number of communities,
disease non-responders for imputation is an
AEDs have been demonstrated to have widespread
attempt to at least correct for this possibility
use and penetration in treating epilepsy, making
among survey non-responders. We are also aware
them potentially a good target for identifying cases
that AED initiation and withdrawal practices
for clinical epidemiological research (27). Every
among local physicians and patients may affect
person identified as having epilepsy in a door-to-
prevalence estimates from prescription data (18).
door community survey in Australia had been
In Australia, the typical practice is to commence
prescribed AEDs at some time in their lifetime,
AED treatment after the second unprovoked
with virtually all of the one-third Ôoff medication
seizure, and this is reflected in the low number
on survey dayÕ seizure free in the preceding year
of patients (0.34%) found to have been treated
(2). Although this Australian study suggests no
after a single seizure in our validation study, a
lifetime AED treatment gap for epilepsy, it was
similar figure found in a Swedish study (19).
based on Ôdoctor-diagnosed epilepsyÕ making it
Therefore, patient recruitment by AED prescrip-
likely to also be an underestimate. It is difficult to
tion appears to have yielded few false positive
determine the exact magnitude of our underesti-
cases because of ÔearlyÕ treatment.
mate. We suspect that the overall situation in
A potential limitation of the estimation of
Australia is more likely to resemble countries with
prevalence from studies using AEDs prescriptions
similar universal primary and tertiary health care
is that it may overestimate the number of epilepsy
access such as Sweden or the UK, where AED
cases because these medications are sometimes
underascertainment of 8–25% has been observed
prescribed for misdiagnosed epilepsy (9, 19) or for
other diseases such as a migraine, depression,
Non-response is the rule rather than the excep-
mood stabilization, and chronic pain conditions
tion in epidemiological surveys that generally
(20). Therefore, we used the response to the
worldwide has been increasing (29). Imputation is
question ÔAre you taking antiepileptic medications
one mechanism to correct for unmeasured disease
for blank spells, seizures or epilepsy?Õ to confirm
in survey non-responders. The theoretical basis for
epilepsy status among mail respondents. Although
this methodology does not require independent
this is unlikely to be a sensitive screening tool for
population sampling and comes from Little and
epilepsy in household surveys, our aim was to
Rubin (26) and Hansen et al. (30), which allows
obtain a high PPV (0.92) for capturing patients
imputation correction from two or three mailouts
with epilepsy. We did not adjust our overall
from a diminishing cohort of non-responders from
prevalence estimate using this measured false
the same initial population sample, i.e., each
positive rate (7.8%) as it was similar to other
subsequent strata is dependent on the previous
studies presenting unadjusted estimates (21). We
(31). The benefits of non-response imputation are,
therefore expect our AED estimate to be a useful
first it improves the accuracy and precision of
measure of clinically active epilepsy prevalence
prevalence estimates (26). Secondly, it takes advan-
tage of typical human behavior previously shown
Underestimating prevalence is the more likely
to be present in conditions other than epilepsy, e.g.,
consequence of prevalence measures based solely
asthma (32) where disease respondents tend to
on AED utilization, with the lowest reported rates
reply earlier allowing for a functional connection
usually arising from developing countries (23) or
between mail contact and changing disease preva-
indigenous groups (24) where access to health
lence over time. Thirdly, it is relatively easy to
services result in few patients on regular treatment.
perform simply by designing surveys with either a
Therefore, although demonstrated to be an effi-
two or three mail contact at regular intervals.
cient mechanism for generating community-treated
Finally, although derived from published theory
cases, our ascertainment method utilizing the HIC
(13, 33), it is also consistent with others and our
prescription database almost certainly underesti-
current study observations confirming an exponen-
mates the true prevalence of epilepsy as it fails to
tial fall in epilepsy prevalence among non-respond-
sample undiagnosed and untreated disease. We
ers with resistance to mail response primarily from
also acknowledge that disease concealment will
patients receiving AEDs for other conditions. Its
main criticism is that it is methodologically vul-
Our final cohort demonstrated similar trends
nerable where there is evidence of Ôhard coreÕ
with older age, female, and higher socioeconomic
disease non-responders (34) as it is based on the
groups that have been previously observed from
assumption that disease responders are more
mail surveys in other disease groups (41). Although
sensitive to replying earlier rather than resisting
these responder differences have the potential to
reply because of disease concealment. In the case of
reduce our prevalence estimates in the lower
people with epilepsy, although we know disease
socioeconomic groups and inflate our prevalence
concealment occurs (25, 35), it is largely unknown
estimates in the higher age-groups, they are
whether this is a temporary or permanent state,
unlikely to be the major explanation for the
i.e., affected by time to response. Reassuringly, our
differences observed in this study. Our estimated
observations appear not to support this.
treated epilepsy prevalence of 4.36 per 1000 is
We acknowledge our third mail invitation to
consistent with a number of previous studies that
AED prescribers of all non-responders to our
have derived prevalence from AED prescription
second mail invitation yielded a relatively poor
(22), primary care (28), or household survey
18.0% (697 ⁄ 3871) response; however, it allowed us
sources (2). Prevalence was 8% lower in women
to confirm a number of important assumptions.
than men. While a few studies have found higher
First, the poor physician response although disap-
epilepsy prevalence in women than men (42), and
pointing was not unexpected and justified our
some have found no gender differences (6), the
design to initially bypass physicians for recruitment
majority are consistent with our findings, with
and confirmed the universal difficulties in engaging
greater prevalence in men compared to women
busy primary physicians in non-core research
(43), at all age-groups (24). The explanations for
activities (36). Secondly, it also confirmed resis-
tance to mail response was occurring dispropor-
tionately among those taking AED for other
At present, our knowledge of socioeconomic
indications (48.5%, i.e., 338 ⁄ 697) rather than
differences in epilepsy prevalence is limited and
epilepsy (38.3%, i.e., 267 ⁄ 698). Finally, most
conflicting (7, 8). The SEIFA index utilized in this
importantly, it confirmed a further observed
study is comprised of variables relating to income,
decline in disease prevalence with time, allowing
education, occupation, wealth, and living condi-
prediction of the unobserved disease in non-
tions with the highest weighting being given to the
responders using the methods of Drane (13, 33).
first three variables (12). As SEIFA reflects the
Given the high PPV from our validity study,
socioeconomic well-being of an area, rather than of
an individual, it is possible for a relatively advan-
between self-reported and doctor-reported epilepsy
taged person to be resident in an area of low index
status was assumed (37), allowing us to combine
score. SEIFA also has a varying impact on health
classification sources in a three contact exponential
service uptake, and potentially AED prescription
decay rather than two contact linear prevalence
treatment, with SEIFA 1 having higher general
practice uptake in metropolitan and lower in rural
Useful insights into epilepsy treatment in Tasma-
Australian settings (44). Therefore, one explana-
nia are obtained through the HIC AED prescription
tion of our finding of no association in treated
data. At 8.0%, the percentage of patients receiving
epilepsy prevalence and SEIFA is that it is real and
more than two concurrent AEDs for epilepsy
does not reflect access to general practice services.
responding to our mail survey is at the high end of
Alternatively, it may be as a result of misclassifi-
polytherapy seen in most other developed countries
cation of individual socioeconomic status or con-
(19, 38). Although not always possible to avoid,
AED polytherapy is currently only recommended
In our study, no differences in treated epilepsy
for inadequately controlled epilepsy when patients
prevalence were found between the three main
fail serial monotherapy and dual therapy (39).
geographic regions of Tasmania. Higher urban
Previous studies have suggested that significantly
prevalence has been noted in two previous studies
more patients prescribed AEDs, or, when diagnosed
(27, 45), but more commonly, studies have found
and managed by doctors other than neurologists or
higher prevalence in rural compared to urban
pediatricians, are on multiple AEDs compared with
settings (5, 46, 47). Although it has been speculated
those treated by private specialists or hospital
that these contrary findings may be attributed to
doctors (4, 40). Therefore, the relatively high
greater access to health services in the urban setting
percentage of patients on multiple AED may either
at the treatment (27) or primary prevention level
reflect increased prevalence of severe epilepsy (27) or
(47), no clear etiological reasons for these differ-
inadequate epilepsy management in Tasmania.
Prevalence & distribution of treated epilepsy in Tasmania
Epilepsy is often considered a disease of younger
4. Lambie DG, Johnson RH, Stanaway L. Prescribing patterns
age-groups, and the highest prevalence rates occur
for epilepsy. NZ Med J 1981;94:15–9.
in children in a number of developing countries
5. Placencia M, Shorvon SD, Paredes V et al. Epileptic sei-
zures in an Andean Region of Ecuador. Brain 1992;
(46). In earlier studies, this higher childhood
pattern was also seen in developed countries (48).
6. CDC. Leads from the morbidity and mortality weekly re-
However, recent studies have reported a reversed
port: prevalence of self-reported epilepsy – United States
pattern with prevalence rates being lowest in
children <14 years (22, 43) and highest in elderly
7. Pond DA, Bidwell BH, Stein L. A survey of epilepsy in
fourteen general practices. Psychiatr Neurol Neurochir
people over 65 years of age (22, 28) in developed
countries. Consistent with these latter studies, we
8. Cornaggia CM, Canevini MP, Christe W et al. Epidemi-
also found the lowest prevalence rates in children
ologic survey of epilepsy among army draftees in Lomb-
and highest in the elderly. Although lower sam-
ardy, Italy. Epilepsia 1990;31:27–32.
pling of liquid AED preparations in children
9. DÕSouza WJ, Fryer J, Quinn S et al. The Tasmanian epi-
lepsy register – a community-based cohort: background
<8 years probably partly explains the lower prev-
and methodology for patient recruitment from the Aus-
alence rates seen in this age, they persist beyond the
tralian national prescription database. Neuroepidemiology
age that these issues would continue to have an
impact. Our results suggest that incidence may be
10. Australian Bureau of Statistics. Regional population
growth, Australia and New Zealand, 2002–03. Canberra:
lower in the younger age-group, or that the illness
Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2003. Report No.: cat. no.
treatment duration is more short-lived, compared
to adults and the elderly (49). If true, with
11. Edmonds DJ, Dumbrell DM, Primrose JG, Mcmanus P,
demographers predicting a dramatically greater
Birkett DJ, Demirian V. Development of an Australian
elderly population in the future (50), these findings
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BEFORE THE MINNESOTA BOARD OF PHYSICAL THERAPY STIPULATION AND ORDER Thomas E. Holets, P.T. Date of Birth: 11/12/46 License Number: 1150 IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED, by and between Thomas E. Holets, P.T. ("Respondent"), and the Complaint Review Committee (“Committee”) of the Minnesota Board of Physical Therapy ("Board") as follows: During all times here
8(3): 997-1000, 2013 (Supplement on Toxicology) Save Nature to Survive STUDY OF TETRACYCLINE INDUCED ALTERATION IN ASCOR- BIC ACID CONTENTS IN FRESHWATER BIVALVES, LAMELLIDENS CORRIANUS (LEA) AND PARREYSIA CYLINDRICA (ANNANDALE AND PRASHAD) H. P. NANDURKAR Department of Zoology, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati. (M.S.) 444 602, INDIA e-mail: hema_nagpure19@rediffmail