CLINICAL - HYPERSENSITIVITY Physiology of dentine hypersensitivity: clinical treatment By Charles Cox DMD, PhD, FADI Charles Cox discusses possible causes of
nerve - less, cannot be, per se, sensitive, though capable
dentine sensitivity and the treatment of
of conducting or transmitting by reason of its unique
such problems.
physical and anatomical characteristics, thermal, tactile,
surface tension and electrical impulses to the pulp. TOOTH HYPERSENSITIVITY
Dentine is not alive, nor is it dead like enamel, it serves
Brännström’s (1966) hydrodynamic explanation of den-
as an intermediate tissue between the external enamel
tine sensitivity is based on scientific data, which demon-
and the internal living pulp, it does not generate sensa-
strate that fluid filled dentine tubules are subject to cer-
tions but transmits through its tubes impulses of various
tain stimuli - cold, ice or a rapid air flow directed onto
kinds to the pulp’. Fish (1927) speculated ‘there is a
open tubules, causing a rapid bi-directional movement of
lymphatic fluid in the dentinal tubule and that tubules
fluid perceived as acute, immediate pain by the patient.
terminate with a lymphatic plexus, providing a continu-
In 1900 Dr Gysi, a London prosthodontist, wrote ‘a pres-
ous lymphatic flow through the various tubules and the
sure or a drawing exercised upon the aqueous content
pulp’. Later, Fish suggested ‘if the injury to the dentine
of the dentinal canalicule (tubule) that opens into a car-
reached a cer tain level, a coagulation process of the
ious cavity is directly transmitted to the other end of the
tubule contents of the will star t at the injured site and
dentinal canalicule where it is loosely closed by the
simulate the neighbouring tubules to do the same -
odontoblasts and are densely interwoven with nerves to
resulting in deposition of secondary dentine at the pul-
feel the pressure or drawing as a sensation of pain’.
Although other colleagues were aware of his theory,
Gysi was ‘right on the money’ and in tune with today’s
Orban (1940) speculated that restorative treatment
caused mechanical compression of the dentine, resulting
in displacement odontoblasts and pulp cells into the
A case for fluid flow - In 1856, Tomes suggested ‘the
tubules. Ivory & Kramer (1952) showed aspiration of
dentinal tubes are, in some way, the medium through
odontoblasts under self-polymerising acr ylic resin
which sensation of pain is distributed through the tissue.
restorations when placed without a lining agent, with no
The dentine tubes are constantly filled by fluid, and the
cell aspiration under restorations with liners - explaining
pulp at their inner extremities feels pressure made upon
that proper sealing of the dentine prevented the
the fluid at the exposed ends of the tubes’. Whit (1870)
exothermic reaction from acrylic polymerisation to
stated ‘the pain arising from the contact with sensitive
reach the pulp. Kramer (1955) considered the relation-
dentine cannot be conveyed by direct contact with the
ship between dentine hypersensitivity and movement of
ultimate fibres of the dentine nerve, but through some
tubule contents - speculating on the relationship
intermediary agent. Beers (1893) stated ‘There is no
doubt, but sensitiveness is due to the presence of the
Charles Cox DMD, PhD, FADI is
tube contents, whether nerve fibres enter or not. professor and vice chair at the
Dentine is nothing but [a] passive matrix, in which lie the
UCLA School of Dentistry, Los
sources of sensation’. Hopewell-Smith (1923) stated
that ‘I have come to the conclusion that dentine, being
generally become plugged due to formation of an
Anderson (1958) thought that the sensation of dentine
organic biofilm. Once a plug forms, it slows or stops the
was not directly due to stimulation of nerve fibrils in the
bi-directional fluid flow and the pain simply stops.
tubules, but from a disturbance, that passed through the
Clinicians have sometimes referred to the sudden abla-
tubules to stimulate the dentine and then to the nerves
tion of dentine pain with non-treatment as a placebo
in the pulp. He thought the receptors responsible for
effect. However, it is due to normal salivary physiological
pain sensations were in the pulp, rather than the dentine.
events that lead to tubule blockage.
In reviewing these theories, some were closer to the
scientific truth of hydrodynamics than others. In the final
analysis, we owe a debt of gratitude to Dr Mar tin
Defects, often show as small cracks - especially when
Brännström and colleagues by using sound scientific data
the enamel dries from prolonged placement of a rubber
to answer clinical questions raised by early colleagues.
dam, excessive blasts from an air-chip syringe, or mouth
breathers. Enamel tufts and spindles are organic geolog-
ical remnants, which persists between adult enamel rods
that rise from the EDJ and project upward into the
Enamel is a non-vital tissue that develops from epithelial
enamel for a shor t distance. Lamellae are inter-rod
cells. It is a 96% mineralised substrate with a 4% water
faults, which extend from the EDJ - through the sub-
and organic protein.The basic structural unit of enamel is
strate of enamel - to the oral surface. Generally, tufts
a rod, tightly packed and mechanically adherent to other
and lamellae are of little clinical significance. However,
enamel rods, its hardness comparable to brittle steel.
with time they become channels, which permit
Each rod follows an undulating course from the enamel-
microleakage and eventual sensitivity following acid
dentine junction (EDJ) to the oral surface - never follow-
etching and improper hybridisation. For restorative
ing the course of the adjacent rod’s course of travel. The
restoration, acid etching achieves the immediate
organic component of enamel exists as a fine lacy protein
removal of the organic biofilm plaque - along with a few
network - seen only in carefully processed sections. This
outer micrometers of the prepared tooth surface.
lacy organic network is seen as widened spaces between
However, for restorative success, enamel and dentine
individual enamel rods. Enamel is attached to subjacent
must be immediately hybridised as dentine adhesion is a
dentine by a micro-mechanical interlocking EDJ - scal-
micro-mechanical interlocking mechanism within the
loped ridges which interdigitate along the interface with
inter tubular dentine below the etched collagen. In one
a micro-mechanical biological bond of approximately
impor tant feature, dentine hybridisation of moisture
dependent, while enamel etching is easily attained - all
Enamel defects are present - the result of minor
physiological or pathological changes to ameloblasts dur-
ing their ‘cell’ stage, due to childhood diseases that leave
‘bands’ of organic defects, which become embedded
within the mineral substrate during the systemic distur-
Many patients are now interested in achieving a
bance (disease). Ameloblasts return to their normal phys-
‘Hollywood white’ smile, and clinicians may now provide
iological effor t upon recovery. High doses of fluoride or
bleaching treatments in their clinical theatres as well as
tetracycline also cause unsightly changes to the matrix of
provide patients with home bleaching devices. In the
enamel - leaving large patches of dark hypo-mineralised
dental clinic, various ‘power’ forms such as heat or light
pigmented bands, to small spots of brown/grey mottled
activation may accelerate bleaching. In order to gain aes-
thetic success - prolonged aggressive bleaching with cer-
tain organic solutions such as carbamide peroxidase or
hydrogen peroxide are known to dissolve the organic
Enamel may be thought of as a semi-permeable mem-
debris within the enamel defects - resulting in increased
brane - allowing passage of fluids and small molecules
porosity when left untreated. This has been repor ted in
through the organic defects between enamel crystals. It is
patients who abuse their home bleaching by wearing
easily worn away with advanced age, becoming dis-
their bleaching apparatus for extended time periods - by
coloured and its permeability (fluid flow through enamel)
abusing their treatment time, the organic biofilm is dis-
becoming altered. With advancing age, organic channels
solved resulting in open enamel channels. Without any
clinical treatment to close the remaining fluid fault, these
as the ‘hydrodynamic’ theory. Närhi, Hayaras-Tonder,
patients then repor t to the clinician with post-bleaching
Pashley and others have confirmed this theory as scien-
hypersensitivity to cold and air stimuli. Treatment regi-
tific fact by physiological testing in animals. Stimuli by the
tactile probing of exposed dentine with an instrument
causes mechanical deformation and fluid movement in
the tubule complex The direction of an air blast, a cold
stimuli or placement of salt or sugar on the fluid - all
Dentine is a vital tissue that develops from mesenchyme
cause activation of mechano-receptors within the
- composed of 70% mineral and 20% proteins, harder
odontogenic layer. Air, cold, osmotic are valid stimuli to
than bone, weaker than enamel - providing an elastic
test for enamel or dentine hypersensitivity. Until recent-
‘give’ - preventing tooth fracture.The basic structural unit
ly, few clinical treatments of enamel-dentine hypersensi-
of dentine is a tubule (approx. 3.5µm) at the pulp wall
tivity were permanent - only temporarily effective at
to approx. 0.06µm diam at the EDJ. Each tubule is gen-
erally filled with an odontoblast process, collagen, fluid
Perhaps the most complex factor in measuring
and occasional nerves from the pulp.Today’s science val-
enamel-dentine hypersensitivity is the exact degree of
idates the premise that fluid movement is the responsi-
pulp inflammation. In case of symptomatic or asymptot-
ble for dentine hypersensitivity. Following cavity prepara-
ic pulpitis, it is known that an inflamed dental pulp pre-
tion, cutting debris remains on the surface also being
sents a differential physiologic response to pulp testing.
forced into each cut tubule for several microns and fluid
Many current clinical methods of diagnosis fail to differ-
may flow from the pulp through the tubules and smear
entiate between pulp inflammation and dentine hyper-
layer onto the cavity floor. It is this fluid ‘wetness’, which
sensitivity resulting from fluid flow within tubules.
Blockage of defects and sclerotic dentine tubule occlu-
The rate of fluid flow in the dentine tubule complex may
sion may occur via physiological deposition of mineral
be as high as 2-4mm per second, with an inter-pulp pres-
salts, but this a slow and limited occurrence. The ideal
sure of vital pulps varying from 15 to 30mm Hg.
goal to prevent and treat hypersensitivity is placement
Consequently, with 30.000 dentine tubules per square
of a permanent clinical seal to the defect (Kolker et al,
mm along the pulp wall, an open dentine tubule on a
2002). Nakabayashi likened this as an extension of the
cavity floor could empty itself at least ten times each day.
enamel seal along the restoration interface. A clinical
Thus, displacement of few thousandths of a millimetre of
seal may be accomplished by one of several treatment
fluid movement within the dentine tubule complex
Over the counter products such as tooth pastes
contain agents that provide a transient blockage of the
tubule complex, or they may provide a supposed neur-
Dentine pain may be considered as acute pain, such as
al alteration to pulp nerves. At best, these agents are
when an ice cold drink or a rapid air stimuli are placed
only palliative - no better than the placebo effect, which
on the tooth surface. It is usually a signal of rapid fluid
forms a plaque biofilm that rapidly covers the open
movement within the dentine or enamel channels - dis-
tubules. If left undisturbed, the biofilm will thicken and
appearing as fast as it may have occurred. Whereas
mineralise as a calculus and provide a nidus for bacteri-
chronic pain generally tends to be a lingering dull throb-
al colonisation and potentially resulting in caries.
bing pain, which signals either a pulpal or a periapical
Office treatments may use placement of an adhe-
sive to cover the open tubules, generally relying upon
Acute pain is a result of fluid movement within the
removal of the smear layer along with application of a
dentinal complex from fluid movement within the chan-
primer to the tooth substrate. Adhesives generally work
nel defects within enamel. Gysi (1900) repor ted that his
by covering the tubules to provide a transient blockage
patients felt pain when he removed fluid from the floor
of fluid flow. However, adhesives should not be placed
of the cavity preparation. Brännström later described this
on root dentine following periodontal surgery as cer-
fluid movement phenomenon within the dentine tubules
tain components will inhibit the periodontal tissue heal-
ing following repositioning of the surgical flap. In addition,
which supposedly drive agents directly into the defect or
cer tain adhesives contain various agents (i.e. HEMA,TEG-
tubule complex. Generally they employ fluoride to sup-
DMA) that are cytotoxic and immunogenic to the heal-
posedly alter the sensory mechanism of the nerves in
ing response, causing sloughing of the normal epithelial
the tubules and subjacent pulp. Again, these devices are
expensive and need some safety attachments when
An early traditional treatment regimen relied upon
treating the patient to prevent electrical.
placement of a varnish over the prepared surface to coat
More recently, chelating agents as various mineral
the defect or the open dentine tubules. Some varnishes
salts are available which actually work with the chemistry
contained supposed antimicrobial agents. Varnishes only
of the tooth to form insoluble chemical precipitates with
provide a palliative effect, which simply coats the surface,
the natural chemistry of the peritubular dentine sub-
much like painting a wet wall with an oil-based paint.
strate within the tubule complex. No light curing or etch-
Because they are non-adhesive, varnishes will become
ing treatment steps are needed. Super Seal is one such
dislodged within a shor t time resulting in areas for bac-
agent (Figure 1) that works by stopping fluid flow - with-
terial colonisation as well as resulting in recurring patient
out irritation to gingival tissues or to the healing of a tis-
hypersensitivity. This type of palliative treatment general-
sue flap following surgical root treatment. Application of
ly needs repeated agent application to provide relief dur-
Super Seal is simply achieved by rubbing the offending
cavity dentine and exposed root cementum and dentine
Other clinical treatments include placement of agents
surfaces with a cotton pellet saturated with Super Seal.
that contain a tissue fixatives such as glutaraldehyde. This
Its unique chemistry alters the tubular chemistry to
agent is a biological fixative that acts by binding to vari-
decrease dentine fluid flow and providing clinical relief of
ous tissue fluid proteins that denature (coagulate) the
the patient’s pain. Super Seal is unique in that it will not
proteins in the tubules and the superficial cells of the sub-
interfere with either transitional or definitive cementa-
jacent pulp. However, any of glutaraldehyde or HEMA
tion - with conventional zinc phosphate cements, or with
containing agents, which contain a fixative cannot be
a glass ionomer or the newer resin modified glass
placed on or near gingival epithelium, as they cause local
ionomer cements. More impor tantly, for those clinicians
tissue necrosis, causing loss of gingiva as well as loss of
who are using the newer adhesive systems for bonding
the physiological biological attachment mechanism. In
their restorations to the prepared dentin substrate,
addition, protective eyewear must be worn by the patient
Super Seal does not interfere with the formation of a
hybrid layer formation (Figure 2). The unique effect of
Power assist devices using iontophoresis are available,
Super Seal is its capacity to complex with the calcium
Figure 1: Super Seal is one such agent that works by stopping fluid flow-without irritation to gingival tissues or to the healing of a tissue flap following surgical root treatment
CLINICAL - HYPERSENSITIVITY Figure 2: Super Seal does not interfere with the formation of a hybrid layer formation
rich zone of peritubular dentin to form a crystal plug and
Science 227: 1059-1061
thereby shut down dentin sensitivity at near 100% levels
(Kolker et al, 2002). That independent university study
Gangarosa L, Park NH (1978). Practical considerations in ion-
compared five current commercially available desensitis-
tophoresis of fluoride for desensitizing hypersensitive
er agents. Their study demonstrated that Super Seal was
dentin. J Prosthet Dent 39: 173-178
consistently at 97.5% effective while the next agent was
only effective at 54.2% of the time. In addition, the study
Greenhill JD, Pashley DH (1981). The effects of desensitizing
by Niazi demonstrated there was no soft tissue irritation
agents on the hydraulic conductance of human dentin in
or inflammation when Super Seal was placed onto the
vitro. J Dent Res 60: 686-698
gingival when treating hypersensitive root surfaces -
whereas other agents result in tissue irritation and
Gysi A (1900). An attempt to explain the sensitiveness of den-
sloughing and recurring hypersensitivity.
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4. Context-rich Problems Introduction What Are the Characteristics of a Good Group Problem?Twenty-one Characteristics That Can Make a Problem DifficultHow to Judge If a Problem is a Good Group Problem Linear Kinematics Problems One-dimensional Motion at a Constant VelocityOne-dimensional Motion at a Constant AccelerationOne-dimensional Motion, Both Constant Velocity andTwo-dimensiona
An Overview of Setting Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs) for Pharmaceuticals Robert H. Ku, Ph.D., CIH, Principal Toxicologist [Published in Chemical Health & Safety , January/February 2000] Setting appropriate occupational exposure limits is an integral component in assuring the health and safety of workers Introduction Occupational exposure limits (OELs) 1 for the pro