Antidepressant of choice for new prescriptions
Safer in overdose :. much more popular than TCAs
Uses: depression, OCD, panic disorder, social anxiety, PTSD, Bulemia, social phobia, migraines
Drug interactions are very common and important: most are potent P450 inhibitors
Tremors, headaches, nervousness, anxiety, insomnia, anorexia, suicidal ideation, depression, worsening of mood swings
EPS including akathisia and dystonia can occur
Specific inhibitors of Seritonin re-uptake thus increase the amount of seritonin in the synapse
Anti-depressant effect may actually be mediated through reduction of dopaminergic release
There is a complex relationship between seritonin and dopamine (thus overlap between seritonin syndrome and neuroleptic malignant syndrome)
Do NOT have significant effects on GABA, Na channels, or adrenergic re-uptake
Seizures: all can cause but only citalopram (Celexa) is common (can be delayed)
QT prolongation: all can cause but only citalopram (Celexa) is common
Seizure and QT prolongation in dose related manner
Typically occur with > 600 mg of citalopram or serum levels 40Xs expected
Parent and metabolite of drug are implicated
Carelfully monitor for QT prolongation and seizures
Lavage generally not indicated as they are rarely life-threatening
Less drug interactions than SSRIs b/c no enzyme inhibition and no protein binding
Sympathomimetic effects related to increased NE: HTN, tachycardia, mydriasis, diaphoresis,
CNS alteration common: mild agitation to decreasing LOC
Wide QRS and ventricular tachycardia have rarely occurred
Seizures have rarely ocurred (think of serotonin syndrome though)
Observe 4-6hrs before “medical clearance”
TRAZADONE = SARI: Serotonin-2 Antagonists and Reuptake Inhibitors
Desyrel (trazadone); also Serzone (nefazodone)
Peripheral alpha1 antagonism thus orthostatic hypotension
Adverse effects: sedation, dizziness, orthostatic hypotension, priaprism
Serious toxicity unlikely < 2g ingestion
PE: decreased LOC, ataxia, seizures, orthostasis (responds to fluids)
Fluids +/- norepinephrine for hypotension
Medically cleared if asymptomatic after 6hrs
WELLBUTRYN = NDRI: Norepinephrine and Dopamine Reuptake Inhibitors
Useful for: psychomotor retardation, hypersomnia, cognitive slowing, inattension (ADHD), cravings (smoking cessation)
Side effects: anxiety, insomnia, H/As, GI, sz
Seizures are main problem
Contraindicated if hx of seizures or bulemic
Seizures caused by metabolite (hydroxybuproprion) thus can be delayed
Toxicity can occur at maximal recommended dose of 450 mg/d
Significant toxicity usu occurs w/ > 5mg/Kg
Tacchycardia, lethargy, tremor, generalized seizure, confusion
ECG: sinus tach, can cause QT prolongation but not common
SEIZURES common up to 10 hrs a/f OD (especially if delayed release)
BZD first line, phenobarb 2nd line, phenytoin 3rd line
Observe for 6 hrs and d/c if asymptomatic
Admit for seizures, sinus tach, lethargy, symptomatic a/f 8hr
Also called serotonin behavioral or hyperactivity syndrome
First described with patients on MAOIs that were given other seritonergic drugs
Ingestion of MAO-I is not neccessary for development of this syndrome
Pathophysiology not well understood but involves excessive stimulation of seritonin receptors (specifically the 5-HT1A receptor)
SSRIs (prozac, paxil, fluvox, celexa, zoloft)
Note close relationship b/w seritonin and dopamine
Both have Cognitive, Autonomic, and Neuromuscular features
Seritonin syndrome develops sooner than NMS
NMS lasts longer than seritonin syndrome (SS usu < 24hrs)
Lead pipe rigidity with NMS versus hyperreflexia with SS
Can be hyperreflexic, seizure, clonus due to central alpha effects
Usually not pronounced hyperreflexia, clonus
Definition = cognitive change + autonomic alteration + neuromuscular activity
Other features reported: rhabdomyolysis, DIC, ARF, hepatic failure, lactic acidosis, ARDS
COGNITIVE - agitation - confusion - delirium - hypomania - euphoria - insomnia AUTONOMIC ALTERATION - tachycardia, hypertension - fever, shivering, diaphoresis - arrythmias, tachypnea, abdo cramping - mydriasis NEUROMUSCULAR ACTIVITY - tremor, nystamus - hyper-reflexia - clonus, myoclonus - ataxia, incoordination - seizures STERNBACH’S CRITERIA
(i) Addition or increased dose of a known seritonergic agent + at least three of the CAN features
(ii) Other etiologies excluded (infectious, metabolic, substance abuse, withdrawl, stimulants)
(iii) No neuroleptics that have been started or increased prior to onset of symptoms
MILD: diaphoresis, incr temp and BP, dilated pupils, hyperreflexia
MOD: mydriasis, slurred speach, ankle clonus, diaphoresis
SEVERE: marked CNS changes, marked autonomic instability, INCREASED temp
Temp: aggressive external cooling maneuvers (antipyretics will NOT work); check temps q1hr; paralysis if necessary (increased temp from muscular activity)
Antihistamine with non-specific antagonism of 5-HT1A and 5-HT2 receptors
Dose: 4 mg q2-4 -8 hrs prn to max 0.5 mg/kg/day
Not know whether it really works: cooling and BZDs are more important
Other: Dantrolene: use if temp and rigid, not specifically studied in S.S.,Chlorpromazine: don’t use