Dr Stephen B. Etheredge Consultant Vascular Physician Clinical Assoc. Professor University of Wollongong CURRICULUM VITAE STEPHEN BRUCE ETHEREDGE
University of New South Wales, Sydney and
: Distinctions in Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics
: High Distinction in Anatomy (2nd in Year)
Credits in Microbiology, Pharmacology, Pathology
: Distinction in Pathology (1st in Year)
: MB BS University of New South Wales, Sydney
High Distinction and Graduation Prize in Surgery
: Lecturer in Medicine, School of Nursing at Manly Hospital
: Lecturer in Clinical Medicine,University of Sydney Lecturer in
Renal Medicine, School of Nursing, Sydney Hospital
: Lecturer in Renal Pathophysiology, University of California,San
: Invitational Speaker - Illawarra Womens's Medical Association
: Clinical Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine University of New South Wales
: Invitational speaker - Illawarra Division of General Practice,
Illawarra Private Hospital, Lawrence Hargrave Hospital.
: Clinical Lecturer Graduate School Medicine University of Wollongong
2006 – present : Clinical Associate Professor Graduate School Medicine University of
: Adjunct Associate Professor Edith Cowan University
: President of Clinical Committee, Medical Officers' Association,
: Consultant Physician, Defense Force Recruiting
1990 : Royal Australian College of Physicians ASUM Representative
: Quality Assurance Committee, Medical Staff Council, Illawarra Area
1991 : Abstact Grader Cardiac Society of Australia
1991/92 : Australian Society of Ultrasound in Medicine - State Committee
: Consultant Physician - Review Board, Dept Veteran Affairs
: Medical Advisory Committee, Lawrence Hargrave Hospital
: Specialist referee - Health Services Australia
: Approved Medical Specialist - WorkCover, NSW
: Approved Medical Specialist - Dept Veteran Affairs
: Consulting Nephrologist - Royal Aust Navy,HMAS Albatross
: Medical Advisory Committee Lawrence Hargrave Hospital
: Medical Advisory Committee Figtree Private Hospital
: Abstract Grader - Cardiac Society of Australia
: Abstract Grader - XIVth World Congress of Cardiology and ASM of
: Medical Advisory Committee , Illawarra Private Hospital.
: Deputy Director Stroke Unit, The Wollongong Hospital.
: Director Stroke Unit, The Wollongong Hospital
: Australian Society of Nephrology (ASN)
: Australian Society for UltrasounMedicine(ASUM)
: Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand
: Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand
: Medical Staff Council. Illawarra Area Health Service
: Division of Medicine. Illawarra Area Health Service
: Australian Association of Practice Managers
: Intern, The Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney
: Resident Medical Officer, The Royal North Shore
: Senior Resident Medical Officer, The Royal North
: Renal Research Fellow, Sydney Hospital (Jan - May)
: Clinical Renal Fellow, University of California Renal
Centre at San Francisco General Hospital
: Locum Nephrologist, Royal Brisbane Hospital
: Private Practise / Consultant Physician, Sydney
: Private Practise / Consultant Physician, Wollongong4.
: VMO - Intensive Care, Wollongong Hospital
: Director - South Coast Vascular Laboratory
1990 - present : VMO - The Illawarra Hospital
: Consultant, Health Watch Medical Centres, Sydney
: Private Consultant in Renal and Vascular Medicine, Nowra
: National Kidney Foundation (USA) Research
: National Kidney Foundation (USA) Research
: Australasian Society of Nephrology Travel Grant
: Fellowship of Cardiac Society of Australia & New
: US Foreign Medical Graduates Examination (ECFMG)
: Fellowship Royal Australasian College of Physicians
: Diploma Diagnostic Ultrasound (DDU)PUBLICATIONS
: Treatment of Renal Transplant Artery Stenosis by Transluminal
Dilatation. S B Etheredge, J F Mahony, R C Waugh, A G R Sheil,
E Savdie. Aust. NZ Journal Med 1981; 11:593
: Relationship Between the Plasma Concentration of the N-Terminal
Fragment of the Pro-opio-malanocortin and the Increased Cation
Excretion by the Contralateral Kidney after acute Unilateral
Nephrectomy. S-Y Lin, E Weidmann, S B Etheredge, Y-N Chou,
: Comensatory Renal Hypertrophy. Role of Renal Ornithine
Decarboxylase. S B Etheredge, S-Y Lin, J Ribstein, Y-N Chou,
: Treatment of Renal Transplant Artery Stenosis by Transluminal
Dilatation. S B Etheredge, J F Mahony, R C Waugh, A G R Sheil,
E Savdie. Urology Digest, October, 1983
: Renal Ornithine Decarboxylase and Cation Excretion after Acute
Unilateral Nephrectomy. S B Etheredge, S-Y Lin, J Ribstein,
C C Chaves, M H Humphreys. Kidney International 1984; 25:264
: Phosphate Loading Attenuates the Renal Tubular Disorder Induced by
Maleic Acid in the dog. H Al-Bander, S B Etheredge, M HHumpreys,
R C Morris Jr. Kidney International 1984; 26:31
: Mechanisms of Renal Excretion of CisDichlorodiamine Platinum.
R Caterson, S B Etheredge, P Snitch, D Duggin.
: Renal Ornithine Decarboxylase and Compensatory Renal Hypertrophy
in the rat. S B Etheredge, J Ribstein, M H Humphreys. Aust NZ
: Renal Ornithine Decarboxylase (ODC) Activity and Polyamines in
Compensatory Renal Hypertrophy (CRH). S-Y Lin, S B Etheredge,
: The Relative Importance of Factors Underlying Physicians' Referral
Decisions. Kwaku Atuahene-Gima, S B Etheredge. Health Services
Research Journal. Submitted for Publication
: Efficacy and Tolerability of Amlodipine in Diastolic Hypertension:
Journal of Hypertension (SUPPLEMENT) December 1995.
: Clinical Bulletin: 'Cor Pulmonale' (with special reference to oedema
formation). Medical Officers' Association, Royal North Shore
: Treatment of Renal Transplant Artery Stenosis by Transluminal
Dilatation. S B Etheredge, J F Mahony, R C Waugh, A G R Sheil,
E Savdie. 17th Annual Meeting of Australasian Society of
: Long Term Renal Allograft Survival. E Savdie, J F Mahony,
R J Caterson, J H Stewart, S B Etheredge, B F Storey,
A G R Sheil, 1981. 8th International Congress of Nephrology,
: Phosphate Loading Attenuates the Renal Tubular Disorder Induced
by Maleic Acid in the dog. H Al-Bander, S B Etheredge,
M H Humphreys, R C Morris Jr. 20th Annual Meeting of
Australasian Society of Nephrology, QLD, 1984
: Mechanisms of Renal Excretion of CisDichlorodiamine Platinum.
R Caterson, S B Etheredge, P Snitch, G Duggin. 20th Annual
Meeting of Australasian Society of Nephrology, QLD, 1984
: Efficacy and Tolerability of Amlodipine in Diastolic Hypertension.
VII European Meeting on Hypertension Milan 9-12th June 1995.
: Clinical Management of Oedema. M H Humphreys, S B Etheredge.
Body Fluids in Health and Disease, David Ramsay Ed. (in press)
: Treatment of Renal Transplant Artery Stenosis by Transluminal Dilatation.
S B Etheredge, J F Mahony, E Savdie, R C Waugh, A G R Sheil. Clinical
: Long-term Survival After Cadaveric Renal Transplantation. E Savdie,
J F Mahony, R J Caterson, J H Stewart, S B Etheredge, B G Storey,
A G R Sheil. Br Med Journal 1982; 285:1160-1163
: Delayed Complications of Renal Transplantation and Their Prevention.
J F Mahony, S B Etheredge, B G Storey, A G R Sheil. Med Journal
: Mechanisms of Renal Artery Excretion or CisDichlorodiamine Platinum.
R J Caterson, S B Etheredge, P Snitch, G Duggin. Res Commun Chem
: Phosphate Loading Attenuates the Renal Tubular Dysfunction Induced by
Maleic Acid. H A Al-Bander, S B Etheredge, T Paukert, M H Humphreys,
R C Morris Jr. American Journal of Physiology 1985; 248:F513-541
: Co-ordinately Increased Lysozymuria and Lysosomal Enzymuria Induced
by Maleic Acid. H A Al-Bander, S B Etheredge, D M Mock, T Paukert,
M H Humphreys, R C Morris Jr. Kidney International 1986; 30:804-812
: Renal Ornithine Decarboxylase Activity, Polyamines, and Compensatory
Renal Hypertrophy in the rat. M H Humphreys, S B Etheredge, S-Y Lin,
J Ribstein, L J Marton. American Journal of Physiology 1988; 255:F270-277
: Colour-Coded Duplex Ultrasonography in Selection of Patients for
Transluminal Angioplasty. D T M Lai, D Huber, R Glasson, V Grayndler,
S B Etheredge. Australasian Radiology 1995; Vol 39
: Colour-Coded Duplex Ultrasonography vs Angiography in the Diagnosis of
Lower Extremity Arterial Disease. D T Lai, D Huber, R Glasson, V Grayndler,
J Evans, J Hogg, S B Etheredge. Cardiovascular Surgery 1996, Vol 4, No 3
: The Relative Importance of Factors Underlying Physicians Referral Decisions.
Dr K Atuahene-Gima, S B Etheredge. (Submitted for Publication).
: Piperacillin Metabolism in Renal Failure and Liver Disease.
D Alexander S B Etheredge. (Submitted for Publication).
: Normal Popliteal Artery Diameter by Duplex Ultrasound.
M Crawford, D Huber, J Hogg, J Cooney, V Grayndler, S Etheredge
The Journal of Vascular Technology 22(1):13-16, 1998.
Clinical and Experimental Hypertension, 1998.
: COLA II study - Tolerability of Carvedilol therapy in elderly patients with congestive heart failure. Dr S Etheredge, E Vogl, J Ford. The European Journal of Heart Failure 8 (2006) 302-307 and Am J Cardiovasc Drugs 2006; (6) 401- 405
Event 321 Girls 9 Year Olds 200 SC Meter Breaststroke Event 221 Girls 10 Year Olds 200 SC Meter Breaststroke Record: 3:27.94 R 2010 Hannah Rosumek GBT: 3:18.86 G 2011 Hannah Rosumek 7.6 Did not touch at turn or finish with both hands, or touch not Event 221 Girls 11 Year Olds 200 SC Meter Breaststroke Record: 3:11.49 R 2010 Annalise Munro Event 321 Girls 10
5ª Reunión científica de la APapCLM y 7ª Reunión anual de la AEPap Guadalajara, 11 y 12 de noviembre de 2011 Relación de comunicaciones aceptadas para su presentación durante la Reunión Título Comunicación Autor que lo envía Síndrome de "Alicia en el país de las maravillas" en probable López Andrés, Nerea; Bernal Vañó, Esther relación con el uso de mon