American Association for Respiratory Care Initiates School Asthma Management/Awareness Program The American Association for Re- and Pediatrics, Medical Director of The National Asthma Education and Information on asthma and other allergic diseases is available by calling the ACAAI toll-free number at (800) 842-7777 or vis- Visible Mold Puts
“Albuterol is the most effective treat- Infants at Risk of
Developing Asthma
asthma action plan,” note the authors.
be a strong risk factor for early asthma telephone interview with an asthma nurse ponents with no visible mold present may have an opposite effect according to a study child’s acute asthma symptoms. Albuterol trative staff may obtain more information Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology.
Investigators from the University of Cin- percent of caregivers, and was more likely respiratory care department at their com- visible mold in the home during infancy, edly, having an asthma action plan, or a recent visit to a primary care physician to 7 times as likely to have positive Asthma Caregivers of Asthmatic
discuss asthma maintenance care, did not Predictive Index (API) criteria. In contrast, Children Often Fail to Use
increase the likelihood that albuterol use Albuterol Properly
nents — or (1-3)-ß-D-glucan, a measure of biologically active exposure — were at Nearly one third of caregivers in low-in- use albuterol to treat their child’s wors- decreased risk. The study included a birth cohort of children born to atopic parents.
thors conclude. “Detailed evaluation of dampness and visible mold are associated to a report published in Annals of Allergy, with the severity of respiratory symptoms Asthma & Immunology, the journal of the in children, but few studies have investi- report. “The unique aspect of this study (most commonly penicillin), and latex. Its is that we did not rely on parental reports atrics and Child Health, Faculty of Medi- of mold,” said Tiina Reponen, PhD, pro- University of Cincinnati. “Instead, the before the child’s first birthday. After this, the children were prospectively fol- ical literature have occurred during the n Swelling of the tongue, throat and nose lowed by annual clinic visits to evaluate past 6 years. The true rate of occurrence of unintentional injection of epinephrine dardized evaluation of visible mold, the authors note that the previously projected study “prospectively demonstrates that exposure to high visible mold during the first year of life is associated with higher Patient information on allergic diseases, risk of asthma. This study also shows that likely, paralleling the increased rate of including the free brochure titled Be an increase in exposure to high (1-3)-ß- S.A.F.E Managing Allergic Emergencies D-glucan concentrations (>133 μg/g), a (Anaphylaxis), is available by calling rates for epinephrine auto-injectors,” risk of future asthma based on the API.” of the accidents occurred while first aid one-third (4 of 11) had atopic wheezing. outcomes of anaphylaxis in the person for found in the articles reviewed. Therefore, tion is needed “about the lost dose haz- ard and its implications for anaphylaxis dications for, and timing of, a second in- jection of epinephrine in this situation.” of epinephrine from auto-injectors some-times causes extreme discomfort, the out Preventable Injuries from
Epinephrine Auto-Injectors
on the Rise
professionals should maintain vigilance about training and regular coaching of those at risk for anaphylaxis in the com- munity and the caregivers of children at ers in an allergic emergency to receive regular coaching in its proper use. The About Anaphylaxis
report is published in Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, the journal and a history of severe allergic reaction are at increased risk, but anyone can have an triggers of anaphylaxis are food (especially peanut, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, cow’s milk, and egg), insect stings, medications


Till dig som behandlas med Relanio Elpenhaler Relanio förebygger andningsproblem vid astma och kroniskt obstruktiv lungsjukdom (KOL). Relanio innehål er salmeterol och flutikasonpropionat. Salmeterol är en långverkande luftrörsvidgare. Luftrörsvidgare verkar på luftvägarna i lungorna så att de hål s vidgade och gör det lättare att andas. Effekten varar under cirka 12 timmar. Fluti

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