Adapted for Pakistan from the Green top RCOG guideline No: 20a, 2006
By the Guideline Committee of SOGP through consensus & literature review
1. Purpose and Scope
Clinical guidelines have been developed to assist clinicians and patients in making
decisions about appropriate management of miscarriages. Here we will mainly
address the spontaneous miscarriage, which is defined‟ as pregnancy loss with in first
2. Background
Miscarriage is usually a distressing experience. Emotional support and care is
essential throughout the course of assessment, decision-making and treatment .In
Pakistan out of every 100 women 14 ends up in miscarriage 1, it has been estimated
that about one million miscarriages occur per year.36.81% of miscarriage are
conducted by unskilled traditional birth attendants (TBA).2
Complications of miscarriages account for 12.5 % of maternal deaths.5
Although surgical curettage has been the standard care for more than 50 years, there
is now good evidence that expectant and/or medical management can be appropriate
for some women. Care should include information and advice about options which are
medically appropriate for each woman‟s particular situation and support in decision
Page 1 of 11 3. Service provision
Dedicated out patient “Abortion care services” should be included in the existing frame
of health care system with training of the same staff in the diagnosis and management
4. Definition of terms 4.1 Early pregnancy loss: gestation up to 13 weeks and 6 days. 4.2 RPOC: Retained products of conception. 4.3 Miscarriage: The recommended medical term for pregnancy loss less than 20
weeks is 'miscarriage' in both professional and direct care contexts. The term
„abortion‟ should not be used. Types of miscarriages are outlined below.
5. Clinical presentation and diagnosis
Diagnosis of miscarriage is based on confirmed passage of RPOCs or ultrasound
5.1 Missed miscarriage: This includes „early fetal demise‟ and „blighted ovum‟.
Criteria for miscarriage diagnosis are: vaginal u//s showing no fetal heart activity with
fetal pole >6mm or gestational sac >20mm without fetal pole or lack of sac/ fetal
5.2 Incomplete miscarriage: Some product of conception remained in the uterus.
There is a history of pregnancy symptoms followed by an episode of heavy bleeding
with passage of clots. If RPOCs are passed vaginally, management may be based on
5.3 Complete miscarriage: clinical assessment and/or previous ultrasound
examination have confirmed intrauterine pregnancy and all the product of conception
5.4 Hydatidiform mole is usually diagnosed by ultrasound examination or histology.
Treatments include suction evacuation and then follow up with serial beta HCG.
Page 2 of 11 5.5 Septic miscarriage: Any type of miscarriage accompanied by evidence of
intrauterine infection; urgent treatment is required
6. Investigations
Blood group and Rh factor. Complete blood count Hepatitis B and C screening Transvaginal ultrasound High vaginal swab and blood cultures in septic miscarriage.
6.1 Role of ultra sound, serum beta HCG and progesterone levels
Ultrasound, serial beta HCG levels and serum progesterone are not considered to be
essential pre requisites of abortion in all cases but services must have an access.
7. Management Modalities
Surgery Medication Expectant 7.1 Selecting an appropriate management method.
a. Clinical symptoms/signs
Active pain and/bleeding usually warrant surgery regardless of type of miscarriage. Signs suggestive of intrauterine infection such as uterine tenderness or purulent
discharge indicate prompt evacuation after broad spectrum antibiotic cover.
b. Type of Miscarriages
Missed miscarriage Incomplete miscarriage. Complete miscarriage. Septic miscarriage.
Page 3 of 11 8. Treatment options according to the size of sac
With increasing sac size there is a tendency to shift the recommendation from
expectant to medication to surgical management.
Sac or RPOCs <15mm Expectant management
RPOCs>50mm, Usually surgical management
Usually medical or sometimes surgical management
Usually surgical management, sometimes repeat medication required
9. Expectant management: 9.1 Indications;
Incomplete miscarriage with sac diameter on US <15mm Incomplete miscarriage with RPOCs diameter, up to around 35mm (some
Missed miscarriage with sac size up to around 35mm (embryo size
9.2 Treatment schedule;
Explain treatment to the woman (and partner) Provide written information and counsel the couple Provide contact numbers / appointments for support services Contact the doctor if concerns regarding pain, signs of infection or bleeding.
Page 4 of 11 9.3 Preconditions:
No active bleeding or infection Woman‟s preference Counsel woman regarding pain and bleeding at home She should have contact details/plan for emergency care Well Compliant for follow up
9.4 Advantages:
Spontaneous passage of products of conception Avoids surgical and anesthetic risks. Cost effective No need of Hospitalization
9.5 Disadvantages:
Unpredictable time frame (may take 2/52 for spontaneous resolution)
May have ongoing pain and bleeding May require surgical treatment. Risk of Sepsis
9.6 Anticipated outcome
RCTs have quoted a success rate between 16-80% with expectant
management for up to 6 weeks; selection criteria and management
Allow 2 weeks for resolution Incomplete Miscarriage RPOC are <50mm
Page 5 of 11 9.7 Follow up and monitoring
Consider rescanning in 1-2 weeks if required. Surgical intervention is required if:
Woman becomes symptomatic, woman changes her mind, and wants to have
surgical management or tissue becomes infected.
9.8 Prevention of Infective Complication
Miscarriage care should encompass a strategy for minimizing the risk of post-
abortion infective morbidity. As a minimum services should offer antibiotic
The following regimens are suitable for peri-abortion prophylaxis
Tab Metronidazole 400mg three times daily plus Doxycycline 100mg twice daily For 7 days commencing on the day of
10. Medication Management
Misoprostol, a prostaglandin analogue, is used to induce/hasten the
RCTs have quoted a success rate between 50-95% with medication
management for up to 2 weeks; selection criteria and management
Resolution rates are higher than expectant management, lower than
10.1 Indications:
Missed miscarriage Incomplete miscarriage No contraindications to prostaglandins such as allergy, severe uncontrolled
Page 6 of 11 10.2 Advantages:
Allows women to avoid surgical and anesthetic risks
10.3 Disadvantages:
Unpredictable time frame (allow up to 2-5 weeks for spontaneous
Concerns with on going pain and bleeding Potential for requiring an emergency suction curettage (1%) Potential side effects: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea (up to 40%).
10.4 Preconditions:
No active bleeding or infection Woman‟s preference Ensure woman aware of excessive pain and bleeding at home Have contact details/plan for emergency care Aware of uncertain time frame and possible need for later/urgent
Support at home Access to phone and medical care Well Compliant for follow up.
10.5 Treatment regimen:
Misoprostol 800mcg PV followed by a repeat dose of 400mcg in 4 hours Admit to ward for observation for a total of 6 hours Allow to eat and drink Prescribe analgesia and anti-emetics (paracetamol 4 hourly Diclofenac
50mg once only, narcotic and metoclopramide as needed).
400 micro grams misoprostol 4 hourly had 68 percent success rate in 10
200 micro grams sublingual misoprostol 4 hourly had no extra
advantage to the same dosage of vaginal misoprostol rather nausea and
abdominal cramps are increased by the former method.4
No statistical difference was noted in using vaginal versus combined
Page 7 of 11 10.6 Follow up of medical management
Ultrasound examination after passage of RPOCs. Anti-D as indicated. Exceptions to admission: if the woman has a strong preference to be at
home, if she is well supported and clearly understands what is likely to
If RPOC not passed in ward, may offer surgical management or review
11. Surgical Management (suction/surgical curettage) 11.1 Advantages.
Allows planned procedure. Immediate relief from symptoms. Less blood loss and shorter duration of bleeding than expectant/ medical
11.2 Disadvantages.
Risks of surgery i.e. uterine perforation. Risk of anaesthesia. Infection.
11.3 When to do surgical curettage
Active pain and/or bleeding and hemodynamically unstable women
usually warrant surgery, regardless of type of miscarriage.
Signs suggestive of intrauterine infection. Women‟s preference
11.4 Treatment schedule
Contact Operation Theatre to book a time and date for surgery. Explain treatment (including risks of surgery and anaesthetic) to the
woman and partner, and provide written information.
Page 8 of 11
Explain contraceptive options including intrauterine contraceptive device
(IUCD) and implanon which may be initiated with surgery.
Obtain written informed consent. For missed miscarriages, consider oral or vaginal Misoprostol 200 micro
gram 4 hours prior to surgical evacuation. The advantages of
prostaglandins administration prior to surgical abortions are well
established with significant reduction in dilation force, hemorrhage and
cervical trauma especially if the patient is less than 18 years of age or
11.5 Surgical uterine evacuation for miscarriage should be performed using suction curettage.
Vacuum aspiration is considered as the method of choice for the
Reported complications includes perforation, cervical tears, intra-
abdominal trauma, intrauterine adhesions and hemorrhage 12, 13
For women who are haemodynamically unstable:
Remove any RPOC from cervix. Secure immediately I.V line and arrange blood. Send blood for FBC and cross match 2 units. Inform Theatre, Anesthetist, and On-call Gynaecology Consultant. The urgency of the situation must be stressed to all concerned. Surgery should be performed even before blood and fluid losses have
NB: Tissue obtained at the time of evacuation should be sent to histology to
exclude gestational trophoblastic disease if suspicious.
11.6 On discharge after surgery
Provide discharge card with operative findings. Advise woman of the following: To come back for follow-up in 2 weeks or earlier if significant bleeding /
She may take simple analgesia for pain.
Page 9 of 11 12. Post abortion care
Contraception/future pregnancy should be discussed with women before
she is discharged. Intra uterine contraception device (IUCD) can be
inserted immediately following a first or second trimester termination of
pregnancy. Sterilization at the time of induced abortion is associated with
high rates of failure and of regret on the part of women.
Non sensitized rhesus(Rh) negative women should receive anti-D
immunoglobulin in the following situations; ectopic pregnancy, all
miscarriages over 12 weeks of gestation ( including threatened) and all
miscarriages where the uterus is evacuated( whether medically or
To avoid vaginal intercourse until bleeding stops Provide contact numbers Prescribe analgesia, such as paracetamol with codeine. Advise woman to come for review at 4-6 weeks or sooner if she has any
Specialist follow up if indicated for recurrent (≥3) miscarriages or other
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Nootropics , also referred to as smart drugs , memory enhancers , neuro enhancers , cognitive enhancers , and intelligence enhancers , are andthat purportedly improve mental functions such as and concentratiThe word nootropic was coined in 1972 by theDr.derived from thewords νους nous , or "mind," and τρέπειν trepein meaning "to bend/turn". Nootropics ar