Application proforma.qxd (page 1)

S u s t a i n a b l e s c h o o l s a w a r d
This document is a copy of the Sandwell Sustainable School self-evaluation
audit tool and lists the evidence that will be required to become a Sustainable

Using the on-line application form at
schools can identify where sustainable development education takes place in
teaching, good practice and management of school, and can plan how to
develop this further.

The online application form can be completed in stages, allowing schools the
flexibility to complete the audit process at their own pace.

Tips for completing the Application Form.
1. Chose from New or In Progress application form.
2. Insert a valid e-mail address to continue.
3. To navigate the site, use buttons at bottom of each page.
DO NOT use the back button on tool bar.
4. Read instructions above each section before adding information.
The award is free of charge for schools within Sandwell Metropolitan Borough
Council. The award lasts for 3 years and is renewable.

For more information or help in completing the application process contact:
Marion Mills
Environmental Education Officer
Tel: 0121 569 4019
Mollie McPherson
Housing Education Officer
Tel: 0121 569 3441
Sustainable schools award - School details
School name:
Curriculum audit - examples of both teaching and good practice.
This is an opportunity to identify where the school delivers ESD themes in the curriculum, and if possible identify where
this extends into the ethos/practice of the school. The links where this work supports Every Child Matters are suggested.
Consumption and Waste limits to the worlds resources - responsibility to conserve the planet
ECM - positive contribution - decision making in community and the environment

Global Citizenship global context for trade and consumption - good quality of life for all -
understanding personal beliefs and behaviour
ECM Achieve economic well being - helped to prepare for working life make a positive contribution - support the
community and the environment

Climate Change and Energy unsustainable growth could cause pollution - consider how
home schools and the wider world can be managed more sustainable
ECM Make a positive contribution decision making in community and the environment

Local focus value the locality establish belonging aware of distinctive features of the area and its
ECM - Achieve economic well being - community regeneration - make a positive contribution - decision making -
support the community and the environment - develop positive relationships

Wildlife and nature living things depend upon each other and all living things have value
ECM - make a positive contribution, develop socially and emotionally

Inclusion and Participation Participate in decision making school and the wider community -
improve everyone's lives
ECM - make a positive contribution engage in decision making and support the community and the environment
develop positive relationships

Health and Well-being understand and develop a safe, healthy lifestyle
ECM- Be healthy - healthy lifestyles promoted to children and young people

Rights, Responsibilities and Behaviour consider how their actions have
implications for life in the future and the rights and needs of others
ECM - Make a positive contribution- law abiding and positive behaviour - not to bully or discriminate - Stay safe -
safe from bullying or discrimination, crime and antisocial behaviour.

1. Planning for ESD
Important information for completing the application

Examine the four level statements provided to select your level.
Follow the link to find a suggested ‘Action Plan’.
Select the appropriate Action Plan and personalise in the Action Planning Box with your school priorities.
This Action Planning should be represented in your School Development Plan.
Part 1 - Establishing priorities, action planning and review
Self evaluation judgement : Choose a level statement for your school.
An audit of Education for
Using an ESD audit, an
The impact of a prior ESD
The school’s priorities for
Sustainable Development
agreed action plan that
action plan is monitored
improving ESD are part of
should be carried out.
addresses identified
and evaluated. The plan is
the whole-school
priorities and appropriate
refined following the
improvement programme
resources has been
outcome of evaluation.
with clearly identified
developed and is being
subject-specific priorities
and systematic review and

Action planning: use the action planning tool on the website to help you fill in this box.
Part 2 - Monitoring and evaluation the development of ESD
Self evaluation judgement : Choose a level statement for your school.
A start has been made
There is a clear structure
The outcomes of monitoring
Monitoring and evaluation is
towards monitoring and
for monitoring and
and evaluation of aspects of
embedded in the school
evaluating, and highlighting
evaluating ESD in order to
ESD are used to inform
improvement plan and is
to staff, a range of aspects
indentify key priorities.
future school improvement
effective in celebrating
of subject responsibility.
success and identifying
area for further

Action planning: use the action planning tool on the website to help you fill in this box.
Part 3 - Other evidence
School Improvement Plan: Explain briefly how the action planning items described within this award
application are delivered through your school improvement plan

Whole school approach: Explain how this is managed through the whole school to ensure a consistency of approach
Policy Statement:
Summary statement: Provide a summary in support of this application that describe in general terms how the
school has developed ESD and how it is having an impact on children's learning and achievement. Include
specific activities (e.g. curriculum, site and community) that have not been included elsewhere.

Role of Governors: Please explain how the governors are engaged in the process.
Role of Parents and Carers: Please explain how the wider school community are engaged in sustainability

2. Quality of provision
Part 1 - The quality of ESD provision in teaching and learning
Self evaluation judgement : Choose a level statement for your school.
Scrutiny of children’s work
There is a developing
Systems are in place for
There is systematic and
has raised awareness of the
programme to monitor the
monitoring and evaluating
structured evaluation of
quality of teaching of ESD
quality of ESD through
that a whole school ethos of
ESD teaching across the
across tha school and the
children’s work.
ESD is in place. This is
school. Weaknesses in
strengths and weaknesses
Weaknesses are recognised
impacting positively on
subject knowledge, and
of teachers’ subject
and staff are given
classroom practice. Some
teaching and learning are
feedback. Actions to be
areas of weakness remain
being addressed effectively.
taken are identified and
but are being addressed
incorporated into the ESD
through feedback and
action plan or school
professional development
improvement plan.
Action planning: use the action planning tool on the website to help you fill in this box.
Part 2 - Other evidence
Global perspective: explain how the school has developed a global and international dimension within the curriculum.
Pupil participation: How is this managed through school to ensure a consistency of approach.
Lesson Planning: Please explain how sustainable development is highlighted through lesson planning.
3. Environment for ESD
Part 1 - Establishing an effective learning environment for ESD
Self evaluation judgement : Choose a level statement for your school.
The importance of an
Through an audit of
A systematic plan is in place
The school environment
effective environment to
resources, key areas for
across the school to
makes a key contribution to
support the teaching and
action have been identified
support improvement of the
ESD learning for all
learning of ESD is
in order to promote an
environment in which
effective environment which
children learn of ESD.
will support children’s
learning of ESD.

Action planning: use the action planning tool on the website to help you fill in this box.
Part 2 - Other evidence
Management of the school site: how are school buildings and grounds managed/developed and used to
promote ESD learning for pupils and the community

Environmental impact: Illustrate with data if possible direct ways in which your schools approach to ESD is
having a positive impact on the environment, (waste management, energy consumption, purchasing policy)

External partnerships: How does your school work with external groups and individual to support aspects
of ESD?

Purchasing Policy: Please summarize any purchasing policy in place.
4. Developing colleagues
Part 1 - Developing and supporting colleagues in ESD
Self evaluation judgement : Choose a level statement for your school.
Resources to support
A planned programme of
There is a coherent support
All staff are supported in
colleagues in improving
support is being developed
programme in place and all
developing high quality
teaching of ESD is managed
in order to address whole-
staff are involved in a
teaching and learning in
and organised. Individuals
school and individual needs.
review and evaluation of the
ESD. Evaluation of the
are supported on request to
This support programme
professional development
support shows a positive
help them to improve the
includes trainee teachers
and support they have
impact on teaching and
quality of the teaching of
and other additional adults.
Action planning: use the action planning tool on the website to help you fill in this box.
Part 2 - Other evidence
ESD development for all staff: how are teachers and support staff provided with support for their work and
learning in ESD and any specific opportunities that have been/ are provided for continuing development in this

Schools are advised to visit the Sandwell Sustainable Schools web site
to find out more about good practice in Sandwell and who can help.

The on-line application form can be completed at your own pace, simply save your progress
and return to the form when convenient.

For help and advice contact: Marion Mills 0121 569 4019
Mollie McPherson 0121 569 3441


Acupuncture and fertility

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