Working Paper Research Unit Middle East and Africa Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik German Institute for International and Security Affairs Yasmin Ghrawi / Peter Sass The Political Reform Debate in the Middle East and North Africa Arabic Newspapers and Journals June 2004 – February 2005 Working Paper FG 6, 2005/01 Working papers are papers in the subject area of a Research Unit which are not officially published by SWP. These papers are either preliminary studies that later become papers published by SWP or papers that are published elsewhere. Your comments are always welcome. Table of Contents New Life to the Arab Reform Debate .3 Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik German Institute Priorities of and Approaches to Political Reform .3 for International and Security Affairs Perspectives on External Involvement: EU vs. US ?.4 Ludwigkirchplatz 3−4 10719 Berlin A New Era .6 Phone +49 30 880 07-0 Fax +49 30 880 07-100 [email protected] Yasmin Ghrawilives in Beirut and holds a BA in Political Studies. She did the main research for this paper during a six-months internship at SWP. Peter Sassholds an MA in International Conflict Analysis and works as research assistant and doctoral candidate at SWP. New Life to the Arab Reform Debate ensuring an effective League of Arab states and estab- lishing a shared Arab market, thereby conceptually Against the background of the September 11 attacks, creating a new balance between state and market. the United States’ Greater Middle East Initiative, amended Salamé also advocates youth and women empower- into the Broader Middle East and North Africa Initiative ment to facilitate higher levels of development. after its approval at the G8 Summit in June 2004, has In his article “Reform from Within,” Usama Harb, a put new life into the debate on political reform in the member of the Shura Council and editor-in-chief of Arab region. It triggered a series of mainly official the quarterly Al-Siassa al-Dawlya (International Politics) responses such as the Sana’a Declaration in January published by the Egyptian Al-Ahram Center, attempts to 2004 and the Tunis Declaration by the League of Arab minimize and negate the foreign influence on reform States in May 2004. While it should be noted that the from a more nationalist viewpoint. He emphasizes reform debate has been going on for decades already, that reform should be instigated from within, a proc- these days the discussion takes place on all levels ess which can be coordinated between the state and within Arab societies, among politicians, intellectuals, civil society. According to the writer, the division be- official and non-governmental institutions alike. tween pro-reformists and anti-reformists within soci- Hence this overview aims at presenting the current ety does not correspond to the division between gov- debate beyond the official statements, as it is held erning and governed but rather crosscuts both sectors. among ideologically and politically diverse Arab writ- This implies that the forces of reform also exist within ers and intellectuals in Arabic newspapers and jour- governmental institutions. On a second level, the nals. The articles incorporated reflect the divergent writer urges the reform advocates in the region to views within Arab societies today with regard to the coordinate and cooperate so as to minimize the re- priorities of political reform and the perspectives on form pressures being exerted from the outside. Fi- external involvement. Since a culture of renowned nally, any reform process should express and be com- Arabic periodicals as a forum for a specialist debate patible with the cultural and religious values specific does not exist, the articles were taken from regional to each country. media sources such as the newspapers Al-Hayat and Al- Azmi Bishara, a Palestinian writer and Arab na- Sharq Al-Awsat and a couple of Lebanese and Egyptian tionalist member of the Israeli Knesset, deplores the journals. theoretical obscurity of the reform debate in his arti- cle “The Idol or ‘Fetishism’ of Reform.” He discusses Priorities of and Approaches to Political the importance of civil society and its role in the po- litical reform process in the region, criticizing the mutation of concepts. In his view, the now dominant The participants in the debate hold differing views as equation of civil society with NGOs obscures any clear regards the fundamental approaches to and the basic understanding of the potentials of civil society in in- concept of reform. The role of civil society and its teracting with the state to engender democracy, relation to the state is a major topic in the discussion. thereby blocking the process of democratic transfor- According to Ghassan Salamé, former Lebanese minis- mation. According to Bishara the notion of reform, ter of culture and a professor at the University of Paris, cleared of its proper definitions, has been misused as a attaining reform falls under a single headline: devis- tool to attain completely different objectives. Basi- ing a new social contract between state and society in cally, he argues, it has become a banner under which the Arab world. For this, Salamé offers several formu- conferences are held and money is circulated. There- las in his article “Towards a New Contract between fore, Bishara demands that genuine reform should State and Society.” Above all, a comprehensive reform entail removing administrative obstructions in the process should encompass fundamental economic and state apparatus and social and cultural obstacles to social reforms, Salamé argues. An essential and tangi- democratic transformation. This in turn requires a ble aspect of a new social contract would be the intro- clear understanding of the main players and factors in duction of a taxation system which is thought to en- the reform process, above all regarding the crucial sure the requisite trust for any reform initiative. Other role of civil society. suggestions, following the European example, aim at Similarly, in his article “Four More Years for Bush: Any Arab Work Plan?,” Hassan Munaimna, a Lebanese SWP Berlin Arab Reform Debate writer and a co-director of the Iraq Research and Perspectives on External Involvement: Documentation Project based at Harvard University, EU versus US? regards civil society as being primarily responsible for initiating a comprehensive Arab reform project. As Thus, the debate about political reform in the region goals of the reform process, he spells out the need to today revolves around the external forces of change, attain a political system based on civic freedoms, citi- particularly the American pressure. Albeit for very zenship, separation of powers, democratic participa- different reasons, most discussants agree on the repu- tion, popular representation, and transparency. Fur- diation of American intervention as an external re- ther priorities suggested include battling corruption, form factor. At the same time, external involvement is guaranteeing the non-politicization of the armed rarely perceived as American versus European. In- forces, and fostering the transition from a state based stead, in most cases, Western intervention is equated on coercion to a state genuinely concerned with social with American interference. When the distinction is welfare. made, however, Europe is viewed as being a more Setting priorities differently, Arfan Nizam al-Din, a credible and accepted partner in the reform process Lebanese journalist and writer, in his article “Reform than the United States. According to the Way of Marie Antoinette” asserts that For example, in his article entitled “Rice Opened political reform cannot start without the resolution of the Doors before Bush,” Arfan Nizam al-Din urges the the Middle East conflict. According to the author, a Arabs to invest in their relationship with Europe, ar- final, comprehensive, and just solution to the Middle guing that the Europeans show a better understand- East conflict enforcing the rights of the Palestinians ing of Arab viewpoints and are more experienced with and providing for the end of the occupation is a sine- the political realities in Arab countries. The geo- qua-non condition for any regional reform effort. As a graphical proximity of both regions, he assumes, en- further prerequisite, he identifies the withdrawal of tails that the European Union may eventually border the American troops from Iraq and their replacement the Arab world following the EU accession of Turkey with international and Arab forces. These should work and Cyprus, which augurs a deepening of Arab- within a set time frame to restore stability and secu- European relations. Apart from some reservations, rity in the country and assist in implementing a de- Nizam al-Din regards European assistance as more mocratic system. Simultaneously, the struggle against credible and conducive to the Arab reform process. terrorism should continue with tackling its sources. Arguing divergently, in the above-mentioned article According to Nizam al-Din, all other national chal- Usama Harb fundamentally rejects any form of im- lenges, including unemployment, education, freedom posed foreign intervention in the reform process ex- of speech, and obliteration of corruption are to be cept for requested assistance. The writer considers the treated as secondary problems. external calls for reform to be destructive, fearing that In addition, the writer demands that the reforms they would trigger negative responses within Arab should be advocated from within as opposed to any societies. Moreover, anti-reformists could take advan- foreign dictation, while ensuring that they are reflec- tage of external reform pressures by defaming the tive of the needs of the people and in accordance with internal advocates of reform as allies to the refuted Arab culture. Accordingly, Nizam al-Din refutes any external intervention. In accordance with Nizam al- form of foreign intervention on the basis of its incom- Din’s position, Harb states that reform initiatives are patibility with Islamic beliefs and Arab culture and its the duty of domestic forces who should be the primary detachment from regional conditions. External reform agents of reform as they possess comprehensive pressures, he maintains, only touch upon the façade knowledge of the respective conditions and the result- rather than contribute to comprehensive solutions of ing priorities regarding their country. the deep-rooted problems in the Arab world. From a normative idealist perspective, in his article “Towards a New Contract between State and Society,” Ghassan Salamé sheds light on why in his view the US position as a contributor to the reform process is gen- erally revoked and lacks credibility in Arab societies. The disregard for international law, violation of hu- man rights, and breaching of international protocols SWP Berlin Arab Reform Debate May 2005 4 place the United States, as the writer puts it, in the and particularly American — political agenda, Tara- “suspicion booth.” Thus, the American demands on bishi contends. the region to respect ethical values and conventions, In his article “Bye Bye Reforms” Faisal al-Qassim, which the US administration itself disregards, present an anchorman on Al-Jazeera TV, maintains that reform its position as being blatantly hypocritical, Salamé is only feasible through an interplay of external and argues. Consequently, American interference is re- internal factors. In his opinion, those who claim that jected by all forces within society, pro-reformists and reform only emanates from within simply advocate anti-reformists alike. the perpetuation of despotic Arab leaderships. On the In similar vein, in his article referred to above, other hand, external involvement would not be re- Azmi Bishara considers US calls for reform to be an voked, he supposes, if calls for reform were genuine. obstacle to “genuine reform” in the region. This no- However, the American demands fall short of incen- tion is to purport a process of democratic transforma- tives for extensive change, such as confronting human tion in contrast to a mere “ornamental” reform which rights violations and the removal of despotic authori- he claims is advocated by the United States. This im- tarian regimes. To strengthen his argument, al-Qassim plies that recent regional developments show a clear contrasts the American support for political change in consensus among the US and Arab leaderships on Eastern Europe in 1989–90 with the US approach to- merely implementing a few façade changes which ward the Arab region today. Although he concedes actually perpetuate the rule of the current elites. that certainly American interests were involved in the Therefore, the only way to conceive of successful re- case of the Eastern European countries, these eventu- form is to generate root changes to the ruling elite, ally benefited from US involvement by becoming EU the author concludes. members after the abolition of their communist re- In a more elaborated manner, in his article “Façade gimes. Yet while today the US administration rhetori- Democracy: The Extent of Western Demands to the cally encourages regime change similar to the Eastern Arab Leaderships” George Tarabishi, a Syrian writer European “white revolutions,” it simultaneously sup- and editor-in-chief of the Dirassat Arabia (Arabic Stud- ports and stabilizes the despotic Arab regimes de facto ies) journal, criticizes the way Western democracies to safeguard its own interests. Therefore, the Eastern befriend despotic Arab regimes. Nevertheless, Ta- European scenario of a gentle regime change is not rabishi refrains from condemning the West per se to transferable to the Arab world, al-Qassim concludes. be hypocritical for two reasons. First, he puts forward A more affirmative perspective is put forward by that there simply exist two “versions” of the West — the former Yemeni foreign minister Abdallah al-Asnaj European and American — which assume different in his article “Are the Arabs Playing with Lost Time?”. roles and approaches. Second, he concedes that gener- He encourages cooperation between the United States ally the Western position has become more assertive and Arab states to instigate the process of democratic toward its despotic Arab allies since the September 11 reform in the region. Al-Asnaj criticizes the condem- attacks, resulting in a geo-strategic transformation in nation of the American calls for reform. He claims Western policies. Nevertheless, to Tarabishi it is still that the reason for such criticism does not lie in the evident that as long as the interests of the West are direction or credibility of American policies. Rather, fulfilled, Arab regimes are not forced to pursue de- he assumes, it is to be found in the absence of a com- mocratic transformation. prehensive consensual and self-initiated Arab reform According to the author, there are two kinds of project. Consequently, al-Asnaj argues for the neces- Arab despotism, one which is hostile to the West and sity to adapt to the changes in international politics hence rejected — as was the case in Iraq — and another and to obey the rules of the international game as one which is loyal to the West and accepted, as in the dictated by the United States. Furthermore, he advo- case of Tunisia. Accordingly, the recent case of Libya cates strengthening the relations with Washington regaining Western appreciation through merely while taking into account the regional capabilities changing its foreign policy instead of domestic politics and circumstances, in order to begin advancing re- in his view has shown that none of the despotic politi- form from within. cal systems in the Arab world is confronted with real Along the same line of argument, in his article re- pressure to allow for political change. Instead, these ferred to above Hassan Munaimna states that political regimes are simply expected to adjust to a Western — reform is simply inevitable. The only two options to SWP Berlin Arab Reform Debate choose from include a reform based on a work plan Hence, the fundamental break to be faced by Arab which places the common and specific Arab interests societies today may concern the opening of society on top of the list, or a reform project which is con- and the very establishment of a political public able to fined to meeting American and other foreign de- lead a debate on reform, in the first place, which is mands. Thus, external intervention is not necessarily not merely academic but politically salient. This idea encouraged but is still seen as inevitable. is taken up in an outspoken editorial by Youssef Ibra- Arguing for a more pragmatic perspective in his ar- him, former Middle East correspondent of the New ticle “Free at Last through an Arab-Western Joint Ven- York Times, entitled “Fear Dominant in Arab Psyche.” ture,” Rami Khoury, editor-in-chief of the Lebanese His article in Gulf News identifies a basic dread perva- English-language newspaper The Daily Star, affirms that sive in Arab minds, surfacing both in self-censored the debate between those in the Arab world who have media and everyday life in the form of “nervous jokes argued that reform can only come from within and and absurd commentary that wastes hours describing others who have been arguing for strong pressure black as white.” Ibrahim views this fear as the main from abroad may eventually be in vain. In light of obstacle to any movement for social and political recent promising events such as the elections in Iraq and the Palestinian territories and the popular move- “Our governments, our schools, our social systems, ment in Lebanon, Khouri considers it more important our economies, and our very sense of ethical conduct “to focus on what needs to be done by all concerned are all failed models whose shelf life is over. If Arab parties, rather than argue about who started the ball writers and pundits cannot say this, document it, rolling. We both did. Let’s keep it rolling, so that all analyse it and focus on it without fear, we cannot even Arabs, like their counterparts in other lands, can be begin to reform. And if we cannot reform, what is left free at last.” of Arab civilisation will evaporate making place for a new agenda set by someone else. This is happening in Iraq, and it will happen to every society that blocks the oxygen to its people.” There is indeed a lot of discussion taking place con- The notion that the Arab world now stands at a wa- cerning the political reformation of the region. How- tershed is shared by Hassan Munaimna who con- ever, as this overview shows, the problem appears to cludes that the main challenge facing the region today be that the debate on political reform is held in a is to realize that the current developments will have a rather abstract manner, often centering on conceptual lasting impact in reshaping the region, constituting a and fundamental issues, without relating them to new era rather than a passing phase. elaborate political programs. Moreover, the discussion tends to be highly emotional, especially when focus- ing on outside intervention. By shifting the focus of the debate from Arab states and societies to external interference, the latter is often portrayed as the main Bibliography problem concerning domestic reform. Also, it is obvi- ous that most participants in the reform debate focus on individual aspects, instead of providing a compre- al-Asnaj, Abdallah, Are the Arabs Playing with Lost hensive empirical analysis discussing the instruments Time? [hal yal’ab al-arab fi al-waqt aldaa’], in: Al- and mechanisms of reform. One of the reasons for Asharq Al-Awsat, July 27, 2004, http://www.asharqa- these shortcomings may lie in the conditions of direct and indirect censorship prevalent in Arab states, which hinder a more substantial and sophisticated icle=246994. discussion. Arguably, the crucial problem is that the Bishara, Azmi, The Idol or ‘Fetishism’ of Reform debate is detached from the political decision-making [sanamia aw fitshia al-islah], in: Al-Hayat, December process which usually takes place behind closed doors 16, 2004, p.9. in Arab regimes. al-Ghazali Harb, Usama, Reform from Within [al-islah min al-dakhel], in: Al-Siassa al-Dawlya [International SWP Berlin Arab Reform Debate May 2005 6 Politics], Al-Ahram, April 2004, http://www.siyassa.- Ibrahim, Youssef M, Fear Dominant in Arab Psyche, in: Gulf News (online edition), October 26, 2004, cleID=137077 [also published in The Washington Times (online edition), October 26, 2004]. Khouri, Rami, Free at Last through an Arab-Western Joint Venture, in: The Daily Star, March 2, 2005. 0&article_ID=13073&categ_id=5. Munaimna, Hassan, Four More Years for Bush: Any Arab Work Plan? [arba’ sanawat ukhra li bush: hal min khuta ‘mal Arabiyya?], in: Al-Hayat, November 28, 2004, p. 17. Nizam al-Din, Arfan, Reform According to the Way of Marie Antoinette [al-islah ‘la tariqat Marie Antoinette], in: Al-Hayat, January 10, 2005, p. 9. Nizam al-Din, Arfan, Rice Opened the Doors before Bush: Europe and the United States: Establishing Interests not Conciliation! [Rice fatahat al-abwab al- mughlaqa amam Bush : awruba wa amairka : tatbi’ masalih la musalaha!], in: Al-Hayat, February, 21, 2005, p. 10. al-Qassim, Faisal, Bye Bye Reforms [bye bye islahat], in: Mafhoum, December 4, 2004, http://www.mafhoum.- com/press7/217P55.htm. Salamé, Ghassan, Towards a New Contract between State and Society [nahw ‘qd jadid baiyyn al-dawla wa al-mujtam’], in: Al-Mustaqbal Al-Arabi (June 2004), pp. 22-32. Tarabishi, George, Façade Democracy: The Extent of Western Demands to the Arab Leaderships [al-had al- a’la min matalib al-gharb lilqiyyadat al-arabiyya: dimuqratiyya wajha], in: Al-Hayat, November 21, 2004, p. 20. SWP Berlin Arab Reform Debate
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