Pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) Ranitidine (Zantac)
Pseudoephedrine is effective at relieving
Although several medications are available OTC
congestion of both the upper and lower respiratory
for the treatment of heartburn, ulcers, and other
tract due to most common causes including
acid-reducing conditions, ranitidine is among the
infection, allergy, chemical irritation, and mild
best-tolerated, is inexpensive, and is also useful for
asthma or bronchitis. It frequently has a stimulatory
relieving hives. Doctors often advise an acid-
effect, similar to caffeine. The most common side
reducing medication such as ranitidine for patients
effects are those resembling a burst of adrenaline:
rapid heart rate, palpitations, and increased blood
ibuprofen, though this must be done with caution.
pressure. Years ago this drug was used in youngchildren, even babies, though now most
Bacitracin ointment
pediatricians do not advise it in patients younger
This ointment is best used to prevent skin
infections when the integrity of the skin has beenbreached, as by an abrasion, laceration, insect bite,
Meclizine (Bonine, Dramamine)
or sting. It also may be used to treat a superficial
This antiemetic drug is available both OTC and by
skin infection such as a mildly infected wound or
prescription. It relieves nausea, vomiting, motion
impetigo. It is less likely to produce a topical skin
sickness, and vertigo-like dizziness. For some
allergy than other topical antibiotic preparations
patients it causes drowsiness, and therefore may be
that contain neomycin. It cannot be used to treat
used as a sleep aid. It is related to medications for
deeper infections, however, which generally
Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
Among the OTC anti-inflammatory medications,
Acetaminophen is the only OTC pain-reliever that
ibuprofen is probably the most versatile. Primarily
is not an anti-inflammatory drug. It will not irritate
indicated for pain and inflammation, it may also
the stomach like ibuprofen, aspirin, or naproxen.
be used to relieve headaches, earaches, sore
It is useful for the same conditions as ibuprofen,
throats, sinus pain, stiff neck, muscle strains,
though effectiveness varies according to patient.
menstrual cramps, arthritis including gout, and
It may be combined with ibuprofen in full doses
back pain. It is also effective at reducing fever and
for more severe pain. Side effects are very few,
is generally safe for use in children. It is not
though in high dose, especially when combined
advisable for most stomach-related pain, although
with alcohol, it can lead to liver failure. It is
may decrease the pain of kidney stones, kidney
available in several pediatric dosages, both for
infections, and possibly bladder infections. The
most common side effect is stomach irritation orheartburn. W h e n c o m b i n e d w i t h a c e t a m i n o p h e n
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
i t i s n e a r l y a s e f f e c t i v e a s c o d e i n e , t r a m a d o l ,
An inexpensive antihistamine, diphenhydramine
o r h y d r o c o d o n e i n r e l i e v i n g m o r e s e v e r e p a i n .
is primarily used for drainage due to respiratoryinfections and nasal allergies, in both adults and
Loperamide (Imodium)
children. It is also indicated for hives and itching,
The most effective OTC medication for diarrhea
including itchy rashes such as poison ivy.
is loperamide, which is available both as tablet
Although not all patients become drowsy when
form and liquid for children. It is often useful
using diphenhydramine, many do so, making this
medication useful for insomnia as well. Somepeople find that it relieves nausea or mild anxiety.
Hydrocortisone cream The 1% version of hydrocortisone is the strongest steroid cream available over the counter. It is safe for use in both adults and children in treating inflamed and/or itchy rashes such as eczema, poison ivy, diaper rash, and other minor genital irritations. Clotrimazole (Gyne-Lotrimin) The same antifungal medication, clotrimazole, is contained in both Lotrimin and Gyne-Lotrimin. Gyne-Lotrimin may be used to treat both female yeast infections and any other yeast or fungal infection that Lotrimin would treat, including athlete’s foot, jock itch, ringworm, diaper rashes, and skin fold irritations.
MAY 15, 2005 A l l t h e C l i n i c a l N e w s i n S i g h t Punctal plugs plus topical agent maximize dry eye relief Combination offers improvement with less reliance on artificial tears By Cheryl Guttman scores in the three groups ranged from 2 to 2.3 at Dual approach baseline (possible score range, 0 to 4). All groups“Management of dry eye has received increased at-show
Glucosammina e Condroitina solfato Ricostruzione delle cartilagini articolari La glucosammina solfato è il trattamento nutri-attenuare il dolore e aumentare la mobilità terapico d’elezione per le osteoartriti, ed è oggi articolare in misura superiore ai farmaci, e uno dei supplementi nutrizionali più venduti e senza nessuno degli effetti collaterali di questi richiesti in Nordame