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Executive Summary of the evaluation report “Adoption of TSP Approach in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and M.P.” 1. The Study
This report is the result of the study conducted at the behest of the Ministry of Tribal
Affairs (MTA), Govt. of India. The study was conducted in the three states namely
Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh for the comparative analysis of
adoption of Tribal Sub Plan approach in the said states. The TOR given by the Ministry
1. Whether the state government and the central ministries allocate TSP funds at
least in proportion to scheduled tribe population in the state/country.
2. Whether various central ministries and state government have formulated
appropriate need based programmes for tribal areas and made their financial and
physical targets for STs separately and in divisible manner.
3. Whether they suitably adapt all the ongoing programmes to suit the specific
4. Whether they have any mechanism to monitor the progress of implementation by
different departments in the centre /State for welfare of schedule tribes.
5. Whether the different state adopt an integrated approach for development
through the allocation of TSP funds in the tribal areas.
6. A comparison of the implementation in the different states and specific comments
about success/ failure should be indicated.
7. Any other aspects of relevance including specific suggestion to enable suitable
changes in the schemes and improve delivery mechanism.
8. Mechanism for monitoring implementation of schemes out of TSP funds,
especially to ensure that expenditure is not notional.
2. Methodology
2.1 The study was process evaluation. Case study method was used for analysis. The
standard methods of social science research were applied in collecting information.
2.2 All the stakeholders were contacted. The officials at the state level to project level to
grassroot level were the important sources of information, besides the officials in the
Ministry of Tribal Affairs and Planning Commission.
2.3 The samples of both the officials and members of tribal communities were selected
in such a manner that at least one ITDP/ITDA, one MADA, one PTG and one cluster
could be covered in each state to analyze the variations. Two criteria were used for
selection of the places- geographical location and the level of participation of the
• In Madhya Pradesh, ITDP Kesla and Tamia (medium and major), PTGA Patalkot
and Guna, MADA Guna and Cluster Shivpuri were selected for in-depth study.
• Similary, in Mahrashtra ITDP, Kalwan and Dharni, MADA, Nasik, ATSP, Nasik
and mini-MADA Rajur were the sample project offices.
• And in Andhra Pradesh, ITDP, Bhadrachalam, MADA, Nalgonda, Chenchu
PTGA, Srisailam and Cluster in Mannanur were visited by the study team.
In each of these offices two tribal villages were selected, one for the focused group
discussion (FGD) and the other for canvassing the questionnaires. Since this is not
an impact evaluation study, the sample size was restricted to 25 in each village, with
at least one-third women. The criteria for selection of these villages were the level of
participation noticed in these villages and at least one of the villages was more than
2.4 Following were the important sources of information:
• TSP documents, • Directives or guidelines sent by Planning Commission and the MTA, • Project plans of ITDPs, MADAs, and other agencies, • Minutes of Tribal Advisory Council (TAC) and Project Advisory Boards (PAB), • MIS submitted by the various agencies, • Government Orders, • Information posted on internet by departments, • FGDs and questionnaires, and • Observations by study team members
3. Major Findings
3.1 Maharahtra
3.1.1 Maharashtra is home to 85.77 lakhs tribals, which constitutes 8.85% of the total
population. The literacy rate among the tribals is also low at 36% as compared to
3.1.2 There are 24 ITDPs including 4 Additional Tribal Sub Plan Area (ATSP) Blocks/
projects, 43 MADA pockets and 24 Mini-MADA / Clusters.
3.1.3 An Expert Sub Committee under the Chairmanship of Shri D.M. Sukhtankar
recommended that total size of the funds in accordance with the proportion of the ST
population (9%), should be made available for TSP at the disposal of the Tribal
Development Department (TDD). The actual position is as depicted in the figure
TSP Allocations and Releases
Budget pr ovision f or TSP against budget able out lay
Out lay provided f or TSP against budget able out lay
Act ual expendit ure against budget able out lay
Source: Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Govt. of India
TSP has never received adequate funding except for the year 2005-06 when it was
exactly 9% but that too included SCA to TSP and grants under Article 275 (1).
The entire amount received as SCA to TSP has not been spent by the state.
However the programmes being funded from the funds under this provision are from
the basket wherein a lot of schemes have been listed, except some allocations for
3.1.4 There is plethora of bodies involved in tribal development. In addition to TAC, there
is a cabinet sub committee. Both of which seem to have identical responsibilities.
Similarly, at district level, Special Executive Committee and District Tribal Sub Plan
Committee have same mandate. The PLIC is also involved for the same. But
measures need to be taken to improve their efficacy. For example, only five meetings
of TAC have been held in the last six years and every time it was after more than a
3.1.5 At the Project level, there is a Project Level Implementation Committee (PLIC)
under the chairmanship of a tribal MLA. There are 21 PLICs in the State.
3.1.6 The state government has put in place a decent incentive structure. Still in many
ITDPs officers of the desirable seniority or prescribed services have not been
posted. Due to absence of senior officers in the project offices, the POs are not
able to control the direction of the implementation.
3.1.7 Consumption finance provided by Maharashtra State Co-operative Tribal
Development Corporation in particular has benefited many tribal households.
Shabari Tribal Finance Development Corporation assists the scheduled tribes in
starting their own business by providing financial assistance through subsidies,
seed capital, loan etc. However, there seems to be some overlapping in the
3.1.8 Distances, connectivity and increased workload in view of increasing number of
schemes has affected the frequency of visits of officials to various areas as
3.1.9 In a study TRI noted that follow up of development schemes on the socio-
economic life of the tribals is not taken heed of. TRI has also found that Gram
Sevaks make no efforts to create awareness among the tribals about development
schemes. Since, many of the programmes are handled by specialized agencies,
the department is not able to get involved in the implementation of the programmes
as it does not have the technical staff of its own. This often results into
programmes not serving the purpose for which they were framed.
3.1.10 The efforts to strengthen PRIs have also brought with them the concomitant evils
like benefits cornered by village elite. For example, TRI in one study found that
Mahadeo Kolis are better off than the Thakars and Katkaris. Hence, they have
smooth access to political and economic resources of the gram Panchayat.
3.1.11 Efforts to associate voluntary agencies or non-governmental organizations have a
long history in the state. The task of organizing Jan Jagruti Mela funded under SCA
to TSP is being organized in Nasik by one NGO. This meeting is for PTGs and as
reported is well attended by both men and women. Many officials of other
3.1.12 Maharashtra has good documentation. However, there are often mismatches of
figures in the same document and sometimes in other documents. Similarly, it
gives district-wise figures for programmes but not ITDP-wise or MADA-wise, which
makes it difficult to assess the allocation to various agencies.
3.2 Madhya Pradesh
3.2.1 MP has the largest tribal population in the country with the STs population
comprising 122.3 lakh out of total population of 603.48 lakh, which is 20.3% of the
state's population. The total tribal sub plan area of the state is spread in 3.08 lakh
sq. kms. i.e. 30.19% of total area of the state and covers 35 districts. It is
administratively supervised by 31 ITDP (Including 5 medium projects), 30 MADA
3.2.2 At the State level programmes under Tribal Sub-Plan are reviewed and monitored
by the Chief Minister and Chief Secretary. Additionally, a state level committee
under the chairmanship of the Minister for Scheduled Tribe Development has been
constituted since December 1999. Besides that two other Committees are Twenty
Point State level Committee and Sub-Committee of the Cabinet for Tribal Sub-Plan
Programme. There seems to be some overlapping in the mandate of these
committees, which is apparent from the functions assigned to them.
3.2.3 The Tribal and Scheduled Castes Welfare Department draws up a separate budget
for the TSP area under the Financial Advisory System (FAS). Demand no. 82 and
83 have also been created for financial assistance to PRIs and urban bodies
TSP and State Plan outlay
Per centage of Budget pr ovi si on of di vi si bl e amount
Per centage of Budget pr ovi si on to outl ay
Source: Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Govt. of India
The Department is not spending the entire amount and often the large sums lapse.
The reasons given by the officials are delays in submission of project proposals by
various line agencies and often the same delays by the project offices. Primitive
Tribal Groups are worst hit by the less expenditure. For example, in the year 2004-
05 the total allocation for ten PTG agencies was Rs. 1050.94 lakhs, out of which
only Rs. 410.27 lakhs could be spent, i.e. only 39%.
3.2.4 An important step that is required to be taken up urgently is the database
management. Figures at the state level and for the same at the field level were
often found to be different. Sometimes figures in the same document are different.
3.2.5 Madhya Pradesh Adivasi Vitta Aivam Vikas Nigam implements the schemes
sanctioned by NSTFDC, NHFDC and NABARD. It started functioning from the year
1995-96. In almost ten years it has assisted 44664 tribal, majority of them been
3.2.6 Personnel working in the project offices are junior officers as compared to other
departmental functionaries. As a result the POs are not able to extract the
3.2.7 The project offices are not well equipped. They receive meager amount for office
maintenance that is not sufficient for running an office. Even for their basic needs
they depend on the goodwill of the BDO’s office.
3.2.8 Often the project functionaries were found to be staying away from the project
areas. The reason for this is lack of basic infrastructure in such areas like schools
for the children of these officials or the absence of basic amenities. The officials at
the field level appeared to be dissatisfied with the existing incentive structure.
Some of them are holding dual charges as well.
3.2.9 Co-ordination with line departments is a big problematic area. Right from the state
level officials to field level officials mentioned that despite several efforts the apathy
of the officials of other departments continues at each stage, starting from planning
phase to implementation to monitoring to submission of UCs. Often works are
undertaken without going before the Project Advisory Board and resultantly post
facto sanctions have to be given to the works undertaken by other departments.
The officials have found over the years that various line departments do not give
due priority to the works in tribal areas.
3.2.10 In response to the questionnaire regarding the visit of the various officials, it came
out that officials of the Department of Agriculture visit them most (49%) followed by
Health Department (23%). People are less aware about the Tribal Department.
3.2.11 The process of identification of beneficiaries is good in the state (see Annexure
4). It can be said to be a process of self-selection.
3.2.12 Works are executed by the expert line agencies and the officials of the
department are not involved during the implementation of works, so they are not
able to monitor the quality of works. Consequently, often the quality of works is not
3.2.13 The funds are released late, which also hampers a lot of planning. Sometimes the
funds are received by treasury in the month of January. Also many ITDPs and
MADAs do not get money on a regular basis from state plan funds.
3.2.14 As per the TSP document, there is a provision of encouraging the NGOs to take
up certain activities like the health care of Primitive Tribes Groups. But the study
team got the impression during discussions with the state level officials that not
much efforts are being made to involve NGOs in any developmental activity.
3.3 Andhra Pradesh
3.3.1 35 ST communities constitute about 6.59 percent of the total population of the
state. Agency approach has been adopted in the state. The Integrated Tribal
Development Agencies (ITDA) are in operation in eight districts. Apart from this,
there is one ITDA for Chenchus and one for Yanadies exclusively. Outside sub-
plan area (ITDA areas), there are 41 pockets of tribal concentration covering 11
districts where MADA programmes are being implemented. Besides that there are
17 identified clusters. At the district level a Governing Body for each ITDA is
formed with all district level heads of general sector departments as members and
Project Officer (PO) of ITDA as Secretary.
3.3.2 Concern for the tribal development has been evident since beginning in the state.
In order to streamline the administration in tribal areas Single Line Administration
has been introduced since 1986. Officers and staff working in the tribal sub-plan
area, connected with regulatory and developmental programmes are placed under
the administrative control of the PO of ITDA. This has helped in achieving
functional integration to some extent. The Tribal Welfare Department prepares
perspective plans for a period of three years for the development of STs under
ITDAs, MADAs, Clusters, PTGs and DTGs. A separate Tribal Project Management
Unit (TPMU) has been set up to work under the administrative control of Project
Officer, ITDA. The TPMU’s mandate is social mobilization and empowerment of
tribal communities in the TSP areas. The TPMU is provided with necessary support
staff and functional specialists by the Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty
(SERP). Due to the efforts put in by TPMUs, 40,842 Self Help Groups have been
mobilized in tribal areas with 5.22 lakhs ST women as members. So far, 2995
Village Organisations have been formed and they have federated into 77 Mandal
Samakhyas in tribal areas. 18,129 SHGs have been provided with an amount of Rs
68.38 crores under Community Investment Fund for taking up micro projects for
gainful employment, thereby, benefiting 1,97,546 ST women.
3.3.3 Planning Department quantifies the funds for TSP each year in accordance with
prescribed percentage which is proportionate to tribal population in the state and
indicates this to the Commissioner of Tribal Welfare. Earlier this percentage was
Fig. 4.2: TSP Allocations and Expenditures
Percentage of TSP allocation Divisible Outlay
Percentage of actual expenditure to state plan expenditure
The cumulative figures for the years 2002-2003 to 2005-2006 shows that total
outlay provided for TSP was Rs. 309348.47 and the total expenditure was Rs.
285612.98, which is 92.32 percent of the total outlay. The total expenditure under
state plan was Rs. 4406090.24 and the expenditure under TSP was Rs.
285612.98, the comparison shows that expenditure under TSP is 6.48 percent of
3.3.4 61 percent of the respondents from tribal communities said that the doctors are
coming regularly to the Sub Centres and Primary Health Centres, while 57 percent
respondents said they get the prescribed medicines.
3.3.5 MD, TRICOR has mentioned that “there is no community participation in the
planning, implementation and monitoring of the schemes”. Forward and backward
linkages are also not planned. In some programmes, the utility is also suspect. GO
76 dated 21.09.05 intends to change this as it provides for planning,
implementation and monitoring of all the economic support schemes through
Women Self Help Groups, in co-ordination with Indira Kranthi Patham, the poverty
3.3.6 The records show that on an average only one meeting of TAC has been held per
year except 2005-2006 during the Tenth Plan Period starting from 93rd meeting on
3.3.6 It seems not many POs of prescribed rank are available. The service conditions of
personnel as employees of the agency and not the state government, has put them
in the disadvantageous position as many of the benefits available to government
3.3.7 There are some instances where attempts to involve people are being made. One
very interesting thing was the distribution of the cards having address of ITDA
office for information regarding any sanctioned work in the area of project office, so
that people can monitor the progress of the works. Governor’s report on
Administration of Scheduled Areas, is a powerful tool of monitoring, but the last
3.3.8 GCC has extended the unique facility to tribals of accepting repayment in kind.
While it has a ready clientele in the schools and hostels being run by the
department itself, market may hamper their efficiency. It buys the products from the
tribals, but now in view of higher market prices the cultivators prefer to sell their
produces in the market. They seemed to be ready to bear the whimsical ways of
market than to sell it to GCC at low rates.
4 Recommendations
4.1 A mission statement needs to be drafted by each state specifying clear cut goals,
4.2 Centre needs to take lead in ensuring seriousness of efforts.
4.3 Planning Commission may make it necessary for the states to discuss TSP with the
Ministry of Tribal Affairs before discussion on Annual Plan of the state.
4.4 There is plethora of agencies in all the states visited by the study team. Therefore,
institutional mechanism for tribal development needs to be rationalized.
4.5 TACs need to meet at least twice in a year.
4.6 Regularity of visit of the officials of the department to villages needs to be
4.7 A monthly meeting at some convenient place in the presence of senior functionaries
may help the process of needs assessment.
4.8 Focus on integrated planning may be reiterated as it was the major plank of TSP
approach, and which can be achieved through functional integration. Forward and
backward integration is the hallmark of integrated planning.
4.9 This problem has been noticed in all the three states that if the PO is not of sufficient
seniority, the ability to extract performance from other departmental functionaries is
compromised. Young IAS / IFS officers may be given this responsibility early in their
career, which will not only help the cause of TSP but will also groom them for bigger
4.10 Incentives for working in remote areas should be maintained and it should be both
4.11 Allocation from state plan funds in proportion to the ST population of the state may
be linked to some incentive in SCA to TSP along with some cuts in case of non-
4.12 In many cases project costs vary from place to place. Therefore, limits on costs of
4.13 Projects costs need to include maintenance costs and training for the projects.
4.14 Process of identification of beneficiaries needs to be made transparent. A process
of self-selection would be most appropriate like in M.P., where the format notes the
BPL no. and depending on the position of the household in the list is given the
4.15 Governor report should be submitted regularly by the states as it is a powerful tool
4.16 Efforts need to be made for the effective engagement of the tribal population in the
process at each stage- planning, implementation, monitoring and review.
4.17 Physical verification of works may be done by the independent or outside
experts/agencies as the quality of works has been found to be not of the desirable
4.18 Data management requires development of proper MIS. Presently, there are no
4.19 The project offices need to be provided sufficient infrastructure for which the capital
requirement can be worked out on one time basis and allocations in a phased
4.20 Role of NGOs needs to be charted out. The sector has its own strengths. However,
their credentials may be ascertained before giving them responsibility.
These measures, it may be hoped, may improve the situation and our development
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