“Miracle on Brunswick Street” – David
great bridge. It’s been the Editor’s
“According to the Rolling Stone” –
Boston Pizza certificate – Annie Gallant
Boston Pizza certificate – Leo Weniger
Teams will be run as a play-through event. This should allow the 7
After you have won your event you may pick up your prize at the PRIZE SECTION by the Registration Desk. Your prize will be available for pick up the next day (this will allow time for the directors to relay that information to the Prize committee). Prizes may be picked up at the registration desk ½ hour before each afternoon and evening session. We will also have your prizes available as soon as possible after the final Swiss Team event on Monday. Please pick them up promptly so that the tournament committee can wrap things up.
BRACKETED KO V - A 7 Tables / Based on 10 Tables 15.33 1 Jan Assini - Peter Grover, Aurora OH; Mary Paulone Carns - Gail Carns, Export PA 11.50 2 Geoffrey Phipps, Manchester NH; Stephen Gladyszak, Chelsea MA; Allan Colpitts - Stephanie Colpitts, Nashua NH; Daniel Colatosti, Waltham MA; John Malley, Pascoag RI BRACKETED KO V - B 6 Tables 9.98 1 Keith Veale - Brian Veale, Ottawa ON; John Vincent, St Catharines ON; Medric Cousineau, Eastern Passage NS 7.49 2 Carol Thompson - Alan Thompson, Halifax NS; Richard Treleaven, Digby NS; Phillip Decker, Brooklyn NS
The Split Crow Pub 1855 Granville Street, Halifax ========================================================= Please redeem this coupon to receive 15% off regular priced menu items only. ========================================================= Valid to 5th of July 2006 Peddlers’ Pub 1300 Hollis Street, Halifax ========================================================= Please redeem this coupon to receive 15% off regular priced dinners only. ========================================================= Valid to 5th of July 2006
SUNDAY FLIGHT A SWISS 26 Tables / Based on 49 Tables 20.65 1 Gerry Callaghan, Hammonds Plains NS; William Camp, Chester NS; William Presse - Donald Presse, Halifax NS 124.00 15.49 2 James Kirby - Frank Caul, St. John's NL; Mary Moulton - Eric Balkam, Halifax NS 108.00 11.62 3 Geoffrey Phipps, Manchester NH; Stephen Gladyszak, Chelsea MA; Daniel Colatosti, Waltham MA; John Malley, Pascoag RI; Allan Colpitts - Stephanie Colpitts, Nashua NH 97.00 8.71 4 Edward Zaluski - Peter Clark, Ottawa ON; Michael Betts, Dartmouth NS; Gerald La Flamme, Grnd-Bay-Wfld NB 95.00 6.53 5 Ray Macdonald, Musquodoboit Hb NS; David Crocker, Tignish PE; Arthur Lilly - Kay Watman, Londonderry NH 94.00 3.78 6/8 Helen Colter - George Colter, Fredericton NB; Mike Cappelletti Sr, Alexandria VA; James Gordon, S Burlington VT 93.00 3.78 6/8 Joyce Hampton, Blythewood SC; Jerry Helms, Charlotte NC; Lucas Lebioda, Columbia SC; Alan Sontag, Gaithersburg MD; Paul Soloway, Mill Creek WA 93.00 3.78 6/8 John Ayer, Dartmouth NS; Stuart Eastwood, Halifax NS; Frank Ayer - Steven Lawrence, Calgary AB 93.00 SUNDAY FLIGHT B/C SWISS 23 Tables B C 8.62 1 Robert Tumilty - Gordon Flewwelling, Annapolis Royal NS; Anne D'Entremont, Mid-W-Pubnico NS; Judy D'Entremont, Lwr-W-Pubnico NS 118.00 6.47 2 Thomas Sheppard, Chester NS; Glendon Dominoe - Patrick Greenough, Bridgewater NS; Ronald Levy, Liverpool NS 102.00 4.85 3 Mary Jane Brown - Dorothy Riteman, Bedford NS; Evelyn May Campbell, Halifax NS; Barbara Paton, Scottsdale AZ 96.00 4.03 4 1 Pamela Tracey, Windsor Junct NS; Bud Feron, Halifax NS; Wade Short, Lower Sackville NS; Calvin Demont, Dartmouth NS 94.00 2.73 5 Donald Sanderson, Eastern Passage NS; Edgar Wolman - Tadeusz Mejzner, Halifax NS; Norma McClure, Dartmouth NS 93.00 1.79 6/7 Lynn Stanley - George Stanley, Moncton NB; Sandra Boddy - Fred Boddy, Riverview NB 92.00 3.02 6/7 2 Chris Wilcox - Harold Hemming - Stewart McInnes, Halifax NS; Karen Woolhouse, Glen Haven NS 92.00 2.27 3 Peter Nelson - Dinah Nelson - J Albert Dorey - Pierre Proulx, Halifax NS 88.00 1.70 4 Heather Gillis - Barb Allen - Maureen Donovan, Halifax NS; Lynne Dunn, Saint John NB 85.00
SUNDAY OPEN PAIRS 14.0 Tables A B C 8.40 1 Carol Thompson - Alan Thompson, Halifax NS 63.37% 6.30 2 Terry Shaw, Kanata ON; Alan McLellan, Ottawa ON 59.23% 4.96 3 1 Deanne Dennison, Woodbridge ON; David Ross, Moncton NB 57.51% 3.54 4 J Lindsay Drummond - Marlene Drummond, Waterloo ON 56.46% 2.66 5 Roy Landry, Halifax NS; Daniel Landry, Hubley NS 54.45% 1.99 6 John Currie, Halifax NS; James Praught, Summerside PE 54.28% 3.72 2 Rosemary Sampson, Halifax NS; Jim Mathers, Stillwater Lake NS 53.82% 2.97 3 1 Mary Louise McCluskey - Terence McCluskey, Sydney NS 52.99% 2.09 4 Priscilla Kennedy - Sylvia Allen, New Waterford NS 51.23% 2.23 5 2 Robert Davis - Mark Creelman, Economy NS 51.12% 1.67 3 Irene Macarthur, Charlottetown PE; Brenda Williams, 51.06% SIDE GAME SERIES (MORNING OVERALL) 16.00 Tables / Based on 9 Tables 5.32 1 Ronald Duplisea, Long Reach NB 130.66% 5.04 2/3 Mary Savko, Barre VT 128.33% 5.04 2/3 Ellie Hanlon, Barre VT 128.33% 4.37 4 James Praught, Summerside PE 119.82% 3.20 5/6 Leslie Buzzell, Auburn ME 115.76% 3.20 5/6 J Alfred Letourneau, Winslow ME 115.76% SIDE GAME SERIES (AFTERNOON OVERALL) 38.75 Tables / Based on 16 Tables 6.37 1/2 Helen Worsham, Dallas TX 127.63% 6.37 1/2 Randolph Worsham, Dallas TX 127.63% 5.12 3/4 J Winston Yeo, Miscouche PE 121.17% 5.12 3/4 Bernard Griffin, O'Leary PE 121.17% 3.21 5 Elizabeth Legacy, Littl Bras D'Or NS 120.64% 3.39 6/7 Richard Robinson, Cheboygan MI 120.11% 3.39 6/7 Robert Kazmierowski, Cheboygan MI 120.11% SIDE GAME SERIES (EVENING OVERALL) 39.50 Tables / Based on 17 Tables 7.56 1 Dianne Muise, Halifax NS 121.22% 4.96 2/3 Gerald Soucy, Halifax NS 118.81% 4.96 2/3 Bryan Rapson, Halifax NS 118.81% 3.35 4/5 Vernon Smitz, Courtice ON 118.75% 3.35 4/5 Eric Endicott, Toronto ON 118.75% 4.09 6/7 Susan Hubley, Halifax NS 117.79% 4.09 6/7 Linda Holland, Lower Sackville NS 117.79%
SUNDAY MORNING SIDE GAME 6.0 Tables A B C 2.43 1 Cetin Okcuoglu, Moorestown NJ; Bill Valliant, Kanata ON 60.83% 1.82 2 Mary Savko - Ellie Hanlon, Barre VT 60.42% 1.37 3 Mildred McConnell, Wilmington DE; David Steadman, Lindsay ON 55.42% 1.03 4 Emile Andre, Salab-de-Vall QC; Brian Veale, Ottawa ON 54.58% 1.86 1/2 1/2 Noralie Cox - Frank Gilbert, Sidney ME 52.50% 1.86 1/2 1/2 Alex Chartier, Mississauga ON; Verne Miller, Granville Ferry NS 52.50% 1.19 3 Chris Wilcox, Halifax NS; Karen Woolhouse, Glen Haven NS 46.25% SUNDAY AFT SIDE GAME 6.0 Tables A B 2.43 1 Elizabeth Legacy, Littl Bras D'Or NS; Alice Manzer, Fredericton NB 62.50% 1.82 2 Robert Kazmierowski - Richard Robinson, Cheboygan MI 60.83% 1.37 3 Helen Worsham - Randolph Worsham, Dallas TX 60.00% 2.12 4 1 Bernard Griffin - Paul Dumas, O'Leary PE 54.58% 1.59 2 Kari Kariyawansa, ; J Darryl Pistone, Halifax NS 53.75% 1.19 3 Syed Husain, Halifax NS; J Winston Yeo, Miscouche PE 48.33% SUNDAY EVE SIDE GAME 6.0 Tables A B C 2.28 1/2 1 Fred Muise - Dianne Muise, Halifax NS 60.42% 2.13 1/2 Eric Endicott, Toronto ON; Vernon Smitz, Courtice ON 60.42% 1.98 3 2 1 Margo Beveridge - Duncan Beveridge, Halifax NS 56.25% 1.03 4 Robert Kazmierowski - Richard Robinson, Cheboygan MI 53.75% 1.28 3 Alice Bruist-Mak, Manchester NH; Joanne Brown, 53.33% 1.49 4 2 Leona Telfer, Halifax NS; Bob Colcavecchia, NS 52.08% 1.11 3 Sheila Folk, Mt Uniacke NS; Lise Brennan, Bedford NS 51.25%
SUNDAY OPEN PAIRS FIRST SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTION A EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 J Lindsay Drummond - 1 Terry Shaw, Kanata ON; Marlene Drummond, Alan McLellan, Ottawa ON 59.49% Waterloo ON 62.44% 2 1 Deanne Dennison, 2 Carol Thompson - Alan Woodbridge ON; David Thompson, Halifax NS 60.40% Ross, Moncton NB 56.36% 3 1 1 Mary Louise McCluskey - 3 Roy Landry, Halifax NS; Terence McCluskey, Daniel Landry, Hubley NS 56.33% Sydney NS 55.82% 4 2 Rosemary Sampson, 4 John Currie, Halifax Halifax NS; Jim NS; James Praught, Mathers, Stillwater Lake NS 53.30% Summerside PE 55.35% 5 Monika Berlage-Smith, 5 2 Priscilla Kennedy - Kirkland QC; Myra Sylvia Allen, New Abrams, Cote Saint-Luc QC 53.25% Waterford NS 53.75% 6 3 1 Robert Davis - Mark 6 3 Scott Rappard - Peter Creelman, Economy NS 53.04% Luard, Antigonish NS 52.31% 4 Mildred Jones - Mary 4 Irene Macarthur, Cox, Saint John NB 52.39% Charlottetown PE; 2 Marilyn Dalton, Brenda Williams, 49.55% Rothesay NB; Lily Nordstrom, 49.33% SUNDAY OPEN PAIRS SECOND SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTION A EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Carol Thompson - Alan 1 1 Deanne Dennison, Thompson, Halifax NS 66.35% Woodbridge ON; David 2 Terry Shaw, Kanata ON; Ross, Moncton NB 58.65% Alan McLellan, Ottawa ON 58.97% 2 2 Gerd Wagner - Lorna 3 Marian Strickland, Wagner, Bracebridge ON 55.61% Glenview IL; Charles 3 Virginia Giza, Wright Jr, Evanston IL 57.69% Timberlea NS; Larry 4 Bram Schwartz, Sydney Mock, Dartmouth NS 55.45% NS; Constance Glube, 4 3 Terri Troke, South Bar Halifax NS 56.09% NS; David Steadman, 5 1 Rosemary Sampson, Lindsay ON 55.29% Halifax NS; Jim 5 4 1 Alex Chartier, Mathers, Stillwater Lake NS 54.33% Mississauga ON; Verne 6 J Lindsay Drummond - Miller, Granville Ferry NS 54.33% Marlene Drummond, 6 John Currie, Halifax Waterloo ON 50.48% NS; James Praught, 2/3 1/2 Marilyn Dalton, Summerside PE 53.21% Rothesay NB; Lily Nordstrom, 50.16% 2/3 1/2 Mary Louise McCluskey - Terence McCluskey, Sydney NS 50.16% SUNDAY SIDE GAME NORTH-SOUTH SECTION A EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Mary Savko - Ellie 1 Cetin Okcuoglu, Hanlon, Barre VT 60.42% Moorestown NJ; Bill 2 1 1 Noralie Cox - Frank Valliant, Kanata ON 60.83% Gilbert, Sidney ME 52.50% 2 Mildred McConnell, 2 Chris Wilcox, Halifax Wilmington DE; David NS; Karen Woolhouse, Steadman, Lindsay ON 55.42% Glen Haven NS 46.25% 1 1 Alex Chartier, Mississauga ON; Verne Miller, Granville Ferry NS 52.50%
SUNDAY AFT SIDE GAME ONLY SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTION B EAST-WEST A B A B 1 Robert Kazmierowski - 1 Elizabeth Legacy, Littl Bras Richard Robinson, Cheboygan MI 60.83% D'Or NS; Alice Manzer, 2 Helen Worsham - Randolph Fredericton NB 62.50% Worsham, Dallas TX 60.00% 2 1 Bernard Griffin - Paul 1 Helen May Berry, Perth ON; Dumas, O'Leary PE 54.58% Lise Brennan, Bedford NS 42.50% 2 Kari Kariyawansa, ; J Darryl Pistone, Halifax NS 53.75% SUNDAY EVE SIDE GAME ONLY SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTION B EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1/2 1 Fred Muise - Dianne 1 1 1 Margo Beveridge - Muise, Halifax NS 60.42% Duncan Beveridge, 1/2 Eric Endicott, Toronto Halifax NS 56.25% ON; Vernon Smitz, 2 2 Alice Bruist-Mak, Courtice ON 60.42% Manchester NH; Joanne 2 1 Linda Smith, Halifax Brown, 53.33% NS; Cynthia Burney, 2 Leona Telfer, Halifax Dartmouth NS 48.33% NS; Bob Colcavecchia, NS 52.08%
Please REDEEM this coupon and receive 15% off your order at the SUBWAY located at one of the following locations: 1855 Hollis Street 1560 Argyle Street 5669 Spring Garden Road5560 Fenwick Street Valid until July 8th, 2006 Good Luck on your Tournament!
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