Squamous cell carcinoma – under a new zealand sun

Hot topics in companion animal internal medicine Feedback from the pilot in 2005
“I learnt heaps and really valued
Featuring 10 hot topics presented over 20 weeks in a flexible and easy to use online learning interacting with colleagues
environment, including case studies and tutored forums about actual cases under the
guidance of a ‘specialist’ ”
Mark Robson BVSc DipACVIM,
“I found the topics stimulating
and challenging, and the online
environment was really easy to
Greg Ogilvie, BVSc DipACVIM Oncology, from San Diego, and
use. Please let me know when
Darren Fry BVSc DipACVIM, also from VSG
the next course starts!”
“A fantastic learning
“I really liked the convenience
and flexibility of being able to
The first full tutored course in the VetScholar programme is entitled participate in my own time and
“Hot topics in companion animal internal medicine”. The course chew over real cases”
comprises 10 topics presented at fortnightly intervals. “A convenient way to keep up
to date and ensure that my
Each topic contains an introduction, guided reading (sometimes clients are getting quality care”
embellished with audio or video clips), and an online assessment. The assessment contributes to points toward the VetLearn Scholar CA106-1
Course Start Date 3 April 2006.
The topics are targeted towards the needs of New Zealand You can start and catch-up after
veterinarians. The course is suitable for all levels of experience, and is this date, but you may miss
some interaction with the tutor.
an excellent means to contribute to your ongoing professional Don’t worry if you are going to
be away for short periods
during the course – you can
Topic Outlines:
start from where you left off
when you get back!
Soft Tissue Sarcomas - Greg Ogilvie and Mark Robson
Learn how to assess and manage these very aggressive tumours that Each topic takes approximately
1-2 hours to complete.
are frequently encountered in general practice. Detailed notes from world renowned authority Dr Greg Ogilvie with local information You can access the course from
any computer connected to the
internet, anywhere!.
Course articles can be printed
Feline Chronic Renal Failure - Mark Robson
and read at your leisure or filed
If you are not discussing subcutaneous fluids, calcitriol, Ipakitine, for future use.
ACE inhibitors, calcium channel blockers and a host of other Video and audio are provided to
interventions with the owners of CRF cats then this is the place to go enhance the learning
for practical and up-to-date information to help you manage these experience
Feline Diabetes - Mark Robson
This is a topic that frustrates many of us in companion animal practice, how do we stabilize those unmanageable cats, especially with fewer insulin options available to us? A thorough theoretical discussion will be combined with practical tips for you to use on your Canine Mitral Valve Disease - Mark Robson
How are the cardiologists around the world handling this syndrome? Should we be using an ACE inhibitor or pimobendan, or both? When should we be using frusemide? Every practice has patients with this syndrome and both the patient and the veterinarian can benefit from Canine Lymphoma - Mark Robson
It is easy to be confused by all the different protocols available to treat this disease which seems to be more commonly seen now. “Unconfuse” yourself with these practical notes which contain easily followed regimes and practical tips on how to manage the logistics of Canine Cushing’s Syndrome - Mark Robson
“Frequently undiagnosed, frequently treated sub-optimally”. That is how one specialist in the USA described CCS dogs in her city. Find
out the tips and tricks that specialists use to turn that phenomenon
around to ‘appropriately diagnosed, well managed”. Contains
information on new treatments such as trilostane- is it the miracle drug
for Cushing’s?
Immune-mediated Hemolytic Anemia and Thrombocytopenia -
Mark Robson
These cases are challenging fro anybody, especially if you are unable
to easily access blood products. Are they becoming more severe? Is
there a vaccine connection? Do blood transfusions ‘feed the fire” and
worsen the outcome? This discussion may not help much with
understanding the underlying pathology, but will certainly give helpful
advice on management no matter what type of practice you are in.
Head Trauma - Darren Fry and Mark Robson
Dr Darren Fry will be presenting this lecture at the CAS conference.
This topic will be an expanded and more detailed version with
Common Clinical Procedures - Mark Robson
Are you comfortable with performing cystocentesis in dogs, CSF taps,
bone marrow aspirations, epidurals etc? Find out how these
procedures are done in this extensively illustrated clinical guide
intended to make your practice more interesting.
Popular Choice Topic - Mark Robson
A rare opportunity for YOU to decide the contents of a course! This
topic will be decided upon by the participants during the first half of
the course and then written to suit the desires of the VetScholars. Be
prepared to come up with suggestions then be part of a popular vote.

Source: http://www.vetscholar.org.nz/file.php/1/course_outline3.pdf


COMMENTARY NORPLANT: AN UNMET CONTRACEPTIVE NEED IN ENUGU, NIGERIA Dr Ibekwe, Perpetus Chudi FWACS Department Of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Ebonyi State University Teaching Hospital - Abakaliki, Nigeria. (Formerly -Department Of Obstetrics/Gynaecology University Of Nigeria Teaching Hospital Enugu, Nigeria) Nigeria has one of the highest maternal mortality 1 Norplant, as a famil


ANOTHER HERBAL HEALER SENT US BY THE GOD OF HEAVEN ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: GOLDENSEAL / ECHINACEA What it is— Cayenne pepper belongs to the rhage . (Use it with an infusion with birthroot or star capsicum family, and its botanical name is capsi- cum annuum . It is the red chili pepper that is usedCayenne pepper (or cayanne pepper as it’sto add flavor in food and has high medicina

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