Rapid Experimental Evolution of Pesticide Resistance inC. elegans Entails No Costs and Affects the MatingSystem
Patricia C. Lopes1,2, E´lio Sucena2, M. Emı´lia Santos2, Sara Magalha˜es2,3*
1 Programa Graduado em A´reas da Biologia Ba´sica e Aplicada (GABBA), Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, 2 Centro de Biologia do
Desenvolvimento, Instituto Gulbenkian de Cieˆncia, Oeiras, Portugal, 3 Centro de Biologia Ambiental, Faculdade de Cieˆncias da Universidade de Lisboa, Campo Grande,
Pesticide resistance is a major concern in natural populations and a model trait to study adaptation. Despite the importanceof this trait, the dynamics of its evolution and of its ecological consequences remain largely unstudied. To fill this gap, weperformed experimental evolution with replicated populations of Caenorhabditis elegans exposed to the pesticideLevamisole during 20 generations. Exposure to Levamisole resulted in decreased survival, fecundity and male frequency,which declined from 30% to zero. This was not due to differential susceptibility of males. Rather, the drug affected mobility,resulting in fewer encounters, probably leading to reduced outcrossing rates. Adaptation, i.e., increased survival andfecundity, occurred within 10 and 20 generations, respectively. Male frequency also increased by generation 20. Adaptationcosts were undetected in the ancestral environment and in presence of Ivermectin, another widely-used pesticide with anopposite physiological effect. Our results demonstrate that pesticide resistance can evolve at an extremely rapid pace. Furthermore, we unravel the effects of behaviour on life-history traits and test the environmental dependence of adaptationcosts. This study establishes experimental evolution as a powerful tool to tackle pesticide resistance, and paves the way tofurther investigations manipulating environmental and/or genetic factors underlying adaptation to pesticides.
Citation: Lopes PC, Sucena E´, Santos ME, Magalha˜es S (2008) Rapid Experimental Evolution of Pesticide Resistance in C. elegans Entails No Costs and Affects theMating System. PLoS ONE 3(11): e3741. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0003741
Editor: Robert Brooks, The University of New South Wales, Australia
Received August 8, 2008; Accepted September 29, 2008; Published November 17, 2008
Copyright: ß 2008 Lopes et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permitsunrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: Marie Curie Reintegration grant (36589 - EVOL HET and ENV) and POCTI/BSE/48402/2002 grant from Fundac¸a˜o para a Cieˆncia e Tecnologia (Portugal)
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
of performance in other environments. Indeed, the presence of acost opens the possibility for managing resistance by creating areas
Pesticides and antibiotics have been developed to induce high
where the pesticide is not spread [14]. From a fundamental
mortality rates on populations of parasites and pests. This imposes
perspective, a cost of adaptation has often been evoked as the
a strong selection pressure on these organisms, which may lead to
mechanism underlying the evolution of specialization. Examples
the evolution of resistance to such xenobiotics. Resistance has
from the literature so far suggest that a cost of resistance is indeed
indeed been observed in an impressive number of organisms
common, but that its intensity is variable [15,16,17]. The presence
[1,2,3]. Due to its ubiquity, pesticide resistance is also currently a
of a cost of adapting to a pesticide, as well as its specific
model trait for the study of adaptation to novel environments [4].
evolutionary dynamics will depend on the degree of resemblance
Laboratory experiments with microorganisms and field studies
among environments [18,19], on the genetic basis of adaptation
with multicellular organisms have shown that resistance to
[16], on the genetic background of the organism [20], and on the
xenobiotics occurs within short time frames [5,6,7,8].
In addition to causing lethality, xenobiotics may also affect the
Experimental evolution in replicate populations exposed to
morphology, life history, or behaviour of organisms without killing
pesticides can contribute to our understanding of the evolutionary
them. For example, many pesticides reduce the fecundity and/or
fate of lethal and sublethal effects caused by chemical stress, as well as
longevity of organisms [9], whereas others cause paralysis, thereby
to follow the building up of a cost of resistance. To date, few studies
compromising the ability of organisms to find food or mates, or to
have been carried out on the experimental evolution of pesticide
escape from potential predators [10,11,12]. Despite being frequent-
resistance in multicellular organisms using replicated evolving lines,
ly overlooked, these sublethal effects can nonetheless affect the
and none involve an androdioeceous organism. In this mating system,
performance of organisms and significantly impact fitness [9,13].
males result from an outcrossing event between hermaphrodites and
Hence, it is expected that natural selection will operate towards
males, whereas hermaphrodites are also able to undergo selfing [24].
reducing these deleterious effects induced by pesticides.
One possible sublethal effect of the pesticide is to affect this mating
A crucial aspect for both resistance management and our
system, and the build-up of resistance may also interact with it.
understanding of the evolutionary consequences of adaptation is to
In this study, we followed the experimental evolution of
evaluate whether the evolution of resistance entails a cost in terms
resistance of the androdioecious free-living nematode Caenorhabditis
November 2008 | Volume 3 | Issue 11 | e3741
elegans to the widely used pesticide Levamisole. This nematicide
targets the nicotinergic acetylcholine receptor, resulting indepolarisation of neuronal and muscle cells [25,26]. Apart from
Pesticides significantly affected the survival and fecundity of all
inducing severe mortality, Levamisole modifies several life-history
populations (GLM, effect of environment, F2,16.045 = 44.05;
and behavioural traits of C. elegans, including egg laying and
P,0.0001 and F2,16 = 98.34; P,0.0001). The interaction between
mobility [27,28]. Hence, we measured adaptation not only as
the environment and the selection regime was significant for
changes in life-history traits such as fecundity and survival, but also
survival, but not for fecundity (F2,16 = 12.34; P = 0.0006 and
as behavioural modifications. To investigate whether resistance
F2,16 = 2.64, P = 0.1, respectively). Subsequent analyses were
entailed a cost, we measured the performance of resistant
performed on each environment separately.
populations in the ancestral environment. As detecting a cost of
Populations evolving in Levamisole had higher survival and
resistance may depend on the environment where this cost is
fecundity in this environment than populations evolving in a
measured [16], we also measured this cost in the presence of
Control environment (Fig. 1a and 1d; Table 1, effect of selection
another nematicide, Ivermectin. Ivermectin acts by being an
regime). Thus, exposure to Levamisole resulted in adaptation to this
agonist of glutamate-mediated chloride channels, resulting in the
environment within 20 generations. However, adaptation was very
hyper-polarization of the membrane of neuronal and muscle cells
heterogeneous among populations (Table 1, effect of population).
[29]. Since Levamisole and Ivermectin operate on excitatory and
Differences in fecundity between selection regimes were observed at
inhibitory networks, respectively, a strong trade-off in adaptation
generation 20 only, whereas differences in survival were established
to the two nematicides is expected. Indeed, negative cross-
at generation 10 and remained constant thereafter (Figure 1;
resistance between these pesticides has been shown [30].
Table 1, interaction generation*selection regime).
Therefore, we used Ivermectin as an environment where the
In the Control environment, survival and fecundity of
probability of detecting a cost of adapting to Levamisole is
individuals from LE populations was not significantly different
from that of individuals from C populations (Fig. 1b and 1e;
Figure 1. Adaptation and its potential costs. Life history traits of populations in three different environments: Levamisole (a) and (d), Control (b)and (e), and Ivermectin (c) and (f). Survival (a, b, c) was measured as the proportion of individuals surviving from egg to adulthood (after 3 days). Fecundity (d, e, f) was assessed by counting the number of eggs per hermaphrodite after individual bleaching at day 4. Black bars: Controlpopulations; white bars: LE populations. Vertical bars correspond to the standard error of the mean of the five populations in each selection regime. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0003741.g001
November 2008 | Volume 3 | Issue 11 | e3741
Table 1. Statistical analysis of life-history traits.
G: Generation; SR: Selection Regime; SR(P): Population nested within Selection Regime; F: F value; d.f.: degrees of freedom; P: significance. Survival: number ofindividuals reaching adulthood; Fecundity: number of eggs carried by hermaphrodites at day 4. Non-significant interactions (P,0.1, ‘‘NS’’) were removed from themodel. P,0.05 are highlighted in bold. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0003741.t001
Table 1, effect of selection regime). Thus, adaptation to
t.,In populations naı¨ve to the Levamisole environment (the C
Levamisole entailed no cost in the ancestral environment. These
populations), the number of encounters in Levamisole is
traits did not differ between generations (Table 1, effect of
significantly lower than in the Control environment (Fig. 2c;
generation), but fecundity in some populations changed between
F1,4 = 23.28; P = 0.017). This is not the case for the LE1
generations, resulting in a significant interaction between gener-
population, for which these variables do not differ across
ation and population (Table 1). In Ivermectin, the survival and
environments (Fig. 2c; t18 = 0.33; P = 0.74). The rate of encounter
fecundity of the LE populations did not differ significantly from
of LE1 individuals in the Control environment is comparable to
that of C populations (Fig. 1c and 1f; Table 1, effect of selection
that of C individuals (Fig. 2c, t11 = 2.2; P = 0.58), and so is the male
regime). Therefore, resistance to Levamisole was not accompanied
frequency of that population (Fig. 2a,b). However, compared to C
by a cost in an environment with Ivermectin. As in the Control
individuals, individuals of the LE1 population encounter mates
environment, a significant interaction between generation and
more often in the Levamisole environment (Fig. 2c; t10 = 2.23;
P = 0.006). Therefore, resistance to Levamisole translated also into
Male frequency did not differ significantly between the
a behavioural change of the individuals, which allowed for an
Levamisole and the Control environment (Fig. 2; GLM, effect of
the environment, F1,8 = 0.8, P = 0.39). In addition, no significantinteraction was found between the environment and the
population, selection regime nor generation (GLM, P.0.3 for allinteractions). Therefore, the environment where individuals
Experimental evolution of C. elegans populations in a Levami-
developed did not significantly affect the male frequency observed.
sole-enriched environment resulted in adaptation to this environ-
Male frequency differed significantly between LE and C
ment within 20 generations. This adaptation to a novel
populations when exposed to Levamisole (Fig. 2a; GLM, effect
environment entailed no cost in the ancestral environment or in
of the selection regime: F1,8 = 34.79, P,0.0001). Indeed, the male
Ivermectin, another pesticide with an opposite physiological mode
frequency of LE populations at generation 10 was near 0%,
of action. Levamisole paralyzed the nematodes. This resulted in
whereas that of C populations varied between 14 and 35%. By
fewer encounter rates between males and hermaphrodites and led
generation 20, male frequency increased in 3 of the 5 LE
to the disappearance of males from the populations. A build-up of
populations (Fig. 2a, GLM. interaction generation*population(se-
resistance has re-established the mobility of the worms, and
lection regime), F9,80 = 3.51, P = 0.0005).
concomitantly the male frequency increased.
To understand the disappearance of males after 10 generations
Resistance in our outbred populations accumulated within very
in Levamisole, we tested the effect of this drug on the survival of
few generations. Therefore, adaptation was most likely due to the
each sex separately. Significant differences in susceptibility were
standing genetic variation of populations. The fact that pesticide
found between sexes (F1,40 = 68.48; P = 0.001). However, males
resistance is a trait that is relatively easy to select for under artificial
were less sensitive to Levamisole than hermaphrodites. Indeed, on
selection [31] is in agreement with the prediction that genes
average 43.963.42% of the hermaphrodites of each population
conferring pesticide resistance may be present in populations at
survived to Levamisole, while this proportion was of 69.361.4%
low frequencies. Even though data from natural populations and
for males (on average 97.761.4% of the hermaphrodites and
from artificial selection suggest that resistance can indeed rapidly
100% of the males survived in the control). Hence, differences in
accumulate, this is the first study providing a direct demonstration
susceptibility to the pesticide between sexes do not explain the
of the speed of this process. The speed of adaptation varied with
disappearance of males in the LE populations. Subsequently, we
the trait measured. Indeed, survival increased within 10 generation
tested if outcrossing was impaired in the Levamisole environmen-
and had reached a plateau at 20 generations, whereas fecundity
November 2008 | Volume 3 | Issue 11 | e3741
Figure 2. Evolution of the mating system. Male frequency (number of males/total number of individuals) of all populations in the environmentwith Levamisole (a) and in the Control environment (b), measured at day 3. (c): behavioural observations of the populations C1, C3, C5 and L1 in theControl or in the Levamisole environment during 20 minutes: encounter rates between males and hermaphrodites: Black bars: Control populations(C1–C5); white bars: LE populations (L1–L5). Vertical bars correspond to the standard error of the mean. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0003741.g002
increased mostly at generation 20. This difference suggests that
environment where costs were tested. It is possible that the period
these traits evolve independently, at least to a certain extent.
of experimental evolution was too short to create a measurable
The rapid evolution of resistance to Levamisole was not
cost of adaptation. However, the fact that adaptation was detected
accompanied by a cost in the ancestral environment. This result
during the experimental period, and that it was not accompanied
differs from most studies of pesticide resistance, where a cost was
by a cost indicates that adaptation to each environment is, at least
detected [16,32,33,but see 34]. This discrepancy may be due to
to a certain extent, determined by independent loci [35,36].
the fact that we used a selection pressure that allowed the survival
Exposure to Levamisole resulted in fewer encounters between
of 25% of the initial population, whereas most studies deal with
males and hermaphrodites. Since males are produced mainly as
natural populations, where pesticide doses aim at eradicating all
the result of an outcrossing event, which involves an encounter
individuals of a pest population. In those cases, probably only the
between a male and a hermaphrodite, males in populations
most effective mutation conferring resistance is selected. Indeed,
exposed to the pesticide disappeared within 10 generations. This
most resistance mutations described are a one-base-pair change
result supports the hypothesis that encounter rates are an
that modifies the binding site of the pesticide in the corresponding
important factor in determining male frequency in C. elegans
neuroreceptor, which is likely to be costly, as other molecules also
populations [37,38], and may underlie the frequencies in the base
bind to that site [2]. As the size of populations surviving pesticide
population. However, in other studies of experimental evolution
use increases, several gene combinations may build up and be
in the laboratory, where encounter rates were probably similar as
selected, hence reducing the probability of a costly resistance.
those of our base population, male frequencies were extremely
Detecting a cost of resistance may depend on the environment
low [39,40]. Hence, additional factors need to be invoked to
where such cost is measured [18,19]. With the aim of maximizing
explain the male frequency observed in the base population used
the possibility of detecting a cost, we selected an environment
in this study. Had we used a non-selfing species, Levamisole
expected to have an opposite physiological effect on the worms to
would probably have impaired nearly all mating events, leading
that imposed by Levamisole. As Levamisole and Ivermectin
to severe reduction in population growth. This suggests that
operate on excitatory and inhibitory circuits respectively, resis-
sublethal pesticide effects can have dramatic consequences on
tance to one of these drugs may well increase the susceptibility to
populations. As C. elegans is capable of both selfing and
the other, entailing a cost of adaptation. However, even in such an
outcrossing, the action of the pesticide resulted in a remarkable
environment, resistance to Levamisole did not entail any cost.
reduction in outcrossing rates, but populations were maintained
Therefore, the lack of cost is probably not contingent on the
November 2008 | Volume 3 | Issue 11 | e3741
If the speed at which males disappeared from the populations
Levamisole (hereafter the Levamisole environment), while the
exposed to Levamisole was striking, the same is true for the pace at
control (drug-free) environment and the environment containing
which male frequency increased in the populations that became
Ivermectin 0.04 mM served to measure potential costs of
resistant to the drug. The latter suggests that outcrossing is indeed
adaptation. Prior to testing performance, all populations (C1–C5
advantageous in these populations; otherwise male frequency
and LE1–LE5) spent three generations in a drug-free environ-
would be expected to remain near 0% [40]. 30% of males is a
ment, to ensure that the responses observed were due to genetic
frequency that corresponds to the locally-stable equilibrium
differences among populations. Subsequently, 100 eggs from each
predicted by Stewart and Phillips (2002) [40]. This male frequency
population were placed onto fresh petri dishes of each environ-
may be expected because outcrossing produces two to four times
ment (N = 5 plates/environment) and incubated for 3 days at 20uC
the offspring obtained through selfing [41]. Therefore, the increase
and 80% RH. When individuals reached adulthood (4th day of
in male frequency observed, as a result of restored mobility, may
culture), 30 gravid hermaphrodites from each plate were collected
be seen as yet another expression of the evolution of pesticide
and individually submitted to a hypochloride/sodium hydroxide
solution. The surviving eggs were counted, yielding the fecundity
Pesticide resistance has been used as a ‘model trait’ to study
measure. This method mimics the conditions used in the
adaptation to novel environments for the past 20 years [4,31]. Our
experimental evolution setup, but at an individual level. The
study underscores the potential use of this model trait in
plates with the remaining individuals were placed at 4uC for two
experimental evolution. By using pesticide resistance in a
days to immobilize the individuals to be counted. Survival was
controlled setting, we were able to shed light on the reciprocal
obtained by counting the number of individuals per plate
interactions between behavior and evolution, as well as to test the
(accounting for the 30 removed to measure fecundity) and dividing
multidimensionality of adaptation costs. However, the potential-
it by the initial number of eggs plated (100). Male frequency was
ities of this system are not restricted to the results obtained in the
estimated as the ratio between the number of males and the total
current study. Using experimental evolution to tackle pesticide
resistance allows for the manipulation of a variety of environmen-
Next, we aimed at understanding the male frequencies observed
tal and genetic factors. Indeed, manipulating selection intensity,
(cf. Results). We first tested whether males were more susceptible
environmental stability, population size and genetic background,
to Levamisole than hermaphrodites. 20 adult males and 20
provide direct tests of the effects such factors may have on the
hermaphrodites from each C population at generation 20 were
placed separately in Levamisole and in Control plates (5 plates perpopulation per environment). After one day, the number of
individuals surviving was counted. Subsequently, we measured theencounter rate between males and hermaphrodites. Four her-
The base population of Caenorhabditis elegans used in this
maphrodites from one population were placed on a small drop of
study was composed of a mixture of the strains used in Teoto´nio et
bacteria (10 mL) that had grown overnight in a 5-cm diameter
al. 2006 [42]. It was kept in the experimental conditions described
plate containing either 0.15 mM Levamisole or no drugs.
in Manoel et al. 2007 [43], for over 80 generations prior to our
Subsequently, a male was introduced and this group was observed
study. Levamisole (Levamisol hydrochloride, C11H12N2S ? HCl),
for 20 minutes. We registered the number of male-hermaphrodite
an imidazothiazole and Ivermectin (22,23-Dihydroavermectin B1),
encounters. This was done ten times for C1, C3, C5 and LE1 at
a macrocyclic lactone, were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich.
From the initial population, we derived 10 experimental lines:
Differences in survival and fecundity were first analyzed with
five maintained in standard conditions [C1–C5] and five kept in
General Lineal Models using the GLM procedure in SAS. The
plates containing the nematicide Levamisole (LE1–LE5). The
factors of the model were ‘‘environment’’ (levamisole, ivermectin
populations were cultured for 20 generations at 20uC and 80%
or control), ‘‘generation’’ (10 or 20), ‘‘selection regime’’ (LE or C
RH and frozen at generation 10 (G10) and 20 (G20) for later use
lines), a factor ‘‘selection line’’ (C1–C5 and LE1–LE5) nested to
in the assays. Our standard experimental evolution protocol
the factor ‘‘selection regime’’, and the interactions ‘‘environment*-
followed that of Manoel et al. 2007 [43]. Each generation lasted 4
selection regime’’, ‘‘generation’’ * ‘‘selection regime’’, ‘‘environ-
days. At day 1, 1000 individuals at the first larval stage (L1) were
ment*selection line’’ and ‘‘generation’’ * ‘‘selection line’’. The
placed onto Petri dishes (9 cm diameter) containing Nematode
factor ‘‘selection line’’ and its interactions with other factors were
Growth Media-light agar (NGM) (US Biological) with a lawn of
considered random factors. The interaction terms with P-values
HT115 Escherichia coli as food source, then incubated for 3 days. At
larger than 0.1), were sequentially dropped from the analysis and
day 4, individuals were washed off the plates and exposed to a
included in the error term [44]. Subsequently, we performed
hypochloride/sodium hydroxide solution, which kills all life stages
statistical tests within each environment to answer specific
except the eggs inside the hermaphrodites. These eggs were
questions. Adaptation was tested by comparing survival and
subsequently kept in a M9 buffer solution in 15mL falcon tubes in
fecundity of LE and C populations in the Levamisole environ-
an incubator at 20uC and 120 rpm overnight. The next day, the
ment. The analysis and the factors used were the same as before,
number of larvae on each tube was estimated with five sample
except for the factor environment and its interactions with the
drops of 5 mL from each tube and the volume corresponding to
other factors. A cost of adaptation was tested with the same model,
1000 of individuals was placed in fresh Petri dishes. Each
but with the data collected in the other two environments.
population was composed of 10 Petri dishes, hence N = 10 000,
Differences in male frequencies were tested with a GLM
individuals per population. The NGM-light agar in which LE
procedure in SAS, with the same model as for fecundity and
populations were kept contained Levamisole 0.15 mM. This
survival, but excluding the Ivermectin environment. Comparisons
concentration was lethal for 75% of the individuals in the base
between the control and the levamisole environment aimed at
population, but had no effect on bacterial growth (T-test, N = 10
testing whether an immediate physiological effect of the environ-
petri dishes per environment, t = 1.26, P = 0.23).
ment could affect the male frequencies observed; comparisons
Adaptation was assessed by comparing the performance of LE
among selection regimes tested the effect of the pesticide on male
populations to those of C populations in petri dishes containing
frequency, while comparisons between generations of the
November 2008 | Volume 3 | Issue 11 | e3741
levamisole lines tested recovery due to the evolution of resistance.
population varied between environments, we performed a T-test
To test differences in survival between males and hermaphrodites,
only C populations were used. The sex of the individuals wasintroduced as a fixed factor and population as a random factor. To
test the effect of the Levamisole environment on the ability to finda mate, we compared the number of encounters of individuals
We thank Rute Viera for statistical advice, Henrique Teoto´nio for the C.
from C populations in the Levamisole versus the Control
elegans base population, Marta Moita and Isabel Gordo for inspiringdiscussions and Margarida Matos, Pierrick Labbe´ and Lilia Perfeito for
environment. Environment was introduced as a fixed factor and
population as a random factor. As there were no significantdifferences among populations, these were grouped in the
subsequent analysis. To test whether resistant individuals hadrecovered their ability to find a mate, we used individuals from the
Conceived and designed the experiments: ES SM. Performed the
most resistant population at generation 20, LE1, and compared
experiments: PCL ES ES SM. Analyzed the data: PCL SM. Wrote the
their behavior to that of individuals from the C selection regime.
To test whether the encounter rates of individuals from the LE1
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November 2008 | Volume 3 | Issue 11 | e3741
ECOL 182 – Spring 2008 Dr. Ferriere’s lectures Lecture 5: Animal reproduction and development Quiz All questions below pertain to mandatory material: all slides, and mandatory homework (if any). Answers: 1d, 2a, 3c, 4b, 5e, 6e, 7c, 8a, 9b, 10d, 11b, 12d, 13d 1. What is not true of gametogenesis? a. Germ cells proliferate mitotically. b. Germ cells mature into gam
SECTION 1: CHEMICAL PRODUCT and COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: SECTION 2: HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Statements of Hazard: Irritant to eyes, skin, mucous membranes and respiratory system. May be harmful by ingestion, inhalation or skin absorption. To the best of our knowledge, the toxicological properties of this chemical have not been thoroughly investigated. Use appropriate proce