Who’s Listening noW?
406 MHz Emergency Locator Transmitter Comparisons The simple acronym ELT is 243 MHz, when transmiting their because an ELT was thrown in special sweeping tone, announc- the trash.
The network to monitor the emer- wilderness backpacking commu- gency VHF frequency of 121.5 MHz nity, has been switched over to and its first harmonic UHF military exclusive use of the 406 MHz frequency of 243 MHz was vast frequency for a while now. towers and remote listening posts MHz ELT was a smart move by monitored the frequencies from the authorities, who conducted ground level, and during search- lengthy studies and long debates and-rescue operations, special y about the final decision for the equipped aircraft could home in satel ites to listen strictly on 406 on the signal to locate a downed MHz.
of special Cospas-Sarsat satel ites wil monitor 121.5 MHz signals, in both low-altitude and geosta- the search-and-rescue commu- tionary orbits around the globe, nity wil stil respond when notified international monitoring stations through other means. Original y, could locate the distress signal’s ELTs were intended to use 121.5 But things have changed. While pilots monitoring the frequency of the extensive listening network an emergency. The frequency will is stil as capable, the satel ites continue to serve in this role in stopped listening for the 121.5/243 a limited capacity, relying on fel- MHz signals beginning Feb. 1, low pilots and ground-based radio 2009. Now, they only listen for the facilities to monitor the signals.
MHz distress signal. The reasons with 121.5 MHz-only ELTs now are many for monitoring only the must depend on pilots of over- The 121.5/243 MHz ELTs were monitoring 121.5 MHz to hear and prone to false activations, resulting report distress alert signals trans- in countless and expensive emer- mit ed from a possible crash site. gency scrambles by search-and- Upgrading to a 406 MHz ELT gives rescue teams looking for aircraft you more of a fighting chance that simply had hard landings or when you need it the most.
Those little ELTs happily do absolutely nothing for much of their operational lives. But when they’re called into action to perform their sworn duty, we hope they’ve been taken care of properly.
Ameri-King Corp., in Huntington for smal airplanes and helicopters tified aircraft parts in 1989. The airliners. Each of its 406 MHz mod- company of ers a single model els is certified to TSO-C126.
AK-451. The unit is available for specifical y for fixed-wing and rota- instal ation in fixed-wing general ry-wing general aviation applica- ters using a five-axis G-switch. tern is compatible with al legacy tude and longitude interface to manufacturers’ mounting bases. Garmin, Bendix/King, Trimble The ME406 features a single and ARNAV GPS navigators via antenna output feeding a wire whip an RS-232 aviation protocol. or a rod antenna for instal ations in Ameri-King of ers three external aircraft speeds below 350 knots. antenna models: a whip (up to The lithium bat ery is good for six 300 knots), a rod (up to 350 years of service.
The AK-451 transmits on all quencies (121.5, 243 and 406 three emergency frequencies of MHz), and was designed for use 121.5, 243 and 406 MHz using within the general aviation market. a five-year lithium bat ery pack. The ELT automatical y activates The instal ation kit includes all during a crash and transmits the ricated harness, remote control 243 MHz. The G406-4 also trans- panel, audible warning buzzer mits a 406 MHz encoded digital New York was founded in 1968, designs and manufactures a wide satel ite system. The optional GPS and is recognized for its dedica- range of ELTs installed in helicop- interface enhances the digital tion to the development, produc- ters, commercial airliners, busi- message with precise positioning, tion and sales of avionics used ness jets, regional aircraft, mili- al owing for rapid identification and in search-and-rescue operations. tary and general aviation aircraft. reduced response time. The G406- The company specializes in ELTs Kannad ELTs are installed by a 4 is available for use with Artex’s and direction-finding equipment number of prime aircraft manu- low-cost whip antennas or a sturdy installed in search-and-rescue air- facturers in both fixed-wing and available for fixed-wing aircraft with of 406 MHz ELTs designed with the European market with ELTs a single directional G-switch and for installation flexibility in mind.
The EBC 406AP series is entry into the Unites States for axis G-switch. The C406-1 ELTs designed for simple installation in the 406 MHz market is the model transmit on al three emergency the cabin of the aircraft. The dual- 406 AF-Compact.
frequencies. It uses a single coax frequency (121.5 and 406 MHz), cable to accommodate al three fre- TSO-C126-approved ELTs pro- is designed for light aircraft quencies. The C406-1 is available vide for convenient installation in requiring a very compact, auto- for use with Artex’s whip antenna, the cabin within reach of the pilot. matic, fixed ELT that is fully FAA This arrangement eliminates the TSO-C126-approved. The robust need for a remote control, reduc- and reliable shock sensor auto- The C406-1 can be interfaced ing installation costs and eliminat- matically activates the ELT in the with the optional Artex ELT/nav ing the need for precious panel event of a crash. The pilot also interface, enabling latitude and lon- space. Installation in the cabin can manually activate the ELT in gitude data to be transmit ed as part also allows for easy removal of case of an emergency.
of the 406 MHz digital message. the ELT in case of an actual emer- The Artex C406-2 series is similar gency. The lithium manganese in size and features a six-year to the C406-1 model; however, it dioxide battery pack is good for manganese battery good for 120 transmits on al three emergency five years of standby operation The EBC 406AF series is on both the 121.5 and 406 MHz The Artex C406N series incorpo- designed to install in the tail sec- emergency frequencies. Whip or rates latitude and longitude informa- tion of the aircraft and uses an rod ELT antennas are sold sepa- tion from the aircraft navigation sys- external antenna. A remote-con- rately for installation in aircraft tem. Al three emergency frequen- trol unit is provided with the instal- speeds below 300 knots.
cies utilize the same signal output, lation kit, which allows the pilot which requires only a single antenna to control the ELT. As with the ELT models transmit on all three cable to connect to the Artex single- EBC 406AP, an attached survival emergency frequencies of 121.5, input antennas. By the use of an antenna is used when the trans- 243 and 406 MHz, with anten- optional programming adapter, the mitter is removed from the air- na options available for aircraft ELT harness can be programmed craft.
Al EBC 406 ELTs have a compact unit is designed to be operators, enabling the C406N to built-in, self-test feature, which installed near the tail of an air- be stocked as a rotable replace- allows for checking the unit power plane or in a helicopter and con- ment unit. The C406-N series ELT and antenna cable connection. nected to an outside antenna. A is available for fixed-wing aircraft Optional helicopter models are sophisticated “shock sensor” will using a single-directional G-switch available for both the cockpit- activate the ELT automatically in and for helicopter applications using mounted EBC 406AP and the tail- the event of a crash.
For more information, visit www. face (ARINC 429 or RS serial) Comparison of Emergency Locator Transmitters TSO-C126 (406 MHz) Includes complete installation kit or installs in existing E-01 mount. GPS position input. Audible alert. Lithium battery pack.
Includes installation kit with cockpit switch. Optional helicopter kit. Optional GPS interface. Lithium battery pack or 4 D-cells. Price dependent on antenna and nav interface.
General aviation. Fixed-wing. Optional GPS interface.
General aviation. Helicopter. Optional GPS interface.
Fixed-wing and helicopter. GPS interface. General aviation. Optional GPS interface.
Fixed-wing aircraft. Includes installation kit with whip antenna. Cockpit mount transmit er. Audible alert. Lithium manganese Helicopter installation. Includes installation kit with whip antenna. Cockpit mount transmit er. Audible alert. Lithium manganese Fixed-wing aircraft. Empennage mount. Includes installation kit with cockpit switch and whip antenna. Cockpit switch. Lithium manganese dioxide bat ery pack.
Helicopter installation. Includes installation kit with whip antenna. Audible alert. Lithium manganese dioxide bat ery pack.
General aviation. Optional GPS interface. Helicopter installation. Optional GPS interface. Fixed-wing or helicopter installation.
Fixed-wing installation. Optional GPS interface. Portable antenna. Lithium manganese bat ery pack.
Helicopter installation. Optional GPS interface. Portable antenna. Lithium manganese bat ery pack.
Fixed-wing general aviation installation. Compact mounting size. Six-year lithium manganese bat ery pack.
Manufacturer suggested list prices are subject to change and are dependent on installation kits or optional features. Contact an authorized dealer for current pricing.
* Denotes Aircraft Electronics Association Member Companies



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