Dr. Scott M. Aronson Podiatric Medicine and Foot Surgery 909 Sumner Street, 1st Floor (Goddard Center) Stoughton, Massachusetts 02072 Phone: (781) 344-1440 Fax: (781) 344-1481 Instructions Following Surgery Take all medications as prescribed or Tylenol for discomfort. NO Alcoholic beverages while on pain medications. Keep pain medication out of the reach of children.
These instructions have been designed to minimize your inconvenience and make you as comfortable as possible. Please READ AND FOLLOW all of these recommendations. In addition to increasing your comfort, they also help protect your surgical correction and improve healing. Please discuss any questions with Dr. Aronson @ (781) 344-1440 (24 hours per day). If you call after hours, please follow the instructions to speak with the doctor or leave a (with phone number) for a return phone call.
Bathroom privileges ONLY on the day of surgery (Stay off the foot).
Elevate the foot at all times the day of the surgery (1-2 pillows).
A small amount of staining on the bandages is nothing to be alarmed about; a large amount should be brought to the doctor’s attention.
If there is swelling and the bandage feels tight, re-wrap the outside (colored) layer only.
Never remove the sterile (white) bandage.
Apply an ice pack (provided) to the back of the calf or to the top of the ankle as this will cool down the blood supply to the foot and help minimize swelling.
At night, place a pillow under the mattress (at the foot of the bed).
It is very important to keep the bandage CLEAN and DRY.
If you get the bandage wet, call the office immediately.
Please wear the post-op surgical shoe at all times while walking until you are directed by Dr. Aronson to discontinue its use.
If you have any questions or problems, please do not hesitate in calling 24 hours per day. I want you to be comfortable.
, The day of (after surgery)
• Take Celebrex (200mg) after surgery (when you return home)
• Take narcotic pain medication as directed
, Daily (until 1st follow-up visit)
• Continue taking narcotic medication (as needed). Keep ahead of the
pain, do not wait too long, relief may take up to 30 minutes.
• Take Celebrex (200mg) once a day. Celebrex may be combined with
Your next appointment is: _______________________________. Please call to schedule / confirm.
OTHER: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
Cahier Médecine Pr Jean-Paul Richalet. Recommandations 2 Limitez vos efforts en début de séjour. Hôpital Avicenne pouR une épReuve de Bobigny AP-HP Les deux premiers jours, il faut se contenter université Paris 13. d’ultRa-enduRance de marches tranquilles en s’hydratant largement Professeur en haute altitude (pas d’alcool). Après accli
DRAGAN POPOVIC Department of Chemistry, University of California, Davis One Shields Avenue, Davis, California 95616, USA (530)754-8695 (office); (530)752-8995 (fax) EDUCATION Ph.D. Chemistry magna cum laude, Freie Universität Berlin in Germany, 2002 Dissertation: “Modeling of Conformation and Redox Potentials of Hemes and Other Cofactors in Proteins”, available online: http://w