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PRESENT: Councillor Colin Lambert (in the Chair); Councillor Ashley Dearnley, Sheila Downey, Gladys Rhodes-White and Jim Taylor (RMBC); Dr Richard Verity, Dr Chris Duffy and Lesley Mort (HMRCCG); S. Anwar and Dr Marian Corns (Voices4Wellbeing); C Davis (Healthwatch). OFFICERS: Mark Hardman and Alison Leonard (RMBC); Michelle Loughlin and Wendy Meston (RMBC/NHS-HMR). Also in Attendance – Councillor Donna Martin Apologies for Absence: Dr M Hussain (HMRCCG), Councillor Andy Kelly (RMBC) and Jane Rossini (RMBC/NHS-HMR); Rob Bellingham The Minutes of the meeting of the Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board held on 22nd January 2013 were considered. Further to Minute 45 relating to the CCG Quality Premium – Local Measures and the measures supported by the Board, it was reported that the measures relating to dementia and to bowel screening had not been able to be progressed. As alternatives, measures relating to the increasing of breast feeding initiation rates, where current performance was 10% below that expected, and a decrease in diclofenac prescribing by 10%, as a result of the high level of prescribing by the HMRCCG, had been submitted, and the support of the Board to these measures was sought. DECIDED - That (1) the minutes of the meeting of the Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board held on the 22nd January 2013 be approved as a correct record; (2) the amended CCG Quality Premium – Local Measures to be used as part of the Quality Premium relating to the Increase in Breast Feeding Initiation rates and a reduction in diclofenac prescribing be supported. The Board received a presentation from Wendy Meston on the Draft Health Inequalities Plan that had been produced following feedback at the recent Stakeholder Assembly. Two different approaches to developing an Action Plan were presented to the Board each with differing levels of detail. Board Members suggested that the focus could be on those areas that were not being delivered through existing plans and strategies and that the Health and Wellbeing Board was the appropriate form to scrutinise how the priorities were being delivered. It was agreed that Wendy Meston be requested to work with project leads on linking priorities and that a report be submitted to the next meeting of the Board. DECIDED – That (1) the presentation on the Draft Health Inequalities Plan be noted; (2) Wendy Meston be requested to report to the next meeting of the Board on how the priories within the plan were being delivered through existing plans and strategies. Sheila Downey presented and updated on Joint Commissioning and Integrated Care in the Rochdale Borough. Joint Commissioning has been identified by the Board as a strategic priority within the Health and Wellbeing Strategy to address challenges by designing a better and more integrated health and social care system The Board were informed that a detailed piece of work was underway around Joint Commissioning and would be reported back to the Board in due course. Gladys Rhodes White introduced a paper outlining the Single Improvement Plan for Children’s Social Care that had been prepared in response to the Ofsted inspection of Children’s Social Care. The Plan and Improvement Programme was being overseen by an Improvement Board with representation from the Council and Partners who were meeting on a monthly basis to scrutinise and challenge progress against performance measures and indicators. HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE REFORM IN GREATER MANCHESTER 33 The Board considered a report which presented recommendations of the AGMA Executive Board arising from a meeting held on 22nd February 2013 with regard to health and social care reform across Greater Manchester. The AGMA Executive Board has asked all Greater Manchester Authorities to work with their Partners to develop a brief report on current progress in developing models of integrated health and social care in their respective areas. DECIDED – That the Board endorses the appended report of the AGMA Wider Leadership Team and commits to working locally with partners to provide a local perspective and context to the proposals with regard to health and social care across Greater Manchester. DECIDED – That this item be withdrawn from the Agenda. HEALTH AND WELLBEING BOARD – GOING FORWARD 35 Mark Hardman provided the Board with an update on governance arrangements for the Board when it would become formally constituted on 1st April 2013. Copies of the draft Constitutional arrangements for the Board were circulated. All Members of the Board who were not elected Members would become co-opted Members of the Council and would be required to comply with the Council’s Code of Conduct and to complete Declaration of Interests and Acceptance of Office forms. These documents would be circulated to Board Members for completion in due course. Claire Davies from Parkwood Healthcare was introduced to the Board. Parkwood were the new provider of the Healthwatch service and the Board was updated on the progress being made with regard to the development of the Healthwatch service in the Rochdale Borough, including the appointment process for appointing a Chair and Board.


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Dupage animal hospital

Dr. Gary Maves, Dr. Mary Felt, Dr. Angela Clark, Dr. Nicole DiGiacomo, Dr. Allison Roberts, Dr. Christopher Obradovich Owner’s Name : ___________________________ Pet’s Name: ____________________________ Date of Drop off : _____/______/________ Date of Pickup : _____/______/________ Feeding Directions: Brand of Food Vaccine Policy: To insure the protection of all pets

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