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The Cholesterol Scare – Are You Possibly One Of Their Millions Of Victims?
Are you possibly one of the millions of victims who have fallen prey to the very deceptive, highly profitable, elevated cholesterol scam? If you are taking a statin (cholesterol lowering) medication, the answer is an astounding yes! My recommendation: Get off them immediately, before they do any more damage. The pharmaceutical companies producing statins have successfully convinced many doctors, (and their patients), that our very best friend (cholesterol) is instead their worst enemy. First and foremost, the LDL cholesterol (which the statins target) actually plays a critical role in several different areas, and the “true risk” is when it becomes too low! Our body also knows how to convert any excess cholesterol into another critical substance (known as bile), which the liver uses to metabolize fats, and fat-soluble vitamins, as well as escorting toxins into the intestinal tract for removal. Our body is very efficient at regulating and utilizing all its resources, (including cholesterol). Now that we know what our body does with any excess cholesterol, we’ll take a look at why the LDL cholesterol ends up in our arteries in the first place, and why we would be in serious trouble if it weren’t there. For instance, maintaining the integrity of our arteries, and preventing any potential leakage, or blood loss, is critical to our very survival, (one of LDL cholesterol’s many functions). The epitheal cells that line the arteries are basically held together by collagen. Vitamin C plays a critical role in collagen production, necessary for the integrity of our vascular system. I believe we are all aware of the thousands of English sailors who died of scurvy, before someone discovered that the vitamin C in limes finally provided the cure. A surprising number in the nation are actually experiencing sub-clinical (borderline) scurvy, and are totally oblivious to the fact, (due to their doctor’s lack of nutritional training). So exactly what is contributing to the vitamin C deficiency, and weakened leaky arteries? Following are some of the most obvious contributors: 1. Both processed, and canned foods – a major part of many people’s diets, and very 2. It was discovered in a study that microwave cooking actually destroys from 60 to 90 percent of vitamin C, vitamin E, and all B vitamins! 3. Of the 180 most prescribed medications, 114 (over 63%) actually depleted vitamin C, along with many other vitamins and minerals. 4. Although most M.D.s are all too willing to prescribe several medications for their patients, very few recommend they take vitamins, even though they might do so themselves, (just following AMA approved procedures). 5. Seniors, especially, are often unaware when they are experiencing a serious 6. Any time you are experiencing malnutrition, or a deficiency of vitamins and minerals (especially vitamin C), you are far more likely to experience bouts of colds or flu, or various viral or bacterial infections. They all contribute to a serious vitamin C deficiency, (basically scurvy), which in turn results in weak and leaky arteries, (something that “life saving” LDL cholesterol helps temporarily resolve by sealing and stabilizing the arteries). Then when sufficient vitamin C is available, it will help heal the arteries, (the basic underlying problem). Most importantly, vitamin C is readily available, and very affordable, (but unlike statin medications, not covered by your insurance)! Low Thyroid – Another Contributor To Elevated Cholesterol
Two symptoms associated with a hypothyroid (low thyroid) condition, are leaky blood vessels, and elevated cholesterol. The solution is, again, resolving the underlying problem, (in this case, the hypothyroid condition). It’s important that your doctor prescribe the most effective thyroid hormone, (Armour™ thyroid), if you expect to get results. By all means, don’t allow your doctor con you into taking the artificial T4 Synthroid™ or Levothroid™ hormone. It’s not nearly as effective, and has many side effects, and drug interactions. As soon as your thyroid function has been normalized, your cholesterol level will soon stabilize as well. Once the arteries are finally healed by adequate vitamin C, the HDL cholesterol (considered the good guy) then does its job, removing the LDL cholesterol. Vitamin C also assists in the enzyme action in the liver, necessary for converting the LDL cholesterol into bile. Unfortunately, neither vitamin C nor the LDL cholesterol are receiving the credit they deserve. Instead, HDL cholesterol, receives all the credit. Actually, they are all good guys – as usual, just doing their job as nature intended. What Are Some Of The “Benefits” Of Taking Statins?
Congestive heart failure, cardiomyopathy, and calcification of the arteries – basically turning you into a cardiac invalid. Then, increasing your risk of experiencing kidney failure is just an added benefit. Interestingly, just as many of those with low cholesterol actually experience a heart attack, as those with elevated cholesterol. Even worse, cancer patients are much more inclined to have low cholesterol! One little-known “benefit” of cholesterol, is helping to eliminate toxins, which rapidly deplete vitamin C, and damage the DNA, increasing the cancer risk. Someone must exonerate cholesterol, and see that it finally receives the credit it deserves. Apparently, Our Creator knew all along exactly what He was doing! The good news is, He didn’t really create bad cholesterol after all! Interestingly, few doctors ever discuss “the true risk factor” – elevated homocysteine, known to damage the arteries, as it can’t be controlled with drugs. Worst of all, one or more of the vitamins folic acid, B6, and B12, necessary for controlling homocysteine, are actually depleted by the majority of medications. In his book, Stop America’s #1 Killer! (2006), Dr. Thomas E. Levy, M.D., J.D. explains that “High cholesterols are also directly indicative that there are abnormally high levels of chronic toxin exposure. Such toxins will have their own direct effects on promoting atherosclerosis.” He also stresses that “Patients with abnormally low cholesterol levels have increased incidence of cancer and death from cancer” (p. 77). So, the question remains: What “true benefits” do statins really provide? At least, to date, I have yet to discover any.


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M.M.C. International B.V. MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheet 1. Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company 1.1 Product identifiers Product name : 1.2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Identified uses : Laboratory chemicals, Manufacture of substances 1.3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Com

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C/O Sydney Colorectal Associates 37 Gloucester Rd Hurstville NSW 2220 Medal of the Order of Australia in the General Division (2010) Current Appointments: Visiting Medical Officer (1977- ) Clinical Associate Professor UNSW Senior Clinical Advisor NSW Health (2010-) CoChair Strenghtening Local Decision Making Implementation Group NSW Health (2009-) Chair, Governing Council Illawarra and Shoalha

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