Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. P 1-800-645-1280 | F 1-800-479-2562
VELCADE Reimbursement Assistance Program
P 1-866-835-2233 P 1-888-327-7787 | F 1-888-773-0121 Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation Sanofi-Aventis
Eligard Reimbursement Hotline and Patient
P 1-800-277-2254
EPASS™ Exjade Patient Assistance Program
P 1-877-354-4273 | F 1-866-354-4273 P 1-888-903-7277 | F 1-888-891-4924
Hyalgan Reimbursement Hotline and Patient
P 1-866-925-2333 P 1-800-992-9022 | F 1-877-366-0584
Lovenox Reimbursement Services and Patient
P 1-877-408-4974 P 1-888-632-8607 | F 1-888-875-9951 P 1-866-972-8315
Multaq Reimbursement Services and Patient
Novartis Oncology Patient Assistance Program
P 1-866-884-5906 P 1-888-968-5827 | F 1-866-910-9024 P 1-800-277-2254 P 1-800-996-6626 | F 1-800-996-6627
Novartis Patient Assistance Program for Specialty
Rilutek Continuity and Patient Assistance Program
P 1-800-745-8835 | F 1-866-217-7178 P 1-800-277-2254
Sanofi-Aventis Patient Assistance Program
P 1-800-221-4025 | F 1-866-734-7372 P 1-800-833-0166 P 1-866-310-7551 | F 1-866-364-2016 P 1-877-862-4423 | F 1-866-899-8624 Sanofi Pasteur Novo Nordisk Inc.
Sanofi Pasteur Patient Assistance Program
Novo Nordisk Diabetes Patient Assistance
P 1-866-801-5655 | F 1-866-734-7371 Sigma-Tau Pharmaceuticals, Inc. P 1-866-310-7549 | F 1-866-441-4190 P 1-800-999-6673, x-336 P 1-866-668-6336 P 1-800-999-6673, x-457 Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc. P 1-800-826-6993 Pfizer Inc P 1-800-830-9159 | F 1-800-497-0928 Together Rx Access™
Pfizer Helpful Answers® is a family of assistance
A free savings card. Participating companies
programs for the uninsured and underinsured who
need help getting Pfizer medicines. These
GlaxoSmithKline, members of the Johnson &
programs provide Pfizer medicines for free or at a
savings to patients who qualify. Some programs
also offer reimbursement support services for
P 1-800-444-4106 P 1-866-706-2400
Pfizer specialty product patient assistance
P 1-877-744-5675 | F 1-800-708-3430
Pfizer Bridge Program® (Endocrine care)
EMD Serono, Inc.
EGRIFTA™ AXIS Center™ Patient Assistance
P 1-800-222-6885 | F 1-866-898-1473
Abbott Patient Assistance Foundation (Humira)
P 1-877-714-2947 | F 1-866-823-9554 P 1-800-222-6885 | F 1-866-250-2803
MS LifeLines® Patient Assistance Programs
Abbott Patient Assistance Foundation (Lupron
P 1-877-447-3243 | F 1-866-227-3243
Saizen® Connections for Growth® Patient
P 1-866-441-4138 | F 1-866-884-5909
Abbott Patient Assistance Foundation (Virology
P 1-800-582-7989 | F 1-877-408-4288 Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Serostim® AXIS Center™ Patient Assistance
P 1-800-222-6885 | F 1-866-483-1305
Bristol-Myers Squibb Destination Access (Erbitux®,
Abbott Patient Assistance Foundation (Androgel,
P 1-877-714-2947 | F 1-866-823-9554
Serono Compassionate Care (Fertility LifeLines™)
P 1-800-222-6855 or 1-800-256-8918 | F 1-800- P 1-800-861-0048 | F 1-888-776-2370 P 1-866-538-7879 Genzyme Corporation P 1-800-736-0003 | F 1-800-736-1611 P 1-800-745-4447, press 2 P 1-800-282-7752 | F 1-888-508-8083 GlaxoSmithKline P 1-888-SN-AMGEN (762-6436) | F 1-866-549- P 1-800-736-0003 | F 1-866-598-5561 P 1-866-728-4368
Bristol-Myers Squibb Access Virology Patient
Astellas Pharma US Inc. P 1-866-518-4357 | F 1-866-518-3994 P 1-888-281-8981 | F 1-888-281-8985 Johnson & Johnson Patient Assistance Foundation, P 1-866-263-8483 | F 1-866-250-2145
Patient Assistance Program for Organ Transplant
P 1-800-477-6472 | F 1-866-317-6235 P 1-800-736-0003 | F 1-866-694-2545 P 1-800-652-6227 | F 1-888-526-5168 Lilly USA, LLC P 1-866-263-8483 | F 1-866-250-2145
Forteo Connect Patient Assistance Program
P 1-800-736-0003 | F 1-866-694-2545 P 1-866-436-7836 Bristol-Myers Squibb & Gilead Sciences P 1-800-847-6988 P 1-800-477-6472 | F 1-866-317-6235 P 1-866-290-4767 | F 1-866-290-4487 AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, LP Celgene Corporation P 1-800-545-6962
AZ&Me™ Prescription Savings Programs
Lilly Medicare Answers Patient Assistance
P 1-800-AZandMe (292-6363) | F 1-800-961-8323 P 1-800-931-8691 | F 1-800-822-2496 Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Daiichi Sankyo, Inc. P 1-877-795-4559
Patient One Lilly Oncology Patient Assistance
P 1-877-393-9071 | F 1-877-229-1421 P 1-866-268-7327 | F 1-866-217-7171 Eisai Inc. P 1-866-472-8663 P 1-866-575-5002 | F 1-866-575-6568 Merck and Co., Inc. P 1-800-523-5870 | F 1-888-526-5168 P 1-877-836-5724 | F 1-877-744-5615 P 1-866-363-6379 | F 1-866-363-6389 P 1-800-226-2072 | F 1-800-226-2059 P 1-800-288-8374 | F 1-800-390-1826
Eisai Oncology Patient Assistance Program
P 1-800-727-5400 P 1-866-613-4724 | F 1-866-573-4724
The SUPPORT Program for Isentress™ and/or
P 1-866-322-4448 | F 1-866-639-5181 Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. P 1-866-694-2550 | F 1-866-803-5631
Reimbursement Support and Patient Assistance
Boehringer Ingelheim Cares Foundation, Inc.
P 1-800-556-8317 | F 1-866-851-2827 P 1-800-850-3430 | F 1-866-410-1913
Dr. med. Hans-Dieter Hüwer œ Spessartstraße 27 A rbeitsbereich L ernen V erhalten A ufmerksamkeit Kerstin Andes RAXIS Ê Telefax 06184/62003 Aufmerksamkeitsstörung (ADS) (Attention Deficit Disorder / Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) Es werden oft auch andere Beschreibungen für das Problem der Aufmerksamkeitsstörung verwendet: „MCD (minimal cerebr
ASSOCIATION OF BRITISH NEUROLOGISTS SPRING MEETING, 30 March – 1 April 2005 at Queen’s University, Belfast PROGRAMME Wednesday 30 March 2005 am Committee Meetings Meeting of Clinical Directors and Lead Clinicians Afternoon Session 1 1400 Introduction and Welcome: Dr Stanley Hawkins Topic: Structure of neurological care Chairman: Dr J Morrow S