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Nutritional Selection Guidelines
Table of Contents
Nutritional Selection Guidelines
The following paragraphs are made up of common sense and/or the latest scientific evidence.
They are by no means complete. For further information ask the person giving you this report
or see the References.

1. Good eating habits may not be enough as much food grown today is grown in soil depleted or low in nutrient value.
Obviously if the soil is lacking in nutrients, the food will be. Even organic foods can also be grown in depleted soil.
How do you know the nutrient content of the food you eat? You don’t!

2. Taste sometimes has nothing to do with nutrient value. Appearance, taste and smell may have something to do with
the nutrient value of food. If a food (green leafy vegetables, for example) is limp or wilted, or starting to spoil, etc.,
it obviously will not have as many nutrients as a fresh ripe food. If foods are overcooked, their nutrient value is
lower, although, for some people this enhances the flavor. Flavorless, nice looking, store tomatoes have fewer
nutrients than vine ripened tomatoes sold fresh at a farm stand or grown in one’s garden. In this case, two items of
produce may indeed look very similar, but will taste much different. The store-bought, flavorless tomatoes
undoubtedly contain fewer nutrients than the home-grown variety. On the other hand, a delicious fast food
“milkshake” may be almost void in nutrients and a mediocre tasting soy based drink may be extremely high
in nutrients.

3. There is no nutritional rationale for artificial flavors, artificial colors, or fillers. 4. For best results look for supplements whose raw materials are grown without the use of chemical fertilizers, chemical pesticides, chemical fungicides, or chemical herbicides. There is no nutritional rational for any of these.
When you see extracts on a label, look for standardized extracts. This helps ensure that each tablet or capsule
contains the amounts listed on the label.
5. Synthetic nutrients can not become a living part of a living cell. 6. Make sure that the supplements you choose have been clinically tested (on human volunteers) to prove their effectiveness. Testing should include laboratory testing AND clinical testing. Published clinical testing in peer review journals are the best assurance of quality, effective supplements. 7. You will often see the following on literature and labels: “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.” The above statement is required by the FDA in Code of Federal Regulations Title 21, Volume 2 Revised as of April 1, 2002 Chapter 1 Part 101 Subpart F Sec. 101.93 Page 150 Paragraph (c) (2) and (d). Although required by your federal government, the statement is sometimes FALSE. Some products ARE often
intended to treat, cure, and/or prevent disease. Many products are “quacks” and do absolutely nothing for the sucker
who purchases them. Make sure there is clinical proof to backup the claim.
8. Many nutrients need to mix with intrinsic factors in the stomach to be effective. Others are absorbed in the stomach or the first few inches of the small intestines. Therefore timed release products will not work with nutrients like the B-Complex vitamins since they are absorbed early in the digestive cycle. This also means that a Multi- Vitamin/Mineral is no good in a timed release form. Companies that sell these types of products are either ignorant or selling you HYPE and NOT HEALTH. 9. Many nutrients work better in the presence of other elements. Because of this fact, isolated nutrients are often ineffective. Examples of good formulations include: B-Complex nutrients rather than individual B vitamins, Vitamin-C in the presence of bioflavinoids; Iron and Vitamin-C together, Vitamin-E Complex plus Selenium, etc. 10. Sometimes people are concerned with the possible interferences of nutritional supplements with commonly used or prescription drugs. Of equal concern should be the interference of drugs with the absorption and assimilation of nutrients. Is it possible that a drug being taken to relieve a symptom is blocking the utilization of a nutrient and causing a bigger problem than the one for which the drug is being taken? SPECIFICS:
11. Alfalfa: — The leaves of the alfalfa plant contain most of the nutrients. Look for alfalfa that is NOT the complete
plant but just the leaves. Alfalfa’s beneficial effects come in part from the trace minerals. Look for alfalfa grown in a area where the soil is high in these minerals. Look for Alfalfa that has not been sprayed with any herbicides, fungicides or pesticides. People who have been diagnosed with any auto-immune disorder should avoid alfalfa seeds or sprouts. Pure, uncontaminated leaves, however, may be beneficial to those with auto-immune disorders. 12. B-Complex: — There are 8 B vitamins. Six of the eight should be present in roughly equivalent US Daily Value
percentages. B-Complex nutrients can be used up very quickly under stressful situations. It is important to take adequate amounts of B-Complex throughout the day. Two B-Complex vitamins (biotin and folic acid) are synthesized by the normal bacteria in the intestines, if these good bacteria are present in proper amounts. They should still be present in at least 100% US Daily Values. Often times they are missing or present in very low percentages because they are the two most expensive. This may keep the price down but it doesn’t do your health any good. Antibiotic use in the U.S. has compromised the good organisms that help with the synthesizing of biotin and folic acid. Even persons NOT taking antibiotic medication may have compromised the normal bacteria because of the excessive use of antibiotics in the beef, chicken, and dairy industries. For this reason supplements of Acidophilus and Bifidobacter are recommended for optimal B-Complex utilization. 13. Carotenoid Complex: — Beta Carotene is the best-known carotenoid because of its vitamin A activity. It is the safe
form of Vitamin-A. Regular Vitamin-A can be toxic in large quantities. The human body converts Beta Carotene to Vitamin-A on an as-needed basis. Avoid Beta Carotene in tablets because the nutrient is inert in dry form. For this reason Beta Carotene in Multi-Vitamin tablets should be avoided. Beta Carotene should be in liquid form in capsules. Recent discoveries demonstrate that several other carotenoids benefit various organs of the human body as well. There are five key carotenoids (beta carotene, alpha carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, and lycopene) and three other phytonutrients (quercetin, grape seed extract, and broccoli sprouts extract) associated with long-term health of the eyes, prostate, cervix, lungs, and heart. Research also suggests that carotenoids work together to support a strong immune system. Alpha Carotene is found in the same places as Beta Carotene and in similar quantities. One study has shown that healthy immune function was maintained by subjects when Beta Carotene was combined with Alpha Carotene and other major carotenoids in their diets. Testing indicates that Lycopene is the most potent antioxidant in the carotenoid family. Lycopene may help everyone in lowering cancer risks. Lutein and Zeaxanthin are closely related and are the only carotenoids that concentrate in the retina. Evidence shows that Lutein and Zeaxanthin may help prevent age related macular degeneration. Quercetin is by far the most common bioflavonoid. Here are the facts. Lung cancer is the number one killer of men and women. The great majority of people eat far too few quercetin containing foods. With solid evidence on quercetin and lung cancer, and the admitted facts of our poor daily intake, nutritionists are starting to recommend supplemental quercetin as a way of getting this critical antioxidant. Grape seed extract is linked to the health of the small vessels of the body such as veins and capillaries. Scientists at John Hopkins University in Baltimore found that three-day-old broccoli sprouts consistently contain up to 100 times the amount of protective compounds found in mature broccoli heads. One of these compounds, sulforaphane, has an extraordinary ability to safeguard healthy cells by neutralizing the highly reactive, toxic chemicals that are processed by the liver. 14. Vitamin-C: — Ascorbic Acid (the pure form of Vitamin-C) has been proven to be much more effective when in the
presence of the bioflavinoids. The human body can not absorb and retain high doses of Vitamin-C at one time, and Vitamin C can be used up very quickly by a body under stress. Vitamin C is absorbed throughout the digestive tract. Vitamin-C, therefore, is an effective time released vitamin. Few other vitamins can be absorbed throughout the digestive tract. Therefore, be cautious when purchasing other time released vitamins. It may sound good from a marketing standpoint, but it does nothing for your health. 15. Calcium: — Choose a Calcium supplement that does not include either bone meal or dolomite as ingredients. These
calcium sources may be contaminated with lead and other heavy metals that are harmful. The supplement should contain Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Phosphorus, because these nutrients enhance the absorption of Calcium into the bones. For people drinking large quantities of soda-pop (3 per day or more) phosphorus may not be needed. Calcium alone is very poorly absorbed. Other trace minerals such as zinc, copper and manganese also aid in Calcium absorption. 16. Cholesterol Regulator: — While there have been many reports about the beneficial effects of soluble fiber relating
to cholesterol, further study has shown that not all soluble fibers have the same beneficial effect. Some, such as acacia gum are very tasty but are ineffective in lowering cholesterol. Certain combinations of specific soluble fibers have a synergistic effect, such as psyllium husk, pectin, guar gum, and locust bean gum. The only way to know for sure is to look for clinical studies on the product that prove the product works effectively at lowering cholesterol levels. 17. Detoxifying Herbs: — In order to detoxify the body, the colon and liver must be cleansed. Many laxatives do not
perform this cleansing function since they only soften the stools. In order to detoxify the colon, the peristaltic action of the colon must be stimulated gently. Peristalsis is the natural process of elimination, but in some people the colon is sluggish and the muscles do not work well. The proper detoxifying herbs gently stimulate, exercise, and strengthen the peristaltic motion of the muscles. Herbal products containing mucous reducing licorice root, senna, alfalfa, anise seed, blue malva flower, buckhorn bark, celery root, fennel and rhubarb powder work most gently. 18. Vitamin-E: — Look for the complete spectrum of all forms of Vitamin-E (alpha, beta, gamma and delta tocopherols
plus tocotrienols). Anything less is like leaving out an essential ingredient in a recipe. Vitamin-E supplements should also contain the trace mineral selenium since they work synergistically as an antioxidant. 19. Echinacea: — This herb is used to alleviate temporary, short term symptoms. Primary uses: Immunostimulant,
antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory. Used for preventing and treating colds and flu. When taken as a tea, a tingling or numbing sensation is often felt on the tip of the tongue. This effect is caused by natural phytochemical compounds (isobutylamides) found in Echinacea. These compounds effectively stimulate the lymphatic tissue in the mouth, initiating an immune response. As a result, taking Echinacea orally as a tea may be more effective. Combining Echinacea angustifolia and Echinacea purpurea along with other traditional herbs used for treating cold and flu symptoms (e.g. Hyssop, peppermint and thyme) can be quite an effective herbal formula and natural remedy when taken as a tea. When purchasing Echinacea and Echinacea herbal products it is important to buy from a reputable manufacturer to obtain the best quality product available. Unfortunately, Echinacea is an herb that has had a history of adulteration. Little or no Echinacea has been found in too many products labeled as Echinacea. Properly labeled herbal products will list the correct botanical species of the herb on the label so you know what you are getting. SUPPORTING INGREDIENTS: a. Echinacea purpurea — Stimulates the body’s natural resistance and is the most studies species and plant components (herb and root) rich in cichoric acid and alkalamides with immunoactive properties. b. Black Elderberry — Maintains a healthy immune response — rich source of polyphenols and anthocyanadins, powerful phytonutrients that help maintain the immune system. c. Larch Tree — Enhances immune support — Enhances Echinacea’s benefits with immunoactive arabinogalactins extracted from the heartwood of the Larch Tree. d. Zinc — Daily intake of Zinc is important for proper immune function. 20. EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid): — This Essential Fatty Acid should also include DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid).
Look for the most concentrated form of the product, again in hermetically sealed capsules (not all encapsulated supplements are kept from air while being processed). These capsules have been shown to help decrease inflammation within the body, and to aid in keeping blood platelets from becoming sticky. 21. Fiber: — There are five kinds of dietary fiber. Adding a single form of fiber is often ineffective. Look for fiber
supplements that contain a variety of sources and all types of fiber needed to accomplish the task. Fiber supplements are available in tablets, powder, chewable wafers and crunchy form. 22. Fluid Replacement Drink: — These products should be glucose polymers containing 20-28 grams of
carbohydrates; over 100 mg of sodium; all of the main electrolytes (potassium, calcium, sodium, chloride, magnesium, and phosphates); and fructose. Avoid sucrose, artificial sweeteners, colors, or flavors. Three carbohydrate sources are better than one or two. Vitamins have no place in a drink designed for use during exercise. Fluid replacement drinks should be consumed on a strict schedule for best results. 23. Garlic: — This medicinal plant has been used for thousands of years. The allicin in garlic is the primary component
providing the benefit. Unfortunately it is also the primary cause of the odor. Odorless garlic supplements (such as aged garlic extract) have significantly reduced beneficial effects because of the reduction of allicin. Look for garlic supplements with the odor masked or controlled. Garlic has been called Nature’s Antibiotic, Antifungal agent, and Antiviral agent. 24. Ginkgo Biloba: — Ginkgo products containing other traditional herbs such as Hawthorne, Bilberry, Rosemary, and
Gotu Kola and some B-Complex nutrients that may help prevent homocystene levels from harming blood vessel walls are highly recommended. 25. Ginseng: — What compounds make up a good product to SUPPORT SUSTAINED VITALITY? Cordyceps Cs-4
Extract (Cordyceps sinensis), Ginseng Root Extract (Panax Ginseng), and Green Tea Extract. IS THERE SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE FOR THESE INGREDIENTS? Cordyceps Cs-4 extract has been
extensively tested in China and found to help ward off everyday fatigue. Studies indicate that it promotes more
efficient use of oxygen by the cells. In one three-month long, double-blind placebo controlled study, 92% of elderly people who used Cordyceps reported a reduction in their feelings of fatigue, compared to only 14% in a placebo group. In Asian traditional medicine, dried ginseng is used as a tonic to revitalize and replenish vital energy. In 1991, the German Commission E approved the use of Panax Ginseng “as a tonic for invigoration and fortification in times of fatigue and debility, and for treating declines in capacity for work and concentration”. Population studies have shown improved health of the mouth, pancreas, colon, skin, lung, prostate, bladder, and digestive tract associated with tea consumption. Tea consumption has also been linked to improved cardiovascular health and retaining normal blood cholesterol levels. Tea is the richest dietary source of the antioxidant phytonutrients known as polyphenols. Green tea is the favorite tea of Asia; black tea is preferred in Europe and the Americas. Asian ginseng contains most of the ginsenosides in major concentrations and is the preferred ginseng of choice.
Many other products called ginseng are not actually ginseng at all. UNFORTUNATELY ASIAN GINSENG
being used because of
severe flood damage to crops in Asia. This does not stop most companies from selling it anyway. The more
reputable ones will wait until uncontaminated supplies are available. Care must be taken to make sure the product
you choose has been tested for this fungicide. Currently (Aug 2000) there is no known Asian Ginseng available
anywhere without the fungicide. Ginseng Root Extract (Panax Ginseng) has the same beneficial effects without the
26. GLA (Gamma-Linolenic Acid): — This essential fatty is found in borage oil, flaxseed oil, linseed oil, and evening
primrose oil. As people move away from eating fatty foods, their need for essential fatty acids increases. GLA has been shown to be anti-inflammatory in nature. 27. Glucosamine Hydrochloride: — along with other traditional herbs such as Devil’s Claw, Alfalfa, and trace
minerals such as copper, zinc, boron, and manganese, Glucosamine hydrochloride (without sodium) has been shown to support the body’s natural ability to build and maintain bone and the cartilage which provides cushioning for joints and helps maintain range of motion. Look for all or most of these herbs and nutrients in a Glucosamine herbal formula. 28. High Energy Snacks: — During prolonged exercise it is often desirable to refuel. Refueling should be done with a
high-carbohydrate, low-fat snack or with a Fluid Replacement Drink containing the right sources of carbohydrates. For best results, the snack should be a mix of complex and simple carbohydrates blended with protein for immediate and sustained energy. 29. Hormone Balancing Herbs: — Phytoestrogens. Although Black Cohosh has received most of the publicity and
therefore is what you might find in most herbal remedies for balancing hormones, it is just one of several herbs that, working in combination, may provide noticeable relief. An outstanding analysis of some of the best studies was recently published. “In this review of eight human studies on the effectiveness of an extract of (black cohosh) on alleviating menopausal symptoms, it is apparent that it is a safe, effective alternative to estrogen replacement therapy for those patients in whom estrogen replacement therapy is either refused or contraindicated,” says the author of the study. Look for these other complimentary substances: a. Soy Isoflavones. For the menopausal woman, soy has particular interest, as it is studied for both its apparent beneficial effect during menopause as well as for bone-building and maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. b. Flaxseed — Nature’s richest source of lignans may be one of the compounds that account for some of the protective properties of vegetarian diets. Dong Quai contains some phytoestrogens but curiously a 1997 study showed it to be ineffective when taken alone. The investigators concluded that dong quai must be administered in combination with other phytoestrogenic herbs to be effective. The blossoms of Red Clover contain phytoestrogens similar to those found in soy and have been found to exert estrogen-like activity. c. And finally Licorice extract. The most remarkable feature of this herb is that it also contains substances which help balance the estrogen reactions, further contributing to a smooth transition through menopause. 30. Immune System Builders: — The following nutrients help build and strengthen the immune system (i.e. build
Phagocytes, T-Helper Cells, etc.): Vitamins A, C, E, B6, B12, and Folic Acid; and the minerals Copper, Iron, Zinc, and Selenium. They can be taken separately or in a combined supplement. Be especially careful to select a supplement that has been clinically tested because some of these nutrients are not stable together without certain protective features (such as the addition of Rosemary). 31. Iron: — The absorption of Iron is enhanced by the presence of Vitamin-C. Also, Ferrous Fumarate is the most
32. Lactobacillus Acidophilus and Bifidus: — These normal bacteria found in the gut can be diminished by taking
antibiotics or by eating food containing antibiotics, thus allowing other organisms, such as yeast (candida), to take over as primary organisms. Many symptoms of disease, including food sensitivities may be caused by yeast overgrowth in the intestines. Make sure the product GUARANTEES LIVE DELIVERY TO THE INTESTINE. Studies have shown that most products are no longer live by the time you open the bottle let alone when the product gets to the intestine. A well designed product will contain both prebiotics and probiotics to provide support for a healthy balance of intestinal microflora. 33. Lecithin: — This essential fatty acid is a major source of choline and inositol. Choline and Inositol found in Multi-
Vitamin/Mineral supplements are in such small quantities as to be meaningless. The strongest source for lecithin is Soy. Hermetically sealed capsules keep the lecithin from becoming rancid. Lecithin granules quickly become rancid when exposed to air. Lecithin has been shown to aid people with learning disabilities, poor memory, high cholesterol levels, gall and kidney stones, as well as weight loss. Lecithin helps emulsify fat, which is especially important when one is on a weight loss program. 34. Milk Thistle: — Milk thistle seed extract works in combination with other traditional herbs that aid Milk thistle in
caring for the liver. These other herbs are: Extracts of Schizandra, Dandelion extract, Reishi mushroom, Turmeric and Artichoke extracts. Look for all or most of these herbs in a Milk thistle herbal formula. 35. Multi-Enzyme Digestive Aid: — should offer multi-function plant-based, comprehensive digestive support. Avoid
single-function digestive aids since digestive discomfort is rarely associated with just one problem. Also avoid animal based digestive aids since far too many animal products contain undesirable ingredients as a result of the way the animal is raised. To alleviate symptoms such as gas, bloating and feelings of fullness the product should include targeted enzymes to help digest common problem foods such as dairy and gas-producing vegetables including beans and broccoli. To help with complete digestion of the fat, protein, and carbohydrates in all foods the product should contain a concentrated, multi-enzyme formula addresses all food groups. Digestive enzymes manufactured in the body play key roles in breaking down the complex molecules of food during digestion. Different enzymes work at different sites. Plant-based enzymes should be derived through natural fermentation, and support digestion of all food groups. The product should include: a. Beta d-Galactosidase (Lactase) which helps digest the lactose, or milk sugar, found in dairy products. b. Alpha d-Galactosidase — which helps digest the complex sugars found in beans and other legumes, and in cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli. (This enzyme is not produced by the body.) c. Protease — which helps to break down the peptide bonds in protein foods. The use of multiple proteases — each specific to different pH ranges — improves the activity by supporting digestive reactions at different gastrointestinal sites to rapidly increase the rate of nutrient breakdown. d. Amylase — which helps to digest the starchy carbohydrates in foods such as breads, pasta, and potatoes. e. Lipase — which helps to digest the fats in foods. 36. Multi-Vitamin/Mineral: — There are 25+ nutrients that have an established US Daily Values. All 25+ should be
present in a Multi-Vitamin/Multi-mineral supplement. Other nutrients with proposed US Daily Values should also be present. Biotin is often low or missing in these formulations because the nutrient is very expensive. Calcium is often low or missing because it is bulky to tablet. Look for balance of the US Daily Value percentages. Acceptable levels are from approximately 40% to 200%. Percentages outside of this range are not nutritionally sound. 37. Peppermint and Ginger: — These two common herbs work synergistically together. Both have soothing
properties, but for best results use an herbal formula containing both. 38. Post Exercise Drink: — These products should contain a blend of protein and carbohydrate sources designed to
optimize the post-exercise anabolic state for increased muscle building and enhanced energy return. They should contain all naturally occurring amino acids and chromium nicotinate (a highly bioavailable source of the mineral chromium which research indicates may be low in athletes). These drinks should be consumed immediately after exercise and again 2 hours later (and before bed if muscle gain is a goal). 39. Saw Palmetto: — Other nutrients or herbs that enhance the benefits of Saw Palmetto are Pumpkin Seed oil and Beta
sitosterol (from soybean phytosterols), soy lecithin, mixed Vitamin E complex and Rosemary. Look for all or most of these herbs in a Saw Palmetto herbal formula. 40. St. John’s Wort: — Other nutrients or herbs that enhance the benefits of St. John’s Wort are inositol, Siberian
ginseng extract, and Green oat extract. High doses of St. John’s Wort may cause sun sensitivities in some individuals. 41. Soy Protein: — A protein supplement should be low in fat or have no fat. It should contain all 9 essential amino
acids. Anything less and it is incomplete. Soy products are not all alike in that many products have been processed using alcohol extraction methods or heat. Those methods destroy many of the phytochemicals (isoflavones) that are so beneficial. Make sure the soy protein supplement you choose is water-washed. Check for clinical proof of the product’s efficacy before choosing a soy protein product. 42. Valerian: — This herb in combination with other calmative herbs such as Passionflower and Chamomile Flower
extracts can make an excellent calmative herbal tea. Dried Valerian root has a very strong, unpleasant odor. This odor is related to its natural phytochemical constituents and is no reason for alarm. The odor goes away when the valerian is made into a tea. 43. Zinc: — Zinc Gluconate is the most readily utilized form of Zinc in supplement form. The richest food source of
Zinc is, by far, the oyster. Because of hepatitis contamination, it is riskier to eat oysters now and so the major food source for this essential nutrient is all but lost. 44. CoEnzyme Q10: — CoQ10 has been around for a long time. Yet in all the years it has been available, there were
few if any products on the market that really delivered what was on the label. New technology has made possible soft-gel capsule delivery systems that provide up to 500% more bioavailable CoQ10 to the body than solid forms. Like so many things, CoQ10 works best in the presence of other substances. Studies show that Resveratrol complements the action ofCoQ10. Look for clinical studies showing the bioavailability before purchasing. 45. Stress Relief: — A very popular herb for the relief of stress is Kava. THIS PRODUCT (Kava) SHOULD BE
AVOIDED. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is advising consumers of the potential risk of severe liver
injury associated with the use of kava-containing dietary supplements. Liver-related risks associated with the use of
kava have prompted regulatory agencies in other countries, including those in Germany, Switzerland, France,
Canada, and the United Kingdom, to take action ranging from warning consumers about the potential risks of kava
use to removing kava-containing products from the marketplace. So much for the DON’TS. Now here are the DO’S.
Like so many things, for best results look for products that contain a complex of ingredients with scientific evidence
supporting their use. Rare is it that a single nutrient or herb will perform as well as, or at all, when compared with a
complex. For relief from stress, scientific evidence points to these 4 main ingredients (Ashwagandha, Beta-
Sitosterol, L-theanine, and L-Tyrosine).
46. Glucose Efficiency Enhancer: — Most products (whether prescription drugs, over the counter drugs, vitamins, or
herbs) designed to cure or aid in the prevention of Diabetes, do so by causing the body to produce more insulin. This technique has its drawbacks. The primary drawback being that the Pancreas wears out and slows the production of insulin to the point where the person is diabetic. Then the body may require insulin pills or injections. A better alternative is to enhance the body’s ability to utilize the insulin that is naturally available. It is like driving a more fuel-efficient car rather than just buying more gas. So, if you are concerned about your blood sugar levels being too high (per-diabetic) look for a solution for life. Look for something to make your body work more efficiently. 47. Hair Health: — People do a lot and spend a lot on their hair and for their hair. Unfortunately, many products on the
market do more damage than good. They may provide short-term vanity boosts, but in the long run most products damage the hair and cause excessive breakage and hair loss. There are hair care systems that combine shampooing the hair with nourishing the hair and scalp. Hair grows from the scalp. Just as you won’t get a good healthy crop from poor soil, you also won’t get good healthy hair from a poorly nourished scalp. So, don’t just clean you hair, feed it.

Source: http://www.healthtrains.net/Software/Files/NSG.pdf


2998-(2) Diário da República, 1.ª série — N.º 114 — 14 de junho de 2012 PRESIDÊNCIA DO CONSELHO DE MINISTROS benefício recebido pelo trabalhador, correspondendo a uma forma descentralizada de incentivar novas contratações, Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 51-A/2012 com baixos custos administrativos, e cuja concessão está condicionada à criação líquida d


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