Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology, Vol. 98, No. 7, 725–731 (2004)
Porcine and rodent infection with Trichinella, in the Sierra Grande area of Río Negro province, Argentina
*Secretaría de Estado de Salud, Laprida 240, 8500 Viedma, Argentina†Departamento de Parasitología, Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas, AdministraciónNacional de Laboratorios e Institutos de Salud ‘Dr Carlos G. Malbrán’, Av. Vélez Sarsfield 563,1281 Buenos Aires, Argentina‡Hospital Sierra Grande, Diagonal sin Nombre, 8532 Sierra Grande, ArgentinaReceived 16 February 2004, Revised 12 May 2004,Accepted 14 May 2004
In 2000, two cases of human trichinellosis were detected in the Sierra Grande area of Río Negro province, Argentina. As part of an investigation of the aetiology of these cases, 300 pigs slaughtered for consumption in the area between2000 and 2002 were checked for Trichinella infection, by artificial digestion of a muscle sample. Twelve (5.6%) —four (7.3%) of the 55 checked in 2000, five (4.8%) of the 105 investigated in 2001, and three (2.1%) of the 140investigated in 2002 — were found infected. Blood samples were collected from other pigs aged >6 months old,so that sera could be tested, in ELISA and by western blotting, for anti-Trichinella antibodies. Of the 181 animalschecked in the initial serological survey, 36 (19.9%) were found seropositive for Trichinella. When 35 of theseronegative pigs were re-checked 6 months later, three (8.6%) were found to have seroconverted.
Four (15.4%) of 26 local rodents, caught in Sherman-type traps, were also found positive when checked for
infection by artificial digestion. It appears that about 20% of pigs in the study area are infected each year, this highlevel of transmission being sustained by a high prevalence of infection in the local rodent populations.
Trichinellosis is a zoonosis that is broadly
When, in 1984, staff of the veterinary service
distributed throughout the world. The caus-
of the Río Negro health secretariat checked
ative agents, nematodes of the genus Trich-
pigs held in breeding pens in this area, so
inella, are mainly to be found infecting
carnivorous or omnivorous mammals, inclu-
with Trichinella that the area was officially
declared severely affected by trichinellosis
et al., 1991; Gamble, 2000; Sequeira et al.,
(unpubl. obs.). This declaration prompted
Health Service and the culling of every pig
(>600 animals) in the area. Microscopical
porcine and human trichinellosis (Larrieu,
examinations (i.e. trichinoscopies) revealed
that 22% of the pigs killed were infected
south–eastern corner of the province, has
(unpubl. obs.). Since 1985, the local pig
disease, which remains locally endemic.
former size, with new introductions fromseveral regions of Argentina. In the last 20years, however, the human population has
Reprint requests to: E. Larrieu. E-mail: [email protected]; fax: +55 2920
declined (from 12,000 residents in 1985 to
<6000 in 2000) as a result of the closure of
2004 The Liverpool School of Tropical MedicineDOI: 10.1179/000349804225021460
in place so that the location of each tagged
pig could be updated, as necessary, and any
ment. As the current level of unemployment
pigs entering or leaving the area could be
exceeds 50%, life for the local inhabitants is
generally very difficult, with much social
deprivation. The pigs in the area are owned
pig owners to the effect that any pig found
by small-scale producers whose primary aim
seropositive for Trichinella (see below) would
is the production of pork for their families
be confined to its breeding pen. Breeding
to eat, although some of the meat is sold or
pens with seropositive swine were inspected
exchanged for other goods. Little of the meat
systematically by the veterinary service of the
is processed into salami or ham, to extend its
shelf-life. Fresh pork sausages are marketedin a few butchers’ shops.
In 2000, clinicians at the hospital serving
the Sierra Grande region reported two cases
of human trichinellosis (unpubl. obs.). The
central caudal vein of each pig tagged in the
all of the pigs in the two pig-breeding pens
centrifugation, and then kept frozen at -
subsequently identified as the geographical
20dC until they could be checked for anti-
Trichinella antibodies in ELISA and western
blots (Ruitemberg et al., 1975). Six to
checked for Trichinella, by ‘artificial’ diges-
23 months later, some of the pigs that had
tion of muscle samples (Gamble, 1998), 10%
been found seronegative and two of the pigs
were found to be infected (unpubl. obs.).
(confined to their pens) that had been found
evaluate the general prevalence of Trichinellainfection in the pigs and rodents of the Sierra
Grande area, and so gain some insight into
The larval excretory–secretory products
the epidemiology of trichinellosis in this and
used as antigens for the serological tests were
prepared from T. spiralis ISS643 that hadbeen maintained in CF1 mice (Su et al.,1990). Larvae were recovered from infected
murine muscle (from mouse carcasses thathad been skinned, eviscerated and ground)
Study Area
by digestion with 1% pepsin in 1% HCl for 3
h at 37dC. They were washed in Dulbecco’s
steppe and is characterized by low rainfall
tures, and very low winter temperatures. The
(500 µg/ml), and then incubated, for 18 h at
with 10 m N-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazine-Np-(2-ethanesulphonic acid) (HEPES), 2
Pig Census and Control
m glutamine, 1 m pyruvate, penicillin
In October 2000, all the pigs in the Sierra
(50 U/ml) and streptomycin (50 µg/ml). The
aged. The older animals (those aged >6
rane. The filtrate was concentrated under
tags, each tag being placed in a left ear.
Subsequently, a monitoring system was put
retention. The protein concentration in a
sample of the concentrated filtrate was esti-
(phosphate-buffered saline, pH 7.2, contain-
mated by the method of Bradford (1976).
The remainder of the concentrated filtrate,
being cut into 2-mm-wide strips. Each strip
used as the antigen source for the serological
was then shaken for 1 h at room temperature
tests, was maintained frozen at -20dC until
with a test serum diluted 1:100 in blocking
solution. After three, 10-min rinses withwash buffer, the strips were shaken for 1 h atroom temperature with the same peroxidase
conjugate as used for the ELISA, then rinsed
Flat-bottomed, polyvinyl, microtitre plates
twice, for 10 min each, with washing buffer,
and once, for 10 min, with pure phosphate-
buffered saline (PBS). Finally, a substrate
buffer, pH 9.6, overnight at 4dC. Each well
buffer (phosphate-buffered saline, pH 7.2,
antigens, of 49, 52 and 54 kDa, were consid-
were then blocked with blocking buffer (3%
ered blot-positive for Trichinella (Su et al.,
albumin in wash buffer) for 30 min at 37dC.
After three more rinses with wash buffer,100 µl of a test serum, diluted 1:250 inblocking buffer, were added to each well and
Pig Parasitology and Muscle Digestion
the plates incubated 30 min at 37dC. Then a
horseradish-peroxidase conjugate of rabbit
collected, post-mortem, from each pigslaughtered for consumption between 2000
blocking buffer was left in the wells for
subsample of each sample was digested with
30 min at 37dC. After a final three washes,
pepsin/HCl (as used for the antigen prepara-
tion) before being checked under a micro-
H2O2 in citrate–phosphate buffer (pH 5)
scope for Trichinella larvae. The samples that
were added as substrate. After incubation for
5 min in a dark box, the optical densities
Malbrán parasitology laboratory in Buenos
Aires, for confirmation and for typing a few
450 nm, in an automated microplate reader.
To establish a threshold for seropositivity,
the pigs found ELISA-positive (which were
Trichinella, by the digestion of muscle
samples (see below), were run in the ELISA;
no larvae were found in a 10-g subsample,
the value calculated by adding three .. to
ever-larger samples were used until larvae
the mean OD for these sera was used as the
The proteins in a sample of the extract of
excretory–secretory antigens were separated
described by Zarlenga et al. (1999) was used
to identify the Trichinella in each sample to
species level. DNA was extracted from single
transblotted onto nitrocellulose membrane
larvae, each larva being placed in 5 µl lysis
at a constant voltage for 1 h. The membrane
buffer [10 m Tris (pH 8.3), 50 m KCl,
NP-40, 0.01% gelatin, and 0.2 mg protein-
up and digested with pepsin/HCl to release
ase K/ml], overlaid with a drop of mineral
any Trichinella larvae present. One of the
oil, and then heated, first for 90 min at 65dC
larvae released was identified to species
and then for 15 min at 90dC, before being
Each 50-µl reaction mixture for the first-
Infection in the Human Population
A serum sample was collected from each of
extract, 5 µl 10xPCR buffer, 0.4 µl of a
the 112 patients who presented at the Sierra
2.5 m solution of each deoxynucleotide
Grande hospital over a 7-day period in 2001,
triphosphate, 0.6 U Taq polymerase, and0.05 µ of each primer (5p-TCT TGG TGG
for the treatment or diagnosis of conditionsother than trichinosis (no symptomatic cases
of human trichinosis were detected in the
AAC GC). After denaturation for 3 min at94dC, the DNA was amplified for 25 cycles,
area in 2001 or 2002). These sera weretested for anti-Trichinella antibodies, using
each cycle consisting of 1 min at 94dC, 1 min
at 55dC, and 2 min at 72dC, before a finalextension for 10 min at 72dC.
reaction mixture contained 2.5 µl of the first-
round amplification products, 5 µl 10xPCRbuffer, 0.4 µl of a 2.5 m solution of each
Pig Census
deoxynucleotide triphosphate, 1.25 U Taq
During the 2000 census just 27 pig-breeding
pens were located. Together, these pens held
105 older animals that were tagged). Each
94dC, the reaction was cycled 40 times, each
cycle of 1 min at 94dC, 1 min at 60dC, and
2 min at 72dC, before a final extension for
town, 20 (74.1%) were on the outskirts of
this town (100–1000 m from urban areas),
rated by electrophoresis in 2.5% (w/v) agar-
5–20 km from the town, on sheep farms or
ose gel and visualized, by trans-illumination
with ultra-violet light, after staining withethidium bromide. Reference isolates ofthe muscle larvae of T. spiralis (ISS599),
Porcine Infection T. nativa (ISS532), T. britovi (ISS447),
T. pseudospiralis (ISS13), T. murrelli
(ISS103) and Trichinella T6 (ISS34) were
months, and 27 (28.4%) of these sampleswere found positive in the ELISA (18) or by
Rodent Collection and Parasitology
western blotting only (nine). Four (9.1%)
Wild rodents in the study area were caught
alive, using Sherman-type traps set in the
production in 2001 were found seropositive,
pig-breeding pens (661 trap-nights) or in the
municipal rubbish dump (441 trap-nights).
Each rodent caught was killed, skinned and
anti-Trichinella antibodies, three by ELISA
eviscerated. Each carcass was then chopped
Table). Overall, 181 pigs were investigated
serological investigations had begun), four
by serology and 36 (19.9%) found seroposi-
(7.3%) were found to contain Trichinella
tion and five (4.8%) were found infected.
the animals aged >6-months–<2 years to
Twenty-three of the 105 pigs investigated by
18.4% in those aged 2–3 years and 27.3% in
digestion in 2001 were old enough to have
the pigs that were >3 years of age (x2 for
been tested in an earlier serological survey.
trend; P<0.01). Gender also appeared to
15.3% of the female pigs investigated and
at slaughter in 2001 (including the other
were piglets aged <6 months and had not
re-tested, three (8.6%) were found seroposi-
tive by ELISA and/or western blotting. Two
the initial screening were still seropositive,
Worryingly, at least one seropositive pig
in the study area — 14 (50%) of the pens
infected with Trichinella larvae, the parasite
in urban or peri-urban areas and one (25%)
of those in rural areas. The small sample
size meant that the likelihood of finding aseropositive pig in an urban/peri-urban
breeding pen was not significantly higher
Overall 26 rodents were caught, the level of
rural pen (odds ratio=3.2; 95% confidence
interval=0.23–92; P>0.32).
higher in the pig-breeding pens than in therubbish dump (2.9 v. 1.6) and higher in the
seen in 2000 (the rodent collections being
made after all the pigs from these two pens
Detection of Trichinella infection in pigs from the Sierra Grande area of the Argentinian province of Río Negro,
pens that still held pigs (5.7 v. 2.3).
the present study are probably more sensi-
tive methods of detecting Trichinella
(43%) of the seven caught in the dump and
infection than either trichinoscopy or muscle
digestion, the seroprevalences and serocon-
pens — were found infected with Trichinella
versions recorded in 2000–2002 are worry-
ing. Similarly, even though the sample wassmall, the prevalence recorded in the rodents(15.4%) is also cause for concern, indicating
Identification of Trichinella Isolates
that, as observed in other regions of the
Two isolates of muscular larvae from pigs
world (Loufty et al., 1999; Theodoropoulos
slaughtered in 2002 and one from a rodent
et al., 2003), a ‘reservoir’ of Trichinella may
(Mus musculus) were investigated by nested
pattern characteristic of T. spiralis (data not
study area (as indicated by the 2.7 rodentscaught/100 trap-nights) appear much lower
Human Infection
than those recorded, by Larrieu et al. (2002),
Twelve (10.7%) of the 112 patients tested
elsewhere in Río Negro province (12–35
rodents/100 trap-nights). The size of the
rodent population in the Sierra Grande areais probably severely limited by the scarcewater and food supplies.
changes seen in the seroprevalences among
Although there are no large-scale producers
of pork in Río Negro province, there have
seronegative to seropositive) of several pigs
been recurrent, small outbreaks of porcine
over just 6 months, the detection of seroposi-
and human trichinellosis in the region for
many years. The porcine disease is consid-
breeding pens and in urban, peri-urban and
rural settings indicate wide-spread transmis-
appears to be the worst affected area in the
sion at substantial levels. In terms of the
province. Among the risk factors that prob-
local epidemiology of porcine trichinellosis,
ably contribute to this situation are the
the high prevalence of infection recorded
substandard facilities for pig rearing [staff of
the local veterinary service only consider one
the municipal dump may be very significant.
of the 27 breeding pens in the Sierra Grande
area to have ‘adequate’ facilities (unpubl.
seropositive pigs that were found seroposi-
obs.)], the feeding of pigs with swill collected
the subsistence economy of the area, with its
re-infected between the two periods of serol-
hygiene and housing. It is clear from the
present results that, in 2000–2002, the
become seronegative for at least a few years.
seroprevalence of Trichinella infection in
Given the relatively high seroprevalence of
infection in the local pigs, it is perhaps
trichinoscopy, among the pigs slaughtered
trichinellosis are not detected. The results
of the human serology in the present study
(although not based on an unbiased, cross-
Larrieu, E. (1981). Evolución de la triquinosis en la
sectional sample) indicate that human infec-
Provincia de Río Negro. Gaceta Veterinaria, 364,
tion with Trichinella is much more common
Larrieu, E., Cantoni, G., Herrero, H., Cavagion, L.,
Alvarez, E., Garcia Cachau, M., Bruni, M.,
human trichinellosis (no local cases detected
Labanchi, J. Albarracín, S., Mancini, S. Arellano, A.
& Padula, P. (2002). Vigilancia epidemiológica
residents also rarely if ever eat pork, since
de hantavirus en roedores y síndrome pulmonar
almost all of the meat produced in the small
por hantavirus en poblaciones humanas del sur de la Argentina. Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia, 6,
number of pig-breeding pens is eaten by the
pig owners or their families. To minimize the
Loufty, N., Awad, O., El Masry, M. & Kandil, G.
risk of human infection, perhaps sera from
(1999). Study on rodent infestation in Alexandria and
prevalence of Trichinella spiralis infection among
should be tested in ELISA or western blots
them. Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology,
29, 897–908.
Rodríguez Aruzco, J., Gonzales, A., Sacornani, C. &
digestion and can easily be used to investi-
Cubero, A. (1991). Estudio epidemiológico y clínico
gate many samples at one time), so that the
de un brote de triquinosis en niños. Santa Rosa, La
seropositives can be discarded (Geerts et al.,
Pampa, 1987. Archivos Argentinos de Pediatría, 89,
2002). Such screening could form the basis
of an effective system of surveillance and
Ruitemberg, E., Ljungstrom, I., Steeremberg, P. &
Buys, J. (1975). Application of immunofluorescense
control although, given the rodent infec-
and immunoenzyme methods in the serodiagnosis of
tions, such a system would probably have to
Trichinella spiralis infection. Annals of the New YorkAcademy of Sciences, 254, 293–303.
Sequeira, A., Molina, V., Montefellano, M., Bolpe, J. &
Guarnera, E. (2000). Genetic diversity amongisolates of Trichinella spiralis from the province of
Buenos Aires, Argentina. Journal of Helminthology, 74, 277–282.
Bradford, M. (1976). Rapid and sensitive method
Su, X. & Prestwood, A. (1990). Isolation of Trichinella
for the quantitation of microgram quantities of
specific antigens for diagnosis by gradient monoclonal
protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding.
Gamble, H. R. (1998). Sensitivity of artificial digestion
Theodoropoulos, G., Styliara, M., Petrakos, M. &
and enzyme immunoassay methos of inspection
Kapel, C. (2003). Effect of fox, pig, sheep and poultry
bile on the establishment of domestic and sylvatic
Gamble, H. R. (2000). Biology and epidemiology of
Trichinella. Investigacion Veterinaria, 2, 75–76.
Zarlenga, D. S., Chute, M. B., Martin, A. & Kapel,
Geerts, S., de Bordgrave, J., Dorny, P. & Brandt,
C. M. (1999). A multiplex PCR for unequivocal dif-
J. (2002). Trichinellosis: old facts and new develop-
ferentiation of all encapsulated and non-encapsulated
ments. Verhandelingen — Koninklijke Academie voorGeneeskunde van Belgie, 64, 233–250.
Os glomérulos filtram 180 litros de líquidos livres de proteínas, e menos de 1 % da água filtrada e NaCl, quantidades variáveis de outros solutos são excretadas na urina (125 ml/min). Pelos processos de reabsorção e secreção, os túbulos renais modulam o volume e a composição da urina. Filtração (quanto da substância foi filtrado) = Intensidade da filtração glomerular x concent