Publications conjointes ifrh

Sélection de 25 articles dans des revues à comité de lecture
Publications Communes à au moins deux composantes de l’IFRH (n = 97)

1. Ancel PY, Livinec F, Larroque B, Marret S, Arnaud C, Pierrat V, Dehan M, N’Guyen S, Escande B, Burguet A, Thiriez G,
Picaud JC, André M, Bréart G, Kaminski M, and the Epipage study group. Cerebral palsy in very preterm children in relation with gestational age and neonatal ultrasound abnormalities: the Epipage cohort study. Pediatrics, 2006; 117: 828-835. (IF=4,473) 2. Bauman M, Spitz E, Guillemin F, Ravaud J-F, Choquet M, Falissard B, Chau N, and Lorhandicap Group. Associations of social and material deprivation with tobacco, alcohol, and psychotropic drug use, and gender differentials: a population-based study. International Journal of Health Geographics, 2007, 6(1): 50, 12p. (IF=2,03) 3. Bensmail D, Quea Salva MA, Roche N, Benyahia S, Bohic M, Denys P, Bussel B, Lofaso F. Effect of intrathecal baclofen on sleep and respiratory function in patients with spasticity. Neurology 2006; 67(8): 1432-6. (IF=6,014) 4. Bensmail D, Robertson J, Fermanian C, Roby-Brami A. Botulinum toxin to treat upper limb spasticity in hemiparetic patients: 1. Analysis of function and kinematics of reaching movements. Neurorehab and neural repair. In press (IF=3,618) 5. Bensmail D, Robertson J, Fermanian C, Roby-Brami A. Botulinum toxin to treat upper limb spasticity in hemiparetic patients: 2 Grasping strategies and kinematics of reaching to grasp movements. Neurorehab and neural repair. In press (IF=3,618) 6. Calmels P, Queneau P, Hamonet C, Le Pen C, Maurel F, Lerouvreur C, Thoumie P. Effectiveness of a lumbar belt in subacute low back pain: an open, multicentric, and randomized clinical study. Spine 2009; 34(3); 215-220. (IF=2,793) 7. Cambois E., Robine J.-M., Romieu I. The influence of functional limitations and various demographic factors on self- reported activity restriction at older ages. Disability and Rehabilitation. 2005; 27(15):871-883. (IF=1,414) 8. Chaumet G, Quera-Salva MA, MacLeod A, Hartley S., Taillard J, Sagaspe P, Mazaux JM, Azouvi P, Joseph PA, Guilleminault C, Bioulac B, Léger D, Philip P. Is there a link between alertness and fatigue in patients with traumatic brain injury? Neurology 2008; 71:1609-1613. (IF=6,86) 9. Couillet J, Soury S, Lebornec G, Asloun S, Joseph PA, Mazaux JM, Azouvi P. Rehabilitation of divided attention after severe traumatic brain injury: A randomised trial. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation in press. (IF=2,06) 10. David D, Regnaux JP, Lejaille M, Louis A, Bussel B, Lofaso F. Oxygen consumption during machine-assisted and unassisted walking: a pilot study in hemiplegic and healthy humans. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2006; 87(4): 482-9. (IF=2,159) 11. Dechartres A, Boutron I, Nizard R, Poiraudeau S, Roy C, Ravaud JF, Ravaud P. Evolution of disability in adults with hip arthroplasty: a national longitudinal study. Arthritis Rheum 2007; 57(3): 364-378. (IF= 7,421) 12. Delobel-Ayoub M, Arnaud C, White-Koning M, Casper C, Pierrat V, Garel M, Burguet A, Rozé JC, Matis J, Picaud JC, Kaminski M, Larroque B: for the Epipage Study Group. Behavioural problems and cognitive performance at 5 years of age after very preterm birth: the Epipage study. Pediatrics 2009; 123: 1485-92. (IF=4,473) 13. Delobel-Ayoub M, Kaminski M, Marret S, Burguet A, Marchand L, Voyer M, N’Guyen S, Matis J, Thiriez G, Fresson J, Arnaud C, Poher M, Bréart G, Larroque B and the EPIPAGE Study Group. Behavioral outcome at three years of age in very preterm infants: the Epipage Study. Pediatrics 2006, 117: 1996-2005. (IF=4,473) 14. Dickinson HO, Parkinson KN, Ravens-Sieberer U, Schirripa G, Thyen U, Arnaud C, Beckung E, Fauconnier J, McManus V, Michelsen SI, Parkes J, Colver AF, Self-reported quality of life of 8-12year-old children with cerebral palsy: a cross-sectional European study. Lancet 2007; 369: 2171-8. (IF=28,638) 15. Fauconnier J, Dickinson HO, Beckung E, Marcelli M, McManus V, Michelsen SI, Parkes J, Parkinson KN, Thyen U, Arnaud C, Colver A. Participation in life situations of 8-12 year old children with cerebral palsy: cross sectional European study. BMJ 2009 Apr 24; 338: b1458. (IF= 12,827) 16. Faupin A, Gorce P, Campillo P, Thevenon A, Rémy-Néris O. Kinematic analysis of handbike propulsion in various gear ratios: implications for joint pain. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon) 2006; 21(6): 560-6. (IF=2,00) 17. Fayad F, Roby-Brami A, Yazbeck C, Hanneton S, Lefevre-Colau MM, Gautheron V, Poiraudeau S, Revel M. Three- dimensional scapular kinematics and scapulohumeral rhythm in patients with glenohumeral osteoarthritis or frozen shoulder. J Biomech 2008; 41(2): 326-32. (IF=2,897) 18. Gallien P, Reymann JM, Amarenco G, Nicolas B, de Sèze M, Belissant E. Placebo controlled, randomised, double-blind study of the effects of botulinum A toxin on detrusor sphincter dyssynergia in multiple sclerosis patients. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2005 ; 76 : 1670-1676. (IF=4,25) 19. Jacobs S, Combeaud M, Bussel B, Roby-Brami A. The use of a tool requires its incorporation into the movement: evidence from stick-pointing in apraxia. Cortex 2009; 45(4): 444-55. (IF=3,661) 20. Jagger C., Gillies C., Moscone F., Cambois E., Van Oyen H., Nusselder W., Robine J.-M., EHLEIS Team. Inequalities in healthy life years in the 25 countries of the European Union in 2005: a cross-national meta-regression analysis. The Lancet. 2008; 372(9656):2124 - 2131. (IF=28,638) 21. Karsenty G, Denys P, Amarenco G, de Sèze M, Gamé X, Haab F, Kerdraon J, Perrouin-Verbe B, Ruffion A, Saussine C, Soler JM, Chartier-Kastler E. Botulinum toxin A intradetrusor injections in Adults with neurogenic detrusor overactivity/overactive bladder: A systematic literature review. Eur Urol 2008; 53: 275-287. (IF=5,47) 22. Khlat M, Jusot F, Ville I. Social origins, early hardship and obesity: A strong association in women, but not in men. Social Science & Medicine 2009; 68(9): 1692-1699. (IF=2,604) 23. Khlat M, Ravaud J-F, Brouard N, Chau N, group Lorhandicap. Occupational disparities in accidents and roles of lifestyle factors and disabilities. A population-based study in northeastern France. Public Health 2008; 122 (8), p. 771-783. (IF=1,029) 24. Larroque B, Ancel PY, Marret S, Marchand L, André M, Arnaud C, Pierrat V, Rozé JC, Messer J, Thiriez G, Burguet A, Picaud JC, Bréart G, Kaminski M, for the Epipage study group. Neurodevelopmental disabilities and special care of 5-year-old-children born before 33 weeks of gestation: (the Epipage study) a longitudinal cohort study. Lancet 2008; 371: 813-20. (IF=28,638) 25. Ville I, Khlat M. Meaning and coherence of self and health: An approach based on narratives of life events. Social Science and Medicine 2007; 64 (4), p. 1001-1014. (IF=2,604) Sélection de 5 ouvrages collectifs IFRH
Ouvrages collectifs de l’IFRH (n = 18)

Ravaud J-F, Lofaso F. (éds). Handicap et Environnement : de l’adaptation du logement à l’accessibilité de la cité. Editions Frison-Roche, Paris, 2005, 270p. Azouvi P, Mazaux J-M, Pradat-Diehl P. Comportement et lésions cérébrales. Editions Frison Roche, Paris, 2006, 208 p. Estournet B, Bassez G, Laforêt P. Maladies neuromusculaires de l’enfant et de l’adulte. Editions Frison Roche, Paris, 2007, 184 p. Ravaud J-F, Lofaso F, Lepoutre F-X. (éds). Le Fauteuil Roulant. Editions Frison Roche, Paris, 2008, 255p. Bussel B, Roby-Brami A, Desplan J, Prigent H. Evaluation des Méthodes de Rééducation. Editions GMSanté, 2009


Lunatique 83 – extraits

LE PRENEUR DE FEU Richard Kadrey Preston se promet d’arrêter de prendre les pilules Les barbituriques du marché noir sont puissants, beaucoup plus forts que les somnifères qu’on lui donnait à l’infirmerie militaire de la ville (mais pour-quoi appeler ville une douzaine de baraques en T, de casernes, et un million de tonnes de gravats ?). Pour-tant, sans alcool pour faire desc

Word clase procesal

La fase instructora tiene por objeto preparar el juicio oral mediante la determinación del hechopunible y la de su presunto autor. A fin de evitar el prejuzgamiento acerca de la culpabilidad delimputado , la fase instructora se encomienda a un órgano jurisdiccional distinto del enjuiciamiento . Atendiendo a un criterio subjetivo . diligencias policiales de instruccióndiligencias informativas

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