MPDS Configuration SheetMS Outlook Express Mail Client Connecting Microsoft Outlook Express to an IMAP server.
That the MPDS terminal is already connected to the Internet as described in previous integration documents, Microsoft Outlook is Installed, and you have a valid e-mail server that supports the Internet Mail Access Protocol (IMAP) protocol.
This document was written using Windows 2000 Professional and Outlook Express version 6.0.
From within Outlook Express select the “Tools-> Click <Add> and pick the “Mail” item from the This will start the “Internet Connection Wizard”.
Fill in the 'Display name' in the box provided andclick <Next>.
Enter your “E-mail address” as supplied by theservice provider (LESO) and click <Next>.
MPDS Configuration SheetMS Outlook Express Mail Client From the “My incoming mail server is…”prompt, select “IMAP”.
Enter details of the “Incoming mail (POP3 or IMAP) server” and the “Outgoing mail (SMTP) server” as supplied by your service provider and click <Next>.
Enter your “Account name” and “Password“ again as supplied by your service provider.
Tick the “Remember password” box if required and leave the “Log on using Secure Password Authentication (SPA)” un-ticked unless instructed by the service provider. Click <Next>.
Click <Finish> and then <Close>.
A Dialog box will then be displayed asking, “Would you like to download folders from the mail server you added” if you are already online click <Yes> and the download will start. When finished press <OK>.
A new folder will be displayed in the folder list with an If Outlook Express fails to connect, see the MPDS Configuration SheetMS Outlook Express Mail Client Mobile Packet Data is charged by the data bit so the less data sent and received, the less the cost.
It is clear that any optimisation that reduces the amount of data transmitted or received will therefore Send only plain text rather than HTML. This is set from within Outlook Express “Tools->Options” menu, select the “Send” tab. In the “Mail Format” section By default, Outlook Express checks the message store for new mail every 10 minutes. A mail check transmits and receives approximately 1.2KBytes. To reduce this overhead change the frequency of checking: from within Outlook: “Tools-> Options”, select the “General” tab and in the “Send/Receive Messages” tab tick “Check for new messages every…” and set to 30 minutes or whatever Never send or request read receipts. These can be switched off in the “Tools->Options” menu. Select the “Receipts” tab and un-tick “Request a read receipt for all sent messages” and select “Never send a read receipt”.
Send multiple mail messages together (as a batch).
This can be done from within Outlook Express “Tools-> Options” menu, select the "Send” tab. In the “Sending” section un-tick “Send messages immediately”. This causes Outlook Express to send all mail in the Outbox when the <Send/Recv> button is pressed, and not when you press the "send" button when completing a message.
MPDS Configuration SheetMS Outlook Express Mail Client Download headers only when checking messages.
When you have a list of headers it is then possible to only download those messages you wish to read This can be changed from within Outlook Express.
Highlight your IMAP mail server in the left hand pane, press <Settings> in the right hand pane and select There are some minor tweaks that can be applied to IMAP settings that are not available from the “Internet Connection Wizard” and which are beneficial when using MPDS.
From within Outlook Express, select the “Tools-> Accounts” menu and then select the “Mail” tab.
Highlight your account and click <Properties>.
In the “Connection” tab, leave the “Always connect using this account” un-ticked if you intend the In the “Advanced” tab extend the “Server Timeouts” to 2.30 In the “IMAP” tab un-tick “Store special folders on IMAP server”, when ticked, this causes mail sent, to be transmitted twice, once as an outgoing mail message and once to be stored on MPDS Configuration SheetMS Outlook Express Mail Client Troubleshooting the IMAP mail system can be broken down into 2 sections.
Logging into the mail server to retrieve mail.
terminal are connected to the Internet.
transcribed to the “Servers” tab this is ->Accounts” select “Account” and press the <Properties> button.
Select the “Servers” tab and check the MPDS Configuration SheetMS Outlook Express Mail Client Check that the details given by the service to the “Servers” tab this is accessible from within Outlook “Tools->Accounts” select “Account” and press <Properties>. Select the “Servers” tab and check the settings provider. Re-enter the “User Name” details and “Password” in the box provided.
If this corrects the problem you will need to change the details from within Outlook Express from “Tools->Accounts” select the “Mail” tab, highlight the account name and press <Properties> select the “Servers” tab and re-enter the “Account name” and “Password” in the fields provided.



Artigos Teoria da Complexidade: Percursos e Desafios para a Pesquisa em Educação Adriana Marques Paderes* Professora das Faculdades de Valinhos - FAVe-mail: Regina de Brito Rodrigues Sonia Regina Giusti Especialista em Recursos Humanos na Gestãode Negócios - Faculdades São Judas Tadeu Abstract Reflete-se, neste artigo, sobre os


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