20100111 ummc_maric 1512.xls

Recipient Report: Grant or Loan
Version: 1.1
Prime Recipient
Reporting Information
Award Type*
Award Number*
Final Report*
Award Recipient Information
Recipient DUNS Number*
Recipient Account Number
Recipient Congressional District*
Award Information
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Funding Agency Code*
Awarding Agency Code*
Award Date*
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Agency Drop-Down List: 7529 - National Institutes of Health
Program Source (TAS) 75-0883-National Institute of Diabetes and
Amount of Award*
CFDA Number*
Drop-Down List: Digestive and Kidney Diseases
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Program Source (TAS)*
Sub Account Number for Program Source (TAS)
Enter Agency Code: 0500
Agency Name: Government Accountability Office Enter Program Source
Total Number of Sub Awards to Individuals*
Total Amount of Sub Awards to Individuals*
(TAS) Code: 05-0108
Total Number of Payments to Vendors less than
Total Amount of Payments to Vendors less than
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Enter Agency Name: Government Accountability Office
Total Number of Sub Awards less than
Total Amount of Sub Awards less than
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(TAS) Name: Salaries and Expenses, Recovery Act
Award Description*
The overall goal of the parent grant is to examine some of the mechanisms by which estrogens protect the kidney in the setting of diabetes through the following specific aims: 1. 17B-estradiol (E2) regualtes teh renal renin-angiotensin system (RAS), 2. E2 and an estrogen metabolite 2-methoxyestradiol (2-ME) attenuate oxidative stress associated with diabetic nephropahty, 3. E2 and 2-ME attenuate inflammation associated with diabetic nephropathy, 4. E2 and 2-ME attenuate glomerulosclerosis and tubulointerstitial fibrosis associated with diabetic nephropathy. These aims are predominantly designed to examine the effects of estrogens on renal structural changes associated with diabetic renal disease (glomerulosclerosis and tubulointerstitial fibrosis) and also to examine some of the cellular mechanisms underlying these changes (oxidative stress and inflammation). Our additional observations arrising from studies funded by the parent grant strongly suggest that estrogens play an important role in regulating renal hemodynamics in the diabetic kidney. Specifically, E2 normalizes the increase in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) that characterizes later stages of diabetes. In addition, E2 decreases diabetes-induced albuminuria. Since both GFR and urine al Project Information
Total Federal Amount ARRA Funds
Project Name or Project/Program Title*
Project Status*
Estrogen and Inflammation in Diabetic Nephropathy Number of Jobs*
Description of Jobs Created*
Quarterly Activities/Project Description*
No activity to report. Notification and account set-up was completed on 12/31/09 Need Help Finding an Activity, State, or Country Code?
Activity Code (NAICS or NTEE-NPC)*
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Activity Code Drop-Down 111219 - Other Vegetable (except Potato) and
List: Melon Farming
State Drop-Down List: AK - Alaska
Country Drop-Down List: US - United States
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Enter Activity Code: 111110
Total Federal Amount of ARRA Expenditure*
Total Federal ARRA Infrastructure Expenditure
Infrastructure Contact Name
Enter State Code: CA
Infrastructure Contact Email
Infrastructure Contact Phone
Infrastructure Contact Phone Ext
Enter Country Code: US
Infrastructure Contact Street Address 1
Infrastructure Contact Street Address 2
Infrastructure Contact Street Address 3
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Other Vegetable (except Potato) and Melon Infrastructure City
Infrastructure State
Infrastructure ZIP Code+4
Enter Activity Name: Farming
Infrastructure Purpose and Rationale
Enter State Name: California
Enter Country Name: United States
Primary Place of Performance
Street Address 1
Street Address 2
ZIP Code+4*
Congressional District*
Recipient Highly Compensated Officers
Prime Recipient Indication of Reporting
Officer Name
Officer Compensation

Source: http://www.mmrs.state.ms.us/imported/Stim_Report/IHL/Univ_MS_Med_Cntr/20100111%20UMMC_MARIC%201512.pdf

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