Education and Teaching Teaching EBP: “Getting from Zero to One.” Moving from Recognizing and Admitting Uncertainties to Asking Searchable, Answerable Questions Linda Johnston, RN, PhD, Ellen Fineout-Overholt, RN, PhD Ourfirstcolumnintroducedreaderstotheemergenceof whoattendedthe2003conference“Signpostingthefuture
new research-related content in nursing and medical
of EBHC (evidence-based health care).” The statement pro-
curricula: the teaching of skills necessary for health care
poses a curriculum that is based on the steps above, and
professionals to practice from an evidential base. We in-
outlines the minimum standard educational requirements
tend to address in upcoming columns the ongoing dialogue
for training health professionals in EBP.
among educators and researchers about how best to teach
Anecdotally, the most difficult step in the EBP process
evidence-based practice (EBP). Each column will focus on
is what is known as “Step 0”—getting students/clinicians
one of the steps in the five-step model of EBP (Cook et al.
to recognize and admit uncertainties. We know that uncer-
1992). We will present evidence from the literature that
tainties exist in health care; however, the challenge is in
supports identified teaching approaches for each of the
clinicians achieving a comfort level so that they can em-
steps and complement the evidence with descriptions of
brace uncertainties as opportunities for change. At a min-
our experiences as well as the experiences of others, along
imum, practitioners should have a critical attitude toward
with practical tips for developing your methods of teaching
their own practice. This heightened awareness of what can
be done to resolve recognizing uncertainty better provides
The five-step model of EBP is comprised of:
opportunity for clinical questions to arise continuously in
1 Translation of uncertainty to an answerable question,
the course of providing routine care. Step 1 of the EBP pro-
2 Systematic retrieval of best evidence available,
cess, focusing the question so that it is answerable, clarifies
3 Critical appraisal of evidence for validity, clinical rel-
the objective of the literature search and guides the use of
the appropriate tools for appraisal (Cook et al. 1992). Most
4 Application of results in practice, and
questions arising from practice can be formulated in terms
of a relationship among the patient, some “intervention,”and one or more specific outcomes of interest.
Students require skills in each of the steps listed above
Dawes and colleagues (2005) have identified an edu-
in order to move from the question arising from clinical
cational outcome for the process of translating uncertainty
practice through to outcome evaluation of evidence appli-
into an answerable question. That outcome is that students
cation. Curricular frameworks should take into account
identify gaps in their knowledge as a result of reflecting on
the importance of all the steps. The recently released Sicily
their practice, and frame questions sufficiently focused to
Statement on EBP (Dawes et al. 2005) is based on cur-
lead to effective search and appraisal strategies. The Sicily
rent literature and incorporates the experiences of delegates
Statement on EBP provides examples of teaching methods,such as presenting a clinical scenario or asking students
Linda Johnston, Chair of Neonatal Nursing Research and Deputy Head of School, Asso-
to present a problem they have encountered in their clini-
ciate Head, Research, The University of Melbourne, School of Nursing, Australia. Ellen
cal practice, to assist students to frame a focused question
Fineout-Overholt, Director, Center for the Advancement of Evidence-Based Practice, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona.
within a structured format (Dawes et al. 2005).
An “evidence-based medicine learning prescription”
Address correspondence to Linda Johnston, RN, PhD, Chair of Neonatal NursingResearch and Deputy Head of School, Associate Head, Research, The University of
was first reported by Sackett and colleagues (1997) as an
Melbourne, School of Nursing, Level 1, 723 Swanston Street, Carlton, Victoria 3010,
approach to applying evidence to the real life clinical situ-
Australia; [email protected]
ation. This approach has been subsequently adapted with
Copyright 2005 Sigma Theta Tau International
“EBM Rx”—a pressure-sensitive pad, much like a prescrip-
tion pad, that is used by clinicians at the bedside to identify
Second Quarter 2005 r Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing
areas of uncertainty in relation to patient care (Rucker &
with attitude, knowledge, skill, behavior, and clinical out-
Morrison 2000). The teacher helps learners frame a fo-
comes as the outcomes measured. According to the frame-
cused question arising from practice before handing the
work replicators, doers and users will all recognize the
learner a copy of the prescription form with an assigned
importance of identifying gaps in their knowledge base,
due date. The teacher retains a copy to ensure comple-
understand that it is important to generate a focused clin-
tion of the assignment. The learner performs the literature
ical question, and be open to new knowledge. All three
search, retrieves relevant literature, and completes a critical
groups will be able to list and understand the components
appraisal. A pilot study evaluating this approach to teach-
of a structured, searchable question. With respect to behav-
ing EBP indicated the technique was useful in bringing EBP
ior outcomes, however, replicators will only occasionally
from academic exercise to the clinical care context (Rucker
ask colleagues focused clinical questions, while users and
doers will frequently use appropriate questions to seek new
Mangrulkar and colleagues (2002) advocate the amal-
knowledge and/or record the questions that arose and those
gam of two teaching approaches—the clinical “pearl” and
questions that have been answered, respectively. One could
EBP—at the bedside to aid in getting past Step 0 (Man-
ask if the users and doers are more comfortable with un-
grulkar et al. 2002). The clinical pearl is a short, pithy,
certainty than the replicators. It is hoped all three groups
instructive, and often anecdotal saying that may be used
move on through the EBP process and use those questions
by the senior clinician as a teaching point. The pearl can
generated to identify gaps in practice and change practices
be used to draw attention to a disorder that should be con-
where appropriate (Straus et al. 2004).
sidered in a patient, to highlight treatment options, or to
The Johns Hopkins Faculty Development Program in
alter the proposed likelihood of a disease currently under
Teaching Skills (Cole et al. 2004) was initiated in 1987 as a
consideration. While the attitude of many clinicians may
longitudinal model for faculty development of clinical ed-
be that the process of EBP is rigid and impractical, the
ucators to promote reflective learning. The overall learning
pearl may be considered anecdotal and lacking in scien-
goals of this program are for participants to improve their
tific rigor. However, the approaches are complementary in
skills in facilitating self-directed learning and create a col-
terms of generating reflection and, together, have been used
laborative and supportive learning environment. A recent
as a teaching exercise that capitalizes on the advantages of
pre- and post-study was designed to evaluate the outcomes
both. This type of exercise brings evidence to the clinical
of the structured model including teaching effectiveness,
setting. As the pearl is always delivered within a clinical
professional effectiveness other than teaching, teaching en-
context, the search for evidence in relation to the pearl
joyment, and learning effectiveness. Results suggested the
also will be clinically relevant. Learners engage in higher-
experiential learning methods with reflection were highly
order thinking as they seek and synthesize literature that
valued and promoted change in participants’ knowledge,
may support or refute the pearl. The principles of EBP are
attitudes, and skills with successful application to the real-
therefore used to lend validity to the pearl (Mangrulkar
world setting of clinical practice (Cole et al. 2004).
Since early 2004, Professor Linda Johnston has con-
The Society of Internal Medicine Evidence-Based
ducted a “Reflective Round” in the Neonatal Unit of The
Medicine Task Force recognized that there is currently lit-
Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, Australia. The de-
tle evidence on the most effective means of teaching EBP
velopment of this approach to clinical inquiry was, in part,
(Straus et al. 2004). The authors suggested health care pro-
driven by the perceived irrelevance by unit nursing staff
fessionals would generally fall into one of three groups with
of a traditional journal club approach to investigating ev-
respect to their incorporation of evidence into practice. For
idence for practice. Held every month at the change over
frequently encountered conditions and with no time con-
time between day and evening shift and lasting a total of
straints the “doer” will complete at least the first four steps
45 minutes, the round is designed to identify areas of un-
of the EBP process. The “using” mode is adopted in the
certainty in the management of a particular baby who is a
rushed clinical situation and where less common condi-
patient on the unit at the time. The unit clinical educators
tions are encountered. The critical appraisal step is skipped,
and academic research staff identify a baby of clinical com-
with acceptance of pre-appraised resources such as Best Ev-
plexity where issues regarding management may have been
idenceC . “Replicators” abandon most of the steps and trust
debated earlier by clinicians caring for the baby. Round at-
the recommendations of respected leaders such as clinical
tendees and unit nursing staff, usually between four and
practice guideline developers and consensus groups. The
eight in number, enter the unit and position themselves
authors have developed and tested a conceptual framework
at the baby’s bedside. A discussion on the baby’s clinical
for evaluating methods of teaching EBM. The framework
condition, within the context of family-centered care, is fa-
has been applied to the formulation of clinical questions
cilitated by the academic research staff, and uncertainties
Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing r Second Quarter 2005 99
relating to management are identified. In a seminar
signed to improve clinical question formulation. First-time
room, questions arising from the round are framed us-
users of an evidence center were randomized to receive the
ing the PICOT framework: Patient-Intervention/exposure-
standard request form or the form with additional instruc-
Comparator-Outcome-Time. A nursing staff member vol-
tions for proper question formulation and a diagrammatic
unteers to undertake a search with the assistance of hospital
example of how the components of an answerable question
library staff and research staff to retrieve relevant research
may be arranged. The primary outcome of interest was the
papers. The following month the staff member reports to
change in the proportion of reformulated questions that
the group on the types and quality of studies retrieved, and
included all components. Results suggested a significant
if the evidence is deemed sufficient, strategies for imple-
impact of specific instructions on the proportion of prop-
menting changes to practice are developed. The latter half
erly formulated clinical questions (Villanueva et al. 2001).
of the meeting is used for the conduct of another round.
Changes in health care delivery in the last decade have
The clinical question generated, search strategy, and ap-
required changes in nursing education to produce compe-
praisal process are imported into the software developed
tent graduates who can practice in an environment where
by the Centre for Evidence Based Medicine in the United
treatment-effectiveness data drives care decisions (NLN
Kingdom, CATMaker . Thus a permanent, Web-based ver-
2002). Many of the teaching methods used in nursing edu-
sion of the exercise is available for unit staff to review. The
cation to enhance critical thinking skills focus on teaching
Reflective Round process has led to: (1) reaffirmation that
students how to directly apply knowledge. This approach
best practice is occurring in the unit, (2) an understanding
utilizes structured learning situations to teach how to apply
that changes in practice need to be considered, and in some
knowledge in a logical way that will result in the desired
cases, (3) the development of research projects to provide
outcomes. However, as Schon (1983) contends, thinking
in practice presents a complexity as problems in the clinical
Clearly, valid approaches to assessing methods in the
world do not generally present themselves with an identi-
teaching of EBP are required. Dawes and colleagues (2005)
provided an example of the type of assessment that may
The “new” paradigm of EBP advocates the formulated
be undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of a teaching
clinical question as the starting point from which to identify
approach to Step 0. They suggest a clinical scenario be pre-
research evidence that can be integrated with expertise and
sented to the student, and the student be asked to form a fo-
the desires of the consumer. EBP has evolved from the ap-
cused, answerable question. Ramos and colleagues (2003)
plication of clinical epidemiology and critical appraisal of
have developed the Fresno test—a reliable and valid test
evidence to the process of explicit decision making within
for determining the effect of teaching in evidence-based
the context of daily clinical practice. It is clear that the
medicine. The test begins with the presentation of two
types of learners and the context in which they make de-
clinical scenarios and requires the student to formulate
cisions have influenced the uptake of this process. Simi-
a focused, searchable question. The Sicily Statement sug-
larly, educators in the academic and clinical settings need
gests the Fresno test as a way to assess students’ ability to
to identify approaches to teaching the necessary skills that
achieve Step 0 (Dawes et al. 2005). To date, the test has
take these differences into account. Uncertainty exists in
only been validated in medicine, and further investigation
health care; our comfort with this opportunity for problem
on the utility of the test needs to be done with other clinical
solving and clinical decision making begins with educators
disciplines. The developers also suggest educators should
who carefully and thoughtfully apply to their teaching the
be challenged to design tests that reliably assess the use of
best available evidence to assist learners in achieving such
evidence in real clinical circumstances rather than simula-
tions or vignettes (Ramos et al. 2003). Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must
Villanueva and colleagues (2001) have conducted a ran-
domized controlled trial that tested an intervention de-
Framing YOUR Question PICOT is designed to help turn not only a clinical problem, but also a research idea, into an answerable research question. If you have had the experience of interrogating a database for information and spending hours finding nothing or thousands of “hits” of no relevance, then the PICOT approach is for you: P opulation: Demographic data describing your patient population of interest, that is, who should be in the study? I ntervention: The treatment, diagnostic test, or predictor you are interested in.
100 Second Quarter 2005 r Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing
C omparator: The gold standard against which the intervention is tested, or the control comparison. O utcome: What outcome measurements are of interest to you? T ime: Over what time period are you interested? Population Population refers to the particular group of people or patients of the problem under study. This could include a particular patient or group of patients with a similar condition. It may include health care providers of a particular professional group or an organization. Examples of situations are: persons with dementia attending a day care center (an aspect of health care delivery), or independently living women over the age of 65 years with urinary incontinence (a group of patients sharing similar demographic characteristics and a group of patients with a particular condition). Intervention The intervention refers to the dimension of health care under question. Interventions can be: diagnostic, therapeutic, preventive, managerial, or a matter of health economics. Examples of interventions are: newborn hearing screening (preventive), lung function testing (diagnostic), timed voiding for management or urinary incontinence (therapeutic), nurse-led telephone triage (managerial), and home monitoring of warfarin levels by point-of-care testing (health economics). Comparator In some, but not all, cases there may be a comparator of interest, such as a counter-intervention or gold standard. This includes standard treatment or no treatment at all. In the timed voiding example, the counter-intervention could be the use of drug treatment as an alternative. A gold standard for an instrument to measure warfarin levels at home would be collection and analysis in a laboratory. Outcome The outcome is the result that is of interest from the consumers’ perspective. Examples of outcomes could include: faster referral to specialist services, reduction in number of incontinent episodes, or reduced cost of warfarin monitoring. Time The time period of interest will, to some extent, depend on the outcome of interest and its means of measurement. Sometimes time will not be a relevant component of your question.
Use a table format to ensure all components of the searchable question are included. This question then contains the search terms to usewhen interrogating databases. Participants Intervention Comparator
What is the effectiveness of timed voiding training for a period of 12 months in reducing thenumber of incontinent episodes in independently living women over the age of 65 years?
evidence-based practice. BMC Medical Education, 5(1),
Cole K., Barker L.R., Kolodner K., Williamson P., Wright
S. & Kern D. (2004). Faculty development in teach-
Mangrulkar R., Saint S., Chu S. & Tierney L. (2002). What
ing skills: An intensive longitudinal model. Academic
is the role of the clinical “pearl”? The American JournalMedicine, 79(5), 469–480. of Medicine, 113(7), 617–624.
Cook D., Jaeschke R. & Guyatt G. (1992). Critical app-
NLN. (2002). A vision for nursing education. New York:
raisal of therapeutic interventions in the intensive care
unit: Human monoclonal antibody treatment in sepsis.
Ramos K., Schafer S. & Tracz S. (2003). Validation
Journal of Intensive Care Medicine, 7(6), 275–282.
of the Fresno test of competence in evidence based
Dawes M., Summerskill W., Glasziou P., Cartabellotta A.,
medicine. British Medical Journal, 326(7384), 319–
Martin J., Hopayian K., et al. (2005). Sicily statement on
Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing r Second Quarter 2005 101
Rucker L. & Morrison E. (2000). The “EBM Rx”: An initial
M., et al. (2004). Evaluating the teaching of evidence
experience with an evidence-based learning prescrip-
based medicine: Conceptual framework. British Medical
tion. Academic Medicine, 75(5), 527–528. Journal, 329(7473), 1029–1032.
Sackett D., Richardson W., Rosenberg W. & Haynes R.
Villanueva E., Burrows E., Fennessy P., Rajendran M. &
(1997). Evidence-based medicine: How to practice and
Anderson J. (2001). Improving question formulation
teach EBM. New York: Churchill Livingstone.
for use in evidence appraisal in a tertiary care set-
Schon D. (1983). Educating the reflective practitioner. San
ting: A randomised controlled trial [ISRCTN66375463]. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 1(1),
Straus S., Green M., Bell D., Badgett R., Davis D., Gerrity
102 Second Quarter 2005 r Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing
Publications (Dr. Gijs H. Goossens) Top 5 publications 1. Goossens GH, Petersen L, Blaak EE, Hul G, Arner P, Astrup A, Froguel P, Patel K, Pedersen O, Polak J, Oppert J-M, Martinez A, Sørensen TIA, Saris WHM, and the NUGENOB Consortium. Several gene polymorphisms but not FTO variants modulate resting energy expenditure and fat-induced thermogenesis in obese subjects: The NUGENOB Study
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