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a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m
h t t p : / / i n t l . e l s e v i e r h e a l t h . c o m / j o u r n a l s / c l n u
Nutrition in care homes and home care: How toimplement adequate strategies (report of theBrussels Forum (22e23 November 2007))
M. Arvanitakis a, A. Beck b, P. Coppens c, F. De Man d, M. Elia e,X. Hebuterne f, S. Henry g, O. Kohl h, B. Lesourd i, H. Lochs j,T. Pepersack k, C. Pichard l, M. Planas m, K. Schindler n, J. Schols o,L. Sobotka p, A. Van Gossum a,*
a Nutrition Team, Erasme University Hospital, Brussels, Belgiumb National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmarkc National Food and Health Plan, Belgiumd The European Nutrition for Health Alliancee Institute of Human Nutrition, University of Southampton, Southampton, UKf Gastroenterology and Nutrition Clinic, CHU of Nice, Nice, Franceg Ligue Nationale Alzheimer, Brussels, Belgiumh Research and Development, Schubert Unternehmensgruppe GmbH, Du¨sseldorf, Germanyi Gerontology Department, Clermont-Ferrand University Hospital, Clermont-Ferrand, Francej Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endocrinology, Charite´ University Hospital, Berlin, Germanyk Geriatrics Department, Erasme University Hospital, Brussels, Belgiuml Clinical Nutrition Department, Geneva University Hospital, Geneva, Switzerlandm Nutritional Support Unit, General University Hospital Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona, Spainn Department of Endocrinology, Vienna Medical Institute University, Vienna, Austriao University of Maastricht and Vivre Care Group, Maastricht, The Netherlandsp Department of Metabolic Care and Gerontology, Medical Faculty of the Charles University, Hradec Kralove, CzechRepublic
Received 11 March 2008; received in revised form 23 April 2008; accepted 24 April 2008
* Corresponding author. Department of Gastroenterology, Nutrition Team, Erasme University Hospital, Route de Lennik 808, Brussels 1070,
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Van Gossum).
0261-5614/$ - see front matter ª 2008 Elsevier Ltd and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.clnu.2008.04.011
Author's personal copy
Background & aims: Undernutrition in home care and care home settings is an unrecognized
problem with significant consequences. The present work was edited after a forum concerning
nutrition in these settings was held in Brussels in order to tackle the problem.
Methods: Various aspects of the question were addressed with the participation of scientific
experts. The proceedings of the forum were edited and completed by a review of previously
published material. Results: Prevalence of undernutrition in home care and care home settings varies between 15%and 65%. Causes of undernutrition are various: medical, social, environmental, organizationaland financial. Lack of alertness of individuals, their relatives and health-care professionalsplay an important role. Undernutrition enhances the risk of infection, hospitalization, mortal-ity and alter the quality of life. Moreover, undernutrition related-disease is an economic bur-den in most countries. Nutritional assessment should be part of routine global management. Nutritional support combined with physical training and an improved ambiance during mealsis mandatory. Awareness, information and collaboration with all the stakeholders should facil-itate implementation of nutritional strategies. Conclusions: Undernutrition in home care and care home settings is a considerable problemand measures should be taken to prevent and treat it. ª 2008 Elsevier Ltd and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. All rightsreserved.
Improving nutrition in home care and care home settings
will be a rewarding, albeit challenging task. Previous
Undernutrition is a state of nutrition in which a deficiency
clinical research has shown that improving nutritional
of energy, protein and other nutrients causes adverse
status is possible.4,5 However, there is a growing need for
effects on tissue or body form (body shape, size and
interest and resources. These deficiencies are confronted
composition), function or clinical outcome.1 The focus of
to a rising problem, considering the increasing number of
the forum organized by the Belgian Food and Health Plan
senior citizens. All the above reasons consisted a solid ini-
tiative to organize a forum concerning this matter.
e23 in Brussels 2007 is on undernutrition,
concerning seniors in home care and care home settings.
The forum included participants from medical, nutri-
There is an increase interest regarding adequate nutrition
tional, political and commercial settings, as well as repre-
at a scientific but also at a political level. As an example, the
sentatives from patients associations. Topics included an
Council of Europe published a report and a resolution on food
overview of the prevalence, causes and consequences of
and nutritional care in hospitals in 2002/2003, which con-
undernutrition in home care and care homes, as well as
tained over 100 recommendations for improvement of nutri-
strategies to optimize and implement adequate nutrition in
tional strategy.2 This resolution focused on the importance of
nutritional risk screening in hospital care, identifying causes
Finally, the objectives of this forum were to update
of undernutrition, offering nutritional support, the distribu-
scientific knowledge, to share experience between persons
tion of responsibilities for nutritional care in hospitals, food
involved in this topic, and to increase awareness. Obvi-
service practice, and continuous education regarding clinical
ously, the final goal of this brain-storming process will be in
nutrition. In the same line, implementing nutritional strate-
the next future to formulate recommendations, and to
gies in home care and home care settings is also of significant
encourage implementation of nutritional strategies at
interest because there is also growing attention for improving
quality of care in care homes all over Europe.
On a national level, when the Belgian National Food and
Health Plan (NFHP-B) was initiated in 2003 as a multidisci-
Prevalence and causes of undernutrition in
plinary multistake holders platform to address nutrition and
health, undernutrition was recognized as a significant issueto tackle.3 A working group with leading experts from soci-
In The Netherlands, since 1998, a National Prevalence
ety, academia and authorities was created to identify the
Measurement of Care Problems is conducted annually in
main causes of undernutrition and develop an action plan
home care organizations, care homes and hospitals.6 This
to improve the situation. Three distinct settings were stud-
measurement is called LPZ and provides insight in the prev-
ied: hospitals, care homes and home care.
alence, prevention, management and quality indicators of
Moreover, hospital caregivers are concerned by under-
relevant care problems, including undernutrition. According
nutrition in home care and care homes. Indeed, as the
to the LPZ, undernutrition was defined as: (1) a BMI <18.5 (or
length of hospital stay becomes shorter, the need to
<24 if age 85); (2) unintentional weight loss (6 kg/
improve the interaction between hospitals and home care
3 months or 3 kg/1 month); or (3) a BMI between 18.5
settings in order to assure an optimal nutrition plan
and 20 (24e29 if age 85) in combination with no nutritional
intake for minimum 3 days or possibility of less intake for
Author's personal copy
more than a week. According to this definition, in 2007, the
chronic disability, decline in physical, cognitive and social
prevalence of undernutrition varied from 18 to 28% in differ-
function, increased health care cost and death.12 Once es-
ent home care and care home settings. The prevalence in-
tablished, the nutritional deficits, mainly protein-calorie un-
creases according to co-morbidity and care dependency. In
dernutrition place the hospitalized old patient at increased
support of this, studies from all over Europe have docu-
risk of developing subsequent in hospital complications, the
mented a high prevalence of ‘‘nutritional risk factors’’, in-
likelihood of developing a complication increasing in direct
adequate dietary intake and decreased nutritional status
relation to the severity of the nutritional deficits. In approx-
among home care clients and nursing home residents.7e9
imately one third of cases, this risk becomes substantial.
The most important causes of undernutrition are: in-
These severely undernourished patients often enter a cycle
sufficient intake of nutrients and loss of nutrients, dyspha-
of progressive clinical deterioration. Their hospital stay may
gia, swallowing disorders, and dementia. Depression, excess
be up to twice as long, and they experience two to 20 times
of medications, lack of financial resources may also contrib-
higher complication and death rates compared to patients
ute to a poor nutritional intake. Chronic disease and
with the same pathologies, but who are well nourished.12
disabilities have been identified as underlying problems, as
Because of their severe nutritional deficits, patients are of-
well as a general decrease in food intake, sensation of
ten unable to recover from one pathophysiologic insult prior
hunger and thirst. The problem is aggravated due to a lack of
to developing a second. For those who survive the hospital-
alertness in patients and their families themselves, as well
ization and do not receive adequate nutritional support, the
as in health care professionals, leading to insufficient
nutritional deficits often persist for variable periods subse-
attention for systemic screening and nutritional care, of
quent to discharge. Patients who remain undernourished
education and formation of the caregivers, and of criteria
at discharge have substantially increased rates of early hos-
and quality standards for the food offered to the residents.
pital readmission and 1-year mortality.13
Moreover, environmental and social aspects play an impor-
Another major consequence of undernutrition in old
tant role, especially in home care and care home settings.
people is the loss of muscle mass (sarcopenia). Further
Especially in the home care setting, many factors can
complex factors, which intervene in this procedure and can
contribute to the gradual decline of the nutritional status.
coexist with undernutrition are immobility, ongoing chronic
A Belgian study from 1997 in the Flanders region showed
diseases, hormonal changes, oxidative stress, etc. The loss
that 50% of elderly people are completely dependent for
of muscle mass contributes to limitations in physical activity
preparation of hot meals; however, only 17% have house-
and decreases a capacity for rehabilitation especially in old
delivered hot meals. Moreover, financial problems account
people, which reflects the long-term consequences of un-
for undernutrition in 10% of old people.10
dernutrition, following the hospital stay. Even small loss of
In general, home delivered meals and food prepared in
muscle mass (which occurs during acute illness) significantly
large scale kitchens are important nutritional services to
decreases capacity for the basic activities. Whereas in young
home care clients and nursing home residents in many
and so far healthy persons the loss of muscle mass decreases
countries. However, despite the size and the important role
capability for some extra activities (sport, climbing the
of the meal service, little is known about its ability to meet
stairs, running, etc.), the loss of muscle mass in depleted or
the nutritional needs of the old consumers. Several problems
even healthy old people leads to the loss of very basic
exist, e.g., (1) lack of recommendations regarding the meal
activities.14 This leads to loss of autonomy and can even
service provision, i.e., the nutritive value of meals provided
cause significant problems with keeping the upright position
and the responsibilities, and duties and tasks of different food
and cough. Multiple aspirations and fatal pneumonia are fre-
service operators and health care personnel. (2) Lack of
quent consequences of such development.15 Alterations of
control with portion sizes and knowledge about the percent-
the nutritional status may occur during a hospitalization
age of meal consumed. (3) Lack of ambience (mealtime care).
for acute illness. An assessment of the nutritional status
(4) Lack of knowledge about consumer acceptability and
should be repeated at the discharge for providing adequate
satisfaction of provided meals. (5) Lack of flexibility and
recommendations to favor a prompt recovery at home.
individuality (e.g. with regard to culture, ethnical and re-ligious background). (6) Lack of nutritional screening and
provision of nutritional support and advice to the consumers.
Undernutrition is common in nursing homes.16e18 Protein-
(7) Lack of nutrition education of the providers of meal
energy undernutrition is endemic in institutions, with
service including the health care personnel. (8) Lack of
a prevalence ranging from 17% to 65%.16 In community nurs-
knowledge about the optimal larger scale food production
ing homes, nutritional deficiencies have been associated
technologies. (9) Lack of quality control to prevent microbial
with increased hospitalizations,19 and, in Veterans Affairs
growth and secure optimal serving temperature and (10) lack
intermediate care (Geriatric Evaluation and Management
of common guidelines for out-sourcing meal service.11
Units) and nursing homes, protein-energy undernutritionhas been associated with increased infections, hospitaliza-tions, and mortality.20e23 Residents often have low blood
Consequences of undernutrition for old people
levels of water-soluble vitamins of which folate and pyridox-ine deficiencies are the most common.24,25 Protein-calorie
undernutrition and low vitamin C levels and have beenassociated with decubitus ulcers.26 Protein-calorie undernu-
trition and deficiency of the liposoluble vitamin D are impor-
Low BMI and weight loss has been shown to have serious
tant factors in the pathogenesis of hip fractures, a frequent
consequences and can result in compromised quality of life,
cause of morbidity and mortality in residents.27e30 Residents
Author's personal copy
are also at high risk for trace mineral deficiencies, and both
because of premature death and the years of ‘‘healthy’’ life
zinc and selenium deficiency can aggravate immune defi-
lost by virtue of being in states of disability. The years lost
ciency and delay wound healing.16,31 The most common nu-
due to disability are estimated by multiplying the average
tritional problems in nursing home residents are weight loss
duration of the disease and a weight factor reflecting the se-
and concomitant protein-energy undernutrition. Although
verity of the disease on a scale from 0 (perfect health) to 1
the causes of weight loss in these patients can usually be
(dead). On the other hand, QALY is the sum of years added
treated, they are rarely identified in the nursing home. De-
to the life span after an intervention. Despite some method-
pression and adverse drug effects are the most common
ological limitations mainly due to the difficulties to define
causes of weight loss. Inadequate fluid intake leads to dehy-
precisely the weight factors for each health state, QALYs
dration, hypotension, and, in persons with diabetes melli-
and DALYs are reliable tools, which are increasingly used
tus, hyperosmolarity. Finally, food intake itself can cause
postprandial hypotension (which in turn may precipitate
A low cost QUALY (<£20,000) is more easily accepted
falls), produce electrolyte shifts, and result in aspiration
from public health services than a higher cost QUALY.
However, another parameter which must be taken underconsideration is private coverage of costs. Moreover,
quality of life and cost to caregivers is ignored in manymodels of cost-effectiveness analysis. Finally, cost-effec-
Nutrition deficits results into major body dysfunctions such
tiveness does not coincide with equity. Nevertheless, equal
as muscle function altering daily activities and conse-
health distribution is just as important as maximizing
quently limiting autonomy. Studies have shown a close
health, meaning that there is a need to establish an
relationship between undernutrition and decreased quality
appropriate equity-efficiency trade-off.
of life in elderly institutionalized patients.32 Quality of life
In conclusion, undernutrition-related disease is an eco-
is a based on the patient’s perception of well-being. A de-
nomic burden in most countries, although limited data are
creased quality of life can be related to depression, which
available. Measures are required to be taken, however,
may limit social interactions and further deepen isolation
there are clinical and ethical concerns associated with the
and alienation, thus aggravating undernutrition.33
use of cost-effectiveness analysis alone as a method ofsocial justice (for distributing limited financial resources).
Impact of undernutrition on health care costs
Assessing and treating undernutrition in carehomes and home care
On an international level, health care costs are continu-ously increasing. However, preventive public health mea-sures concern only 0.5
Nutritional risk screening and assessment
There is little information on the national cost of
In the USA, an expert panel of interdisciplinary opinion leaders
undernutrition. Nevertheless, a recent report published in
representing academia and the medical community joined
2005 regarding the cost of disease-related undernutrition in
together to form the Council for Nutritional Clinical Strategies
the UK reveals some interesting facts, which underline the
in Long-Term Care. The purpose of this panel was to evaluate
urgency to take measures against this problem.34 First of
the current literature on the treatment of undernutrition and
all, the number of annual GP and hospital visits, along
involuntary weight loss and to formulate clinical guidelines
with hospital admissions, is increased in elderly patients
that may be used by physicians, dietitians, and nurses in
(65 years) with undernutrition. It is estimated that public
a long-term care setting.36 The council formulated algorithms
expenditure on disease-related undernutrition in 2003 was
for the diagnosis and treatment of involuntary weight loss.
>7.3 billion £/year, or 10% of public expenditure on
These algorithms, which are supported by the American Die-
health. Most of the expenditure on disease-related under-
tetic Association and the Gerontological Society of America,
nutrition involves people >65 years, who account for only
are presented under the title, ‘‘Clinical guide to prevent and
~15% of the general population. About half the cost of un-
manage malnutrition in long-term care’’.
dernutrition occurs outside hospitals, mainly for long-term
The guidelines are based on three ‘‘trigger conditions’’:
residential care for the elderly. Finally, there are major in-equalities concerning undernutrition prevalence, between
Involuntary 5% weight loss in 30 days or 10% in 180 days
and within countries, as well as within the same region.
But how can public health services determine where to
put the money? Cost-effectiveness analysis is a form of
Resident leaves 25% or more food uneaten at two thirds of
economic analysis that compares the relative expenditure
meals (assessed over 7 days, based on 2000 kcal per day)
(costs) and outcomes (effects) of two or more courses ofaction. The cost-effectiveness of a therapeutic or preven-
These triggers are based on two Congressional acts, the
tive intervention is the ratio of the cost of the intervention
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 and the Bal-
to a relevant measure of its effect. A special case is cost-
anced Budget Act of 1997, which dictate that a facility must
utility analysis, where the effects are measured in terms of
ensure that a resident maintains acceptable parameters of
years of full health lived, using measures such as disability-
nutritional status, such as body weight and protein levels,
adjusted life years (DALY) or quality-adjusted life years
unless the resident’s condition is such that this is not
(QUALY).35 DALY is the arithmetic sum of the years of life lost
possible. The regulations also dictate that a resident should
Author's personal copy
receive a therapeutic diet when there is a nutritional
include more routinely nutritional assessments and inter-
problem. However, the council guidelines use a BMI of
ventions in comprehensive geriatric assessment; and (c) to
21 kg/m2 rather than the BMI of 19 kg/m2 outlined in the
assess the impact of nutritional recommendations on
Congressional acts. The Council thought that using a higher
nutritional status and on the length of hospitalization.
trigger BMI would result in earlier intervention, and a BMI of
Results revealed that hospitalization stay was significantly
21 kg/m2 has been associated with increased mortality.36
lower during the interventional period than during the
The algorithm, which was designed to identify and treat
observational period. A higher mean serum prealbumin
reversible causes of protein-calorie undernutrition, is di-
concentration variation was observed during the interven-
vided into two parts. One has been designed for physicians,
tional period as compared to the observational period.
pharmacists, and dietitians, and a second algorithm has
Finally, in The Netherlands, two country wide projects
been designed for nurses, dietary staff, and dietitians.
have been started on behalf of the Ministry of Health. In
The algorithm facilitates the careful analysis of the
home care and care homes the National program Care for
potential causes of weight loss. It provides suggestions for
Better has been initiated, which also focuses on reducing
the family, food and environmental considerations, guide-
undernutrition amongst the residents of nursing homes.41
lines for laboratory assessment; and consideration of
Nutritional assessment should be part of routine clinical
factors such as acute illness, pain, and depression.
practice in elderly patients. A comprehensive screening tool
For example, the clinical trigger will result in a careful
for assessment of nutritional status is needed that is clinically
analysis of the potential causes of the weight loss. If the patient
relevant and cost effective to perform. If undernutrition is
has anorexia, the solution may be as simple as scheduling
suggested by such screening tests, then a supplemental
a mealtime visit from a staff person or arranging for help in
conventional nutritional assessment should be performed
feeding. Perhaps the patient does not like the food being
before treatment is planned. Such a quality program could be
offered, or perhaps the patient is dehydrated. If these issues
applied among care homes and home cares.
are not present, a new set of options should be considered. Atthis point, the team of professionals should consider laboratory
testing to determine if the weight loss has resulted in abnormalvalues. If values are abnormal (the definition in the algorithm is
It is certain that nutritional risk assessment is of major
serum albumin <3.4 g/dL, cholesterol <160 mg/dL, and hemo-
importance, but what tools are the most appropriate? In
globin <12 g/dL), aggressive treatment options should be con-
Europe, the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and
sidered. Certainly delirium, acute illness, or pain may also
Metabolism (ESPEN) published in 2002 the ‘‘ESPEN Guide-
result in anorexia and rapid weight loss.
lines for Nutrition Screening’’.42 It was the purpose of this
One useful feature of the algorithm is a mnemonic,
document to give simple guidelines as to how undernutri-
MEALS ON WHEELS, for the reversible causes of protein-
tion, or risk for development of undernutrition, can be de-
energy undernutrition in nursing homes36e39: Medications
tected, by proposing a set of standards which are
(e.g., digoxin, theophylline, antipsychotics), Emotional
practicable for general use in patients and clients within
problems (e.g., depression), Anorexia, Late-life paranoia,
present healthcare resources. The screening tools proposed
Swallowing disorders, Oral problems, Nosocomial infections
were: (A) the ‘‘malnutrition universal screening tool’’
(e.g., tuberculosis, Helicobacter pylori, Clostridium diffi-
(MUST) for the community (Malnutrition Advisory Group
cile), Wandering and other dementia-related behaviors,
2000); (B) the NSR-2002 for the hospital35; and (C) the
Hyperthyroidism/hypercalcemia/hypoadrenalism, Enteric
‘‘mini nutritional assessment’’ (MNA) for the elderly.17,43e45
problems (e.g., malabsorption), Eating problems, Low-
In Belgium, a scientific expert group in undernutrition
salt, low-cholesterol diets, Stones (cholelithiasis).
was created in the framework of the National Food and
The consideration of the many factors that may be
Health Plan to identify the most appropriate and validated
related to decreased appetite and/or involuntary weight
tools for screening and management of undernutrition in
loss along with the algorithm presents a systematic ap-
different settings.6 They concluded that, in care homes and
proach to this problem. All health professionals who deal
home care, the mini nutritional assessment (MNA) is the
with elderly residents of long-term care facilities should be
first choice for screening.45 The malnutrition universal
made aware of the dangers of involuntary weight loss and
screening tool (MUST) can be utilized as a second choice.46
the fact that early interventions greatly improve the
The subjective global assessment is considered the optimal
tool for further nutritional assessment.47 The choice of
In Belgium, the College for Geriatrics associated with
a tool for nutritional screening and assessment can be
the Belgian Society for Gerontology and Geriatrics sup-
adapted regarding the local human resources and settings.
ported by the Belgian Ministry of Social Affairs, PublicHealth and the Environment conducted a quality program inorder to sensitize the teams to nutritional assessment and
intervention.40 All patients underwent a comprehensive ge-riatric assessment. For the first 3 months, the nutritional
status of the patients on admission and at discharge was as-
According to the French Guidelines,48 the objective of nutri-
sessed without particular recommendations for nutritional
tional support in malnourished elderly subjects is to achieve
intervention. A standardized nutritional intervention was
an energy intake ranging from 30 to 35 kcal/kg per day and
a protein intake ranging from 1.2 to 1.5 g of protein/kg per
The aims were to: (a) assess the quality of care
day. Nutritional requirements vary among subjects and
concerning nutrition among Belgian geriatric units; (b) to
must be adapted to co-morbidities. Indeed, nutritional
Author's personal copy
intake should take into consideration the physical activity of
e Special training for the health care-givers.
the senior residents. In semi- or immobile persons, providing
e If necessary, nutritional supplements should be used in
20 kcal/kg per day should be enough according a recent
study that compared the results from the HarriseBenedictequation and those from indirect calorimetry obtained in
The hospital-care homeehome care continuum
normal weight care-dependent seniors.49 Moreover, bodyweight may vary because of body composition (water reten-
During hospitalization, undernutrition aggravates mostly be-
tion or sarcopenia). Therefore, these recommendations
cause pre-existing undernutrition is unrecognized, food intake
must be reconsidered according to every patient.50
is chronically insufficient and nutrition support, if prescribed,
Nutritional support should, as a priority, be initiated by
is too delayed to be efficient. As a rule, at hospital discharge,
providing dietary device and/or fortified foods, in collab-
older patients already suffer undernutrition or are at risk to
oration with a dietician. Fortified foods are used to increase
develop undernutrition due to disease and functional or
the energy and protein intake of a meal without increasing
cognitive deficits. Further aggravation of their malnutrition
its volume. They are obtained by enriching traditional foods
promotes complications and increases their risk for re-
with high-energy and fat products (milk powder, grated
hospitalization. This vicious circle can be broken by a ‘‘con-
cheese, eggs, fresh cream). If these support measures are
tinuum of nutrition care’’ at home and in the hospital.
insufficient, oral nutritional supplementation may be given.
An information campaign on the risks related to malnu-
Enteral nutrition may be attempted if adequate oral
trition is mandatory to increase the awareness of patients
nutrition support is impossible. Parenteral nutrition should
and their relatives. Its counterpart is needed in the
be limited in certain indications when the digestive tract
curriculum of all the health care personals. Global rise of
cannot be used. Both enteral and parenteral feeding should
awareness is the best option to promote a continuum of
be considered after a cautious benefit-risks analysis cen-
nutrition care at home and in the hospital.
tered on the patient expectation and medical needs. However, it should be stressed that pharmacological seda-
Strategies to tackle undernutrition in care
tion or physical restraining of the patient to make enteralor parenteral nutrition possible is not justified. Calcium and
vitamin D must be administered along with nutritionalsupport and other micronutrient (iron, C and B group
Awareness, information and implementation are the key
vitamins) elements must be corrected if necessary.51
words to prevent and to treat undernutrition in home care
Physical activity programs are an important component
and care homes. Scientific experts in collaboration with all
of nursing home care that may have an effect on nutritional
the stakeholders who are involved in this field must sensitize
status, and simple, cost-effective programs may be as
the political authorities about the magnitude and the impor-
beneficial as high-technology programs.52
tance of the problem. Undernutrition is a silent or unrecog-nized problem which substantially decreases quality of lifeand increases morbidity. To provide an adequate nutrition in
home care and care home settings should be included in the
Follow up is mainly based on the weekly measurement of
global management of individuals. Recommendations for
body weight, estimation of food intake and daily activity.
nutritional assistance at an European level should take into
Serum albumin and transthyretin are useful tools to evaluate
consideration various aspects: first, care homes and home
the efficacy of nutritional intervention.53 The second is use-
care differ in structure considerably within Europe. A prior
ful for short-term management and the first for long-term.
mapping of these structures should be helpful for identifyingthe different needs and potentials. We may hope that the
results of the Nutrition Day54 which has been extended toHome Care will provide some enlighting data; second, demog-raphy, social conditions and medical development will lead to
e It is advised to increase eating frequency during the day
by splitting up meals and by adding snacks.
a four-fold increase of care-dependent old citizens until 2050. European recommendations need to consider these develop-
ments otherwise they will become unrealistic; third, ethicalissues will be a major and integrated aspect of nutritional sup-
e It is possible to modify food texture according to chew-
port in elderly people and especially in those suffering fromdementia. After this meeting, actions are ongoing for imple-
e Assistance for feeding should be provided if required
and time for it should be sufficient.
e Good oral health through routine mouth and dental
care can help in maintain the pleasure of oral feeding.
e Physical training of moderate intensity twice per week
along with nutritional support may improve nutritionalstatus and preserve muscle function.
e Special training of the cooks may help in providing
e An improved ambiance during meals (setting a table,
This Forum was financed and organized by the Federal Public
eating in company) can help in improving oral intake.
Service of Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment
Author's personal copy
(acknowledgements to L. Doughan and I. Laquiere), with
21. Rudman D, Hontanosas A, Cohen Z, Mattson DE. Clinical corre-
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lates of bacteremia in a Veterans Administration extended
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22. Rudman D, Mattson DE, Nagraj HS, Feller AG, Jackson DL,
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24. Sullivan DH. Risk factors for early hospital readmission in a se-
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25. Drinka PJ, Goodwin JS. Prevalence and consequences of vita-
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min deficiency in the nursing home: a critical review. J Am Ger-
2. Council of Europe.
26. Drinka PJ, Langer EH, Voeks SK, Goodwin JS. Low serum folic
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4. Milne AC, Potter J, Avenell A. Protein and energy supplementa-
27. Goode HF, Burns E, Walker BE. Vitamin C depletion and pres-
tion in elderly people at risk from malnutrition. The Cochrane
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NATURALEZA MUERTA1 Notas sobre escenas ecopolíticas del fin de milenio Roberto Fernández La tecnología es la naturaleza desprovista de lujuria D. De Lillo, Ruido de Fondo , Editorial Circe, Barcelona, 1994, p. 349 De inicio, una pequeña reflexión sobre el título. Las naturalezas muertas nombran en el arte a un género de pintura descriptiva en donde el eje temáti