Bone Marrow Transplantation (2003) 32, S57–S59& 2003 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved 0268-3369/03 $25.00
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for severe Crohn’s disease
Division of Immunotherapy, Northwestern University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA
corticosteroids that are broad-spectrum anti-inflammatoryagents;2–9 cytokine suppression or stimulation that work on
It is clear that some patients with severe Crohn’s disease
the expression of inflammation rather than at the patho-
(CD) fail to respond favorably to the standard treatment,
genesis of the inflammation;10–12 and antibiotics, such as
including antibody to Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha
metronidazole and quinolones that may perhaps decrease
(TNFa). We have embarked on a unique therapy for this
exposure to responsible antigens.13 None of these therapies
group of patients, intense immune suppression followed by
gets at the fundamental nature of the inflammatory process.
Standard therapies suppress until a spontaneous remission
(HSCT). The response to this approach in our first four
patients has been excellent, with there being no significant
Although there are little data on CD mortality, it is clear
untoward event from the transplantation and with each
that CD has a mortality in and of itself, supported by one
patient entering clinical remission in terms of the Crohn’s
of the largest series of CD which reported a 6% mortality
Disease Activity Index off all therapy for CD and no
rate.14,15 In a selected series such as patients with severe and
diarrhea or abdominal pain. However, some evidence of
refractory disease, the mortality rate is probably higher,
minor laboratory abnormalities and slight inflammation
perhaps in the 10% range.Serious morbidity accompanies
of the colon on colonoscopic evaluation persist up to 1
Crohn’s disease including fistulae, abscesses, eye, skin joint
year post-transplant. It is suggested that HSCTshould be
and hepatic problems, the need for recurrent surgery and
considered a reasonable option for patients who have
eventual short bowel syndrome necessitating home par-
failed standard CD therapy, although long-term follow-up
enteral nutrition and its complications, and abdominal pain
will be necessary to confirm the duration of the induced
with resultant drug addiction.15–17 Support for HSCT
comes from reported patients who had undergone either
Bone Marrow Transplantation (2003) 32, S57–S59.
allogeneic or autologous HSCT and had incidental CD.18–21
Crohn’s disease; autologous stem cell trans-
plantation; hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
Candidates for HSCT must have failed prednisone,azathioprine, azulfidine, metronidazole, and remicade
Approximately 4 years ago, Northwestern University
(TNF inhibitor) with failure defined as a Crohn’s Disease
opened a protocol for hematopoietic stem cell transplanta-
Activity Index (CDAI) greater than 250 on a scale of 0 to
tion (HSCT) in severe Crohn’s disease (CD).Although the
400 (Table 1).22 We have found the CDAI to be an
proposal was approved by the FDA and local Institutional
imperfect assessment of CD morbidity and are in the
Review Board, the first suitable candidate underwent this
process of evaluating the Craig Crohn’s Severity Score
procedure 1 year ago.Since then, three additional patients
(Table 2) for future trials.As an example of the type of
have undergone this treatment.The response has been
candidate, our first patient, a 22-year-old female had
excellent, with the patients rapidly going into clinical
continuous disease for 10 years, with up to 25 bowel
remission, although the two longest-duration patients still
movements daily, requiring an ileo colonic resection at one
have superficial ulcerations seen on colonoscopy.
point.She had been on total parenteral nutrition for 2
While CD is an immune-mediated disease, it is not at all
years.She was also addicted to narcotics, receiving 3 mg/h
clear that autoimmunity is the underlying pathogenesis.It
intravenous hydromorphone.Her CDAI was 305.She had
may, instead, be an unbalanced reaction towards gut flora.
severe colitis and ileitis on both colonoscopy and small
Standard therapy for CD includes: five-aminosalicylic acid
products that are anti-inflammatory and work locally;1
Peripheral blood stem cells are mobilized with cyclo-
phosphamide 2.0 g/m2 and G-CSF 10 mg/kg/day and en-riched via an Isolex cell separator.Conditioning iscyclophosphamide 200 mg/kg and antithymocyte globulin
Correspondence: Dr RK Burt, Division of Immunotherapy, North-
(ATG 90 mg/1 kg & ATG 5.5 mg/kg). Post-transplant
western University Medical Centre, Chicago, IL 60611, USA.E-mail:[email protected]
evaluation includes CDAI, Inflammatory Disease Bowel
iritis, erythema nodosum, pyodermagangrenosa, aphthous ulcerations,anal fissure, anal fistula, anal abscess,
From Best et al22: CDAIo150=remission; >450=severely ill.
Questionnaire, colonoscopy, small bowel radiographs, CRP,
sedimentation rate, albumin, weight, and anti-Saccharomyces
Four patients have completed HSCT.One of these
subjects is 1 year, one is 11 months, one is 2 months andthe final is 2 weeks post-transplantation.The only toxicity
in these patients was culture-negative fever for 24 to
48 hours.23 Abdominal pain and diarrhea resolved for themost part during the hospitalization.In all patients, the
CDAI and the severity index have normalized despite
withdrawal of all therapy for CD.However, some of the
colonoscopies show persistent but asymptomatic mild
inflammation.While the depth of this remission and how
long this remission will last remains uncertain, it is
reasonable to consider HSCT in patients with severe CD
so long as these patients have failed standard therapy.
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RESOLUCIÓN DEFENSORIAL N° 040-2003/DP 18 de diciembre de 2003 VISTO: El Informe Defensorial N° 78 “La anticoncepción oral de emergencia”1, elaborado por la Adjuntía para los Derechos de la Mujer. ANTECEDENTES: Primero.- Queja interpuesta por el Comité Consultivo en Anticoncepción de Emergencia El 20 de mayo de 2002, el Comité Consultivo en Anticoncepción de Emer