Section 4 > Different types of speech, language and communication needs > Children with phonological delay/disorder
Helping to access the phonics screening check
A child with a phonological delay/disorder has
Children with phonological difficulties are likely to find it very hard accessing the check because they haven’t mastered the phonological
skills required for speech development, and these are the same as those required for learning literacy. It may be appropriate for some children
with significant phonological difficulties to be disapplied from the check.
• Affects the child’s sound system meaning their speech is
• Isn’t primarily caused by physical disabilities
• Is often part of language delay/disorder/impairment but may
It might be necessary to use alternative
Children with phonological difficulties are likely to have
difficulties with all aspects of phonological awareness including
discriminating between sounds, holding several sounds in
their short-term memories and blending sounds. Both real and
• Compiling a list of simple words that
Phonological delay is used when a child has patterns of speech
are within the child’s sound system to use as a screen
which are more typical of a younger child. The sound system is developing normally, but at a much slower rate than expected.
Phonological disorder will involve some delay, but also the use
of phonological processes that are atypical, inconsistent or not following the expected pattern of phonological development.
This is likely to make the child less clear, will be more persistent
Section 4 > Different types of speech, language and communication needs > Children with phonological delay/disorder
You should also consider the following in your literacy work with children who have a phonological delay/disorder:
• Can the child make a Phoneme Grapheme correspondence
Some children with phonological difficulties may be able to show
between the graphemes and sounds (both consonants and
phonic knowledge of the speech sounds that they regularly use in
the right way. A speech and language therapist will be able to supply details about a child’s speech and phonological awareness skills.
• Can the child indicate with sign or gesture (Cued Articulation
Depending on the nature and degree of phonological difficulties
or Jolly Phonics) when shown a grapheme, even for speech
children are likely to have difficulties with:
• Can the child point to the grapheme for a single spoken
phoneme (similarly can they manually identify the onset for a
• Holding the sounds in their working memory, so they will have
difficulties being able to break up the sounds and remember them to then blend them together
• Can the child recognise correct and incorrect productions of
• Producing speech sound clusters (for example, ‘s’ + ‘n’ as in ‘snake’;
• Can the child match a written word to a picture when they
are, given a choice of several pictures and one check word?
• Higher level aspects of phonics, for example, split digraphs and
dipthongs, although production of single vowels may be possible
34 Claessen et al, 2007; Sutherland and Gillon, 2007
Section 4 > Different types of speech, language and communication needs > Children with phonological delay/disorder
Children with phonological difficulties have underlying difficulties
Children with phonological difficulties will be helped by any visual
with all speech processing skills and so will need a lot of extra
approaches and programmes that allow staff and child to refer to
support and practice with phonological awareness skills including:
sounds through gesture or sign. They will also benefit from colour coded systems as visual reminders of language structures or of
Awareness of their own speech sounds and language abilities (metaphonic and metalinguistic awareness) are also essential;
ensuring the child has the necessary concepts and vocabulary to
For children with phonological difficulties, cumulative blending is more helpful than sounding each letter out separately, because
it sounds more like the target word. An example is: ‘sss’, ‘i’, ‘ssi’, ‘ssi-t’, ‘sit’. This is very important in the early stages of introducing
✔ Blending and segmenting simple single phonemes (excluding
the blending of simple consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words.
Children with phonological difficulties may always find a phonic approach to reading difficult. For this reason it’s important to incorporate a range of different approaches including whole word reading, common spelling patterns, explicit teaching of reading and spelling rules and comprehension monitoring.
Section 4 > Different types of speech, language and communication needs > Children with phonological delay/disorder
An evidence resource to inform next steps
Additional resources and further support
• Most children whose speech, language and communication
needs (SLCN) that are not resolved by 5.6 years have
Dean, E., Howell, J., Hill, A., and Waters, D, (1990), Metaphon
difficulties with learning to read,35 so early identification and
resource pack, Slough: NFER Nelson (Minimal pair therapy,
Maximal pair therapy, phonological therapy – also useful
• Phonological awareness is a vital foundation skill in learning
for introducing the language to refer to sounds and sound
• Phonological awareness at 3.6 – 5.0 years is the best
Black Sheep Press - publishes (as paper or CD) consonant
worksheets, pairs in pictures and phonological awareness sheets -
• Not all children with phonological difficulties will have
difficulty with literacy acquisition but many will, particularly
Passy, J, (2007) Cued Articulation and Cued Vowels, Ponteland:
those with rhyme, alliteration and syllable segmentation
STASS Publications. Booklets, DVD, Cards and wall charts on
how to ‘see a sound’ - php?cPath=22
• Early phonological and metaphonological intervention can
help with understanding and use of speech sounds and clear
Hughes, S, and Ramsay, N, Bigmouth Sound Pack, Ponteland:
speech, therefore supporting literacy acquisition 39
STASS, A friendly character who shows children how to produce sounds (articulograms) -
• Children whose speech isn’t following typical patterns are
most at risk of long term literacy difficulties 40
Jolly Phonics -
• Care must be taken not to focus just on speech sounds.
Language is also needed to support both decoding and text comprehension 41
35 Bishop, D.V.M. and Adams, 199036 Catts, H., 1989; Stackhouse, 200037 Hesketh, 200438 Holm et al, 200839 Bernhardt and Major, 200540 Bernhardt and Major, 200541 Denne et al, 2005
Section 4 > Different types of speech, language and communication needs > Children with phonological delay/disorder
Yasmin has a phonological disorder. Her teaching staff find understanding her very difficult and she has regular speech and language therapy support. Yasmin was able to do some of the items on the phonics screen - those that contained the sounds that she is able to say. However on some items it was difficult for the adult administering the check to know if she had blended the sounds correctly or not as she cannot say all sounds the right way.
What helps YasminTo help, staff used a signing system that represented sounds when they spoke, Cued Articulation. Seeing the sounds as well as hearing them helped Yasmin to remember what she had heard and gave her longer to process the information.
Yasmin was also helped by a very systematic approach to learning phonics; staff needed to build in opportunities for over learning and revision and build on previous knowledge. Multi-sensory approaches and hands on manipulation of sounds using resources such as phoneme frames and wooden letters also helped her to process and read the target words.
This article was downloaded by:[Schiøtz, H. A.]On: 13 November 2007Access Details: [subscription number 784717713]Publisher: Informa HealthcareInforma Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UKPublication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information:Treatment of dysmenorr
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