CURRICULUM VITAE 1. IDENTIFICATION & CONTACT DETAILS Name Correspondence WA Centre for Health & Ageing (M573) University of Western Australia 35 Stirling Highway Crawley, Perth Western Australia 6009 Australia Telephone / Fax 2. QUALIFICATIONS Medical Degree (MD)
1986 Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo, Specialist Psychiatrist
1990 Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
1993 Institute of Psychiatry, University of London, UK Psychiatry Fellow (FRANZCP)
1999 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrist of Old Age (FFPOA)
1999 Founding Member of the Faculty of Psychiatry of Old Age of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists 3. PUBLICATIONS (PAST 5 YEARS ONLY) Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts Almeida, O.P., Lautenschlager, N.T., Vasikaran, S., Leedman, P., Gelavis, A. & Flicker, L. (2006). A 20-week randomized trial of estradiol replacement therapy for women aged 70 years and older: effect on mood, cognition and quality of life. Neurobiology of Aging, 27, 141-149. Almeida, O.P., Norman, P., Hankey, G.H., Jamrozik, K. & Flicker, L. (2006). Successful mental health aging: results from a longitudinal study of older Australian men. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 14, 27-35. LoGiudice, D., Smith, .K, Thomas, J., Lautenschlager, N.T., Almeida, O.P., Atkinson, D. & Flicker, L. (2006). Kimberley Indigenous Cognitive Assessment tool (KICA): development of a cognitive assessment tool for older Indigenous Australians. International Psychogeriatrics, 18, 269-280. Flicker, L., Vasikaran, S.D., Thomas, J., Acres, J., Norman, P., Jamrozik, K., Hankey, G. & Almeida, O.P. (2006). Efficacy of B-vitamins in lowering homocysteine in older men: maximal effects for those with B12 deficiency and hyperhomocysteinemia. Stroke, 37, 547-549.
Bonney, K.R., Almeida, O.P., Flicker, L., Davies, S., Clarnette, R., Anderson, M. & Lautenschlager, N.T. (2006). Inspection time in non-demented older adults with mild cognitive impairment. Neuropsychologia, 44, 1452-1456. Lautenschlager, N.T. & Almeida, O.P. (2006). Physical activity and cognition in old age. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 19, 190-193. Almeida, O.P., Waterreus, A. & Hankey, G.J. (2006). Preventing depression after stroke: results from a randomised, placebo-controlled trial. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 67, 1104-1109. Flicker, L., Lautenschlager, N.T. & Almeida, O.P. (2006). Healthy mental ageing. Journal of the British Menopause Society, 12, 92-96. Pfaff, J.J., Bernert, R.A., Hollar, D.L., Witte, T.K., Merrill, K.A., Pettit, J.W., Almeida, O.P. & Joiner Jr., T.E. (2006). Birth month and depressive and suicidal symptoms in an elderly Australian sample born in the Southern or Northern hemisphere. Psychiatry Research, 144, 217-219. Bruce, D.G., Casey, G., Davis, W.A., Starkstein, S.E., Clarnette, R.C., Foster, J.K., Ives, F.J., Almeida, O.P. & Davis, T.M.E. (2006). Vascular depression in older people with diabetes. Diabetologia, 49, 2828-2836.
Lautenschlager, N.T., Dunn, J.C., Bonney, K., Flicker, L. & Almeida, O.P. (2006). Latent semantic analysis: an improved method to measure cognitive performance in subjects of non-English speaking background. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 28, 1381-1387. Tait, R.J., Hulse, G.K., Waterreus, A., Flicker, L., Lautenschlager, N.T., Jamrozik, K. & Almeida, O.P. (2007). Effectiveness of a smoking cessation intervention in older adults. Addiction, 102, 148-155. Almeida, O.P. & Xiao, J. (2007). Mortality associated with incident mental health disorders after stroke. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 41, 274-281. Almeida, O.P., Flicker, L., Norman, P.N., Hankey, G.H., Vasikaran, S., vanBockxmeer, F. & Jamrozik, K. (2007). Association of cardiovascular risk factors and disease with depression in later life. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 15, 506-513. Pfaff, J.J., Almeida, O.P., Witte, R.K., Waesche, M.C. & Joiner, T.E. (2007). Relationship between quantity and frequency of alcohol use and indices of suicidal behaviour in an elderly Australian sample. Suicide and Life Threatening Behaviour, 37, 616-626. Smith, K., LoGiudice, D., Dwyer, A., Thomas, J., Flicker L., Lautenshlager, N.T., Almeida, O.P. & Atkinson, D. (2007). ‘Nira ngananta rukalany? Do you forget?’ Development of the Kimberley Indigenous Cognitive Assessment tool (KICA). Australasian Journal on Ageing, 26, 115-119. Yeap, B.B., Almeida, O.P., Hyde, Z., Norman, P.E., Chub, P., Jamrozik, K. & Flicker, L. (2007). In men older than 70 years, total testosterone remains stable while free testosterone declines with age. The Health In Men Study. European Journal of Endocrinology, 156, 585-594. Williamson, M., Pirkis, J., Pfaff, J., Tyson, O., Sim, M., Kerse, N., Lautenschlager, N. & Almeida, O.P. (2007). Recruiting and retaining GPs and patients in intervention studies: The DEPS-GP project. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 7, 42. Almeida, O.P., Norman, P.N., Hankey, G.H., Jamrozik, K. & Flicker, L. (2007). The association between C-reactive protein concentration and depression in later life is due to poor physical health: results from the Health In Men Study. Psychological Medicine, 37, 1775-1786.
Bonney, K.R., Almeida, O.P., Flicker, L., Cox, K., Foster, J.K., van Bockxmeer, F.M. & Lautenschlager, N.T. (2007). Reduced awareness of executive dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease is associated with increased carer burden. International Psychogeriatrics, 19, 1173- 1175. Beer, C., Xiao, J., Flicker, L. & Almeida, O.P. (2007). Long term mortality following stroke, myocardial infarction and fractured neck of femur in Western Australia. Internal Medicine Journal, 37, 815-819. Flicker, L., Martins, R.N., Thomas, J., Acres, J., Taddei, K., Vasikaran, S., Norman, P., Jamrozik, K. & Almeida, O.P. (2008). B-vitamins reduce plasma level of beta-amyloid. Neurobiology of Aging, 29, 303-305. Bruce, D.G., Davis, W.A., Casey, G., Starkstein, S.E., Clarnette, R.C., Foster, J.K., Almeida, O.P. & Davis, T.M.E. (2008). Predictors of cognitive impairment and dementia in older people with diabetes. Diabetologia, 51, 241-248. Draper, B., Pfaff, J.J., Pirkis, J., Snowdon, J., Lautenschlager, N.T., Wilson, I. & Almeida, O.P. (2008). Long-term effects of childhood abuse on the quality of life and health of older people: results from the DEPS-GP Project. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 56, 262-271. Almeida, O.P., Garrido, G., Lautenschlager, N.T., Hulse, G.K., Jamrozik, K. & Flicker, L. (2008). Smoking is associated with reduced cortical regional grey matter density in brain areas associated with incipient Alzheimer’s disease. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 16, 92- 98. Scazufca, M., Menezes, P.R., Vallada, H.P., Crepaldi, A.L., Pastor-Valero, M., Coutinho, L.M.S., Di Rienzo, V.D. & Almeida, O.P. (2008) High prevalence of dementia among older adults from poor socio-economic background in São Paulo, Brazil. International Psychogeriatrics, 20, 394-405.
Yeap, B.B., Almeida, O.P., Hyde, Z., Chub, P., Hankey, G.J., Jamrozik, K. & Flicker, L. (2008). Higher serum free testosterone is associated with better cognitive function in older men, whilst total testosterone is not. The Health In Men Study. Clinical Endocrinology, 68, 404-412. Almeida, O.P., Yeap, B.B., Hankey, G.J., Jamrozik, K. & Flicker, L. (2008). Low free testosterone as a potentially treatable cause of depressive symptoms in older men. Archives of General Psychiatry, 65, 283-289. Chubb, S.A.P., Hyde, Z., Almeida, O.P., Flicker, L., Norman, P.E., Jamrozik, K.J., Hankey, G.J. & Yeap, B.B. (2008). Lower sex hormone binding globulin is more strongly associated with metabolic syndrome than lower total testosterone in older men. The Health In Men Study. European Journal of Endocrinology, 158, 785-792. Kerse, N., Flicker, L., Pfaff, J.J., Draper, B., Lautenschlager N., Sim, M., Snowdon, J. & Almeida, O.P. (2008). Falls, depression and antidepressants in later life: a large primary care appraisal. PLoS One 3(6): e2423. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0002423. Scazufca, M., Menezes, P.R., Araya, R., Di Rienzo, V., Almeida, O.P., Gunnell, D. & Lawlor, D.A. (2008). Risk factors from across the life course and dementia in a Brazilian population: results from the São Paulo Ageing & Health Study (SPAH). International Journal of Epidemiology, 37, 879-890. Almeida, O.P., Garrido, G.J., Beer, C., Lautenschlager, N.T., Arnolda, L., Lenzo, N., Campbell, A. & Flicker, L. (2008). Coronary heart disease is associated with regional grey matter volume loss: implications for cognitive function and behaviour. Internal Medicine Journal, 38, 599-606.
Lawlor, D.A., Harbord, R.M., Timpson, N.J., Lowe, G.D.O., Rumley, A., Gaunt, T.R., Baker, I., Yarnell, J.W.G., Kiwimaki, M., Kumari, M., Norman, P.E., Jamrozik, P.E., Hankey, G.J., Almeida, O.P., Flicker, L., Marmot, M.G., Ben-Shlomo, Y., Palmer, L.J., Day, I.N.M., Ebrahim, S., Smith, G.D. (2008). The association of C-reactive protein and CRP genotype with coronary heart disease: findings from a meta-analysis with 4,610 cases amongst 18,637 participants. PLOS-One, 3, e3011. Ford, A.H., Flicker, L., Thomas, J., Norman, P., Jamrozik, K. & Almeida, O.P. (2008). Depressive symptoms in older men: results from a 2-year placebo-controlled randomized trial of vitamins B12, B6 and folic acid. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 69, 1203-1209. Lautenschlager, N.T., Cox, K.L., Flicker, L., Foster, J., van Bockxmeer, F., Xiao, J., Greenop, K.R. & Almeida, O.P. (2008). Effect of physical activity on cognitive function in older adults at risk for Alzheimer’s disease: a radomized trial. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), 300, 1027-1037. Almeida, O.P., Schwab, S., Lautenschlager, N., Morar, B., Greenop, K., Flicker, L. & Wildenauer, D. (2008). KIBRA genetic polymorphism influences episodic memory in later life, but does not increase the risk of mild cognitive impairment. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, 12, 1676-1676. Almeida, O.P., McCaul, K., Hankey, G.J., Norman, P., Jamrozik, K. & Flicker, L. (2008). Homocysteine and depression in later life. Archives of General Psychiatry, 65, 1286-1294. Smith, K., Flicker, L., Lautenshlager, N.T., Almeida, O.P., Dwyer, A., Atkinson, D. & LoGiudice, D. (2008). Dementia and cognitive impairment in remote Indigenous Australians: evidence of different patterns of risk factors and increased prevalence. Neurology, 71, 1470-1473. Bruce, D.G., Davis, W.A., Casey, G.P., Starkstein, S.E., Clarnette, R.M., Almeida, O.P. & Davis, T.M. (2008). Predictors of cognitive decline in older people with diabetes. Diabetes Care, 31, 2103-2107. Tait, R.J., Hulse, G.K., Waterreus, A., Flicker, L., Lautenschlager, N.T., Jamrozik, K. & Almeida, O.P. (2008). Two-year outcomes from a cessation of smoking intervention in older adults. Journal of Smoking Cessation, 3, 101-109. Yeap, B.B., Almeida, O.P., Hyde, Z., Norman, P.E., Chubb, S.A.P., Jamrozik, K., Hankey, G.J. & Flicker, L. (2009). Healthier lifestyle predicts higher circulating testosterone in older men: The Health In Men Study. Clinical Endocrinology, 70, 455-463. Smith, K., Flicker, L., Dwyer, A., Marsh, G. Mahajani, S., Almeida, O., Lautenshlager, N., Atkinson, D. & LoGiudice, D. (2009). Assessing cognitive impairment in Indigenous Australians: Re-evaluation of the Kimberley Indigenous Cognitive Assessment in Western Australia and the Northern Territory. Australian Psychologist, 44, 54-61. Lautenschlager, N.T., Xiao, J. & Almeida, O.P. (2009). Physical activity and cognitive function in Alzheimer disease (correspondence). Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), 301, 273-274. Norman, P., Flicker, L., Almeida, O.P., Hankey, G., Hyde, Z. & Jamrozik, K. (2009). Cohort profile: The Health In Men Study (HIMS). International Journal of Epidemiology, 38, 48-52. Pfaff, J.J., Draper, B., Pirkis, J., Stocks, N., Snowdon, J., Sim, M., Byrne, G., Lautenschlager, N.T., Flicker, L., Kerse, N., Goldney, R. & Almeida, O.P. (2009). Medical morbidity and severity of depression in a large primary care sample of older Australians: The DEPS-GP Project. Medical Journal of Australia, 190, S75-S80.
Scazufca, M., Almeida, O.P., Vallada Filho, H., Wernestty, Menezes, P.R. (2009). Limitations of the Mini-Mental State Examination for the screening of dementia in a community with low socioeconomic status: results from the São Paulo & Ageing Health Study (SPAH). European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 259, 8-15. Pirkis, J., Pfaff, J., Williamson, M., Tyson, O., Stocks, N., Goldney, R., Draper, B., Snowdon, J., Lautenschlager, N. & Almeida, O.P. (2009). The community prevalence of depression in older Australians. Journal of Affective Disorders, 115, 54-61. Beer, C., Bosboom, P. Almeida, O.P. & Flicker, L. (2009). Rating the quality of life of people with dementia living in residential care facilities in routine research practice. Age and Ageing, 38, 343-346. Bruce, D.G., Davis, W.A., Casey, G., Clarnette, R.C., Brown, S.G.A., Jacobs, I.G., Almeida, O.P. & Davis, T.M.E. (2009). Severe hypoglycaemia and cognitive impairment in older patients with diabetes: the Fremantle Diabetes Study. Diabetologia, 52, 1808-1815. Beer, C., Horner, B., Almeida, O.P., Scherer, S., Lautenschlager, N.T., Bretland, N., Flett, P., Schaper, F. & Flicker, L. (2009). Current experiences and educational preferences of general practitioners and staff caring for people with dementia living in residential facilities. BMC Geriatrics, 9(1), 36. Almeida, O.P., Norman, P., Allcock, R., van Bockxmeer, F., Hankey, G.J., Jamrozik, K. & Flicker, L. (2009). Polymorphisms of the CRP gene inhibit inflammatory response and increase susceptibility to depression. The Health In Men Study (HIMS). International Journal of Epidemiology, 38, 1049-1059. Yeap, B.B., Hyde, Z., Almeida, O.P., Norman, P.E., Chubb, P.S.A., Jamrozik, K., Flicker, L. & Hankey, G.J. (2009). Lower testosterone levels predict incident stroke and transient ischemic attack in older men. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 94, 2353-2359. Almeida, O.P., Calver, J., Jamrozik, K., Hankey, G.J. & Flicker, L. (2009). Obesity and metabolic syndrome increase the risk of incident depression in older men: The Health In Men Study (HIMS). American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 17, 889-898.
Beer, C., Ebenezer, E., Fenner, S., Lautenschlager, N.T., Arnolda, L., Flicker, L. & Almeida, O.P. (2009). Contributors to cognitive impairment in congestive heart failure: a pilot case control study. Internal Medicine Journal, 39, 600-605. Greenop, K.R., Almeida, O.P., Hankey, G.H., van Bockxmeer, F. & Lautenschlager, N.T. (2009). Premorbid personality traits are associated with post-stroke behavioural and psychological symptoms: a 3-month follow up study in Perth, Western Australia. International Psychogeriatrics, 21, 1063-1071. Vidovich, M.R., Lautenschlager, N.T., Flicker, L., Care, L. & Almeida, O.P. (2009). The PACE study: a randomised clinical trial of cognitive activity (CA) for older adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Trials, 10, 114. Ford, A.H., Flicker, L., McCaul, K., Van Bockxmeer, F., Hegarty, S., Hirani, V., Fenner, S. & Almeida, O.P. (2010). The B-VITAGE trial: A randomized trial of homocysteine lowering treatment of depression in later life. Trials;11:8. Flicker, L., McCaul, K.A., Hankey, G.J., Jamrozik, K., Brown, W.J., Byles, W.J. & Almeida, O.P. (2010). Body mass index and survival in older men and women aged 70 to 75 years. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 58, 234-241.
Kohler, S., Thomas, A.J., Lloyd, A., Barber, R., Almeida, O.P. & O’Brien, J.T. (2010). Relationship between white matter hyperintensities, cortisol levels, brain atrophy and continuing cognitive deficits in late life depression. British Journal of Psychiatry, 196, 143-149. Hyde, Z., Flicker, L., Almeida, O.P., McCaul, K.A., Jamrozik, K., Hankey, G.J., Chubb, S.A.P. & Yeap, B.B. (2010). Higher luteinizing hormone is associated with poor memory recall. The Health In Men Study. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 19, 943-951. Almeida, O.P., Alfonso, H., Jamrozik, K., Hankey, G.J. & Flicker, L. (2010). Aspirin use, depression and cognitive impairment in later life: the Health In Men Study. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 58, 990-992. Beer, C.D., Horner, B., Almeida, O.P., Scherer, S., Lautenschlager, N.T., Bretland, N., Flett, P., Schaper, F. & Flicker, L. (2010). Dementia in residential care: education intervention trial (DIRECT); protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials, 11, 63. Almeida, O.P., Alfonso, H., Hankey, G.J. & Flicker, L. (2010). Depression, antidepressant use and mortality in later life: the Health In Men Study. PLoS One, 5 (6), e11266. Hyde, Z., Flicker, L., Almeida, O.P., Hankey, G.J., McCaul, K.A., Chubb, S.A.P. & Yeap, B.B. (2010). Low free testosterone predicts frailty in older men. The Health in Men Study. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 95, 3165-3172. McCaul, K.A., Almeida, O.P., Hankey, G.J., Jamrozik, K., Byles, J.E. & Flicker, L. (2010). Alcohol use and mortality in older men and women. Addiction, 105, 1391-1400. Smith, K., Flicker, L., Dwyer, A., Atkinson, D., Almeida, O.P., Lautenshlager, N., & LoGiudice, D. (2010). Factors associated with dementia in Aboriginal Australians. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 44, 888–893. Scazufca, M., Almeida, O.P. & Menezes, P.R. (2010). The Role of literacy, occupation and income in dementia prevention: the São Paulo Ageing & Health Study (SPAH). International Psychogeriatrics, 22, 1209-1215. Almeida, O.P., Marsh, K., Alfonso, H., Flicker, L., Davies, T.M.E. & Hankey, G.J. (2010). B-vitamins reduce the long-term risk of depression after stroke: the VITATOPS-DEP trial. Annals of Neurology, 68, 503-510. Hyde, Z., Flicker, L., Hankey, G.J., Almeida, O.P., McCaul, K.A., Chubb, S.A.P. & Yeap, B.B. (2010). Prevalence of sexual activity and associated factors in men aged 75-95 years: a cohort study. Annals of Internal Medicine, 153, 693-702. Cyarto, E.V., Cox, K.L., Almeida, O.P., Flicker, L., Ames, D., Byrne, G., Hill, K.D., Beer, C., LoGiudice, D., Appadurai, K., Irish, M., Renehan, E. & Lautenschlager, N.T. (2010). The Fitness for the Ageing Brain Study II (FABS II): protocol for a randomized controlled clinical trial evaluating the effect of physical activity on cognitive function in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Trials, 11, 120. Beer, C., Flicker, L., Horner, B., Bretland, N., Scherer, S., Lautenschlager, N.T., Schaper, F. & Almeida, O.P. (2010). Factors associated with self and informant ratings of the quality of life of people with dementia living in residential care facilities. PLoS One, 5 (12): e15621. Ford, A.H., Flicker, L., Alfonso, H., Thomas, J., Clarnette, R., Martins, R. & Almeida, O.P. (2010). Vitamins B12, B6 and folic acid for cognition in older men. Neurology, 75, 1540-1547. Beer, C., Lowry, R., Horner, B., Almeida, O.P., Scherer, S., Lautenschlager, N.T., Bretland, N., Flett, P., Schaper, F. & Flicker, L. (2011). Development and evaluation of an educational
intervention for general practitioners and staff caring for people with dementia living in residential facilities. International Psychogeriatrics, 23, 221-229. Almeida, O.P., Alfonso, H., Pirkis, J., Kerse, N., Sim, M., Flicker, L., Snowdon, J., Draper, B., Byrne, G., Goldney, R., Lautenschlager, N.T., Stocks, N., Scazufca, M., Huisman, M., Araya, R. & Pfaff, J.J. (2011). A practical approach to assess depression risk and to guide risk reduction strategies in later life. International Psychogeriatrics, 23, 280-291. Vidovich, M.R., Shaw, J., Flicker, L. & Almeida, O.P. (2011). Cognitive activity for the treatment of older adults with mild Alzheimer’s disease (AD) – PACE-AD: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials, 12, 47. Greenop, K.R., Xiao, J., Almeida, O.P., Flicker, L., Beer, C., Foster, J.K., van Bockxmeer, F.M. & Lautenschlager, N.T. (2011). Awareness of cognitive deficits in older adults with cognitive impairment no dementia (CIND): comparison with informant report. Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders, 25, 24-33. Hyde, Z., Norman, P.E., Flicker, L., Hankey, G.J., McCaul, K.A., Almeida, O.P., Paul Chubb, S.A. & Yeap, B.B. (2011). Elevated luteinizing hormone predicts ischaemic heart disease events in older men: the Health In Men Study. European Journal of Endocrionology, 164, 569-577. Beer, C., Hyde, Z., Almeida, O.P., Norman, P., Hankey, G.J., Yeap, B.B. & Flicker, L. (2011). Quality use of medicines and health outcomes among a cohort of community dwelling older men: an observational study. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 71, 592-599. Almeida, O.P., Garrido, G.J., Alfonso, H., Hulse, G., Lautenschlager, N.T., Hankey, G.J. & Flicker, L. (2011). 24-month effect of smoking cessation on cognitive function and brain structure in later life. NeuroImage, 55, 1480-1489. Power, B.D., Alfonso, H., Flicker, L., Hankey, G.J., Yeap, B.B. & Almeida, O.P. (2011). Body adiposity in later life and the incidence of dementia: the Health In Men Study. PLoS One, 6, e17902. Beer, C., Alfonso, H., Flicker, L., Norman, P.E., Hankey, G.J. & Almeida, O.P. (2011). Traditional risk factors for incident cardiovascular events have limited importance in later life compared with the Health In Men Study Cardiovascular Risk Score. Stroke, 42, 952-9. Saarloos, D., Alfonso, H., Giles-Corti, B., Middleton, N. & Almeida, O.P. (2011). The built environment and depression in later life: the Health In Men Study. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 19, 461-470. Jamrozik, K., McLaughlin, D., McCaul, K., Almeida, O.P., Wong, K.Y., Vagenas, D. & Dobson, A. (2011). Women who smoke like men die like men who smoke: findings from two Australian cohort studies. Tobacco Control, 20, 258-265. Lopez, D., McCaul, K.A., Hankey, G.J., Norman, P.E., Almeida, O.P., Dobson, A.J., Byles, J.E., Yeap, B.B. & Flicker, L. (2011). Falls, injuries from falls, health related quality of life and mortality in older adults with vision and hearing impairment - is there a gender difference? Maturitas, 69, 359-364. LoGiudine, D.C., Smith, K., Atkinson, D., Dwyer, A., Lautenschlager, N., Almeida, O.P., Flicker, L. (in press – accepted 15/07/2010). A preliminary evaluation of the prevalence of falls, pain and urinary incontinence in remote living Indigenous Australians over the age of 45 years. Internal Medicine Journal. LoGiudine, D.C., Strivensm E., Smith, K., Stevenson, M. Atkinson, D., Dwyer, A., Lautenschlager, N., Almeida, O.P., Flicker, L. (in press – accepted 17/09/2010). The KICA-
Screen: the psychometric properties of a shortened version of the KICA (Kimberley Indigenous Cognitive Assessment). Australasian Journal on Ageing. Peerbooms, O.L.J., van Os, J., Drukker, M., Kenis, G., Hoogveld, L., Vilella, El, Toncheva, D.I., Arankwsky, G., Jonsson, E.G., Tan, E.C., Han, D.H., Gaysina, D., Kunugi, H., Yoon, J.S., Sazci, Al, Nakamura, Y., Evans, A., Taylor, W.D., Roffman, J.L., Chen, C.S., Reif, A., Almeida, O.P., Whitehead, A.S., Joober, R., Lewis, S., Steffens, D.C., Philibert, R., Jogodzinski, P.P., Susser, E.S., Betcheva, T., Bjelland, I., Mavros, M., Mutjewerff, J., Yosivofa, A., de Hert, M., Delespaul, P., van Winkel, R. & Rutten, B.P.F. (in press – accepted 22/12/10). Meta-analysis of MTHFR gene variants in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and unipolar depressive disorder: evidence for a common genetic vulnerability? Brain, Behaviour and Immunity. Almeida, O.P., Alfonso, H., Flicker, L., Hankey, G.J., Chubb, S.A.P. & Yeap, B.B. (in press – accepted 23/11/2010). Thyroid hormones and depression: the Health In Men Study. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. Almeida, O.P., Alfonso, H., Flicker, L., Hankey, G.J., Norman, P.E. (in press – accepted 22/12/2010). Cardiovascular disease, depression and mortality: the Health In Men Study. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. Ford, A.H., Flicker, L., Hankey, G.J., Norman, P., van Bockxmeer, F.M. & Almeida, O.P. (in press – accepted 30/01/2011). Homocysteine, methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T polymorphism and cognitive impairment: the Health In Men Study. Molecular Psychiatry. Atlantis, E., Shi, Z., Penninx, B.J.W.H., Wittert, G.A., Taylor, A. & Almeida, O.P. (in press – accepted 21/02/2011). Chronic medical conditions mediate the association between depression and cardiovascular disease mortality. Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology. Vidovich, M. & Almeida, O.P. (in press – accepted 27/02/2011). Cognition-focused interventions for older adults: the current state of play. Australasian Psychiatry. Almeida, O.P., Alfonso, H., Yeap, B., Hankey, G. & Flicker, L. (in press – accepted 24/05/2011). Complaints of difficulty to fall asleep increase the risk of depression in later life: the Health In Men Study. Journal of Affective Disorders. Ford, A.H., Flicker, L., Alfonso, H., Hankey, G.J., Norman, P.E., van Bockxmeer, F.M. & Almeida, O.P. (in press – accepted 14/06/2011). Plasma homocysteine and MTHFR C677T polymorphism as risk factors for incident dementia. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. McLaughlin, D., Leung, J., Almeida, O.P. & Dobson, A. (in press – accepted 20/06/2011). Social support and mortality: if you’re sick, friend can’t save you. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. Almeida, O.P., Beer, C., Lautenschlager, N.T., Arnolda, L., Alfonso, H. & Flicker, L. (in press – accepted 28/06/2011). Two-year course of cognitive function and mood in adults with congestive heart failure and coronary heart disease: The Heart Mind Study. International Psychogeriatrics. Holmes, M.V., Newcombe, P., et al. (in press). Effect modficatioin by population dietary folate on the association between MTHFR genotype, homocysteine, and stroke risk: a meta-analysis of genetic studies and randomised trials. Lancet, 378. Almeida, O.P., Beer, C., Lautenschlager, N.T., Arnolda, L., Alfonso, H. & Flicker, L. (2012). Two-year course of cognitive function and mood in adults with congestive heart failure and coronary heart disease: The Heart Mind Study. International Psychogeriatrics, 24, 38-47.
Hyde, Z., Norman, P.E., Flicker, L., Hankey, G.J., Almeida, O.P., McCaul, K.A., Chubb, S.A.P.& Yeap, B.B. (2012). Low free testosterone predicts mortality from cardiovascular disease, but not other causes. The Health In Men Study. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 97, 179-189. Hyde, Z., Flicker, L., Hankey, G.J., Almeida, O.P., McCaul, K.A., Chubb, S.A.P. & Yeap, B.B. (2012). Prevalence and predictors of sexual problems in men aged 75-95 years: a population-based study. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 9, 442-453. Ford, A.H., Flicker, L., Alfonso, H., Hankey, G.J., Norman, P.E., van Bockxmeer, F.M. & Almeida, O.P. (2012). Plasma homocysteine and MTHFR C677T polymorphism as risk factors for incident dementia. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 83, 70-75. Flicker, L., Ford, A., Beer, C. & Almeida, O.P. (2012). MJA Practical Neurology: case-based discussions memory loss. Medical Journal of Australia, 196, 114-117. Almeida, O.P., Norman, P.E., van Bockxmeer, F.M., Hankey, G.J. & Flicker, L. (2012). CRP 1846G>A polymorphism increases risk of frailty. Maturitas, 71, 261-266. Ford, A. & Almeida, O.P. (2012). Plasma homocysteine and cognition: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 29, 133-149. Almeida, O.P., Pirkis, J., Kerse, N., Sim, M., Flicker, L., Snowdon, J., Draper, B., Byrne, G., Lautenschlager, N.T., Stocks, N., Alfonso, H. & Pfaff, J.J. (2012).Socioeconomic disadvantage increases risk of prevalent and persistent depression in later life. Journal of Affective Disorders, 138, 322-331. Atlantis, E., Shi, Z., Penninx, B.J.W.H., Wittert, G.A., Taylor, A. & Almeida, O.P. (2012). Chronic medical conditions mediate the association between depression and cardiovascular disease mortality. Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology, 47, 615-625. Bosboom, P.R., Alfonso, H., Eaton, J. & Almeida, O.P. (2012). Quality of life in Alzheimer’s disease: different factors associated with complementary ratings by patients and family carers. International Psychogeriatrics, 24, 708-721. Ford, A.H., Garrido, G., Beer, C., Lautenschlager, N.T., Arnolda, L., Flicker, L. & Almeida, O.P. (2012). Homocysteine, grey matter and cognitive function in adults with cardiovascular disease. PLoS One, 7(3), e33345. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0033345. Verbrugghe, P., Bouwer, S., Wiltshire, S., Carter, K., Chandler, D., Cooper, M., Morar, B., Razif, F., Henders, A., Badcock, J., Dragovic, M., Carr, V., Almeida, O.P., Flicker, L., Montgomery, G., Jablensky, A. & Kalaydjieva, L. (2012). Impact of the reelin signalling cascade (ligands-receptors-adaptor complex) on cognition in schizophrenia. American Journal of Medical Genetics: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 159B, 392-404. Almeida, O.P., Alfonso, H., Flicker, L., Hankey, G.J., Norman, P.E. (2012). Cardiovascular disease, depression and mortality: the Health In Men Study. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 20, 433-440. Atlantis, E., Sullivan, T., Sartorius, N. & Almeida, O.P. (2012). Changes in the prevalence of psychological distress and use of antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications associated with comorbid chronic diseases in the adult Australian population, 2001-2008. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 46, 445-456. Ford, A.H., Flicker, L., Hankey, G.J., Norman, P., van Bockxmeer, F.M. & Almeida, O.P. (2012). Homocysteine, methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T polymorphism and cognitive impairment: the Health In Men Study. Molecular Psychiatry, 17, 559-566.
Yeap, B.B., Chubb, P.S.A., Walsh, J.P., Hankey, G.J., Almeida, O.P. & Flicker, L. (2012). Higher free thyroxin levels are associated with frailty in older men: the Health In Men Study. Clinical Endocrinology, 76, 741-748. Brown, W.J., McLaughlin, D., Leung, J., McCaul, K.A., Flicker, L., Almeida, O.P., Hankey, G.J., Lopez, D. & Dobson, A.J. (2012). Physical activity and all-cause mortality in older women and men. British Journal ofSports Medicine, 46, 664-668. Almeida, O.P., Pirkis, J., Kerse, N., Sim, M., Flicker, L., Snowdon, J., Draper, B., Byrne, G., Goldney, R., Lautenschlager, N.T., Stocks, N., Alfonso, H. & Pfaff,J.J. (2012). A randomized trial to reduce the prevalence of depression and self-harm behavior in older primary care patients. Annals of Family Medicine, 10, 347-356. Invited Articles Almeida, O.P. (2006). Mental health resources in the World 2001 The Neuroradiology Journal, 19, 433-440. Flicker, L. & Almeida, O.P. (2007). For debate: Is the influence of the pharmaceutical industry on prescribing, research, and publication in the field of psychogeriatrics excessive? Commentary. International Psychogeriatrics, 19 (6), 1003-1020. Almeida, O.P. (2008). Vascular depression: myth or reality? (Guest Editorial). International Psychogeriatrics, 20, 645-652. Almeida, O. P. (2011). Evolution, depression and the interplay between chance and choices (Guest Editorial). International Psychogeriatrics, 23, 1021-1025. Books Edited & Reports Saarloos, D., Nathan, A., Almeida, O. & Giles-Corti, B. (2008). The Baby Boomers and Beyond Report: Physical Activity Levels of Older Western Australians 2006.Perth, Western Australia: Western Australian Government. Carroll, E., Smith, K., Flicker, L., LoGiudice, D., Shadforth, G., Ralph, N., Lindeman, M., Almeida, O., Atkinson, D., Shaper, F. & Lautenschlager, N. (2010). Indigenous Services Study: Lungurra Ngoora Community Care Final Report. Perth. Western Australia: WA Centre for Health & Ageing. Resources Published in the World Wide Web Only LoGiudice, D., Smith, .K, Thomas, J., Lautenschlager, N.T., Almeida, O.P., Atkinson, D. & Flicker, L. (2006). Kimberley Indigenous Cognitive Assessment (KICA): instruction manual, assessment booklet, booklet with pictures and supplementary pictures. Department of Western Australia Book Chapters Almeida, O.P. (2006). Confusion and Dementia in the General Hospital [Portuguese]. In Psychiatric Practice in the General Hospital: Consultation-Liaison and Emergency (ed. N.J. Botega), pp. 193-210. São Paulo: Artes Médicas.
Almeida, O.P. (2006). Strategies to prevent dementia [Portuguese]. In Dementia: A Multidisciplinary Approach (eds. L. Caixeta), pp. 563-571. São Paulo: Atheneu. Almeida, O.P. & Starkstein, S.E. (2010). Cerebrovascular disease and psychosis. In Secondary Schizophrenia (eds. P. Sachdev & M. Keshavan), pp. 197-203. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Waters, F. & Almeida, O.P. (2010). Schizophrenia, cognitive impairment and dementia. In Dementia, 4th edition (eds. D. Ames, A. Burns & J. O’Brien), pp. 713-717. London: Arnold. Published Abstracts Almeida, O.P. (2006). Hormone replacement therapy and mental health: not so sexy after all. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 40, Suppl. 1, A6. Lautenschlager, N.T., Cox, K.L., Flicker, L., Acres, J., Booney, K.R., Ash, J., van Bockxmeer, F., Foster, J.K. & Almeida, O.P. (2006). Association between APOE genotype, physical activity and cognitive performance in older adults with memory complaints. Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 2(3) (Suppl.1), 167. Flicker, L., Thomas, J., Acres, J., Norman, P., Jamrozik, K., Martins, R., Clarnette, R. & Almeida, O. (2006). Do B-vitamins affect cognitive functioning? Results from a randomized trial in older men. Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 2(3) (Suppl.1), 362. Bruce, D.G., Casey, G., Davis, W.A., Almeida, O., Clarnette, R., Foster J. & Davis, T.M. (2006). Longitudinal predictors of dementia in a diabetic cohort. Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 2(3) (Suppl.1), 407. Almeida, O.P., Flicker, L., Norman, P., Hankey, G.J. & Jamrozik, K. (2006). Association of cardiovascular risk factors and disease with depression in later life. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 2 (Suppl. 3), 73-74. Bonney, K.R., Almeida, O.P., Hankey, G.J., van Bockxmeer, F. & Lautenschlager, N.T. (2006). Association between the APOE genotype, personality and outcomes after stroke: a 3-month follow-up study. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 2 (Suppl. 3), 118. Flicker, L., Garrido, G.J., Lautenschlager, N.T., Hulse, G.K., Jamrozik, K. & Almeida, O.P. (2006). Smoking is associated with reduced cortical regional grey matter density in brain areas associated with incipient Alzheimer’s disease. Internal Medicine Journal, 36 (Suppl. 5), A164. Greenop, K., Almeida, O., Cox, K., Flicker, L., Foster, J., Starkstein, S. & Lautenschlager, N. (2006). Perceived burden in carers of patients with mild Alzheimer’s disease: the effect of patient insight. Acta Neuropsychiatrica, 18, 289-290. Looi J., Almeida O.P., Byrne G., Lautenschlager N., O’Connor D. & Wijeratne C. (2006). Board of research: showcasing psychiatry of old age research.Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 40 (suppl 1), A4. Greenop, K., Almeida, O., Cox, K., Flicker, L., Foster, J., Starkstein, S. & Lautenschlager, N. (2006). Perceived burden in carers of patients with mild Alzheimer’s disease: the effect of patient insight. Acta Neuropsychiatrica, 18, 289-290. Lautenschlager, N.T., Cox, K.L., Flicker, L., Acres, J., Bonney, K.R., Ash, J., van Bockxmeer, F., Foster, J.K. & Almeida, O.P. (2007). Interaction of physical activity and APOE to modulate cognitive function in later life. Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 3 (Suppl. 2), 183.
Smith, K., Flicker, L., Lautenschlager, N.T., Almeida, O.P., Atkinson, D., Dwyer, A. & LoGiudice, D. (2007). Dementia and cognitive impairment in remote indigenous Australians: evidence of different patterns of risk factors and increased prevalence. Internal Medicine Journal, 37(Suppl. 3), A68. Almeida O., Yeap, B., Hankey G., Jamrozik, K & Flicker, L. (2007). Low free testosterone concentration is associated with depression in older men. Internal Medicine Journal, 37(Suppl. 3), A68.
Kerse, N., Flicker, L., Pfaff, J.J., Draper, B., Lautenschlager, N., Sim, M. & Almeida, O.P. (2007). Falls, depression and antidepressants in later life: a large primary care appraisal. Internal Medicine Journal, 37(Suppl. 3), A75. Almeida, O.P. (2007). Psychosocial predictors of mental health outcomes in later life. International Psychogeriatrics, 19 (Suppl.), 41. Lautenschlager, N.T., Flicker, L., Xiao, J., Bonney, K., McMullin, L. & Almeida, O.P. (2007). Reduced awareness in mild cognitive impairment: does it exist? International Psychogeriatrics, 19 (Suppl.), 44-45. Smith, K.E., Flicker, L., Almeida, O.P., Lautenschlager, N.T., Atkinson, D., Dwyer, A.L. & Logiudice, D. (2007). Dementia and cognitive impairment in an indigenous Australian population: increased prevalence and different patterns of risk factors. International Psychogeriatrics, 19 (Suppl.), 95. Flicker, L., Yeap, B.B., Hankey, G.J., Jamrozik, K. & Almeida, O.P. (2007). Low free testosterone concentration is associated with depression in older men. International Psychogeriatrics, 19 (Suppl.), 198. Licht-Strunk, E., Almeida, O., Wilson, K, & Kerse, N. (2007). Late-life depression in general practice: what should we do? Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 41 (Suppl. 2), A191. Almeida, O.P., Pfaff, J., Tyson, O., Pirkis, J., Flicker, L., Lautenschlager, N., Sim, M., Draper, B., Snowdon, J., Goldney, R., Byrne, G., Stocks, N., Wilson, I. & Kerse, N. (2007). No more depression! Can we really prevent depression in later life? Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 41 (Suppl. 2), A192. Greenop, K., Almeida, O., Flicker, L., Beer, C., van Bockxmeer, F., Martins, R., Taddei, K. & Lautenschlager, N. (2007). Neurological soft signs are associated with global cognitive performance and delayed work recall performance in older adults without dementia. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 41 (Suppl. 2), A476. Lautenschlager, N.T., Almeida, O.P., Flicker, L., Greenop, K.R. & Cox, K.L. (2008). Older adults with memory complaints can adhere successfully to a homo-based physical ctivity program: six-month results from the FABS trial. Alzheimer's & Dementia, 4, T455-456. Flicker, L., Smith, K., Lautenschlager, N.T., Almeida, O.P., Atkinson, D., Dwyer, A. & LoGiudice, D. (2008). The increased prevalence of dementia and risk factors in Indigenous Australians. Alzheimer's & Dementia, 4, T673-674. Cox, K.L., Lautenschlager, N., Flicker, L., Greenop, K., Ash, J., Collins, L. & Almeida O (2008). Blood pressure increases with cognitive testing in older adults with memory complaints: Measurement considerations. Journal of Hypertension, 26(Suppl1), S497.
Greenop, K.R., Almeida, O.P., Flicker, L., McMullin, L. & Lautenschlager, N.T. (2008). Subjective memory complaints are associated with cognitive performance and mental health in non-demented older adults. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 27 (Suppl 1), A12. Lautenschlager, N., Cox, K., Flicker, L., Foster, J., van Bockxmeer, F., Xiao, J., Greenop, K., Ash, J. & Almeida, O. (2008). Home-based physical activity can achieve improved cognitive function and high acceptance in older adults with memory complaints: results from the FABS trial. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 27 (Suppl 1), A18-A19. McMullin, L., Greenop, K., Flicker, L., Almeida, O.P., Beer, C., Vasikaran, S.D. & Lautenschlager, N.T. (2008). Determinants of vitamin D levels and cognitive performance in an older adult volunteer group. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 27 (Suppl 1), A50. Vidovich, M., Lautenschlager, N., Flicker, L. & Almeida, O. (2009). Promoting healthy ageing with cognitive exercise: the PACE study. Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 13 (Suppl 1), S182-183. McCaul, K., Calver, J., Almeida, O., Hankey, G., Jamrozik, K., Brown, W., Byles, J. & Flicker, L. (2009). Body mass index and mortality in mena and women aged 70 to 75 years. Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 13 (Suppl 1), S165. Strivens, E., Stevenson, M., Smith, K., Logiudice, D., Almeida, O., Lautenschlager, N. & Flicker, L. (2009). Validation of a short cognitive assessment tool in the indigenous populations of far North Queensland. Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 13 (Suppl 1), S226. Bosboom, P.R. & Almeida. O.P. (2009). What drives QoL in dementia according to self-report – are we betting on the right horse? Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 13 (Suppl 1), S392. Smith, K., Flicker, L., Dwyer, A., Atkinson, D., Almeida, O., Lautenschlager, N. & Logiudice, D. (2009). The factors associated with dementia in Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 13 (Suppl 1), S400. Flicker, L., Calver, J., McCaul, K., Hyde, Z., Jamrozik, K., Hankey, G. & Almeida, O. (2009). Sexual relationships in men over the age of 75 years. Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 13 (Suppl 1), S447. Cox, K., Lautenschlager, N., Flicker, L., Greenop, K., Hendriks, J. & Almeida, O.P. (2009). The role of self-efficacy in the adoption and maintenance of a home-based physical activity program in older adults with memory complaints. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 12 (Suppl 2), 394. LoGiudice, D.C., Smith, K., Dwyer, A., Atkinson, D.N., Lautenschlager, N.T., Almeida, O.P. & Flicker, L. (2010). Prevalence of falls, urinary incontinence and pain in remote living older indigenous Australians over 45 years. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 29 (Suppl 1), 10. Bosboom, P., Jones, G., Banz, K., Almeida, O.P., Flicker, L., Lautenschlager, N.T., Horner, B., Scherer, S. & Beer, C. (2010). Perspectives of Quality of Life Among People with Dementia Living in the Community and Care Facilities. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 29 (Suppl 1), 10. McCaul, K., Almeida, O.P., Byles, J., Hankey, G., Jamrozik, K. & Flicker, L. (2010). What Should be the Guidelines for Alcohol Ingestion in Older People? Australasian Journal on Ageing, 29 (Suppl 1), 21. Lautenschlager, N.T., Greenop, K.R., Flicker, L. Foster, J.K., Beer, C., van Bockxmeer, F.M., Xiao, J. & Almeida, O.P. (2010). Awareness of cognitive performance in nondemented older adults with cognitive impairment, their informants and healthy controls: the Perth Perception Study. Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 6 (Suppl 1), 361.
Cyarto, E.V., Irish, M., Cox, K., Almeida, O.P., Flicker, L., Ames, D., Hill, K., Byrne, G., Appadurai, K., Beer, C., LoGiudice, D., Renehan, E., Waddell, F., Hughes, K. & Lautenschlager, N.T. (2010). Fitness for the Ageing Brain Study II: a multisite randomized controlled trial to determine the clinical benefits of physical activity for patients with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s Disease. Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 6 (Suppl 1), 584. Byles, J., McLaughlin, D., Leung, J., Flicker, L., Almeida, O. & Hankey, G. (2010). Why do women complain more about sleep problems than do men? Australasian Journal on Ageing, 29, 7. Lopez, D., Almeida, O., Flicker, L., McCaul, K., Hankey, G., Yeap, B. & Byles, J. (2010). Sensory impairment and mortality among the elderly: What do we know? Australasian Journal on Ageing, 29, 23. Beer, C., Lowry, R., Horner, B., Almeida, O.P., Scherer, S., Lautenschlager, N.T., Bretland, N., Flett, P., Schaper, F. & Flicker, L. (2011). Development and evaluation of an educational intervention for general practitioners and staff caring for people with dementia living in residential facilities. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 30(Suppl 1), 7. Flicker, L., Greenop, K., Almeida, O., Beer, C., Hill, K., Nowson, C., Vasikaran, S., Alfonso, H. & Lautenschlager, N. (2011). Effect of vitamin D supplementation on cognitive function in older adults with mild cognitive impairment – a randomized trial. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 30(Suppl 1), 11.
Frequently Asked Questions about the IGF Anti-Doping Regulations Why do we need testing? As IGF strives to make Go an IOC-recognized sport, we are required to have an anti- doping program. The IOC recognition is mandatory for Go’s future participation in all IOC and IMSA sponsored programs. The former include the 2010 and 2014 Asian Games where Go will enter as a regular “sport”
INFORMATIONS PRATIQUES INSCRIPTIONS - Nombre de places limité Merci de retourner le bulletin ci-joint avant le 1er octobre 2009 L’ACTIVITE PHYSIQUE ADAPTEE DANS LE PARCOURS ADRESSE DE SOINS ET D’EDUCATION 1, avenue Pierre de Coubertin – 75013 PARIS ACCES Vendredi 23 octobre 2009 CNOSF - Maison du Sport Français 1, avenue Pie