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When Medical Sciences Meet the Clinics
The 1st Translational Research Meeting
Faculty of Medicine in the Galilee, Bar Ilan University
Scientific Program
Registration & Coffee
Welcome remarks: Prof. Ran Tur-Kaspa, Prof. Batya Kristal,
Prof. Haim Breitbart
Opening Plenary Lecture
Prof. Nathan Levin, Renal Research Institute, New York, USA
Presented by Prof. Batya Kristal
Why dialysis survival differs?
Session 1: Genetics & Development
Chairs: Dr Anthony Luder, Dr Izhak Haviv
Itay Onn, Cohesinopathy – a new type of human disease
Hadassah Goldberg, Evaluation of genetic alteration patterns and bio-
markers in breast cancer as predictive factors for the development of David Karasik, Genome-Wide Association Scans: is this a primetime to
Judith Chezar, PNH – from theory to practice
Tzipi Falik, Cracking rare genetic syndromes:from the patient to the
Yishay Shoval, Bridging bench work and the community: Identification
of genes causing rare genetic diseases using the latest technologies David Enshell, ה
Questions and discussion
Coffee break
Session 2: Physiology & Metabolism
Prof. Michael Weingarten, Dr David Karasik
Shaul Atar, Offir Ertracht, Cardiac Translational Research Projects
Ossama Hussein, The effect of ezetimibe on unfolded protein response
in nonalcoholic fatty liver induced by high fructose diet in rats Farid Nakhoul, Loss of lysosomal membrane integrity in lysosomes
from the proximal tubule cells of Haptoglobin 2-2 genotype mice with Alon Barash, ר
Zaher Armaly, Prevention of Kidney Failure
Nimer Assy, Combination of Vitamin D with Sitaglibtin/Metformin
improve liver fat and Triglyceride content in mice with Fatty Liver Shani Ben Haroush, Inhibitor of PAI-1 prevents abortion in CBA/J x
Yaniv Farajun, Enoxaparin for Localized provoked Vulvodynia, A
randomized placebo controlled study Johnny S. Younis, The Mechanisms of Ovarian Aging
Yuri Perlitz, Do serum levels of calponin, a smooth muscle regulatory
protein, correlate with of active lab Questions and discussion
Lunch Break
Session 3: Cancer & Medical Education
Prof. Jacob Borenstein, Dr Avraham Samson
Amram Hadary, Development of blood-based approach for early
detection of breast cancer by analysis novel MUC1 peptides Izhak Haviv, ןטר
Jamal Zidan, Biological Markers for Prognosis and Treatment in Cancer
Livoff Alejandro, The role of Alpha 1 Adrenergic receptors in the
Shmuel Reis, Development and comparison of tools for primary care
physicians’ performance enhancement in the computerized setting Moshe Shiller, ע
Mary Rudolf, How can the Bar Ilan medical school contribute to
improving health across the galil? Questions and discussion
Coffee break
Session 4: Brain & Neurodegenerative disease
Prof. Moshe Ben Ami, Dr David Enshell
Avraham Samson, Alzheimer’s Aβ1-42 bind the acetylcholine receptor
Chen Ryder, Classification of anxious and depressive subclinical
tendencies through neurocognitive, emotional and electrophysiological David Azoulay, The homeostasis of Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor
in the peripheral blood; application to chemo-neurotoxicity and chemo-resistance in patients with hematological malignancies Evan Elliott, molecular mechanisms involved in the stress response and
Eilam Palzur, Brain research and hyperbaric medicine
Abdalla Bowirrat, Role of Heavy Metals in Drinking Water and Air
Pollution on Development of Alzheimer’s disease Questions and discussion
Coffee break
Session 5: Infection, Immunity & Inflammation
Prof. Hava Tabenkin, Dr Evan Elliott
Meital Gal-Tanamy, Antibody-mediated neutralization of Hepatitis C
Gershon Volpin, Inflammatory and Anti-inflammatoty Cytokine Profile
in Mild, Moderate and Severely Traumatized Patients Shifra Sela, ATHEROSCLEROSIS –the pivotal roles of the innate
immunity and nontraditional risk factors Daniel Glikman, Molecular epidemiology of community-associated
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Israel Orly Avni, Dual function of Polycomb group proteins in T helper (CD4+)
Concluding Remarks: Dr. Meital Gal-Tanamy
Coffee & personal meetings

Source: http://www1.biu.ac.il/File/translational.pdf

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BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Provide the following information for the key personnel and other significant contributors in the order listed on Form Page 2. Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES. hebdap EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.) A. Positions and Honors. R

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L'INVITO «Dài, Bruno, non fare lo stupido. Devi venirci.»«Non insistere, per cortesia. Non desidero venire e basta!»«Va bene, sono testardo. Ora lasciami perdere. Ho molto da fare.»«Ti ritelefonerò domani. Nel frattempo riflettici. Sarà una festa coi fiocchi! Da quelche ho sentito ci sarà la possibilità d'incontrare gente interessante.»«A domani, allora» tagliò corto Brun

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