Prp therapy revised.indd

Platelet-rich plasma therapy
PRP therapy overview
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy uses the body’s own
healing process to regenerate damaged tendons or liga-
ments without surgery. The treatment involves an injection,
or multiple injections over time, of the patient’s own blood
to, a week following the PRP injection and throughout the plasma (with concentrated platelets) into the injured ten- course of the injections (should multiple injections be giv- dons or ligaments. Human platelets are rich in connective en), anti-infl ammatory medications, such as Advil, Motrin, tissue “growth factors,” or bioactive proteins, that initiate ibuprofen, Aleve and Celebrex, should not be taken, unless healing. Injecting these growth factors into damaged tissues otherwise advised by your provider. These will interfere consequently stimulates a natural repair process. with the healing response. Tylenol is OK to take or your doctor may prescribe pain medication.
Who may be helped
If you’re reading this fl ier, your Sharon health-care provid-
When the numbing agent wears off, moderate pain for a er has likely identifi ed you as a candidate for PRP therapy. few days following your injection usually occurs. In addi- Typically, people with chronic tendon and ligament injuries tion to taking Tylenol or prescribed pain medication, icing who have not felt relief with anti-infl ammatory medica- your injury may be recommended. Your health-care pro- tions, physical therapy and bracing are candidates. People vider will also schedule follow-up exams, may recommend not wanting to have surgery also may wish to try PRP as a a course of treatment involving additional PRP injections and will work with you to determine when you can resume regular physical activities.
How it works
Long-term benefi ts
It’s a big name – platelet-rich plasma therapy – but a rather simple medical procedure. Done right at the Sharon Health PRP therapy is not a quick fi x. It’s designed to promote Center in the doctors’ offi ce setting in one visit, blood is long-term healing. The therapy requires time and rehabilita- drawn from your arm and placed in a sterile, single-use tion to allow the PRP to work and the injury to heal. The container. The container of blood is placed in a high-speed good news, however, is that prior studies on patients receiv- centrifuge, or a machine that spins. During the spinning ing PRP treatment for tennis elbow show that more than 80 motion, the blood plasma and red blood cells separate. The percent had reduced pain and some felt complete relief.
red blood cells are discarded and the resulting platelet The risks
concentrate is drawn off into a syringe for inject- ing into your injured joint or tendon.
As with any medical procedure, there are risks. In fact, anytime a needle is placed into the body, there is a risk – though rare – of infection, bleeding and nerve damage. Your health-care provider will talk to you in greater depth about the risks of PRP therapy prior to starting treatment.
PRP injections are currently an elective procedure, meaning that they are not be covered by health insurances. As you
consider whether PRP therapy is right for you, the out-of- pocket cost of these treatments should be strongly consid- ered. Your Sharon Health Center team can work with you to After the
Additional information
More information about PRP therapy is available from your health-care provider. The Sharon Health Center and Sports Medicine Clinic can be reached at (802) 763-8000.
Sharon Health Center and Sports Medicine Clinic • 12 Shippee Lane, Sharon, VT 05065 • Part of Gifford Medical Center •


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