"I" - Medical Articles:

Ayurveda healing

AYURVEDA HEALING Ayurveda stresses the concept of balance in healing. One can learn to heal themselves or remain healthy by staying in balance. Ayurveda (pronounced I-your-vay-da), said to be a world medicine, is the most holistic or comprehensive medical system available. Five thousand years ago in the Himalayas, one of the greatest sages of India, Srila Vyasadeva wrote down the Vedas for


ARBEITSGRUPPE IMST Obfrau des Sozial- und Wohnungsaus-schusses, Kuratorium Betagtenheim: "Da Integration zum Thema Nr. 1 geworden ist, feierte am 21. Juli 2004 die gemeinnützi-ihren Beitrag dazu leisten. Die so genannte gerufen, wird sich in einer 1-jährigen Pro-jektarbeit mit diesem Thema unter der Mit-arbeit Gemeinden im Bezirk Imst beschäf- Bürgerforum der Stadt Imst im Inte

Boe-7007c meds

DM45624.qxp:DM45624 Meds 11/16/09 1:57 PM Page 1 Anticholinergic Agents COMBINATION BRONCHODILATOR THERAPY The key mechanism of anticholinergic medicationsappears to be the blocking of muscarinic receptors(M1, M2, and M3). By blocking acetylcholine-• Combining bronchodilators with differentmediated bronchoconstriction, the end resultSide effects associated with anticholinergic therapy�

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“Innovazione e sicurezza”: ecco i vincitori Sicurezza stradale, incendi, lotta al crimine ambientale: questi i temi dei progetti premiati a TechFOR 2010 Sono dieci i progetti vincitori della prima edizione del Premio “Innovazione e sicurezza” , istituito in collaborazione con TechFOr , il Salone Internazionale delle Tecnologie per la Sicurezza. Il premio è nato con l�

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Information Technology: When is it Worth the Investment Stewart, Coulson & Wilson Information Technology: When is it Worth the Investment? Walter Stewart Sheri Coulson Robert Wilson California State University San Bernardino ABSTRACT As companies attempt to streamline work processes and reduce costs, analyzing the role of information technology continues to be


ÖKO Test Studie: 28 frei verkäufliche wirkten mit bedenklichen Nervengiften und wurden aus diesem Grunde um 4 Stufen abgewertet. Aber auch in den beim TA erhältlichen steckten Nervengifte. 14 enthielten natürliche Wirkstoffe. Drei mit "Pyrethrumextrakt" sind erwiesenermaßen wirksam gegen Flöhe, bei nur drei anderen gibt es aber auch plausible Wirksamkeitsstudien, die anderen sind

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Decreto No. 130-05 que aprueba el Reglamento de la Ley General de Libre CONSIDERANDO: Que en fecha 28 de julio del 2004 fue promulgada la Ley General de Libre Acceso a la Información Pública, con el número 200-04. CONSIDERANDO: Que dado el carácter general de la Ley y la necesidad de organizar su operatividad, teniendo en cuenta la estructura y diversidad de la Administración Pública, resu


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Depression Studies Pertinent to NICE Guidelines: Short-term Psychodynamic Psychotherapies (STPP) Allan Abbass, Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology, Dalhousie University, Canada 1-902-473-2514, allan.abbass@dal.ca Overview STPP methods have been developed and researched over the past 40 years to shorten emotionally focused treatment of a broad range of conditions including depressio


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01-how to use these tracts

on Christianity and understanding of its basic truths. At Muslims usually want to know God; this is your op-the same time, get to know his/her level of understanding of Islam; get to know how seriously they follow Islam and Do not be arrogant; it is not the strength of your ar-guments that will win the person, but the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Always be prepared to share the Gospel. Pre

Curriculum vitae

Opúsculo informativo para el solicitante del status de refugiado 1. ¿EN CUALES CASOS PUEDO PEDIR EL RECONOCIMIENTO Italia, por la ley 30 julio 2002 n. 189, se ha dado nueva normativa en cuestión de inmigración y asilo. En particular, en cuestión del asilo, el art. 32 de esa ley, y relativo reglamento de actuación (D.P.R. 16/09/2004 n. 303), han establecido nueva disposición para el

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INGREDIENT GUIDE Below is a list of menu offerings by category. The full ingredient statements for each item are listed alphabetical y on the fol owing pages. Variations may occur due to differences in suppliers, ingredient substitutions, recipe revisions, and/or product production at the restaurant. Some menu items may not be available at al restaurants. Limited time offers, test product

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Indiana Area School District recognizes that student wellness and proper nutrition are related to students’ physical well-being, growth, development, and readiness to learn. The Board is committed to providing a school environment that promotes student wellness, proper nutrition, nutrition education, and regular physical activity as part of the total learning experience. In a healthy school envi


A rapid quantitative assay of intact paracetamol tablets by reflectance near-infrared spectroscopy Andrew D. Trafford,* a Roger D. Jee, a Anthony C. Moffat a and Paul Graham b a Centre for Pharmaceutical Analysis, School of Pharmacy, University of London,29/39 Brunswick Square, London, UK WC1N 1AXb Sanofi Research Division, Alnwick Research Centre, Willowburn Avenue, Alnwick,North


Stable 1 Row K 2-10 On Account of EDINBURGH PARK, Taree ALLEGRA 7 Vice Regent. by Northern Dancer . Deputy Minister . Mint Copy. by Bunty's Flight. DEHERE (USA) . WHAT FUN . Nijinsky. by Northern Dancer . More Happiness (USA) . Little Happiness. by Raise a Native. DEHERE (USA) (1991). 6 wins-5 at 2, Belmont Champagne S., Gr.1. Sire of 62 SW, inc. Belle du Jour (S

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Novità del c.d. “Decreto IMU” dopo la conversione in Legge Con la pubblicazione sul S.O. n. 73/L alla G.U. 29.10.2013, n. 254 è entrata in vigore, a decorrere dal 30.10.2013, la Legge 28.10.2013, n. 124 di conversione del DL n. 102/2013, c.d. “Decreto IMU”. Nell’iter di conversione il citato Decreto ha subito una serie di interessantti modifiche di seguito illustrate. NOVIT�

Drug combination shows promise for newly diagnosed blood cancer patients, study finds

Cell Therapy Summit EU CTS Europe The Leadership Gathering for Cell therapy Executives 98% Thyroid Disease Cured 100% Natural Herbs, with TGA, GMP, SGS. Thousands of recovery cases! M ultiple Sclerosis Recovery for MS in China by herbal tea, massage, acupuncture. Articles Science News Drug Combination Shows Promise for Newly Diagnosed Blood Cancer Just In: Brain Imaging Show

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Estrategia Diagnóstica a Seguir en la Investigación de la Hipoacusia en la Infancia Este capitulo esta basado en 3 conjeturas: (1) la sordera es común, (2) la etiología básica varía alrededor de todo el mundo y (3) la estrategia diagnóstica debe ser secuencial tomando en cuenta la lateralidad y la severidad de la pérdida auditiva. 1) La sordera es frecuente La sordera es el défi

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International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences © 2013 Available online at www.irjabs.com ISSN 2251-838X / Vol, 4 (10): 3063-3067 Science Explorer Publications Generation of clones with higher resistance to ciprofluoxacin resistant Escherichia coli mutants Razieh Pourahmad Jaktaji1 and Rayhaneh Ebadi2 1. Assistant professor in Genetics at Department of Genetics, Faculty of Scienc


in electric shock and lightning strike injuries, 155Abdominal thrusts in foreign-body airway obstruction, 28, 29, 162Acidosis, bicarbonate therapy in, 81– 82in definitions of neonate, infant, and child, 13, 14, 157and recommendations for resuscitation, 13, 14 –15angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in, 102Air bag–related injuries of children, 156automatic transport ventilators in,

Ejemplo de la evaluación de la calidad de la evidencia científica y formulación de las recomendaciones a partir de una pregunta clínica

Introducción a la elaboración de GPC Módulo VI. “Formulación de recomendaciones” Ejemplo de la evaluación de la calidad de la evidencia científica y formulación de las recomendaciones a partir de una pregunta clínica con el sistema de clasificación SIGN. Pregunta: ¿En pacientes con asma cuándo se debe iniciar el tratamiento con glucocorticoides inhalados? Estudios l


Description, generallyIGP „Metallic Effects“ coating powders Please note that different coating systems. consist essentially of reactive polymers with the appropriate hardening agents, heat, light including „manual and automatic coating“, and weather resistant pigments and special metallic effect pigments, normally aluminium pigments. Coatings with metallic effects can be applied o

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lAP Respiratory Chapter SECTION 1 DIAGNOSIS Step 1 - Qualifying some terms Recurrent: The adjective 'recurrent' is essential to the clinical definition of asthma. More than three episodes of airflow obstruction are considered significant by several widely followed guidelines. Cough variant asthma: Recurrent isolated cough of unclear etiology may be a sole and distress

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009 8:30 Registration 9:30 Meeting Start Carmen Dorronsoro and Joan O. Grimalt University of the Basque Country and Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDÆA-CSIC) Plenary session Chairman. Emilio Gelpi Institute of Biomedical Research of Barcelona (IIBB-CSIC) 10:0 Invited lecture: Illicit drugs in water resources. From wastewater to tap wat

The amish, the mennonites, and "the plain people"

The Amish, The Mennonites, and "The Each church district decides for itself what it will and will not accept; there is no single governing body for the entire Plain People" Old Order population, but all follow a literal interpretation Who are the Amish? The Amish are a religious group who live in settlements in 22 states and Ontario, Canada. The oldest group of Old Order Am

Publications conjointes ifrh

PUBLICATIONS CONJOINTES IFRH Sélection de 25 articles dans des revues à comité de lecture Publications Communes à au moins deux composantes de l’IFRH (n = 97) 1. Ancel PY, Livinec F, Larroque B, Marret S, Arnaud C, Pierrat V, Dehan M, N’Guyen S, Escande B, Burguet A, Thiriez G, Picaud JC, André M, Bréart G, Kaminski M, and the Epipage study group. Cerebral palsy in very pre


Occup Environ Med 2004; 61:560–570. doi: 10.1136/oem.2003.007724Thecontinuedsuccessofmobiletelecommunicationproducingastillgrowingpopulationofusers amounting to hundreds of millions of people worldwide has raised concerns aboutpossible consequences on public health if mobile phones turn out to be less safe thanpreviously assumed. In fact, never before in history has a device been used that ex

Attention deficit

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: throughout the Lifespan Roland Rotz, Ph.D. AD/HD…Current definition A lifespan neurobiological condition characterized by behavioral difficulties in the areas of inattention, poor impulse control, and/or hyperactivity impacting relationships and/or activities of daily living such as work or school. Presence of symptoms

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ALGAS E ESPONJAS: UMA FONTE DE SUBSTÂNCIAS COM ATIVIDADE ANTIVIRAL Odinéia do S. Pamplona*1; Bruno F. dos Santos2; Suzi M. Ribeiro3; Lísia M. Gestinari1; Maria Teresa V. Email: odineia@ufam.edu.br Instituições: *Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM), Instituto de Ciências Exatas e Tecnologia (ICET); 1 Núcleo em Ecologia e Desenvolvimento Sócio-Ambiental de Macaé/Univers


Farm Road, Henley-on-Thames, Oxon RG9 1EJ, UK Vol 19 No 2 (2000) Tel: +44 (0)1491 411000 Fax: +44 (0)1491 571188 What Do Advertisements Really Do for brands? INTRODUCTION What advertisements ‘really do for brands’ is to influence behaviour. Specifically, when a shopper sees our ads, this should improve the odds of our brand being chosen. Before we can speculate about how these

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Iranian Journal of Language Testing Vol. 3, No. 2, October 2013   Received: August 25, 2013 The Impact of Dynamic Assessment on Reading Comprehension and Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategy Use in Iranian High School Learners Parviz Birjandi 1, Masoomeh Estaji 2, Tayebeh Deyhim 3 Abstract Dynamic Assessment, with its roots in Vygotsky’s theory of mind, takes the

Grur_int_11_2012_umbruch 965.

Hartmann, Weiterverkauf und ¹Verleih`` online vertriebener Inhalteeingeråumt hat6.Eben diese Erschæpfungswirkung trittjeweils auch bei spåteren Weiterverkåufen der Kopie ein7. Die Erwerber ¹gebrauchter`` Programmkopien kænnenZugleich Anmerkung zu EuGH, Urteil vom 3. Juli sich auf die Erschæpfung des Verbreitungsrechts berufen2012, Rs. C-128/11 ± UsedSoft ./. Oracleund sind, im Rahme

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Department of Orthopaedic Surgery is conducting a research project on osteoporosis. If you are eligible to participate you would receive at no cost to you a Bone Health Assessment which includes a bone density test. You will receive compensation for the one-time, 2 hour visit. Weekday, evening, and weekend appointment times are available. Eligible subjects must me

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Personal Information First Name: Rezvan Last Name: Esmaeil Gender: Female Date of birth: 1980 Marriage Status: Married Address: No. 45, Vahid Nazari St, Abu Reihan St, Enghelab Ave., Tehran, Iran, P.O. Box Tel: (Office) +9821 66952040 , Fax: +9821 66952040 Email: r_esmaili1359@yahoo.com Education 2010- PhD candidate in molecular genetics, Tarbiat Modares Univer

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CONDIZIONI GENERALI DI VENDITA DEI PRODOTTI I prodotti contenuti nel catalogo virtuale alla pagina web www.ivecostore.com (qui di seguito "Prodotti") sono offerti in vendita da: Seri System S.p.A. (di seguito "Seri") sede legale in Via Martiri, 10042 Nichelino (TO), Italia C.F. e P.IVA 06657970015, n. iscrizione Registro imprese 803871. Seri è autorizzata da Fiat Gr


Anticipating Security Threats to a Future InternetFORWARD Consortium: H. Bos (VU Amsterdam), E. Jonsson (Chalmers University),E. Djambazova (IPP-BAS), K. Dimitrov (IPP-BAS), S. Ioannidis (FORTH),E. Kirda (Institue Eurecom), and C. Kruegel (Technical University Vienna)Email: herbertb@cs.vu.nl, jonsson@chalmers.se, {ead,kpd}@iccs.bas.bg,sotiris@ics.forth.gr, kirda@eurecom.fr, chris@seclab.tuwie


Report written by: Anne-Charlotte Honoré, Milena Izmirlieva, Cameron Lockwood, Gaelle Marinoni, Tania Rodrigues, Ben Shankland and Sophia Walker. Under the supervision of Gaelle Marinoni: Project ManagerStudy Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Study MethodologyI. Research . . . . . . . . . . . .


Anne-Marie Lizin Bericht über Guantánamo1 Einführung Auf ihrer Rotterdamer Jahrestagung im Juli 2003 hob die Parlamentarische Versammlung der OSZE (OSZE PV) besonders hervor, dass die Bekämpfung von Terrorismus mit demokratischen Werten und der Achtung der Men-schenrechte in Einklang zu bringen sei. In ihrer dort verabschiedeten „Ent-schließung über die von den Vereinigten Staaten am

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Kaiser Permanente Sample Fee List NORTHERN CALIFORNIA As your partner in health, we want to help you better manage your care. Staying on top of your finances, such as how much you spend on health care, helps give you peace of mind so you can concentrate on the things in life you enjoy. This list shows estimated member charges for some commonly used medical services —such as office


Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) and Pathogens removal in an hybrid CW system for a tourist facility wastewater treatment and reuse F. Masi*, G. Conte*, L. Lepri**, T. Martellini** and M. Del Bubba** * IRIDRA S.r.l., Via Lorenzo il Magnifico 70, 50129, Florence, IT (E-mail: masi@iridra.com; conte@iridra.com) ** Dept. of Chemistry, University of Florence, Via della Lastruccia 3, 50019,

Very preliminary program

EnTox 2007 Inhaltsverzeichnis Freitag, 11. Mai 2007 Alexander, M.; Behm, C.; Föllmann, W.; Kuhlmann, J. Response of primary urothelial cells from individual porcine bladders upon treatment with benzo(a)pyrene Belik, R.; Dörrenhaus, A.; Föllmann, W.; Golka, K. Quantitative study of excretion and in vitro growth of urothelial cells obtained from urine of healthy subjects Bernsha


Senile Demenz - Innenweltreisen Online News 1 Senile Demenz (von T.H., Synergetik Therapeut und Lehrer) Download Der Umgang mit dementen Menschen in der Synergetik Therapie Während der letzten Wochen hatte ich Gelegenheit, Prozeßarbeit mit einer „verwirrten“ alten Dame zu begleiten. Es handelt sich dabei um meine Schwiegermutter und die Prozeßarbeit enwickelte sich aus einer a


The 17-Month Extension applies to students in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) fields. Please read and complete the following form and International Student, Scholar, and Immigration Services (ISSIS) will process your application accordingly. IMPORTANT: *Your employer for the 17-Month Extension MUST be a participant in E-Verify. Go to http://www.dhs.gov/ximgtn/programs/



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USING KERNEL DENSITY INTERPOLATION TO VISUALIZE THE EFFECTS OF MASS TREATMENT WITH IVERMECTIN ON HELMINTH PREVALENCE IN RURAL NORTHEAST BRAZIL Department of Geography and Anthropology University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Department of Community Health - School of Medicine Federal University of Ceará – Fortaleza, Brazil Abstract Kernel density estimatio


Recession Larner Bernard Many pundits argue that the current UK recession will continues to decline – with defl ation being a real threat be deeper and last for longer than the last economic to the economy. Unemployment has been focused in the downturn in the early 1990s. Th is has fuelled a media fi nancial, retail and manufacturing sectors. frenzy of negative articles on the recess

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Ease of access through biometrics Ease of access to the appropriate people is critical for Medunsa’s campus library. The Medunsa Campus Library, situated in Pretoria, is a more specialised library in that its core business focuses on information services for approximately 4000 health and science students and faculty members. It is therefore not open to the general public and access has t


Información Importante Sobre Medicamentos yAlimentos Del Centro Clínico Warren Grant Magnuson, Institutos Nacionales de SaludFuerza Operativa Sobre la Interacción de Medicamentos-Nutrientes Información importante que debe saber cuando esté tomando alguno de los siguientes medicamentos: Amiodarone (Cordarone,® Pacerone®) Lovastatin (Mevacor®)Buspirone (Buspar®) Nifedipine La tor


Instituto de Educación Superior Nº 28 “Olga Cossettini” Traductorado Literario y Técnico-Científico en Inglés Ingreso 2012 – Curso Propedéutico Información general El Curso Propedéutico, de asistencia obligatoria , se desarrolla entre el 1 y el 8 de marzo inclusive en los siguientes turnos y horarios: Turno Mañana : 9 a 12 Turno Tarde : 14 a 17 Turno V


Melissa P Ford looks at obesity in relation to diabetes The current opinion in medicine is that diet is definitely not entirely about willpower. It's controlled mostlyby the brain, which gets signals and sends signals to other organs and systems implicated in metabolism. We came to think of dieting as a matter of willpower because for the past 500 years or so of Westernmedicine we didn't know ju

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DOPINGLIJST Het gebruik van elk geneesmiddel moet worden beperkt tot medische indicaties. I. Stoffen en methoden verboden binnen wedstrijdverband en buiten wedstrijdverband S1. Anabole middelen S2. Hormonen en verwante stoffen S3. Bèta-2 agonisten S4. Middelen met een anti-oestrogene werking S5. Diuretica en andere maskerende middelen M1. Verbetering van het zuurstoftransport M2. C

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Lastname Firstname Poster Session Postertitle II, Sunday, June 3, 2012 Beneficial Effects of Endothelial & Oxidative Stress’ on Coronary Vascular Functions II, Sunday, June 3, 2012 The RhoG-DOCK4-Rac1 signalling axis controls angiogenesis III, Monday, June 4, 2012 ARP2/3 complex controls endothelial junction integrity II, Sunday, June 3, 2012 Synaptojanin-2 bi


What about Magnesium? Studies show that an imbalance in magnesium can significantly reduce your performance levels. Are you neglecting this important electrolyte? Kimberly J. Brown, MS, RD, Sports NutritionistDo you constantly battle muscle cramps during intense or long training? Does muscular weakness prevent you from putting forth ful effort? Do asthmatic symptoms prevent you from

Allegato x

PROCEDURA APERTA PER LA FORNITURA DI MEDICINALI PER LE AZIENDE SANITARIE DELL’AREA VASTA EMILIA NORD Aggiornato al 19/01/2009 ¾ Chiarimenti al 19/01/2009 Per i prodotti in asta elettronica, dove è prevista, successivamente al 30/01 una registrazione, un invito, etc così come descritto a pag 25 par. "Asta Elettronica", dobbiamo comunque inviare ora un'offerta econom


SIR/NIVA-gruppen Mötesprotokoll 1) Christina Grivans (narkosläkare, SU) och Charlotta Gustafsson (ssk IT-strateg, SU) hälsar välkommen till mötet där följande deltar: Tommy Olsson (ssk, SU), Johan Ljungqvist (neurokirurg, SU), Kristina Eriksson (ssk, Linköping), Johanna Hjelm (ssk, KS), Daniel Törnberg (narkosläkare, KS) 2) Mötet inleds med genomläsning av förra mötets


“ W h at E m p lo y e r s Wa n t B u t B u s i n e sssection introduces inspiring, timeless ideas in lighthat Employers Want But Business Schools Don’tof problems encountered by people in their everydayTeach is one such book that tries to address the needsof a career-oriented employee. In the past, muchThe authors call the First Chapter “Life’s has been written on attitudes, mo

Antiinfliximab antibody status and its relation to clinical response in psoriatic patients: a pilot study

Journal of Dermatology 2010; 37: 708–713Anti-infliximab antibody status and its relation toclinical response in psoriatic patients: A pilot studyEsra ADIS¸EN,1 Arzu ARAL,2 Cemalettin AYBAY,2 Mehmet Ali GUDepartments of 1Dermatology and 2Immunology, Gazi University, Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, TurkeyAlthough the mechanisms underlying the loss of response to infliximab are not completely und


TP de Physiologie Animale :Hémolyse Introduction Les cellules des êtres vivants sont le siège d’échange incessant d’eau ou de substancesdissoutes, ces échanges se font grâce à la perméabilité membranaire. Ces échanges se font du milieu le moins concentré vers le plus concentré grâce à une force detraction appelée osmose ou pression osmotique. Le but du TP d’hémolyse es


SAT Newsletter News of the Southwestern Association of Toxicologists SOUTHWESTERN ASSOCIATION OF TOXICOLOGISTS 2003 FALL MEETING November 6-8, 2003 Austin, Texas The Fall 2003 meeting of SAT will be held November 6-8 in Austin. It has been a few years, and we have enjoyed the hospitality of many other SAT venues, so we are looking forward to hosting the meeting ag

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K-1 2E, K-2 2E, K-3 2E The magnetic contacts consist of two elements: magnetic sensor (reed switch) and magnet. The reed switch, which is situated near the magnet, makes the electric circuit. Each of the magnetic contact elements is placed in an identical watertight housing, the part with reed switch having electric lead-outs (Fig. 1,2,3). Inside the housing together with the reed switch

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Effects of Metformin on Ovulation and Pregnancy Rate in Women with Clomiphene Resistant Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome Mahnaz Ashrafi, M.D.1, 2*, Fatemeh Zafarani, B.Sc.2, Ahmad Reza Baghestani, M.Sc.3 1. Endocrinology and Female Infertility Department, Royan Institute 2. Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Akbar Abadi Hospital


Published in May 2010 NAMED PATIENT Programs Named Patient Programs Provide Pre-Launch Access to Drugs The dire outlook facing AML patients motivated a company to provide its drug in advance of the commercial launch. Contributed by Named patient programs (NPPs) enable physi-cians and patients in Europe to access medications JACK V. TALLEY PRESIDENT AND CEO, EPICEPT Medici




Guideline Number 7: February 2011 Use of SERMs in Menopause Background Apart from the uterus and breasts – the main reproductive organs, oestrogen also acts on other tissues of the liver, brain, heart and bones. It acts on target tissues by binding to the oestrogen receptors which are located in the cell nucleus. The estrogen-receptor complex then binds to specific DNA sites and t

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The Canadian Class Action Landscape: Getting Greener? John H. Beisner, Gary A. Rubin, and Kattie L. KingsleySkadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLPIn their formative years, Canadian class actions produced little newsto defendants’ liking, as case after case was certified for class treatment. Over the past three years, the environment has manifested change – butnot all in the sam


Complementary Medicine: Handle with Care Ken Harvey Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, School of Public Health, La Trobe UniversitySome forms of complementary medicine are efficacious but many have unproven or nohealth benefits. Claims that cannot be substantiated by scientific research are common,In Australia, complementary medicines are equitable access and cost-effective use of necessar


11. SENSITIVITY Most of the issues discussed in this section may appear to besimply matters of taste. However, as is nearly always the case,they go beyond the purely subjective question of our ownreaction and imply an attitude to others that appears to place thewriter and the views expressed in conflict with the liberal,inclusive values that define the Guardian. One of the principalvalues is t


Anlage 2 zum BDIH Standard für Kontrollierte Natur- und Biokosmetik (Positivliste) Annex 2 of BDIH Standard Certified Natural and Organic Cosmetics (Positive List) Version 7.1 (ohne Listung pflanzlicher Rohstoffe, da diese grundsätzlich den Kriterien des BDIH Standard entsprechen) Die aufgeführten Stoffe dürfen nur unter Beachtung der Kriterien des BDIH Standard verwendet werden. Die Sp

Idc lipid algorithm

Diabetes and Dyslipidemia Master DecisionPath Master DecisionPath: Primary Lipid Targets At Presentation LDL <100 mg/dL (<70 mg/dL with evidence of CVD); TRI <150 mg/dL; HDL >40 mg/dL men, >50 mg/dL women Secondary Lipid Targets Non-HDL <130 mg/dL (<100 mg/dL with evidence of CVD) 1. Fasting lipid Apo B <90 mg/dL (<80 mg/dL with evidence of CV

Targeted drug flyers depression (read-only)

RJLEE &ASSOCIA TES We all have days when we feel sad. But generally those feelings go away and we feel happy again. De-pression is more than just feeling sad. It is a medical illness that can affect your ability to work, sleep, eat and enjoy life. It’s estimated that almost 50% of people who are depressed do not get medical treatment. But depression can be treated—and you can


Rev Inv Vet Perú 2012; 23(1): 90-97 RESISTENCIA A ANTIHELMÍNTICOS Y PREVALENCIA DE FASCIOLOSIS BOVINA EN LA GANADERÍA LECHERA DE JAUJA, PERÚ RESISTANCE TO ANTHELMINTICS AND PREVALENCE OF BOVINE FASCIOLOSIS IN DAIRY FARMS IN JAUJA, PERU Amanda Chávez V.1,4, Lilian Sánchez R.1, Carlos Arana D.3, Francisco Suárez A.2 El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de F

1009 1019.1020

constant across treatments (10). The micro-cosms were kept under controlled environ-mental conditions for 8 weeks (10). The soilprocesses measured included leaf littermass loss, leaf litter fragmentation, grossNO– productivity, and soil respiration (COD. A. Heemsbergen,1,2 M. P. Berg,1 M. Loreau,3 J. R. van Hal,2cies number on decomposition processes. Sat-uration in process rates occurred af

Protein stimulatory activity of mikania micrantha, ricinus communis on the silk gland of vth instar eri silk worm samia ricini donovan.

Dr. Mainu Devi / International Journal of Advances in Engineering, Science and Technology (IJAEST) Protein Stimulatory Activity of Mikania micrantha, Ricinus communis on the Silk gland of Vth instar Eri silk worm Samia ricini Donovan. Department of Zoology, Diphu Govt. College, Karbi Anglong, Assam, India. ABSTRACT Impact of feeding of Japanese weed leaves (Mikan

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IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations ADDENDUM Users of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations are asked to note the following amendments and corrections to the 44th Edition, effective from 1 January 2003. Wherever possible, change or amendments to existing text have been highlighted (in yellow - PDF or grey - hardcopy) to help identify the change or amendment. New or Amended State Variations (

Pii: s0014-5793(98)01258-7

The role and source of 5P-deoxyadenosyl radical in a carbon skeletonrearrangement catalyzed by a plant enzymeSandrine Ollagnier, Eric Kervio, Jaènos Reètey*Lehrstuhl fuër Biochemie, Institut fuër Organische Chemie, Universitaët Karlsruhe, Kaiserstr. 12, D-76128 Karlsruhe, GermanyReceived 15 August 1998; received in revised form 24 September 1998Abstract The last step in the biosynthesi

Microsoft word - abstracts of poster presentations at the ddt.doc

Abstracts of poster presentations at the DDT World Congress 1) Toxicogenomics in Flutamide-treated Rats and Chimeric PXB-mice with highly humanized liver Chimeric PXB-mouse with highly humanized liver is a unique animal model to mimic human-type drug metabolism. This animal model has the potential to explain the difference of drug-induced hepatotoxicity in rodents and humans. Flutamid


MPDS Configuration SheetMS Outlook Express Mail ClientConnecting Microsoft Outlook Express to an IMAP server. That the MPDS terminal is already connected to the Internet as described in previous integrationdocuments, Microsoft Outlook is Installed, and you have a valid e-mail server that supports theInternet Mail Access Protocol (IMAP) protocol. This document was written using Windows 2


Short report Homeopathy service in a National Health Service community menopause clinic: audit of clinical outcomes School of Health and Related Research, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UKsubstances. These doses (usually in tablet form) are Sheffield’s National Health Service community menopause individually prescribed according to the principle of ‘like clinic has run a

Curriculum vitae_cantarelli miguel_2012_incitap

DATOS PERSONALES Apellido y Nombres: CANTARELLI, Miguel Angel Nacionalidad: Argentino. Código postal: 6300. Ciudad: Santa Rosa. Provincia: La Pampa. E-mail: miguelcantarelli@yahoo.com.ar I. FORMACION A) TÍTULOS UNIVERSITARIOS DOCTOR EN QUIMICA Doctorado Categorizado “A” por CONEAU. Facultad de Química, Bioquímica y Farmacia. Universidad Nacional de San Luis (2011). MAGISTER EN QUIMICA ANA


IAVS 2013 PRE-EXCURSION FLORA OF ESTONIAN FLOODPLAIN MEADOWS TREES AND SHRUBS (Brassicaceae CONTINUES) (Fabaceae) (Rosaceae) (Caryophyllaceae) (Apiaceae) (Asteraceae) (Chenopodiaceae) (Gentianaceae) (Iridaceae) (Juncaceae) (Convolvulaceae) (Crassulaceae) (Juncaginaceae) (Cuscutaceae) (Cyperaceae) (Lamiaceae) (Linaceae) (Lythraceae) (

Iobc / wprs

IOBC/wprs Bulletin, Vol. 36, 2008 Working Group “Integrated Protection in Viticulture”, Proceedings of the Working Group meeting at Marsala (Sicily, Italy), 25-27 October, 2007. Edited by: Giuseppe Carlo Lozzia, Andrea Lucchi, Salvatore Ragusa Di Chiara & Haralabos Tsolakis. ISBN 978-92-9067-210-4 [xvi + 377 pp.]. Editorial . i-iii List of Participants . v-xi Contents . xiii-xvi Econ


Java Bytecode to Native Code Translation: The Caffeine Prototype and Preliminary Results Cheng-Hsueh A. Hsieh John C. Gyllenhaal Wen-mei W. HwuCenter for Reliable and High-Performance Computing Abstract exists behind efforts to create such a software distributionlanguage. The progress, however, has been very slow due to The Java bytecode language is emerging as a software distribution


Demographic and Administrative Information Name (abbreviated): G.S.M. Gender: male Weight (kg): 90 Height (cm): 176 cm Admission Date: 23/9/2011 Marital Status: widower Case summary Past Medical A.W.M., a 68 years old male is a known case of DM, HTN, A-fib, HF and IHD. He isadmitted to the hospital complaining of shortness of breath and severe abdominaldistension of o

Icadts drug list - july 2007

SUBSTANCE NAME CATEGORY A ALIMENTARY TRACT AND METABOLISM A02 DRUGS FOR ACID RELATED DISORDERS A02B Drugs for peptic ulcer and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) A03 DRUGS FOR FUNCTIONAL GASTROINTESTINAL DISORDERS A03F Propulsives A04 ANTIEMETICS AND ANTINAUSEANTS A04A Antiemetics and antinauseants Serotonin (5HT3) antagonists A04AA01Dimenhydrinate (= di


CURRICULUM VITAE ANTECEDENTES PERSONALES : Hernando de Magallanes 142 , Las Condes , Santiago ANTECEDENTES DE ESTUDIOS LICENCIADO EN MEDICINA Facultad de Medicina, Hospital Clinico Universidad de Chile. Año 1986, egresado de Universidad de Chile, Hospital Clinico Universidad de Chile (Hospital Dr. José Joaquín Aguirre), título MEDICO CIRUJANO, Aprobado con DISTINCION MAXIMA. Fec


INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR ECONOMIC RESEARCH WORKING PAPER SERIES G. Crespi, P. D’Este, R. Fontana, A Geuna THE IMPACT OF ACADEMIC PATENTING ON UNIVERSITY RESEARCH AND ITS TRANSFER The impact of academic patenting on university research and its transfer International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada INGENIO (CSIC-UPV), Valencia, Spain & SPRU-Univers


IOWA MEDICAID DRUG UTILIZATION REVIEW COMMISSION 100 Army Post Road – Des Moines, IA 50315 • (515) 725-1287 • Fax 1-866-626-0216 Professional Staff: Thomas Kline, D.O. Pam Smith, R.Ph. From: Pam Smith, R.Ph., DUR Project Coordinator RE: DUR Recommendation to the Department of Human Services The members of the Iowa Medicaid Drug Utilization Review Commission met on Novemb


Erläuterungen zu einzelnen Methoden der Lungenfunktionsdiagnostik Bodyplethysmographie, Spirometrie, kapilläre Blutgasanalyse Standardverfahren. Ermittelt werden Basisdaten wie Atemwegswiderstand, alle statischen und dynamischen Lungenvolumina und die Gasaustauschfunktion. Indikationen: • Nachweis/Verlaufskontrolle obstruktiver Atemwegserkrankungen (z.B. COPD, Asthma bronchi

Microsoft word - hamzah et al pdf

African Journal of Business Management Vol. 4(15), pp. 3307-3314, 4 November, 2010 Available online at http://www.academicjournals.org/AJBM Outsourcing decision processes: A case study of a Malaysian firm Noradiva Hamzah*, Aini Aman, Ruhanita Maelah, Sofiah Md Auzair and Rozita Amiruddin Faculty of Economics and Business, School of Accounting, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, There

Standard operating procedure

Veterinary Recommendations for Anesthesia and Analgesia This Guidance Document is to establish recommendations for anesthesia and analgesia for use in research animals. PRINCIPLES OF ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA 1. The proper anesthetic and analgesic agents must be used in order to eliminate or reduce the potential for pain and distress during the peri-operative period. 2. Witholding


Risk, and in the context of manufacturing or opinions are a function of fundamental plants, operational risk exposure, increases increases. The presence of operational risk becomes evident through variance The need therefore exists to integrate ele-ments of cognitive science, data visualisa-parameters such as production rate, qual-tion and system improvement. Operational ity, variable


Sex and the Senior Woman: Pleasure and Danger in the Viagra Era The online version of this article can be found at:http://sexualities.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/7/3/303 can be found at: Sexualities Additional services and information for © 2004 SAGE Publications. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. Abstract This article reveals wo


Weight Management Clinic12-week eating & exercise management programme. The following information will help you to understand more about weight management and it will also help you make a decision to weather you feel a clinic is something you would benefit from. It will take you just 10 minutes of your time to read and may help you to take the 1st step towards a new, healthier you. What is

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OSTEOCIS ® TECHNICAL LEAFLET: SUMMARY OF PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS TRADE NAME OF THE MEDICINAL PRODUCT Kit for the preparation of Technetium [99mTc] Oxidronate Injection QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION OSTEOCIS®, kit for the preparation of Technetium [99mTc] Oxidronate Injection, consists of 5 multidose vials, each containing the following sterile, pyrogen-free, freeze


INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRYInt J Geriatr Psychiatry 2005; 20: 1038–1045. Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI: 10.1002/gps.1393The utility of EEG in dementia: a clinical perspectiveDimitrios Adamis1, Sunita Sahu2 and Adrian Treloar2,31Deptartment of Ageing and Health, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK2Old Age Psyc

Microsoft word - tahani article draft

A pilot double blinded clinical trial to compare between Tramadol HCL and Lidocaine HCL as local anaesthesia amongst hospital-outpatient adult dental attendees Mosul-Iraqi Tahani A. Alsandook, PhD. Dean of College of Dentistry/University of Mosul/Mosul/Iraq. Tahani_Alsandook@yahoo.com Yahya A. Al-Haideri, MSc. Assistant Lecturer in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department /College of Dentistr

Microsoft word - toadsquestionnaire-july-19-05.doc

Tennessee Outcomes for Alcohol and Drug Services (TOADS) Project Questionnaire (July 2005 Version) CLIENT - 1 ST INTERVIEW - COVER SHEET A1a: Basic Demographics A1b: Interview Final Status _____________________________________________ (2) Client Case #: ______________________________ (3) Date of Admission to Facility: ______/_______/_______ (5) Agency Code ( 5 DIGITS):


ACTIVslate The ACTIVslate enriches learning environments by inspiring group interaction The Promethean ACTIVslate complements the Promethean Collaborative Classroom Solution, providing teachers and learners with the opportunity for greater interaction with the teaching material and each other. When using your Promethean interactivewhiteboard you are no longer confinedto the front o


Arch Immunol Ther Exp, 2005, 53, 143–147in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: lessons from Crohn’s disease and the therapeutic potential of bupropion to lower TNF-α Richard E. Kast1 and Eric L. Altschuler2 1 University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05401, USA2 Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY 10029, USA Source of support: self financing Crohn’s disease and B cell chronic lymphocyti


The World Health Organization added "it" to an official list of known carcinogens in 2005. The Physicians' Desk Reference cited a link between it and breast cancer in 2006. Quietly, word is getting out, just not quickly enough for young women. They are being told in doctor's offices that it is safe. It is the pill, the oral contraceptive that over 80% of women have bee


M. K. JUCHHEIM GmbH & Co JUMO Instrument Co. Ltd. JUMO PROCESS CONTROL INC. Data Sheet 90.9722 Terminal heads and blocks ■ for thermocouples and resistance thermometers ■ terminal heads in different materials ■ Protection IP65 max. ■ versions for lead sealing Terminal heads (pages 1 to 4) DIN 43 729 specifies the terminal head forms A and B, which differ


Dermatologische Grundsätze für den HNO-Arzt Täglich wird der Hals-Nasen-Ohrenarzt mit dermatologischen pentechnik zum Defektverschluss ent-scheidend. Erkrankungen konfrontiert, die sich in seinem Fachgebiet manifestieren. In einigen Regionen, etwa im äußeren Gehörgang, Haut- und Gefäßstatus muss er sogar die Rolle des „regionalen Dermatologen“ über-über die

Effect of cigarette smoking on oral elastase activity in adult periodontitis patients

9012_IPC_AAP_553060 2/15/00 11:02 AM Page 58 Effect of Cigarette Smoking on Oral Elastase Activity in Adult Periodontitis Patients Nathalie C. Pauletto,* Kirsti Liede,† Anja Nieminen,† Hannu Larjava,* and Veli-Jukka Uitto* Background: We have previously reported that elastase activ- ity in oral fluids is significantly increased in most adult peri-odontitis patients. In some patients, how


Objective: To investigates the nitric oxide donating properties of furoxan moiety and validates its role inthe gastroprotective effect of rabeprazole against indomethacin induced gastric mucosal Methods: The study was performed between April and July 2010 in the Department of Pharmacology/ College of Medicine /Baghdad University .The study was conducted on 72 adult male albinorats, di

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Divine Prozac: God’s Prescription for Worry and Anxiety We all struggle with our thoughts to one degree or another. For many people it is a constant battle to keep from becoming angry, frustrated, depressed, or worried. But in the midst of this battle, God has given us His Son, His Spirit, and His Word to fight these battles and to win them. He has also given us one specific passage of Script


Exploiting Redundancy in Natural LanguageChristoph Karlberger, G¨unther Bayler, Christopher Kruegel, and Engin Kirda{christoph,gmb,chris,ek}@seclab.tuwien.ac.atProbabilistic systems: Systems such as Bayesian filtersare used to learn word frequencies that are associ-Today’s attacks against Bayesian spam filters attempt toated with both spam and non-spam messages [11]. keep the content of


Diagnose und Therapie der chro- 1. Epidemiologie Im Gegensatz zu anderen häufigen Erkrankungen nisch-obstruktiven Lungenerkran- wie KHK oder Schlaganfall sind die Todesfälle durchCOPD in den letzten Jahrzehnten weltweit ständiggestiegen (Abb. 1). Derzeit leiden 600 Millionen2. Medizinische Abteilung/LungenabteilungMenschen weltweit an COPD, 3 Millionen sterbenjedes Jahr an den F

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Nutritional, Medicinal and Other Merits of Moringa. Moringa leaves are an excellent source of protein, that is to say, they contain all the essential amino-acids including the sulphur-containing ones methionine and cystine, which are often in short supply. They are also rich in vitamins A, B-complex and C as well as many minerals. They are exceptionally high in calcium and iron. Ask any Phi

Processos de subjetivação e novos arranjos urbanos

Processos de subjetivação e novos arranjos urbanos O artigo aborda uma linha de pesquisa ainda incipiente na Psicologia: os processos de subjetivação e o espaço urbano. Discorre sobre a tradição de se compreender a subjetividade conquanto interioridade, e dissociada dos processos sociais, propondo, com base em Foucault, uma compreensão da subjetivação como processo conecta

Shaklee products and coumadin®

Shaklee Canada Inc. 7-3100 Harvester Road Téléphone 905/681-1422 Burlington, ON L7N 3W8 Télécopieur 905/681-6690 LES PRODUITS SHAKLEE et le COUMADINMD Le CoumadinMD (warfarine) est un anticoagulant oral que plusieurs personnes se font prescrire si elles ont un risque accru de caillots sanguins. Les caillots sanguins sont potentiellement dangereux, car ils p

Flex spending employee handout 2010-201

BRENAU UNIVERSITY FLEXIBLE BENEFITS PLAN PRE-TAX DEDUCTION OF GROUP INSURANCE PREMIUMS The Flexible Benefits Plan allows you to pay your portion of the required premiums for any group insurance plan you elect with TAX–FREE dollars. Your group insurance premium options may include: Group Health Insurance, Group Dental Insurance and perhaps supplemental plans for specific disease


LABORATORIES Estrogen Receptor and Progesterone Receptor (duo pack) Cat. No. VP-E612 Intended Use: FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY The Estrogen Receptor and Progesterone Receptorduo pack contains:1 x 0.5 ml Estrogen Receptor (clone 6F11)1 x 0.5 ml Progesterone Receptor (clone 1A6)Vector Laboratories, Inc., 30 Ingold Road, Burlingame, CA 94010 U.S.A. Tel: (650)697-3600 • Fax (650)697-0339 �


Towards Designing Enterprises for Evolvabilitybased on Fundamental Engineering Concepts(Promotors: Herwig Mannaert and Jan Verelst)Department of Management Information SystemsOrganizations doing business in the 21st century are operating in a hyper-competitive environment in which they are forced to constantly monitor theirenvironment while looking for new business opportunities and striving


CAM2 HI-TEMP LITHIUM COMPLEX GREASE GRASA DE ALTA TEMPERATURA PARA RODAMIENTOS DE RUEDAS DESCRIPCION CAM 2 Hi-Temp Lithium Complex Grease es una grasa de calidad Premium multipropósito que es adecuada para aplicaciones de alta temperatura. Esta grasa de consistencia NLGI 2, manufacturada con un espesante de jabón complejo de litio y aceites minerales de alta refinación, esta comp


INDIAN DRUGS & PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. PO: VIRBHADRAm[RISHIKESH UTTARAKHAND PIN-249202 REF: IDPL/MM/2013/Bulk /27 DT: 06.06.2013 NOTICE INVITING TENDER FOR PURCHASE OF PHARMA BULK Sl Material Tender Enquiry No. Norfloxacin Ip 14.06.13 IDP(R)/MMG -5/ Norfloxacin/166-dt. 05.06.13 Albendazole IP 14.06.13 IDP(R)/MMG -5/ Albendazoel/167-dt. 05.06.


A publication of the International Centre for Policy Studies ICPS newsletter ® government reform Together with the Center for Ukrainian Reform Education (CURE), ICPS has out in a mechanical manner, but taking into completed the first round of public consultations on local government reform in seven Ukrainian cities: Chernivtsi, Lutsk, Zhytomyr, Dnipropetrovsk, Kirovohrad,

14919_rbm vol7 no2.1.2

RBMOnline - Vol 7. No 2. 194–199 Reproductive BioMedicine Online; www.rbmonline.com/Article/894 on web 16 June 2003 Premature LH and progesterone rise inintrauterine insemination cycles: analysis ofrelated factorsJoão Sabino Cunha-Filho obtained his MD degree (1993) and the speciality degree inObstetrics and Gynecology (1997) at the Faculty of Medicine (Hospital de Clínicas de PortoAlegre


La Guerra popular en la India como parte de la lucha anti-imperialista. Compañeros y compañeras,amigos y amigas,en nombre de la Alianza contra la agresión imperialista saludamos a todos los asistentes a la presente Conferencia, a todos ustedes que han participado en la campaña preparatoria de la misma, y, a todos los compañeros que por limitaciones y dificultades materiales no pueden esta


¿Crisis en el psicoanálisis o crisis en la cultura actual? Roberto M. Goldstein Uno de los hechos que me hizo decidir volcar enun papel estas ideas y que desearía discutir conindependientes entre sí, cuando me refiera a laUds., es que en el 150 aniversario del nacimiento decultura tomaré el segundo de ellos, sobre todo en loSigmund Freud, a pesar o porque se siga estudiando,que a


04 I LA TENDENCIA En Estados Unidos, la bús- paneles solares, una turbina de ener- nada pequeño en general- es ajeno a“huella cero” (el llamado “footprint”,ro y otros líderes mundiales están tra-Verde”) es la casa del actor, en la quela oferta de energía en el país. Eso esTENDENCIAS DE FUTURO I NEWSLETTER DEL THINK TANK INSTITUCIÓN FUTURO LA TENDENCIA I 05 “La


O Evangelho Segundo Tomé PRÓLOGO Estas são as sentenças ocultas que o Jesus vivo pronunciou e Judas Tomé, o Gêmeo registrou. 1 E ele disse: "Quem quer que descubra a interpretação destas sentenças não provará a morte". 2 Jesus disse: "Que aquele que procura não deixe de procurar até que encontre. Quando encontrar, ficará perturbado. Quando estiver perturbado, ficará


NEW APPROACHES TO STOCHASTIC MODELING OF SPEECH Institute for Signal and Information ProcessingDepartment of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering ABSTRACT specifically on the spontaneous conversational speechfound in the Switchboard corpus where error rates have notHidden Markov Models and n-gram language modelingmoved much beyond 50% word accuracy in the pasthave been the domin

Miniature portable wireless thermocouple connector and data logger

Miniature Portable Wireless Thermocouple Connector and Data Logger Records Over 65,000 Process Temperature Data Points The Smart Connector™ USB connection MWTC-D-K-915, $150, shown smaller than actual size. The new MWTC wireless Smart Connector seriesfeatures a compact, battery powered thermocoupleconnector that can transmit and/or record temperature 868 or data back to a

Bbc news | health | teen pregnancy rates go back up

Page last updated at 10:06 GMT, Thursday, 26 February 2009W hy such a dow ner on teenage pregnancy? almost c ertainly miss its target to halve rates by 2010. The news follows a series of high-profile teenage pregnanc y c ases. In total, there were estimated to be just over 42,900 c onc eptions inThe under 16 c onception rates also inc reased from 7.8 per 1,000 toT

Day, 1xth april 2010

October 3rd 2012 The FTSE 100 is expected to make a lacklustre start to the session, after disappointing data from China. Non-manufacturing PMI fell to 53.7 in September from 56.3 in August. Final services PMI figures are due later this morning from the UK and the eurozone, with the UK reading forecast to be revised down to 53 from 53.7. On the corporate front, supermarket giant TESCO

Lastenboek rembrandt

Residentie Rembrandt Albertplein 2-3-4 8300 Knokke-Heist E&L Projects Kennedypark 16B 8500 Kortrijk INHOUD: A. ALGEMEEN 1. Rust – Ruimte – Privacy 2. Beschrijving van het gebouw B. RUWBOUW 1. Beschrijving van de werken, materialen en leveringen 2. De grondwerken – uitgravingen – grondopruiming 3. Draagstructuur en gevels 4. Blauwe hardsteen 5. Gewapend beton 6. Vloerplaten 7. Borstwe


Every euro counts these days so what savings can you make on the health front? – Here are a few ‘savings savvy’ ideas. Don’t be afraid to ask for generic alternatives of over the counter drugs,” says Irish Pharmacy Union spokesperson Kathy Maher. “Also ask your doctor to prescribe generically rather than write Amy Bracken meets a group of rural women brand names down on


now an open secret that this ‘resolve’more illusory. Not only the litigation isally takes around 20 yearsin getting one single casedecided. As a result of thisthe present justice deliv-ery system is beyond themeans of the commoncourts of law for gettingjustice. Masses shy away togo to the courts for gettingjustice and rather prefer to THE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT DECEMBER 2004


Impresso Especial JORNAL DO Informativo do Instituto de Previdência e Assistência dos Servidores do Município de Vitória DIA DO IDOSO 27 de setembro - Nesta I Encontro de Aposentados (as) e Pensionistas O IPAMV, através da Seção de Serviço Social, promoverá no dia 21 de setembro tribuição previdênciaria e 2ª via de (quinta-feira), às 14 horas, no se

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Removal of Natural Steroid Hormones from Wastewater Joshua L. Cartinella, Tzahi Y. Cath, Michael T. Flynn, Glenn C. Miller, Kenneth W. Hunter Jr., Amy E. Childress Materials and Methods Solution Chemistry – Wastewater Ersatz The humidity condensate and urine simulant solutions used in the current investigation correspond to recipe 1A for Transit Mission Wastewater Ersatz ( 19 )

Microsoft word - urine testing guidelines_revised.doc

MRN Urine Testing Guidelines Urine testing (pregnancy and/or drug) must be done if specified in an IRB approved study protocol or if required by MRN policy. According to MRN policy for MRI scanning, the following populations must have a documented negative pregnancy test before entering the scanner: • All females under the age of 18 who have had their first menstrual period; • All adul


JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY, Aug. 2006, p. 2767–27720095-1137/06/$08.00ϩ0 doi:10.1128/JCM.01916-05Copyright © 2006, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved. Clonality and Antimicrobial Resistance Gene Profiles of Multidrug-Resistant Salmonella enterica Serovar Infantis Isolates fromFour Public Hospitals in Rio de Janeiro, BrazilE. L. Fonseca,1 O. L. Mykytczuk,4,5 M.

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. Page 1 Preface.1 2 Summary.3 3 The need for GM technology in world agriculture.5 Examples of GM technology that would benefit world agriculture .7 Transgenic plants and the environment .11 Funds for research on transgenic crops the balance between public and private sector .13 Report prepared under the auspices of the Royal Society of London, the USA National Academy of Sciences,

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Logical Biology 8 (2):52-54, 2008 OPEN LETTER iPS CELL DISCOVERY AND HYPING Evidence for Selection of Pre-existing Stem Cells Rather than Induction of iPS Cells Shi V. Liu (Received 2008-04-23; revised 2008-05-01; accepted 2008-05-10; published 2008-05-10*) HIGHLIGHT Cell published a study in 2006 making a yet-unproven claim of directly reprogramming adult skin

Staff meeting agenda

International Students & Programs Office International Center, 9500 Gilman Drive, Mail Code #0018 F-1 STUDENT: STEM EXTENSION OPTIONAL PRACTICAL TRAINING (OPT) REQUEST FORM DIRECTIONS: Student must complete Section #1, #2, and #3A. Employer must complete Section #3B. A complete application will include: □ STEM Extension OPT Request Form □ Copy of I-94 card (fro

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CONTROL DE CALIDAD EN ANALISIS CLINICOS INMUNOANÁLISIS, QUÍMICA CLÍNICA, SEROLOGÍA , PESQUISA NEONATAL Y CONTADORES HEMATOLÓGICOS Estimado participante Comienza la inscripción para la Ronda XX del Programa Buenos Aires, que se inicia en el mes de septiembre próximo. Con el propósito de mejorar la calidad y eficiencia de nuestro Programa, seguimos mejorando nuestra págin


Les effets néfastes de l'abus d'alcool furent connus dès l'Antiquité. En Europe, l'extension de la culture 2-ENJEUX ECONOMIQUES ET de la vigne alla de pair avec l'expansion du POLITIQUES christianisme. La production de boissons alcoolisées s'est développée. Mais en raison des conditions de production, de conservation et de distribution, il est peu probable qu'aient pu se déve

Tropical medicine and international health

TROPICAL MEDICINE AND INTERNATIONAL HEALTH VOL. 9, NO. 1, JANUARY; 2004 Contents Editorial: The challenge of dengue vaccine development and introduction Jacqueline L. Deen Does increased general schooling protect against HIV infection? A study in four African cities Judith R. Glynn, Michel Caraël, Anne Buvé, Séverin Anagonou Léopold Zekeng, Maina Kahindo,Rosemary Musonda Pregnancy in


Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) DECISION TICKETNUMBER APPLICANT Eli Lilly and Company Counsel: OPPONENT Denis Kozenko Alternative dispute resolution for the domain name cialisinfo.se .SE decides as follows DECISION The domain name <cialisinfo.se> is transferred to the Applicant Eli Lilly and Company. Box 7399, 103 91 Stockholm Tel 08-452 35 00 Fax


Introduction Over the last 20 years, scholars have devoted considerable attention to the ability of farmers, fishermen, pastoralists and other types of resource users to organize, adopt, monitor and enforce institutional arrangements that govern their use of common pool resources (CPRs) in a sustainable manner (Ostrom et al ., 2002). During this period, progress has been made in carefully iden

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SERVIÇO AUTÔNOMO MUNICIPAL DE ÁGUA E ESGOTO – SAMAE - TIMBÓ – SC CONCURSO PÚBLICO - EDITAL No 001/2008 ANEXO III ¾ NÍVEL MÉDIO CONTEÚDOS PROGRAMÁTICOS E REFERÊNCIAS PARA AS PROVAS COM NÚCLEO COMUM Português para todos os cargos de Nível Médio 1. O texto : compreensão e interpretação. 2. Semântica : sentido e emprego dos vocábulos nos texto


LESSON PLAN: Polite requests TIME: 55 minutes FOCUS: Polite Requests LEVEL: High Beginner After this lesson students will be able to make polite requests OBJECTIVES MATERIALS ‘Polite Requests’ worksheet, ‘Sentence Order’ worksheet, ‘Gap fill’ worksheet, ‘Polite Requests Flashcards’ A packet of sweets or a bar of chocolate. LANGUAGE Practice polite


P i a z z a C a n d i a n i - M E S T R E Caffetteria Espresso 1,00 Espresso doppio Montebianco 1,20Macchiatone 1,20Macchiatone soya (panna montata scaglie di cioccolato) Cappuccino soya SpeCialità CalDe Della CaSa al Caffè Goppioncino 2,20 (cioccolato al latte, caffè espresso, panna montata e arancia candita) (crema pasticcera, caffè espresso, crema di latte cacao)Caffè da mangiare

Microsoft word - montes et al.doc

EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ON THE ENCAPSULATION OF AMOXICILLIN MICROPARTICLES BY SAS PROCESS A. Montes (*); M. D. Gordillo; C. Pereyra and E. J. Martínez de la Ossa Department of Chemical Engineering and Food Technology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Cádiz Phone: +34-956-016-458. Fax: +34-956-016-411 Drug encapsulation processes has been an active field of research and innovation du


American Society for Reproductive Medicine (67th Annual Meeting) Orland(USA)、2011.10.16-19 Cabergoline helps to prevent the development of severe OHSS Tomoko Inoue, Takao Himeno, Yoko Ohnishi, Keijiro Ito, Yoshiharu Nakaoka, Yoshiharu Morimoto The Center for Reproductive Medicine and Infertility, IVF Namba Clinic Objective: Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) is one of serious

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Cost: $175 : Payment is due in full by Wednesday, May 23 . This covers all meals (except meals traveling there, and back), transportation, lodging, and events while they are in Dayton. DEPARTURE/RETURN: Leaving on (Junior High - July 7 or Senior High - July 14) Saturday at 5pm from CVMC. Returning Thursday at 8:30 p.m (Junior High - July 12 or Senior High - July 19). We will be attendin


Trattamento della distonia: approccio mirato e multidisciplinare Il trattamento della distonia, “sindrome clinica caratterizzata da contrazione involontaria muscolare continua e sostenuta, che causa frequentemente oscillazioni, movimenti ripetitivi o posture anomali” rappresenta per il neurologo esperto in disordini del movimento una sfida terapeutica importante ma non scevra di risultati


Cives Centro de Informação em Saúde para Viajantes Dengue Fernando S. V. Martins & Terezinha Marta P.P. Castiñeiras O dengue * é uma doença infecciosa causada por um arbovírus (existem quatro tipos diferentes de vírus do dengue - 1, 2, 3 e 4), que ocorre principalmente em áreas tropicais e subtropicais do mundo, inclusive no Brasil. As epidemias geralme

Advice service top 5 issues

Ten ideas to make better use of current social care funding while improving quality of care and experiences for Introduction Counsel and Care recognises the huge financial pressures currently facing local authorities in England. These pose a great threat to the provision of services and support for older people. With the public deficit currently standing at £6,000 for every household in the c

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The Man who Awoke from a Coma: Treatment Dissociative From the Ad Hoc Bulletin of Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy. To subscribe, contact havelaby@t-online.de To treat patients with low ego adaptive capacity Davanloo designed a treatment format known as the Graded technique (Davanloo 2000; Whittemore 1996). In this technique the therapist focuses on building the patient’s ego ada


ALCOHOL AND DRUG TESTING PROCEDURES Alcohol and Drug Testing Procedures These alcohol and drug testing procedures shall apply where alcohol and drug testing of employees is warranted by the Total Energy Services Inc. ("Total Energy") Alcohol and Drug Policy. All testing of employees and contractors must be authorized by the appropriate management of Total Energy which i

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ICAN E-News Line International Cesarean Awareness Network Volume 23 September 2, 2004 Focus: Secondary Infertility **~**~**~**~** In This Issue: 1. Essay: Secondary Infertility 2. Relevant News 3. Editor’s Note 4. Studies **~**~**~**~** ICAN E-News invites you to your thoughts, comments, favorite quotes, birth stories, questions, websites and studies. Future topics include: **Canadian Issues **S


Experimental Neurology 192 (2005) 73 – 78Continuous dopaminergic stimulation reduces risk of motor complicationsFrancesco Bibbiania, Lauren C. Costantinib, Raj Patelb, Thomas N. Chasea,*aExperimental Therapeutic Branch, Building 10, Room 5C103, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20892-1406, USAbTitan Pharmaceuticals, Inc., South San Francisco, CA


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Promising EU export markets for coffee The EU accounts for a considerable part of the global coffee consumption. Since coffee is not cultivated in the EU, the EU countries depend completely on imports from developing countries. The processing of green coffee is done within the EU and does not offer many opportunities for developing country producers. However, although consumption in many EU c

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Steininger neue Tab 25.2.ENDE 26.02.2008 15:43 Uhr Seite 1 Therapie der Influenzavirus -Infektion Ch. SteiningerAbteilung für Infektiologie und Tropenmedizin, Universitätsklinik für Innere Medizin I, Medizinische Universität Wien Schlüsselwörter: Zusammenfassung Key-words: Einleitung Steininger neue Tab 25.2.ENDE 26.02.2008 15:43 Uhr Seite 2 Epidemische Influenza M2-Kana

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REGULATION 21 SCHEDULE 2 SCHEDULE 2 . THE 2013 PROHIBITED LIST. WORLD ANTI-DOPING CODE In accordance with Article 4.2.2 of the World Anti-Doping Code, all Prohibited Substances shall be considered as “Specified Substances” except Substances in classes S1, S2, S4.4, S4.5, S6.a, and Prohibited Methods M1, M2 and M3. SUBSTANCES AND METHODS PROHIBITED AT ALL TIMES (IN- AND OU

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C a s e s t u d y New Weapons in the War on Malaria Halting the disease is crucial to improving overall health in Tanzania Evidence showing the large impact of malaria on Tanzanians’ health has provided the impetus for significant policy changes on how to treat and prevent the disease across the country. The fight against malaria is now proceeding on many fronts, from preventative m


I. Bhattacharyya * et al. /International Journal Of Pharmacy&Technology IJPT ISSN: 0975-766X Available Online through Research Article www.ijptonline.com REVERSE PHASE HIGH PERFORMANCE LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHIC METHOD FOR THE ANALYSIS OF BUPROPION HYDROCHLORIDE IN PHARMACEUTICAL DOSAGE FORM I. Bhattacharyya*1, S.P Bhattacharyya2, S Sen3 IDr B.C


A SUMMARY OF WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW Air Travel You are responsible for purchasing your own airline tickets to Uganda. All team members must arrive at Entebbe airport (EBB) on March 16th and depart on March 28th. The costs for any extended stay beyond these dates are at your own expense. Please do not purchase airline tickets until you have sent your itinerary tfor approval. You will be


* The 4th International Conference on Biobased Polymers (ICBP2013) [Oral Program] (1) September 26, 2013 Thu Registration (HIT 6F, Hanyang University) Chair: Yong Hwan KIM Chair: Seung Soon IM (PL01) Future Sustainable Materials from Pure Monomer as well Ann-Christine ALBERTSSON Chair: In-Joo CHIN (PL02) Synthesis and Characterization of Biobased Copolyester Seung Soon

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INTRODUCCIÓN*Imperio y canon en William Henry HudsonLeila Gómez University of Colorado, Boulder En 1941, se publica en Argentina la pionera Antología de Guillermo Enrique Hudson con estudios críticos sobre su vida y su obra , con textos de Fernando Pozzo, E. Martínez Estrada, Jorge Casares, Jorge Luis Borges, H. J. Massingham, V. S. Pritchett y Hugo Manning. Fue este uno de los principales

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FLORA & AIRTO 05-15-01 The Significant Other and I took in renowned jazz vocalist Flora Purim with Airto Moriera and others at Yoshis. The pair brought down the house after opening with a scorching latin-inflected version of Brubeck's "Take Five". Far from the cool school detachment of academic jazz, this pair had the house rocking on their feet to the back of the room w

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Table 1 Pharmacokinetic parameters in sheep given ceftizoxime alone (Group I) and meloxicam co-treatment (Group II). Parameter * P<0.05; **P<0.01Group I, Only Ceftizoxime; Group II: Ceftizoxime + MeloxicamA, zero time drug concentration at distribution phase; B, zero time drug concentration at elimination phase; α, regression coefficient fordistribution phase; β, regression coefficie

Classrooms nowadays are exemplified by student diversity

Paper 057, IAEA 2006 Teachers’ assessment practices… Dr Rita Berry 32nd International Association for Educational Assessment (IAEA) Annual Conference Theme: Assessment in an Era of Rapid Change: Innovations and Best Practices 21 – 26 May 2006 Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel, Singapore Affiliation: Hong Kong Institute of Education Department of Curriculum

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Minister of Health and Others vs. Treatment Action Campaign and Others 2002 (5) SA 721 (CC), 2002 10 BCLR 1033 Children's rights - basic health care services; Health rights - access to health care; Socio-economic rights - minimum core obligations; Women's rights - reproductive health. Facts This case related to a challenge brought by the Treatment Action Campaign, Dr Haroon Saloojee and

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'The Rule of Law Deficit in International Territorial Administration” With the end of the Cold War has come an upsurge in the use of ‘international territorial administration’ (ITA), or the performance of domestic governmental tasks by international actors from within governed territories. Perhaps the most prominent example of this phenomenon is the creation of a subsidiary organ by the

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International Journal of AgriScience Vol. 1( 3 ): 164-169, August 2011 www.inacj.com ISSN:2228-6322© International Academic Journals Epizootiology the control of gill parasite infestations in Egyptian fish hatcheries Abumhara * 1 A.A.,Yadem2 S.M., Sovjak1 R. 1Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, Institute of Tropics and Subtropics, Dept. of Animal production and Food



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HELP US HELP CATS – CLINICAL TRIAL – FREE OF COST “Analgesic evaluation of tramadol in osteoarthritic geriatric cats” Study overview in lay terms The goal of this study is to evaluate whether tramadol, a painkiller, can produce pain relief in cats with osteoarthritis, a painful condition that affects up to 90% of senior cats. Tramadol will be given orally at four different

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Kranz et al.: Intrinsic Activity , 2013; 1 (Suppl. 1):A4.6 published online: 1 October 2013 http://www.intrinsicactivity.org Joint Meeting of the Austrian Neuroscience Association (13th ANA Meeting) and the Austrian Pharmacological Society (19th Scientific Symposium of APHAR) Vienna, Austria, 16–19 September 2013 Furthermore, our study reveals a strong dependence of regional SSRI

Fragen und antworten zur infektionsprävention in heimen

Fragen und Antworten zur Empfehlung „Infektionsprävention in Heimen“ der Kommission für Krankenhaushygiene und Infektionsprävention beim Robert Koch-Institut. Bundesgesundheitsbl. 2005. 48: 1061-1080. www.rki.de ( in Klammern: Hinweis auf das entsprechend Kapitel in der Empfehlung ) Ist der Einsatz von Hygienebeauftragten in NRW gesetzlich vorgeschrieben? Eine gesetzliche


Tropical Medicine and International HealthCan a comprehensive voucher programme prompt changes indoctors’ knowledge, attitudes and practices related to sexualand reproductive health care for adolescents? A case study fromLatin AmericaLiesbeth E. Meuwissen1,2, Anna C. Gorter2, Arnold D. M. Kester3 and J. A. Knottnerus1,41 Department of General Practice, University of Maastricht, The Netherland

Selected publications

SELECTED PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS Linda M. Thurmond, PhD, ImmunoDynamics Consulting Inc. Linda.Thurmond@immunodynamicsconsulting.com (919) 614-7855 Domanico, P and LM Thurmond. 2008. In Vitro and In Vivo Validation. Cambridge Healthtech Institute Conference, Accelerating Proof-of-Concept, Boston, MA, 8 Oct 2008. Robertson, MJ, Kirkwood, J, Logan, T, Koch, KM, Kathman, S, Pandite, LN, Kir

Article-c siriwardhana et al (171-182)

C H E S M A L S I R I WA R D H A N A , S U W I N H E WA G E , R U WA N D E S H A B A N D U , S I S I R A S I R I B A D D A N A A N D A T H U L A S U M A T H I PA L A Disasters take place around the globe on a regular basis, creating challenges for various stakeholders responsible for managing the aftermath. Large-scale disasters bring about many challenges regarding human rights, resear


COMMENTARY NORPLANT: AN UNMET CONTRACEPTIVE NEED IN ENUGU, NIGERIA Dr Ibekwe, Perpetus Chudi FWACS Department Of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Ebonyi State University Teaching Hospital - Abakaliki, Nigeria. (Formerly -Department Of Obstetrics/Gynaecology University Of Nigeria Teaching Hospital Enugu, Nigeria) Nigeria has one of the highest maternal mortality 1 Norplant, as a famil

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SOP - Intradermal Tests Phleum pratense SOP Reference Version Number Effective Date Approved by Reason for Change SOP ACID-003 - Intradermal test - Final 1.0 - 22February2011 Materials  Timothy Grass allergen, 100,000 SQ-U/mL (ALK Abello, Denmark)  Albumin-based diluent (ALK Abello, Denmark)  1mL, 5mL, 10mL sterile syringes and needles for dilution

Sexual transmitted infections

Sexual Transmitted Infections Many genital and urinary tract infections are spread though close physical contract with an infected person. Unprotected sex is therefore the most common way of passing on the infection. Sexual y transmitted infections (STIs) include the following: CHLAMYDIA Symptoms Genital chlamydial infection in women often causes no symptoms. Some women may have 'n


Foglietto Il ustrativo: informazioni per il paziente Sporanox® 100 mg compresse Itraconazolo Sporanox ® è un marchio registratoLegga at entamente questo foglietto illustrativo prima di iniziare ad utilizzare questa medicina. Conservi questo fogliet o illustrativo, potrebbe aver bisogno di consultarlo in futuro. Se ha altre domande o dubbi, si rivolga al suo medico o farmacista. Ques


a cura del dr. Alfonso Siani - Istituto di Scienze dell’Alimentazione, CNR Il Progetto IDEFICS Imparare a vivere in modo salutare. Sviluppo di una strategia d’intervento europea. Il progetto IDEFICS (Identificazione e pre- sanitarie, quindi, dovranno confrontarsi saranno raccolte attraverso questionari venzione degli effetti indotti dal a dieta e con l’aumento del e patologie lega

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INTERACTIVE INFORMATION RETRIEVAL AS MULTITASKING: AN EXPLORATORY FRAMEWORK Amanda Spink & Minsoo ParkUniversity of Pittsburgh Interactive Information Retrieval z How is interactive IR constructed by humans?z Interactive IR is a complex process of coordinating and interplay of various tasks, including information tasks and interactive tasksz Interactive IR within a multita


New Listings Change in insulin pump model Pharmac has recently started to fund insulin pumps and consumables. Prior to the listing of these devices, it was up to each DHB to decide how and indeed if they would fund them. The first pump to be listed was the Animas 2020; however this has now been upgraded to the Animas Vibe insulin pump and will be listed fully subsidised in the Pharmaceu

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80 AMP MPPT BATTERY CHARGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM T80 TurboCharger ™ Power and Control in a Single Device The T80 TurboCharger™ integrates Maximum Power Point Tracking, battery charge management, state of charge information and communications into a single device. With 80 Amps continuous output, the T80 can handle 5120 watts of PV on 48 volt battery systems. Continuous Powe

Purim assembly

I think I need some help here. I'm trying to think what to wear to a fancy dressparty on Thursday. I'll tell you about it. In year 5 we have recently been learning about space. We have learned about theway the Earth travels around the Sun in a journey that takes 365 1/4 days. Ofcourse, we call that length of time a year. We learned that as the Earth travelsaround the Sun the light and warmth of

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Inmagic® DB/TextWorks® is a special combination of database and text retrieval software that enables you to build networked and standalone textbases to manage diverse types of information Combined Database and Text including documents, images, and multimedia. Retrieval Capabilities: DB/TextWorks, a component of Inmagic’s DB/Text® Library Suite , provides workgroups with


My Rewards Checking Truth-in-Savings Disclosure Rate information – My Rewards Checking is a tiered rate account. The dividend rate and annual percentage yield (APY) may change every month. We maychange the dividend rate for your account as determined by the Credit Union board2. At the end of each qualification cycle,of directors or such authorized officers. • The Bonus Rate is pa


S&P/MIB EUSTOXX 50 Dow Jones Nasdaq100 S&P500 Nikkei225 TechStar Azioni Italia Macroeconomia e tassi Edison (EUR1 ,843): il 1H05 si è chiuso con un fatturato di EUR3,556 mld (EUR2,858 mld nel 1H04), un Nell' Area Euro a giugno l'aggregato Ebitda di EUR604 mln (-14% y/y) e con un utile netto di EUR195 mln (da EUR153 mln); l'indebitamento

Literature update - surgical pathology

Literature Update - Surgical Pathology (Snippets in Surgical Pathology) June 2009 Human Pathology, Vol. 40, No. 6, June 2009 - Page 757 : The Weiss System is the standard for assessment and categorization of adrenal cortical tumors (after 25 years of the seminal publication). This review revisits the original criteria (1989): high nuclear grade, >5/50 HPF mitoses, atypical m

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SS 09 Sportmedizin 2 Lektion 2 Übergewicht und Adipositas Sie sind weitverbreitet und an Zahl zunehmend, besonders Adipositas, eine schwere Krankheit (lebensverkürzend) und zugleich Risiko für Folgekrankheiten vitaler Bedeutung. Ob ihnen nur Unachtsamkeit und Disziplinlosigkeit beim Essen zu Grunde liegt, oder eine krankhafte Ursache (z.B. hormonell), es gilt der Grundsatz, dass es


La organización y utilización de medios tecnológicos en el Instituto Proyectos Vicente Ruiz Antón (profesor de Música) La realidad de la evolución de la sociedad ha hecho necesaria una revisión de los medios utilizados en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje. En un sistema educativo basado en la formación en competencias, en el que la clase magistral ha dado paso a otro tipo de relac

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FIBROMYALGIA MAJOR SYMPTOMS INLAND NORTHWEST FIBROMYALGIA ASSOCIATION 2804 N. Argonne Rd. Spokane WA 99212-2235 (509) 921-7741 FAX 924-0050 Sensitivity to environment; (noise, humidity, flashing lights, odors, photophobia (bright lights), temperature (heat or cold). Irritable bowel syndrome (diarrhea/constipation or both) Swelling of extremities, face and tongue Irritable bladder (


CLINICIAN’S CORNER Management of Fibromyalgia Syndrome Don L. Goldenberg, MD Context The optimal management of fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is unclear and comprehensive evidence-based guidelines have not been reported. Objective To provide up-to-date evidence-based guidelines for the optimal treat- ment of FMS. ATANYONETIME,10%TO12% DataSources,Selection,andExtraction Asearchofallhu

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PREFERRED CHOICE 3-TIER FORMULARY DRUG LIST April 2007 Edition To avoid the higher copayment associated with non-formulary drugs, please ask your prescriber to refer to this formulary drug list when prescribing medications for you and your dependents. Please note that you will pay a higher copayment for drugs listed in the Non-Formulary Drug column than for those drugs listed in the For


Position Paper: Closing The Gap Pharmaceutical Benefits Schedule Co-payment Measure (CTG PBS Co-payment) – Improving access to Pharmaceutical Benefits Schedule Medicines for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people Background The cost of medicines is a significant barrier to improving access to medicines for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Despite two to th

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MATERIAL SAFETY DATA State of the Art Ingredients ∙ Fast Friendly Service SECTION 1 :: PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION Product Name: Tetrasodium EDTA CAS#: 10378-23-1 RTECS: Not available. CI#: Not applicable. Chemical Name: EDTA Tetrasodium CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency Telephone), call: 1-800-424-9300 International CHEMTREC, call: 1-703-527-3887 For non-emergency assistance,


ANNE MILLER THE CREATIVITY PARTNERSHIP How canan R&Dgroup getothersinterested Research and development creates value, but only when its ideas are commercialised. However, R&D departments often find it in its ideas? difficult to get even the best ideas adopted by others, and hence this value is wasted. Anne Miller discusses the reasons for this, and giv

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Investment Law and Policy Weekly News Bulletin, June 6, 2003 Published by the International Institute for Sustainable Development: www.iisd.org -------------------------------- Contents at a Glance: -------------------------------- Arbitration Watch 1. Mexico's Treatment of Hazardous Waste Site Violates Mexico-Spain BIT 2. Notice of Intent in First Known NAFTA Chapter 11 Claim Finally Made Public

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Ideally suited to applications in liquid and semi-solid mediaRobust, waterproof and dishwasher-safe protective coverAutomatic final value recognition (Auto-hold)The testo 206 series is ideally suited for applications inThe testo 206-pH1 is specially designed for fast pH checksliquid and semi-solid media. The instruments stand outthanks to the combination of a pH immersion probe and aT




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Biocontrol de la “Escoba de Bruja” del Mango, con Trichoderma spp., en Condiciones de Campo Biocontrol of "Witches' Broom" Disease in Mango with Trichoderma spp., Under Field Conditions Alejandro Casimiro Michel Aceves, Marco Antonio Otero Sánchez, Antonio Díaz Castro, Rubén Darío Martínez Rojero, Centro de Estudios Profesionales del Colegio Superior Agropec

Finding employees with undiagnosed diabetes

A Peer Reviewed Publication of the College of Health Care Sciences at Nova Southeastern University Dedicated to allied health professional practice and education http://ijahsp.nova.edu Vol. 11 No. 2 ISSN 1540-580X Finding Employees with Undiagnosed Diabetes 1. Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska 2. Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Cre


INTERNATIONL MATHENATICS AND SCIENCE OLYMPIAD FOR PRIMARY SCHOOLS (IMSO) 2004 Science Contest in Taiwan Name:1 1 School: 11 1 1 11 Grade: 11 1 1 ID number: 11 11 111 _____1. It is a process whereby a fluid spreads from a more concentrated area to a less Answer: A. diffusion _____2. When masses of cold and warm air meet, they form a/ an ________. Answer: A. front _____


Reporting on Statistical Methods To Adjust for Confounding: A Cross-Sectional Survey Marcus Mu¨llner, MD; Hugh Matthews, BSc, MBBS; and Douglas G. Altman, DSc Background: The use of complex statistical models to adjust for confounding was used. In 1 paper in 10, it was unclear which confounding is common in medical research. statistical method was used or for which variables adjustme


Complete Summary GUIDELINE TITLE BIBLIOGRAPHIC SOURCE(S) Finnish Medical Society Duodecim. Sore throat and tonsillitis. In: EBM Guidelines. Evidence-Based Medicine [CD-ROM]. Helsinki, Finland: Duodecim Medical Publications Ltd.; 2005 Dec 28 [Various]. [3 references] GUIDELINE STATUS This is the current release of the guideline. This guideline updates a previous version: Finnish

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Disclaimer Medical and scientific information provided by Dr Boothroyd on this website may not be relevant to your own circumstances and should always be discussed with your general practitioner or Dr Boothroyd before you act on it. This communication is confidential and may contain copyright or otherwise protected information of Dr Clare Boothroyd. If you are not the intended recipient of

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International Journal of RESEARCH ARTICLE Effect of Different Levels of Dietary Bole (Lake Soil) Inclusion on Feed Intake, Milk Yield and Composition of Holstein Friesian Cows *Shewangzaw Addisu1, Firew Tegegne2 and Zeleke Mekuriaw3 1Alage ATVET College, P.O.Box 77, Zeway; 2Bahir Dar University, P.O.Box 26, Bahir Dar; 3LIVES, ILRI-Bahir Dar A R T I C L E I N F O A B S T R A


Caffeine Remember the days when we used to talk about our problems over a cup of coffee? Well, now coffee is the problem. Rather than getting the edge, we’ve found out coffee makes us edgy. Some people drink three cups of coffee, a few Cokes, and take a couple of Excedrin all in the course of a morning. That amounts to over 500 mg of caffeine. Is it any wonder the use of tranquilizers is


0342.555B Information Management in Organisations Information Systems Literature Assignment Subject Area: Group Decision Support Systems Prepared By: Gareth Tucker, 9502788 Submitted On: 17/9/1998 1.0 Introduction This essay examines the current state of information systems research and looks aheadtowards future research direction. The demand for research topics and methods

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Coating Film Tablet, Tablet Coating Film, Coating Film Manufacturer, Coati.ting, Delayed Release Coating, Test Masking, Moisture Protective Coating, PUBLICATIONS INSTACOAT FILM COATING SYSTEMS We are a company of 30 plus years standing in Pharmaceuticals and have metamorphosed into a specialty company focused on a highly specialized field of Fi

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Baromètre santé médecins/pharmaciens 2003 254 l 18 l Methodology to prevention and health education? This chapter provides information on the invol-vement of professionals in preventive and Arnaud Gautier This chapter presents the method used for data collection, the specific features of the General Practitioners/Pharmacists Health 259 l 84 l Do immunization prac- Barometer 2

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Hard to diagnose and difficult to cure, one in three women are Harriet Cooper, 30, Judith Secombe, 42, living with irritable Red ’s features editor Red ’s publisher bowel syndrome. SYMPTOMS Cramps, SYMPTOMS Bloating, bloating and abdominal pain and We sent two sufferers flatulence, diarrhoea a low-level headache to try


Transformation of Structured Guideline Components Institute of Software Technology & Interactive Systems { kaiser, silvia } @asgaard.tuwien.ac.at Abstract. Guideline and protocol representation languages have reached a level of complexity where auxiliary methods are needed to support the author- ing of protocols in the particular language. Several approaches and methods exist that claim h

International consortium for trials in tuberculosis (intertb)

International Consortium for Trials of Chemotherapeutic Agents in Tuberculosis (INTERTB) Division of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Centre For Infection St. George’s, University of London Jenner Wing, Cranmer Terrace London SW17 0RE United Kingdom Secretariat : Partners : Chairman: Professor ARM Coates MD FRCPath Dr. Nancy Saravia D

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S I N N O R I E N T I E R T E M E D I Z I N ( S.O.M.)*Bewertung der Multicenterstudie: „Cardiovascular morbidity andmortality in the Losartan® intervention For Endpoint reduction inhypertension study (LIFE): a randomised trial against atenolol®“[Björn DAHLÖF et al., The Lancet (2002) 359: 995-1003]renblockern und Diuretica ist die am bestengleich stark auf Normalwerte gesenkt (Mittel

Microsoft word - ifar 2008 elboshy final report

Final report for IFAR project 2008 Proposal code: 267IFAWAN. Name of Applicant: Dr. Mohamed El-Sayed Mohamed El-Boushy Assistant Professor of Clinical Pathology Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, El Mansoura University, Egypt. 1. Proposed Work Program: The possible impact of common zoonotic and food borne bacteria on fish and human health with suggestive control measures The


The following information is publicly available but not commonly known. If youwish to save time in reviewing this information, simply go to the bold orunderlined sections of each study. 1. Herb - Echinacea and the Immune System2. Berries and Cancer Cells3. Herb - Milk Thistle and the Immune System4. Diet and Exercise in Relation to Disease5. Olives and Olive - Ant-Cancer6. Red Meats and Cancer7.

Kosmos ruff l/o

S p i r i t u a l i t y & H e a l t h Give Us Ten Minutes… We’ll Give You the Kosmos Go ahead. Check your watch. Let’s see if we can pull this off. The next 10 minutes may change the way you think about evolution, psychology, ecology, even God. Y ou may come away feeling that the half of the Kosmos that tends to get crushed flat by modern science — your emotional life, you

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MEDICATION DECLARATION FORM INFORMATION SHEET THE World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) has determined that some medication may confer an unfair competitive advantage and have issued a list of those drugs and other agents that are banned by competitors. Some agents on this banned list may be used for specific medical conditions and, in some instances; the drug is the only one, which is effective.


Melanoma, Parkinson’s disease and levodopa:causal or spurious link? A review of the literatureRoberto Zanettia, Dora Loriab and Stefano RossoaSince the early 1970s, a number of case reports havecorrelation between social class and melanoma risk; (5)suggested that levodopa therapy for Parkinson’s diseasethe relationship between the risk of Parkinson’s diseaseincreases the risk of cutaneo

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Yu YC* , He SJ*, Chen S, Fu YH, Preferential electrical coupling regulates Brown KN, Yao XH, Ma J, Gao KP, neocortical lineage-dependent microcircuit Sosinsky GE, Huang K, Shi SH* Zhu XM, Dai YQ, Sun CG, Cheng induced hemorrhage after stroke in mice YN, Zheng P, Zhao BQ* Emerging roles of Nrf2 and phase II antioxidant Chen J* , Zhang F* Wang Q, Yue XF, Qu WM* , Tan R, Morphine inh

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PROBLEM SOLVING Here are some human immunology problems which will allow us to review many basic principles. PROBLEM 1: In September two business rivals from New England, in town for a meeting, have lunch at a downtown Denver restaurant. Halfway through the main course, Jones looks flushed, feels faint, and vomits in the men’s room. They take him to Denver Health Medical Center. Smit

Breastfeeding briefs

Breastfeeding Briefs ________________________________________________________________     N° 44-45, OCTOBER 2008__ The new BFHI training package The Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) was launched in 1991. Since then, more than 15,000 facilities in 134 countries have been awarded Baby-Friendly status. However, after the initial exponential growth in the number of de

Fiche d’information au patient

CENTRE D’IMAGERIE MEDICALE – CLINIQUE SAINTE MARIE Dr P. BHAVSAR – Dr A. FUCHS - Dr P. MALZY - Dr T. MAMOU MANI Fiche UG 4 Vous allez avoir une hystérographie Votre médecin vous a proposé un examen radiologique. Il sera pratiqué avec votre consentement. Vous avez en effet la liberté de l’accepter ou de le refuser. Une information vous est fournie sur le déroulement de l

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Aix-en-Provence, le 26 mars 2007 - DIGITEK, le diffuseur de technologie image et vidéo accessible à tous, vous propose son CRT 14’’ COMBO DiVX, un téléviseur dont les nombreux atouts séduiront chacun d’entre nous. Cuisine, chambre ou bureau… A chaque pièce son COMBO ! Que ce soit dans la chambre des petits pour qu’ils regardent sagement un dessin animé, ou dans la cuisine pour

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Coronary Stenting Challenges: Technique,Design and PharmacologyCoronary artery stenting has changed the face ofof early coronary stenting was subacute stent thrombosisinterventional cardiology. In the USA what started as aand bleeding complications. Subacute stent thrombosisniche device in the form of the Gianturco-Roubin® s t e n trates were reported to be 15.8% by Sigwart with the

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BLASTOMYCOSIS by Leslye Sandberg Blastomycosis becomes familiarly known as “Blasto” to those of us unfortunate enough to have encountered it with our pets. For most, it’s a dreaded word, as the survival rate is pretty low. For others who have never heard of it – be glad – but aware. Commonly misdiagnosed as kennel cough, blasto is generally contracted by sniffing dirt. Yes, it’s that s

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Use this as a quick guideline to submit discharge reviews for DRG-reimbursed hospitalizations. Log in to eQSuite and click Create New Review on the menu bar. Here is the simplified 4-step process to enter DRG DISCHARGE reviews online : 9 Select ‘Cont Stay’ from drop down box 9 Enter actual d/c date and # of days requested =1 9 If pending labs from admission; enter in Summary


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NEW-TOOL TO INVESTIGATE TOXICOLOGICAL HAZARD DUE TO ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS IN MEDITERRANEAN CETACEANS Department of Environmental Sciences, Siena University, Via Mattioli 4, 53100 Siena, Italy. Abstract Mediterranean cetaceans, particularly odontocetes, accumulate high concentrations of organochlorine contaminants (OCs) and are therefore exposed to high toxicological risk. Some OC

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2nd Quarter 2002 Published by IUMG Provider Relations Department IU Health Plan HMO Pharmacy Update Congratulations to IUPM !!!! The following information is from Pharmacare, IU Psychiatric Management (IUPM) has been IUHP’s Pharmacy Benefit Manager. These changes awarded a full 3-year accreditation from NCQA!!!! reflect decisions made by the Pharmacare P&T Committee in wh


Internetportal Novartis Pharma Schweiz AG Die Novartis Pharma Schweiz AG über sich «Die Novartis Pharma Schweiz AG ist eine Tochtergesel schaft der Novartis Pharma AG Basel. Als eines der grössten Schweizer Pharma-Unternehmen sind wir in der Schweiz für die verschrei- bungspflichtigen Medikamente von Novartis verantwortlich. Wir wol en mit unseren Kunden und Patienten als kompetenter

Il narratario ix.14 31.07.03

Il narratario, nella modernacritica letteraria indica illettore, non quello reale, cheha letto o che leggerà, mal’implicito, quello cui sirivolge l’autore. Come scriveva Manzoni nelprimo capitolo del suocapolavoro: “Pensino i mieiventicinque lettori cheimpressione dovesse faresull’animo del pove r etto,laboratorio di testi: racconti analisi rapsodie epopeegiornale in foglio con edito


June 2011 A double-blind, crossover study of Effects of cranberry juice consumption Doxazosin and Enalapril on peripheral on vascular function in patients with vascular tone and nocturnal blood coronary artery disease. pressure in sleep apnea patients. Mustali M Dohadwala, Monika Holbrook, Naomi M Hamburg, Zou D, Grote L, Eder DN, Radlinski J, Hedner J.


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Selection of projects supported by The Ireland Funds since 197646th Dublin Handicapped Scout Group, DublinA Journey of Reconciliation Trust, L’DerryAn Cosan, The Shanty Educational Project, DublinAbbeyleix Parish Employment Committee, LaoisAn Taisce, The National Trust for Ireland, DublinAbbeyshrule Airfield Community Enterprise Group, LongfordAn Teach Ban Centre for Peace Building, Doneg

Stellungnahme zu „mistletoe therapy in oncology“ (cochrane-review 2008)

Comment on: Mistletoe therapy in oncology (Cochrane-Review 2008) (Horneber MA, Bueschel G, Huber R, Linde K, Rostock M: Mistletoe in oncology (Review). 2008 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd) The Cochrane-Review ‘Mistletoe therapy in oncology’ (2008) concludes that the available evidence is not sufficient to support mandatory administration of mistl


Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (2002) 50 , Suppl. S2 , 21–26 DOI: 10.1093/jac/dkf503 Susceptibility patterns of bacteria causing community-acquired respiratory infections in Spain: the SAUCE project Juan García-de-Lomas1,2*, César García-Rey3 and Lorena López1, Concepción Gimeno1,2 and the Spanish Surveillance Group for Respiratory Pathogens† 1Instituto Valenci

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Monia Benini Autismo e sindrome da deficit di attenzione e iperattività (ADHD) sono in crescente aumento. Le strutture e i protocolli tradizionali prevedono l'impiego di psicofarmaci, alimentando le dipendenze da sostanze chimiche che possono provocare gravissimi danni permanenti. Quali sono le reali origini di queste 'patologie' (così identificate dal sistema tradizionale) e che rimedi so

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SISC High Deductible Plan B PPO (HSA Compatible Plan) B In addition to dollar and percentage copays, Insured Persons are responsible for deductibles, as described below. Certain Covered Services en have maximum visit and/or day limits per year. The number of visits and/or days allowed for these services wil begin accumulating on the first e visit and/or day regardl


PREAMBULE La phase I du programme d’étude de l’écologie et de l’HAbitat de deux espèces de Requins Côtiers sur la côte Ouest de la Réunion (CHARC) a fait l’objet d’une convention entre la Direction de l'Environnement, de l'Aménagement et du Logement de la Réunion (DEAL) et l’Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD). Il a été convenu que cette phase I qui s'


Going, going, gone By Kathy Method, Clinical Senior Editor, Centralized Content Group Patents set to expire soon on many brand-name drugs Time is running out on the U.S. patents for many of the most popular brand-name drugs. Unless original exclusivity dates are somehow extended, over the next several years generic versions of many well-known best-selling drugs will become available. Pharma


Effects of rimonabant on behavior maintained by progressiveratio schedules of sucrose reinforcement in obeseZucker (fa/fa) ratsErin B. Rasmussen and Sally L. HuskinsonThis experiment reports on the ability of rimonabant to alterfindings extend the literature that rimonabant reduces foodthe reinforcing properties of food in the genetically obesereinforcer efficacy, and suggest that obese Zucker


Abas MA, Broadhead JC (1997). Depression and anxiety among women in an urban setting in Zimbabwe. Psychological Medicine , 27: 59–71. Al-Subaie AS, Marwa MKH, Hamari RA, Abdul-Rahim F-A (1997). Psychiatric emergencies in a university hospital in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Mental Health , 25 : 59–68. Almeida-Filho N, Mari J de J, Coutinho E, Franca JF, Fernandes J,

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Information Sheet - Institute of Welfare Caffeine – The Bigger Picture Caffeine is a drug that is found in tea, coffee, cocoa, many soft drinks such as colas and some chocolates. It is also used in a wide variety of medicines especially cold remedies. On average in the UK, we drink nearly 123 million cups of tea per day, each cup containing about 40mg of caffeine, but more if the tea


N o v e m b e r 2 0 0 7 • w w w. c l i n i c a l e n d o c r i n o l o g y n e w s . c o m Osteoporosis & Bone Metabolism FDA Eyes Atrial Fib Data in Bisphosphonate Users B Y D E N I S E P E T E R S O N physicians alter their prescribing choices ortwo studies describing increased rates ofserious atrial fibrillation in

Redalyc.mecanismos neurobiolÓgicos de la conducta paterna

Sistema de Información Científica Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y PortugalMECANISMOS NEUROBIOLÓGICOS DE LA CONDUCTA PATERNASuma Psicológica, vol. 16, núm. 1, junio, 2009, pp. 45-51 www.redalyc.org Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abiertoSuma Psicológica, Vol. 16 N° 1Junio de 2009,


Intercom – Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação XXX Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências da Comunicação – Santos – 29 de agosto a 2 de setembro de 2007 Os Critérios de Noticiabilidade do Jornalismo Sulbaiano: Uma Análise dos Diários de Itabuna-BA 1 Este artigo busca averiguar os conceitos das Teorias do Jornalismo acerca dos critérios de notici


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Corporates Pharmaceuticals Cipla Limited Full Rating Report Key Rating Drivers Comfortable Leverage: India Ratings & Research (Ind-Ra) assigned Cipla Limited’s (Cipla) INR10,000m commercial paper/short-term debt programme a Short-Term Rating of ‘IND A1+’ on 29 April 2013. The rating reflects Cipla’s low leverage (adjusted debt net of cash/EBITDAR) of below


Complete Summary GUIDELINE TITLE Medical therapy for pulmonary arterial hypertension: ACCP evidence-based clinical practice guidelines. BIBLIOGRAPHIC SOURCE(S) Badesch DB, Abman SH, Ahearn GS, Barst RJ, McCrory DC, Simonneau G, McLaughlin VV. Medical therapy for pulmonary arterial hypertension: ACCP evidence-based clinical practice guidelines. Chest 2004 Jul;126(1 Suppl):35S-62S. [191


Professor Salah Badawi Ahmed Doma Postal Address: El-Yasmin Village, El-Arish, North Sinai, Egypt. Academic Qualifications: B. Sc. Special degree in Mathematics (Distinction with honor), Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, Egypt, June 1966. M. Sc. in Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, Egypt, January 1970. PhD. in Mathematical Physics, Tb

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como disfunción del procesamiento secuencial F. Pérez-Álvarez, C. Timoneda-Gallart DYSLEXIA AS A DISFUNCTION IN SUCCESSIVE PROCESSING Summary. Introduction. We present a study on reading and writing difficulties after normal instruction during a year. Objective. Verifying if these patients showed a specific pattern of PASS (Planning, Attention, Sequential and Simulta- neous) cogniti

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G. GALIERO - C. MORENA Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Mezzogiorno - Centro di Referenza Nazionale sull’Igienee le tecnologie dell’allevamento e delle produzioni bufaline -Verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli O157 is a Via delle Calabrie 27 - 84132 Fuorni - SA - Italiawell recognized cause of severe disease in human beings. The results of a recent survey indicate G.




STRATUM CORNEUM - A RESPONDING BARRIER MEMBRANE S Björklund, A Nowacka, D Pham, J Andersson, S Douzane, D Topgaard, J Engblom, K Thuresson, L Wadsö, H Wennerström, J Bouwstra, E Sparr The human skin is a large (ca. 2 m2) membrane that separate regions with profoundly different properties. This implies that several simultaneous transport processes occur across a non- equilibrium system. Th


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Use a flat head screw driver to pry open the top of the 2GIG-DW20R-345 to change tops or access the battery. NOTICE: Before removing the circuit board, notice that it fits inside a channel on the The 2GIG-DW20R-345 is the industry’s most flexible supervised recessed door/window contact, allowing a multitude of applications while hiding the transmitter within a door or window frame. The 2G

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CORPORATE NEWS AGENCY И Н Т Е Р Ф А К С CNA July 2004 Gazprom Structure . 4 Gazprom Strategy . 5 Gazprom via Other Major Russian Holdings and Alliances . 8 RAO UES Structure . 10 RAO UES Strategy . 11 RAO "UES of Russia" via Other Major Russian Holdings and Alliances. 17 Lukoil Structure . 18 Lukoil Strategy. 19 Lukoil via Other Major Russian Holdings and A

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Title: The effect of immediate feedback: Evaluation of an occupational health web- based intervention tool (ISAT – Interactive Self-Assessment Tool) Liliana Dias, PHD Student KULEUVEN Sofie Taeymans & Yasmin Handaja, ISW Limits Debora Vansteenwegen, PhD KULeuven and ISW Limits Theoretical background: Given the increasing interest in positive occupational health interventions in th


CT Parent Information Questionnaire and Protocol FormName ______________________________________________________ Medical Record # _______________________________Age ___________ Sex: M r F r Weight ___________ Outpatient r Inpatient r Emergency r We would like to plan the CT for your child/ you to obtain the best test possible. A radiologist is the doctor who will be reading (interpreting) you

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Volle Potenz gewinnen - mit natürlichen Mitteln 200 Fragen über Potenzprobleme mit thematisch sortierten Antworten von Dr. Wolfgang Rösner –Oktober 2005 Über ein Jahr lang konnte jeder Besucher der Webseite eine Frage stellen, die ich dann zu beantworten versuchte. Alle Antworten wurden auf der Webseite veröffentlicht, waren jedoch natürlich nicht sortiert und folgl

Iv medical form

Original must be mailed. Please keep a copy for your records. Completed Medical Forms must be mailed for STC by May 19 and BV by June 30, for Camp Medical Staff to review. Pages 1- 4 are to be completed by parent/guardian and reviewed by the health care provider at the time of examination. This form is used to help camp medical staff in determining appropriate care. This information will b

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Issue 1 “Pest Management is People Management” August 2007 BACK-TO-SCHOOL ISSUE: FIND OUT ABOUT HEAD LICE! In the US, there are between 6 to 12 million cases of head lice each year, most commonly among children three to twelve years of age. "lousiness", is one of the most prevalent communicable conditions in the country. DON’T PANIC! IT CAN HAPPEN

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Guidelines for Underwriting Credits The FCC requires that all underwriters must be identified by their name and/or tagline. An underwriter MAY NOT be anonymous.   From the FCC’s standpoint, the purpose served by underwriting credits is to identify the funder in the interests of full disclosure, not to promote the funder or its products and services. In the late 80s, the FCC relaxed its n

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HOSPITAL GENERAL CAMILO CIENFUEGOS JORNADA CIENTIFICA PROGRAMA Sancti Spiritus, 14 al 16 de Noviembre. “Año 54 de la Revolución” . COMISION ORGANIZADORA . Comisión Científica: Dra. Sila Castellón Mortera Comisión de Aseguramiento: Dr. Miguel Oviedo Jiménez. Comisión de Acreditación. Lic Blanca Ruiz Rivero Comisión de Estimulación. Dr. Mario Berea Turiño

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Nottingham Neonatal Service- Clinical Guidelines Guideline C2 Title: GENTAMICIN Version: 2 (Vs 1 Aug 2004) Ratification Review Date: Approval: Nottingham Neonatal Service Clinical Guideline Meeting Author: Dulip Jayasinghe Job Title: Consultant Neonatologist Consultation: Nottingham Neonatal Service Staff and Clinical Guideline Meeting G

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2006-PB-20 December 2006 Consumer Directed Health Care John Goodman Abstract: Consumer driven health care (CDHC) is a potential solution to two perplexing problems: (1) How to choose between health care and other uses of money, and (2) how to allocate resources in an industry where normal market forces have been systemically suppressed. In the consumer-driven model, consumers


________________________________________________________________ Módulo 9: COMPETENCIA DESLEAL ________________________________________________________________ ¿Qué es la competencia desleal? En términos generales, se entiende por competencia desleal todo acto de competencia que sea contrario a las prácticas honestas en el ámbito industrial y comercial. Definir con precisión lo q

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Burlington Township High School 610 Fountain Avenue Burlington, NJ 08016 Club and Class Advisor’s Manual Prepared by: Peter E. Teifer, AD and Bruce Diamond, Assistant AD Introduction The Advisor(s) handbook is to be used by Club and Class Advisor(s). This manual is designed to make the Advisor/advisee relationship more effective. There are documents, procedures and re

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Insight August 2013 It's about the halfway mark for summer and we hope yours has been a great one. Whether you have gone to an exotic location or to your neighborhood pool, many of us feel the need to stay in touch using one form of social media engagement or another. We keep up with our friends. We post pictures. We tweet ideas. We create business relationships. Each social media ty


WHAT REGULATE THE GROWTH REGULATORS ? Logos Publisher, Kiev, 1998. ISBN 966-581-101-0Edited by B. A. Kurchii Institute if Plant Physiology and Genetics, 31/17 Vasylkivska Str. 03022 Kiev, UkraineDecember, 1998202 pages, illustratedPrice: $50.00Monograph is published in Russian (30%) and in English (70%). The papers presented in this book deal with the relationships between the structure of a

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Inhibitory Effect of Varying Concentrations of Leaves’ Extracts of Centella Asiatica (Gotu Kola) on Some Microorganisms of Medical Importance Dora Imefon Udoh1,*, Naomi Udo Asamudo1, Danladi Ngyan Bala2 and Otung Enwongo1 1Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Science, University of Uyo 2Department of Pharmacognosy and Natural Medicine, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Uyo, Uyo

Vaisef conference

• Child, Adolescent and Adult Psychiatry • Medical Director – The Child & Family • Voluntary Faculty – Virginia Commonwealth University (Psychiatry in Family Practice) • Voluntary Faculty – George Washington University School of Medicine (4th Year Medical Students) • Voluntary Faculty – Georgetown Medical School • To become familiar with the different classes of medi


International Journal of Generic Drugs ANALYTICAL METHOD AM-V-0206-0300 P R O C E D U R E S of Pages: 24 HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl. ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION 10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationMethod is suitable for:ý In-process controlþ Product Releaseþ Stability indicating analysis (Suitability - US/EU Product)CAUTIONFLUOXETI

Curriculum vitae

CURRICULUM VITAE SILVIA LUCIA CUFFINI EDUCACIÓN B.Sc. University of Córdoba. Argentine. 1989 Ph.D. University of Córdoba. Argentine. 1994 POSITIONS -CONICET – Full-time Researcher (since 1997) -Responsible Researcher of X-Ray Diffraction Sector-Radiation Laboratory CEPROCOR (Technological Center of Cordoba) (2000-2010) -Visited Professor in Universidade Federal de Santa C

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Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle): BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Provide the following information for the key personnel and other significant contributors in the order listed on Form Page 2. Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES. Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional

Interpopulation, interindividual, intercycle, and intracycle natural variation in progesterone levels: a quantitative assessment and implications for population studies

AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN BIOLOGY 20:35–42 (2008)Interpopulation, Interindividual, Intercycle, and Intracycle Natural Variation inProgesterone Levels: A Quantitative Assessment and Implications forPopulation StudiesGRAZYNA JASIENSKA1,2* AND MICHAL JASIENSKI31Department of Epidemiology and Population Studies, Collegium Medicum, Jagiellonian University, 31-531 Krako´w, Poland2Radcliffe Institut


Onisawa Lab. Graduate School of System and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba although a composition system needs to reflect user’s individual Abstract —This paper proposes a music/lyrics composing impressions, since the images to music or lyrics differ from person system consisting of two sections, a lyric composing section and a to person, the existing systems do not

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Ocular HIV/AIDS Related Diseases (Initial and Follow-up Evaluation) (Ratings: A: Most important, B: Moderately important, C: Relevant but not critical Strength of Evidence: I: Strong, II: Substantial but lacks some of I, III: consensus of expert opinion in absence of evidence for I & II) General - Initial Exam History  Ocular symptoms including laterality (A:III)

Classements et adresses

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Con nueve balas sobre el cuerpo (la muerte de rubén jaramillo)

Rubén Jaramillo: con nueve balas en el cuerpo —“Con nueve balas en el cuerpo, y dos pa’ colmo en la cabeza, me cuesta mucho trabajo concentrarme”, piensa Rubén Jaramillo, ahí tumbado dentro de una barranca a unos metros de las ruinas arqueológicas de Xochicalco. Es el 23 de mayo de 1962; la tarde empieza a agacharse, como que se quiere terminar… como la vida de Jaramillo. El

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Curriculum Vitae Richard L. Taylor, M.D., F.A.A.N. DATE OF BIRTH: March 23, 1949 PLACE OF BIRTH: Atlantic City, New Jersey BUSINESS ADDRESS: Taylor Medical Group 22 West Road - Suite 101 Towson, Maryland 21204-2388 Telephone 410-823-3600 Facsimile 410-823-3605 Web Site: www.taylormedicalgroup.com PROFESSION: Neurology Electroencephalography (EEG) Electrodiagno

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Iranian Journal of Pathology (2008)3 (3), 161 - 166 Original Article Susceptibility to Vancomycin in Staphylococcus Aureus Isolated From Patients of Four University-Affiliated Hospitals in Tehran Horieh Saderi1, Parviz Owlia1, Zohreh Maleki2, Mehri Habibi1, Nayere Rahmati1 1. Dept. of Microbiology, School of Medicine, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran. 2. Vali-ye-Asr Hospital,

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BACKGROUNDER Indigenous Peoples - Lands, Territories and Natural Resources Hundreds of indigenous tribespeople in north-eastern India are rushing to reclaim lands from which they were removed decades ago for the construction of a hydro-electric dam.i In a case lasting 11 years, the Australian indigenous Larrakia people were recently denied their claim to native title over the Nort

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Vol. 19, No. 17 International Federation of Pharmaceutical Wholesalers August 23, 2012 Pharma’s Dilemma Within The Eurozone (Source: Edited excerpts from an article written by Katrina Megget, edited by Claire Bowie and Jenny Hone and published in the Pharma’s dilemma with respect to the Eurozone market is Spain and Portugal: Germany and the UK are also being subjected two-fold: a ri

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Research Article [Kumar et al., 4(7): July, 2013] CODEN (USA): IJPLCP ISSN: 0976-7126 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACY & LIFE SCIENCESFormulation and evaluation of sustained released niosomes P. Aravinth Kumar*, Ranjit Singh, K. Karthick and K.S.G. Arulkumaran KMCH College of Pharmacy, Coimbatore, (Tamilnadu) - India Abstract The main objective of the present study w

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(z)-4-bromo-2-((naphthalene-1-ylimino) methyl) phenolDispersive liquid-liquid microextraction followed by high-performance liquid chromatography as an efficient and sensitive technique for the simultaneous determination of alprazolam, oxazepam and diazepam Ultrasound-Assisted Emulsification Microextraction Of Oxazepam, Alprazolam And Diazepam From Urine Samples Followed By Quantification

¿pueden las enfermedades médicas causar depresión?

¿Pueden las enfermedades médicas causar depresión? Referencias 1. Kanner AM. Depression in epilepsy: prevalence, clinical semiology, pathogenic mechanisms, and treatment. Biol Psychiatry. 2003;54(3):388-398. Lambert MV, Robertson MM. Depression in epilepsy: etiology, phenomenology, and treatment. Epilepsia. 1999;40(suppl 10): S21-S47. Patten SB, Neutel CI. Corticosteroid-induced


Student competition Psychology in the coffee shop T HIS drug permeates every level of society. Around the world peopleare gathering mornings, lunchtimesand afternoons for the consumption of thestimulant in brown, socially acceptable, TOM STAFFORD , the winner in the postgraduate liquid form. People drive, work and playunder the influence. It’s found in factories, category, invest


STRAIN ENCODED (SENC) IMAGING FOR DETECTION OF REGIONAL DYSFUNCTION IN PATIENTS WITH MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION AT 3T Li Pan, MS,1 Ahmed S. Fahmy, MS,2 Amy Spooner, MD,1 Robert G. Weiss, MD,1 Matthias Stuber, PhD,1 Nael F. Osman, PhD.1 1 Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Bal- timore, MD, USA, 2 Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA. (a) Longitudinal strain measurments by segment

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NO. 11 November 2010 Prince of Liechtenstein visits India 23.2% during September 2010, at US $ 18.02 billion. Stating this at a press interaction, Mr. H.S.H. Hereditary Prince Alois Von und zu Rahul Khullar, Commerce Secretary, informed Liechtenstein accompanied by his wife H.R.H that during the period April-September 2010, Hereditary Princess Sophie Von und zu Liech-exports hav

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List of Survey Reports, Studies Conducted, Projects Completed and Publications. PART – III Period 1998 -2011 Policy Support Studies Waiting for the Ninth Five Year Plan – Occasional Paper (1999) Discussion Papers - Developing Andhra Pradesh – Vision and Its Revision - A Brain Storming Session (December 1999) A Study of Small Offices and Home Offices –Women in Information

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« Economist Debate on Regulation: Scholes vs Stiglitz | Main | Wall Street Rug » Andrew Lahde: Goodbye! Friday, October 17, 2008 | 04:00 PM in Hedge Funds | Psychology/Sentiment Now, this is how you close a fund! Andrew Lahde, manager of a small California hedge fund, Lahde Capital, burst into the spotlight last year after his one-year-old fund returned 866% betting on the subprime col


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Analysis of nevirapine resistance mutations in cloned hiv type 1 variants from hiv-infected ugandan infants using a single-step amplification-sequencing method (ampliseq)

AIDS RESEARCH AND HUMAN RETROVIRUSESVolume 24, Number 9, 2008© Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. DOI: 10.1089/aid.2008.0109 Sequence Note Analysis of Nevirapine Resistance Mutations in Cloned HIV Type 1 Variants from HIV-Infected Amplification-Sequencing Method (AmpliSeq)William Ian Towler, Jessica D. Church, James R. Eshleman, Mary Glenn Fowler, Laura A. Guay, J. Brooks Jackson, and Susan H. Eshle


The future of Antarctic science will depend on international cooperation — MercoPressBecome a fan of MercoPress page in Facebook . Stay updated, share, discuss. Make it yours! Wednesday, August 5th 2009 - 8:40 pm UTC The future of Antarctic science will depend on international cooperation The National Antarctic Programs have reached a consensus that international cooperation


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Public Assessment Report Scientific discussion Blugral 25, 50 & 100mg Film-coated Tablets (Sildenafil Citrate) IE/H/242/001-003/DC Date: 11th January 2013 This module reflects the scientific discussion for the approval of Blugral 25, 50 & 100mg Film- coated Tablets. The procedure was finalised on 26th November 2012. For information on changes after this date ple

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Fogli di gel al silicone per la prevenzione e il trattamento delle cicatrici ipertrofiche e cheloidali. Articolo originale: Silicon gel sheeting for preventing and treating hypertrophic and keloid scars Lisa O'Brien1, Abhay Pandit2 1Occupational Therapy, Monash University, Frankston, Australia. 2National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland Contact address: Lisa O'Brien, Occupational Ther


The cordierite-bearing anatectic rocks of the higher Himalayancrystallines (eastern Nepal): low-pressure anatexis, meltproductivity, melt loss and the preservation of cordieriteC . G R O P P O , 1 F . R O L F O 1 , 2 A N D P . M O S C A 21Department of Earth Sciences, University of Torino, via Valperga Caluso 35, I-10125, Torino, Italy (chiara.groppo@unito.it)2IGG – CNR, Via Valperga Caluso 35,


INTEGRARE, COME E QUANDO Lecitina di soia, lievito di birra, vitamine, selenio. ormai gli integratori alimentari si trovano al super, a fi anco di frutta e verdura. Servono a completare e migliorare l’alimentazione quotidiana. Ma sono veramente utili? E le controindicazioni? Non c’è dubbio: quello degli integratori alimentari è un vero boom. Tra compresse vitaminiche, soluzioni


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Tentative international conference program

TENTATIVE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE PROGRAM Ecological Security: Climate Change and Socio-economic Policy Development Implications in the GMS 9-11 October, 2011, at Chiang Saen Conference Room, Mae Fah Luang University (MFU) Master of Ceremonies: Dr. Phunrawie Promnart (School of Science, MFU) Day 1 (Sunday, 9 October 2011) 18.00-20.00 Welcome Reception Dinner (Hosted b


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04-marius pantea

COUNTERFEITING OF PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS UNDER THE EU LAW AND RELEVANT JURISDICTIONAL PRACTICE *) Marius Pantea **) Abstract Throughout the article, the author brings forward the main characteristics of intellectual property law touching the pharmaceutical industry, the provisions of European Union (EU) law and the practical arrangements for the protection of medicines and ot

Commercialising a culture’s ethnomedical heritage:

Sustainable development or neo-colonialism? Ethics of bioprospecting and the case of Hoodia gordonii Introduction For centuries, traditional knowledge has been employed in generating medicinal treatments worldwide. For centuries the rich and powerful of the West have been exploiting the natural resources and cultural heritage of developing countries. This infringement on third world com

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Obesidade, Cirurgia Bariátrica e Aspectos Emocionais Este artigo tem como objetivo esclarecer alguns mecanismos no processo da obesidade mórbida. Informar alguns aspectos orgânicos e psicológicos do processo de engordar, bem como, a importância de uma equipe com vários profissionais para o êxito da cirurgia gástrica. Palavras- Chave: obesidade mórbida; cirurgia gástrica; aspectos psico


Case Study: Hospital Transfer Jack Thompson is an 88 year old resident who came to live at the LTC facility two years ago, after the death of his wife of 50 years. He is generally alert and oriented and can make his immediate needs known. He is fiercely independent and described by some of the staff as “difficult.” Despite being forgetful and occasionally confused, Jack refuses t

No job name

Erectile Dysfunction and Constructs of Masculinity and Quality of Life in the Multinational Men’s Attitudes to Life Events and Sexuality (MALES) Study Michael S. Sand, PhD, MPH,* William Fisher, PhD,† Raymond Rosen, PhD,‡ Julia Heiman, PhD,§ andIan Eardley, MD¶*Bayer Schering Pharma AG, Wuppertal, Germany; †University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada;‡New England Researc


A Paranoid’s Guide to HistoryINRECO doc #2Section 818.08pgPsychology DivisionSchizophrenia and its Neurological ConnectionsSchizophrenia is a multi-symptom, neural-psychologicaldisease with an elusive pathology. There have beenincreasing discussions as to the accuracy and functionalityof the term schizophrenia applied to such a wide rangesymptoms (Andreasen, 1999; Walters). One reason for

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1) “The use of the word ‘tonic’… has generally been displaced in the herbal literature by the Russian-coined term ‘adaptogen.’ This has been defined as an agent that increases resistance to physical, chemical, and biological stress and builds up general vitality, including the physical and mental capacity for work.”i 2) A tonic is “remedy utilized to restore strength and vigor;


Seite 1 von 2 Praxis für Oralchirurgie • Gorkistr.1 • 13507 BerlinStraße, Nr.: _______________________________________Alter:_____Jahre / Größe:_______cm / Gewicht:_____KgWelchen Beruf üben Sie aus?__________________________Nehmen Sie regelmäßig Medikamente ein? (zutreffendes bitte unterstreichen). Schmerz-, Schlaf-, Herz/Kreislauf-, Beruhigungs

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International Research Journal of Medical Sciences __________________________________________________ Vol. 1(1), 18-19, February (2013) Mini Review Paper Pneumonia caused by Candida kefyr in a Pediatric patient with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia: Case Report Dinkar A.1, Bhattacharyya S.1, Kumar D.1, Kumar A.2, Gupta P.1, Banerjee G.1 and Singh M.1 1Departments of

Lit review

Treatment Options for Anxiety and Depression: A Review of the LiteratureHPRO 536 Program Planning and DevelopmentTreatment Options for Anxiety and Depression: A Review of the Literature About 14% of the global burden of disease has been attributed to neuropsychiatric disorders (Prince et al., 2007). This burden is likely to be underestimated because the link between physical health and mental


Schizophrenia Research 85 (2006) 1 – 11Evidence for impaired mnemonic strategy use among patients withschizophrenia using the part-list cuing paradigmBruce K. Christensen a,b,*, Todd A. Girard a,b, Aaron S. Benjamin c, Pierre Vidailhet da Neuropsychology Lab, Schizophrenia Program, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, 250 College Street, Toronto, ON, Canada M5T 1R8b Department of P

Final formatting guidelines

Facing Disruption Responsive Contents and Technological Responsibility Panellists: Director, Information Systems Research Unit Director, Cynefin Centre for Organisational Complexity Abstract The panel explores an alternative conceptual framework to understand and manage the implications of non-linearly structured work forms that emerge in current work environments. The framewor


Retinol (retinyl palmitate) by Marc A. Ronert MD PhD, Clinical Director Image Skincare Image Skincare offers products with many active, scientifically proven and researched key ingredients to achieve a certain result on the skin. In order to achieve the maximum benefit, not only one key ingredient, but an array of synergistically working ingredients, to target specific skin concerns, is

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Istituto Istruzione Superiore “Umberto POMILIO” – Chieti ISTITUTO ISTRUZIONE SUPERIORE “Umberto Pomilio” Via Colonnetta 124 – tel. 0871.560.563 fax 0871.560.547 – C.F. 80001690694 www.iispomiliochieti.it e-mail: chis01600d@istruzione.it – PEC: chis01600d@pec.istruzione.it CURRICULUM AZIENDALE I.I.S. “UMBERTO POMILIO” – CHIETI Denominazione dell’Istituto Ist


PALASH KUMAR SARKER Profile: Now I have been working as a Lecturer in Environmental Chemistry in Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB) from 23 January 2007 to date. Objective: My career objective is to serve as a Chemist in my beloved country after getting a higher degree from abroad and engage myself in advanced innovative research. Academic Career: Name of Univer


Use of mark in Indian market necessary to establish prior rights Cancellation National procedures (IPAB) has ruled categorically that trademark law is not extra-territorial and that, therefore, use of a mark in the Indian market is necessary to establish prior rights (April 5 2013, Rectification No ORA/56/2005/TM/MUM).  mark GATSBY in Class 3 of the Nice Classi

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Mental health advocates criticize Medicaid limits on anti- psychotic meds by Helen Adamopoulos April 14, 2011 The Illinois Medicaid agency recently cut costs by moving numerous medications, including several anti-psychotics, to a non-preferred list. Some mental health advocates are saying the agency’s action will come at a high price for people with chronic conditions such as bip

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Int. J. Pure Appl. Sci. Technol. , 16(1) (2013), pp. 7-19 International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences and Technology ISSN 2229 - 6107 Available online at www.ijopaasat.in Research Paper Statistical Bayesian Analysis of Experimental Data Labdaoui Ahlam1, * and Merabet Hayet1 1 Department of Mathematics, University Constantine 1, Route of Ain El Bey, 25000 Const


Intense immunosuppression in patients with rapidly worsening multiple sclerosis: treatment guidelines for the clinician Aaron Boster, Gilles Edan, Elliott Frohman, Adil Javed, Olaf Stuve, Alexandros Tselis, Howard Weiner, Bianca Weinstock-Guttman, Omar Khan Several lines of evidence link immunosuppression to infl ammation in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and Lancet Neurol 200


Int. J. Pharm. Res. Sci., 2014, 02(1), 42-46. www.ijprsonline.com ISSN: 2348 –0882 ============================================================================== Anthelmintic Activity of Ethanolic Extract Of Cassia Occidentalis Linn. Sayyad RR1*, Kare RD1, Jagtap SM1, Katkar ST1, Kadam JH1 . 1Department of Pharmacology, SPM’s College of Pharmacy, Akluj, India . * correspond

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Original Article Efficacy of Combination Therapy with Methotrexate and Misoprostol in Termination of Pregnancy in the First Trimester Abstract Background: Induced abortion is the medical or surgical ter- mination of pregnancy before fetal viability. It has maternal or fetal indications. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of the combination of methotr


Features of tic disorders Psychiatric effects of drugs Tic disorder • Repetitive, purposeless, stereotyped movements (motor or for other disorders • Intensity increased by excitement, anxiety or fatigue• Sufferers attempt to disguise the movements by incorporating • Movements can be suppressed for minutes to hours, at the expense of increasing anxiety and compulsion to per

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